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入库系统规划与控制的调查 外文资料翻译.doc

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1、 淮 阴 工 学 院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 (院): 江淮学院专 业:计算机科学与技术姓 名:张伟学 号:10321211外文出处:IIE Transactions (1999) 31, 751762 (用外文写)附 件:1.外文 资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语:翻译较准确,内容贴切。用词较为到位,译文通顺。对入库业务系统环节的了解有一定的帮助作用。签名: 2007 年 3 月 16 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件 1:外文资料翻译译文(翻译自A literature survey on planning and control of warehousingsystem

2、s从第5页至第8页的39行57列)一篇对于入库系统规划与控制的调查文献一份对于入库系统规划与控制方法与技术的调查文献。规划涉及到管理部门的决定、判断,它有着一定程度的影响期限(比如 1 个月或者多个月) ,像是存货清单管理与储藏场所的任务。控制涉及到经营上的判断,它有着短期的影响(比如小时,天数) ,像是工艺路线,顺序,安排与批量生产等。在这篇调查文献之前,我们需要先对于入库系统与仓库管理问题有个分类说明。1说明11 仓库的递增GUDEHUS 与 GRAVES,HAUSMAN,SCHWARZ 通过把入库系统规划与控制作为一个新的研究主题而对此介绍构思。 入库系统的操作在文献中自始自终受到了相当

3、大的关注。入库系统的研究在 70 年代就得到了关注,这不足为奇,管理部门将眼光从生产力的提高转移到财产目录的消减,这是研究领域的一个新纪元。信息系统的采用使得这个策略有了实施的可能,随着把制造业资源规划作为一个显著的范例,日本出现了一个新的管理哲学:及时生产(JIT) 。及时生产试图实现在短时间内用极小的一部分存货清单实现高产量的任务。这个新的发展需要人们通过仓库在短期的回复期内频繁的运送低量货物到一个显著的宽广而多样化的储存保管单元(SKUs)中实现。对于质量的关注,使得仓库负责人要从产品损坏的角度反复检查他们的仓库操作,在建立短而可靠的交易时期同时提升汇单采购的准确性。当前在入库与分配后勤

4、学的趋势中,是供应链管理与高效消费响应(ECR) 。供应链管理与高效消费响应负责小量存货清单供应链与贯穿于供应链的可靠短期响应机构的驱动。所有的交付都是在供应链中销售额日趋下降的情况下促成的。这样一个机构需要各个公司之间在供应链与当前销售信息的反馈中形成一个严密的合作。现今,信息技术使得这些手段能够通过电子数据的交换(EDI)与类似基于 MRP 的企业资源规划(ERP)软件系统与仓库管理系统(WMS)实现。新市场极大的影响着仓库的经营。一方面,他们需要一个增长的生产力;另一方面,迅速变换的市场将金融风险强加于采用密集资本的高成果上,由此可能很难重新装配甚至需要摒弃入库设备。因此,在这样一个复杂

5、的环境中,有着对可提供用于合适规划与仓库控制可靠基准这样复杂方法的巨大需求。上面,我们描述了曾在图书资料中出现的关于入库系统规划与控制的方法与模型调查,在第一部分的剩余部分,我们讨论入库系统与仓库的管理。在第 2 与第 3 部分我们分别讨论文献的规划与控制问题。最后,在第 4 部分我们将做总结并对将来的研究给予建议。12 入库入库意味着所有商品的变动都在仓库与分配中心内(DCs),那就是:入库,储藏,汇单订购,资本增值与分类、运输。一份顾客或生产单元大量需求的储存保管单元目录分别在分配中心或生产仓库中。汇单订购是采集过程中储存保管单元在一段时期内的需求。在一个汇单采购操作中,汇单采购者可以一次

6、订购一个单子,或者可以更高效的同时订购多个单子。此外,订单可以从单独的入库系统中或通过系统在不同的区域订购。因此,在这种情况下,订单需要分类并积累来建立完善的表单。汇单可以在单子订购过程中或者在这之后分类。入仓系统可以分成 3 组:(1)采购者-产品系统(2)产品-采购者系统(3)无人采购系统在采购者-产品系统中,汇单采购者骑着车辆沿着采购地点。有一个多样高效通过手工驱动的用于从高处取物并可以垂直移动的移动车辆,它在用于商品采购并包括外送的系统中替代了车辆。产品-采购者系统的例子是自动化的储藏/恢复系统(AS/RS)与旋转木马。一个 AS/RS 是一个显著的仓库存储/恢复机构,可以自动化的完成

7、储存舱存储与取回的吊车(像是集装架或箱子) 。轻负荷仓储系统是一个特别用于装备小物料项目存储与汇单采购的 AS/RS。旋转木马由围绕着封闭环旋转并传送给请求存储管理单元给采购者的存储地点组成,它可以水平或垂直的转动。无人采购系统利用机器人技术或自动分配。涉及到产品取回部分,我们区分为装载单元取回系统与汇单采购系统。在取回装载单元系统中,完整的装载单元已经被取回。因此,运输工具在单个路程中应当执行一个或二个站点。我们将这些行程分别归类为单控制周期与双控制周期。在一个订单采购系统中,大都少于装载单元的数量,因此会出现每次路程都有许多站的情况。13 仓库管理。我们可以通过将任务分派给一系列按等级划分


9、断取决于战略管理判断与财产目录管理。战略管理确定了长期的目标并且它构成了供应链机构与仓库的设计。财产目录管理决定了多少数量的哪个产品被保存在仓库与什么时候装运到达。理性的财产目录管理可以降低详细目录的程度与由此提升仓库运转的效率。回顾财产目录模型,考虑到总体详细目录的数量,我们将他们分类为 HARIGA 与JACKSON。由于这些模型牵涉到财产目录与仓库运转,这些模型确立了一座介乎于入仓与详细目录管理领域的桥梁。由于战略判断有着一段长时期的影响,这些判断有着高度的不可靠性。典型的方法是用于解决基于需求估计的随机与模拟模型问题。规划问题涉及到中间时期与考虑其间存在的情况。规划规则系统是基于它的局

10、部数据,它试图找到一个高质量平均成果的解决方法。控制规则系统基于现实数据并且试图找到一个高质量成果的解决方法。最优的组合方法也是适合于解决规划与控制问题的。案例研究已经表明可以通过应用理性的规划与控制方法来相当大的改进生产力。 2仓库运转的规划在这部分,我们主要集中在策略层储存场所任务的问题。成熟水准的步骤,是作为一个供应与收回商品场所选择的架构。在这些程序中,对于中期的反映是对于过去需求模式的评价。由于储存场所任务的问题自始自终都是比较棘手的,我们提出将储存场所规划步骤分 4 阶段的等级体系。储存场所规划步骤:1入库系统中产品的分配。2关联产品的群集。3入库系统中的协调工作量。4产品储存场所

11、选择任务。我们将在 2.1 部分与 2.4 部分中论述这些资料。21 入库系统中产品的分配大部分大型的仓库拥有不只一种入库系统。每种入库系统都是特别基于尺寸,重量,形状,不可储藏性,体积,需求率,采购量,运输量,储存模式等需求特征产品组装备的。 此外,许多仓库采用分散的系统或区域用于汇单采购与货物存储。无论前部区域的产品何时耗尽都可以在储备区中补充。一个众所周知的前部储备机构是低标准的人工汇单采购与包含货物储备的高标准储藏货架。 BOZER 用更高层区域与前部区域处理分裂货物架的问题。他采用 CHEBYSHEV 传导期与固定采购期用于所有的前部区域存储单元。他指出分散的储备区域情况是正常的。他

12、同样研究了可变的储藏单元型号与远程储备区域的案例。他通过分解推导出了用于前部区域产品的潜在利用与存储单元采购期收支平衡的重要性。HACKMAN 与 ROSENBLATT 提出了从储备区域汇单采购模式的可能性。相应地,应当从前部区域中采购产品与如何为每样产品分配空间的问题产生了。目标是减小汇单采购与补充的总费用。他们认为补充产品中的再补充经验与分配数量无关。他们推导出一个有效存储空间中理想产品数量作用的解析表达式。他们提出一个基于背包的启发:给持续减小储金花费的前部区域中分配数量,并且直到满为止。附件 2:外文原文(复印件)A literature survey on planning and

13、control of warehousing systemsJEROEN P. van den BERG* Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The NetherlandsE-mail: Received December 1997 and accepted November 1998We present a literature survey on methods and techniques for the planning and control

14、 of warehousing systems. Planning refers to management decisions that a.ect the intermediate term (one or multiple months), such as inventory management and storagelocation assignment. Control refers to the operational decisions that a.ect the short term (hours, day), such as routing, sequencing, sc

15、heduling and order-batching. Prior to the literature survey, we give an introduction into warehousing systems and a classification of warehouse management problems.1. Introduction1.1. The increasingly busy warehouseGudehus 1 and Graves 2, Hausman 3 and Schwarz 4 introduced the design, planning and c

16、ontrol of ware- housing systems as new research topics. The operation ofwarehousing systems has received considerable interest in the literature ever since. It is not surprising that the research on warehousing systems gained interest in the 1970s, since this was the era that management interest shi

17、fted from productivity im- provement to inventory reduction. The introduction of information systems made this strategy possible, with Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP-II) as a notable example. From Japan a new management philosophy emerged: Just-In-Time (JIT) production. JIT attempts to achiev

18、e high-volume production using minimal inven- tories of parts that arrive just in time. These new devel- opments demanded from warehouses that low volumes be delivered more frequently with shorter response times from a significantly wider variety of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs). The new interest in qu

19、ality forced warehouse managers to re-examine their warehouse operation from the viewpoint of minimizing product damage, establish- ing short and reliable transaction times and improving order-picking accuracy. Current trends in warehousing and distribution logis- tics are supply chain management an

20、d Ecient Consumer Response (ECR). Supply chain management and ECR pursue a demand-driven organization of the supply chainwith small inventories and reliable short response times throughout the supply chain. All deliveries are driven by the sales downward in the supply chain. Such an organization req

21、uires a close cooperation among the companies in the supply chain and the immediate feedback of sales data. Nowadays, information technology enables these developments through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and software systems such as the MRP-based Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems and

22、 Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). The new market forces have a.ected the operation of warehouses tremendously. On the one hand, they demand an increased productivity. On the other hand, the rapidlychanging market imposes financial risks upon the introduction of capital intensive high-performance

23、warehousing equipment which may be dicult to re-configure or discard. Hence, there is a great need for sophisticated techniques that provide a dependable basis for adequate planning and control of warehouses in such complex environments.In this paper we present a survey of methods and models that ha

24、ve appeared in the literature for the planning and control of warehousing systems. In the remainder of Section 1, we discuss warehousing systems and warehouse management. In Sections 2 and 3 we discuss the literature on planning and control issues, respectively. Finally, in Section 4 we end with con

25、clusions and suggestions for future research.1.2. Warehousing Warehousing involves all movement of goods within warehouses and Distribution Centers (DCs), namely: *Current address: Berenschot, P.O. Box 8039, 3503 RA Utrecht,The Netherlands. Tel.: +31302916822, Fax: +313029168260740-817X 1999 IIEIIE

26、Transactions (1999) 31, 751762receiving, storage, order-picking, accumulation and sorting and shipping. An order lists the SKUs and quantities requested by a customer or by a production unit, in a DC or a production warehouse, respectively.Order-picking is the process of gathering SKUs that have bee

27、n requested in an order at one time.In an order-picking operation, the order pickers may pick one order at the time (single order-picking). A higher eciency may be achieved by picking multiple orders simultaneously (batch picking). Furthermore, orders may be picked from separate warehousing systems

28、or separate zones within systems. Consequently, in such situations the orders need to be sorted and accumulated to establish order integrity. Orders may be sorted during the order-picking process (sort-while-pick) or afterwards (pick-and-sort). Warehousing systems may be classied into three groups:(

29、1) Picker-to-product systems.(2) Product-to-picker systems.(3) Picker-less systems.In a picker-to-product system, manual order-pickers ride in vehicles along the pick positions. There is a wide variety of vehicles available from manually propelled vehicles to motorized vehicles which also enable ver

30、tical movement for order-picking from elevated positions. Instead of a vehicle, a system may also include a take-away conveyor for picked products (pick-to-belt).Examples of product-to-picker systems are the Auto -mated Storage/Retrieval System (AS/RS) and the carousel.An AS/RS is a high-bay warehou

31、se with Storage/Retrieval (S/R) machines or automated stacker cranes that perform the storage and retrieval of storage modules (such as pallets or containers). A miniload AS/RS is an AS/RS especially equipped for the storage and order-picking of small items. A carousel consists of storage positions

32、that rotate around a closed loop thereby delivering the requested SKUs to the order-picker. Carousels may rotate horizontally (horizontal carousel) or vertically (vertical carousel).Picker-less systems make use of robot-technology or automatic dispensers.With respect to product retrieval we distingu

33、ish unitload retrieval systems and order-picking systems. In a unitload retrieval system complete unit-loads are retrieved.Accordingly, the vehicles either perform one stop (storage or retrieval) or two stops (storage followed by a retrieval)in a single trip. We refer to these trips as a single-com

34、-mand cycle and a dual-command cycle, respectively. In an order-picking system typically less-than-unit-load quantities are picked, so that there will be multiple stops per trip (multi-command cycle).1.3. Warehouse managementWe may establish high quality solutions for warehouse management by decompo

35、sing the task into a number of hierarchical subproblems. A well-dened hierarchy will prevent local optimization without considering the global context. A broad hierarchy of management decisions is the following (5): Strategic decisions. Tactical decisions. Operational decisions.Strategic management

36、decisions are long-term decisions and concern the determination of broad policies and plans for using the resources of a company to best support its long-term competitive strategy. Tactical management decisions primarily address how to eciently schedule material and labor within the constraints of p

37、reviously made strategic decisions. Operational management decisions are narrow and short-term by comparison and act under the operating constraints set out by the strategic and tactical management decisions.The central themes of this survey are planning and control of warehousing systems. Planning

38、of warehousing systems refers to the policies which are developed at the tactical level concerning the assignment of goods to storage locations. Control problems concern the actual sequencing, scheduling and routing of the movement of goods. Planning and control decisions are subject to strategic ma

39、nagement and inventory management. Strategic management denes long-term goals and it constitutes the supply chain organization and the warehouse design (for a review of warehouse design models we refer to Ashayeri and Gelders 6). Inventory management decides which products are kept in storage in wha

40、t quantities and when shipments arrive. Intelligent inventory management may reduce the inventory levels and thereby improve the eciency of the warehouse operation. For a review of inventory models that consider the total inventory quantity we refer to Hariga and Jackson 7. Since these models both i

41、nvolve the inventory and the warehouse operation, the models establish a bridge between the eld of warehousing and the field of inventory management.Since strategic decisions a.ect a long period, these decisions face high uncertainties. Typical methods used for solving such problems are stochastic m

42、odels and simulation, based on demand estimates. Planning problems concern the intermediate period and consider an existing situation. Planning algorithms are based on historical data and attempt to nd solutions with a high quality average performance. Control algorithms are based on actual data and

43、 attempt to nd solutions with a high-quality performance. Combinatorial optimization techniques are well suited for solving planning and control problems. Case studies have shown that considerable productivity improvements are possible by applying intelligent planning and control policies 810. 752 v

44、an den Berg2. Planning of warehouse operationsIn this section we focus on the storage location assignment problem at the tactical level. The procedures that are developed at this level, serve as a framework for the actual location selection for incoming goods. In these procedures, the behavior on th

45、e intermediate term is estimated by historical demand patterns. Since the storage location assignment problem will be intractable as a whole, we introduce the hierarchical four step Storage Location Planning Procedure.Storage Location Planning Procedure1. Distribution of products among warehousing s

46、ys-tems.2. Clustering of correlated products.3. Balancing of workload within warehousing systems.4. Assignment of products to storage locations.We discuss relevant literature on the successive steps in Sections 2.1 to Distribution of products among warehousing systemsMost large warehouses c

47、ontain more than one type of warehousing system. Each warehousing system is especially equipped for a specic group of products based on their characteristics, such as: size, weight, shape, perishability, volume, demand rate, pick sizes, delivery quantity, type of storage module, et cetera.Furthermor

48、e, many warehouses use separate systems or areas for order-picking (forward area) and for bulk storage (reserve area). Whenever a product in the forward area has been depleted, it is replenished from the reserve area. A well-known forward-reserve conguration is astorage rack where the lower levels a

49、re used for manual order-picking (forward area) and the higher levels contain the bulk storage (reserve area).Bozer 11 treats the problem of splitting a pallet rack into an upper reserve area and a lower forward area. The author assumes Chebyshev travel times (i.e., the travel time of the pallet truck is the maximum of the isolated horizontal and vertical travel times) and a xed pick-life for all unit-loads in the forward area. He shows when a separate reserve area is justied. He also studies


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