1、1英语面试心得求职面试,常常让大家煞费苦心 (nerve-wracking)。现如今,很多企业都采取双语面试 (bilingual),对于interviewee (面试者) 而言,如果能 hold 住如此高逼格的面试,great expectation (远大前程) 也算是指日可待了。对于面试,小编可谓颇有心得。由于十分享受面试带来的快感,我曾在三年内面试过世界五百强中的 15 家企业,并顺利拿到 14 个 offer,这酸爽,让我从此不爱上班,只爱面试。Actually,job interview 不仅是找工作的第一站,也是教好求职技巧的必修课,在面试英语上奋斗多年的我,赠有缘人金玉良言如下
2、:Fail to plan, plan to fail(不打无准备之仗)。今天就来介绍一下面试中的高频问题:1Tell me about yourself.Strategy 策略Give a general overview and connect your experience with the reason for applying for the job. Make sure you know your C.V. very well!2简略介绍自己,结合自身经历告诉面试官,为何申请此次职位。一定要确定,自己对简历十分了解。常用语句So, thats why I have applied
3、for this position.Therefore, I feel I am right for this job.Thats one of the reasons why Im interested in this position.2Where do you see yourself in 5 years?Strategy 策略Talk about your progress through their company and the experience you would like to gain.谈论自己希望从求职公司中获得怎样的进步和经验,以此为基础,规划以后五年的发展。常用语
4、句I would like to think that .I can see myself having gained valuable (sales, product, technical) experience.3What do you know about our company?Strategy 策略This is where you research beforehand really comes 3into good use. Choose a couple of these to impress them with: products, services, size of com
5、pany, reputation, history, culture.此时,你对公司的事先了解工作就派上用场了。选择一些提前搜集的资料,给面试官留下深刻印象,比如:公司的产品、服务、规模、声望、历史文化等常用语句Im really impressed by .Your approach to . is very .I think you have a great reputation for .4What are your strengths?Common mistakes 常见错误I often spend more time on my work.我比别人花更多的时间在工作上。I am a
6、lways a good leader.我总是能成为一个好的领导。Strategy 策略Take a good look at the job description and relate your strengths to that.你所描述的优点要尽量与你所应聘的职位相匹配。花更多时间是一个比较危险的答案,因为它可能踩4到某些 HR 的雷区:你的工作效率低。现代工作方式中,很多人喜欢在高效的基础上找乐于奉献者,所以不要单纯地拿时间作为衡量优势的标准。好领导这样的回答可以体现自己的领导能力,但常常会让人觉得 aggressive(有攻击性) 。请注意答题的逻辑性,不吹嘘,也不自负,但能让面试
7、官清楚,你,知道自己的优点,而且该优点会为公司创造利益。常用语句I feel that I have . (put in skills that are closely related to the job)5What are your weaknesses?Common mistakes 常见错误I have no weaknesses.我没有什么缺点。I am working too hard.我工作太过努力。Strategy 策略你不能说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题。面试官希望你承认弱点,因为这会使你更坦诚,但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克服弱点的计划。可能的话,你可说出一项可能会给
8、公司带来好处的弱点,如:5大多数时候,我太过坚持,因为我很希望把一个工作完全搞定再停下来。这听起来还不错,但是当我在团队中工作的时候,我应该保证总体利益最大化,应该在合作中更加灵活。On some occasions, I am too persistent, because I dont want to stop until a job is well done. It sounds good to be like that, but when working in a team, I should pay more attention to maximize our profits, an
9、d be more flexible when cooperating with others.常用语句I feel that I have . (put in skills that are closely related to the job)6Why should we hire you?Strategy 策略This is your chance to show how you are different from other candidates. Please include your personal skills and passion, which would be suit
10、ed to the position. Try to think about this question from the perspective of the interviewer, and then you may get the answer.这是你展示自己独特性的好机会,最好能包含职业所需的技能和热情,尝试着从面试官的角度来思考公司的6需求,而你的答案,则需要迎合需求。比较好的回答是:1. 我在这个行业工作很久了,所以,了解贵公司;2. 我适合这个岗位,拥有做好这个岗位所需要的工作能力。常用语句I believe that I have the experience and attitude that to excel in thisposition. (then follow this up with your unique selling points)Final AdviceDont make any of your answers too long, 1-2 minutes is the ideal length.