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1、MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION,GAO JIANXIN Email: Tel:0379-65929161(O) Mobile:15937968087 QQ:365337335,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,2,教材 管理沟通英文版第四版 詹姆斯S奥罗克著 中国人民大学出版社 2010年05月第4版,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,3,主要参考书目,1 (美)亚瑟H贝尔,管理沟通(第1版),中国大学出版社,2004年 2 郭文臣.管理沟通.清华大学出版社,北京交通大学出版社.2011年.第1版 3 丁宁.管理沟通.清华大学出版社.2011年

2、.第1版 4 杰纳兹,多德,施奈德(著),时启亮,杨静(译).组织中的人际沟通技巧.中国人民大学出版社.2011年.第3版 5 魏江,严进管理沟通,成功管理的基石机械工业出版社.2010年.第2版,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,4,SURVEY,Intelligence, expertise and experience accounts for only 25 of their success. The rest 75 comes from good interpersonal communication skills. Princeton University,2019

3、/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,5,“人”是所有社会关系的总和。,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2013,6,沟通就是做人的艺术!,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,7,提高沟通技能,将成为一个企业和个人发展的核心竞争力,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,8,何谓沟通?,gou tong link up 本指开沟以使两水相通,后用以泛指使两方相通连;也指疏通彼此的意见。,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,9,沟通之定义,沟通是人们分享信息、思想和情感的任何过程。 沟通是在社会交往中,人们借助共同的符号系统如语言、文字、图象、记

4、号及手势彼此传递或交换知识、意见、感情、愿望、观点和兴趣等的社会行为。,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,10,四种距离圈,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,11,沟通从 开始,佛曰:相由心生,明心见性 鬼谷子:口乃心之门户 一个很会沟通的人,一定很会和自己沟通。 一个人格局很小,一个人境界很低,一个人心胸狭隘,是讲不出大格局的话的。,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,12,沟通应注意的三点,环境(场合、场面、场景) 。 气氛 。 情绪。“沟通最忌讳的是一脸死相,不要让我的脸色影响”,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,13,沟通的

5、5种心态,喜悦心 包容心 同理心 赞美心 爱 心,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,14,“法喜,禅喜”改变不良注意力,建立起正见改变不良思考方式,建立正思维(亚心为恶) 改变不良语言方式,建立正语言改变不良行为方式,建立正精进改变不良信念,建立正念,凡人凡语,(一)喜悦心,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,15,(二)包容心,“水至清则无鱼” “别人身上的缺限就是你存在的价值” 用人之所长,必容人之所短 “不聋不瞎,不配当家” 表达不同意见时请保留对方立场,沟通没有对与错,只是观念、立场不同而已有效的沟通不等于辩论 “我很认同您的观点,同时”、“我刚开始也是这

6、样认为的,” 少用“我觉得”“我认为” 多用“您”“我们”,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,16,(三)同理心,懂得认同别人,站在对方的立场上考虑问题。 同理战术: 1、点头 2、微笑 3、倾听 4、回应 5、记笔记,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,17,(四)赞美心,要有赞美心,赞美是人际沟通的润滑剂。 你看待别人的想法,会影响别人后面的行为。 赞美会让对方把正确的事情做下去。 认同别人,就是肯定自己。 “太好了!” “好极了!” “太棒了!”“你看待别人时的想法,会影响他以后的行动!”,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,18,(五)爱心,

7、有深爱者必生和气, 生和气者必有愉色, 有愉色者必生婉容。礼记祭义,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,19,孝道是为人子女,或为人子弟,对于父母兄长必须恭敬顺从,供养侍奉的正道。“孝”是一个会意字,意思是老人紧紧靠着儿子,其基本含义是子女要善于侍奉和赡养父母的意思,它是家庭美德的具体体现。在历史的发展中形成了中国的孝道文化,它主要有两层涵义: 1敬亲。孝道提倡对父母首先要“敬”。孔子曰:“今之孝者,是谓能养。至于犬马,皆能有养,不敬,何以别乎?”意思是说:鸦知反哺,羊知跪乳。人异于禽兽之处,是不停留在物质层面的供养,而能有精神层面的尊敬和爱心。尊敬父母,最重要的是要爱父母,发自

8、内心的真诚的爱。一个人无论地位多高,官有多大,都必须事父母以孝,尽为人之子的责任和义务。对父母要和颜悦色,不能以生硬的态度对待父母,更不能训斥、谩骂、殴打父母。礼记祭文说:“孝子有深爱者,必有和气;有和气者,必有愉色,必有婉容”。孝敬父母,要有温和的态度,愉快的脸色,委婉的面容,以满足老人的精神生活的需求。 2奉养。礼记提出:“孝有三:大孝尊亲,其次勿辱,其下报养。”“生则养”,这是孝敬老人的最低纲领,即赡养父母。孝经对孝规定了基本要求:“孝子之事亲也,居则致敬,养则致其乐,病则致其忧,丧则致其哀,祭则致其严,五者具备,然后能事亲。”因此,子女要保证父母物质生活的需求,做到有吃、有穿、有住,生

9、活不受饥寒,有病能及时得到治疗。如果连父母都不供养,老人吃饭都成问题,哪还能谈得上“孝”?是大逆不道,道貌岸然。,孝道,何谓孝道?,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,20,沟通的三种形式,1、自我沟通 2、与他人沟通 3、与公众沟通,即演讲。 好的领导人,生命取向要高,生命体验要深,生命能量要强。精力就是权力。好的领导人都精满,气足,神旺。 团队就是一个有口才的人,对着一群有耳朵的人说话。 人才不一定有口才,有口才的人一定是个人才。,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,21,沟通的三种特征,1、行为的主动性 2、过程的互动性 3、对象的多样性。,2019/3/3,

10、GAO JIANXIN2014,22,沟通语言技巧,主动接近: 闲谈技巧: 赞扬技巧: 说服技巧: 拒绝技巧: 聆听艺术:,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,23,公众举止行为禁忌,公众场所避免从体内发出异响 公众场所避免用手抓挠身体任何部位 避免当众整理服饰 正式活动前,不宜吃强烈气味食品 不当众高谈阔论、大呼小叫 不对陌生人盯视或评头论足 公众场所避免进食 参加公众活动讲究公德,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,24,人际交往相处之道,了解别人是体谅之道 宽容别人是和睦之道 接纳别人是合群之道 关怀别人是友爱之道,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN20

11、14,25,高品质沟通的原则,相见以诚以真 相待以礼以敬 相处以平以淡 相勉以学以道,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,26,高品质沟通的方法修炼,对老师- 服从指挥,温和信赖,诚恳信用 对同学- 多礼,忍让,尊重,谦逊,热忱 对朋友- 问候,体贴,关切,合作,激励,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,27,沟通及自我修炼-1,平和是社交的艺术 微笑是文明的阳光 信任是成功的朋友,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,28,沟通及自我修炼-2,从谦虚中体验乐趣 从忍辱中培养美德 从自制中克服物欲 从宁静中安顿身心,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXI

12、N2014,29,沟通及自我修炼-3,谦和宁静去待人 恭敬谨慎去接物 忍而能弱去容人 容而能刚去做事,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,30,领导御能特质,善管人者, 总能洞察人心, 通达人意,统筹目标, 协调激励; 善管人者, 总能用其所长, 避其所短, 人尽其才, 才尽其用; 善管人者, 总能以一之智, 集众之力, 运筹帷幄, 决胜千里;,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,31,人格-管人的永久王牌 激励-管人的核心秘诀 信任-管人的凝聚力量 理解-管人的交流诀窍 原则-管人的规矩尺度 幽默-管人的常胜法宝 宽容-管人的润滑良剂,2019/3/3,GAO J

13、IANXIN2014,32,All depends on Communication,Learning-listening, discussing, reading, writing, etc. Persuading-your boss, friends, fellows, clients, etc. Getting help-maybe from everybody around you,even strangers. Finishing works-promotion,planning projects, motivating your people. Contacting with pe

14、ople-making life smooth.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,33,So many kinds of Communication,You can read&write-books, magazines, news papers, Internet, letters, reports, slips,etc. You can listen&speak -languages,music, other sounds or voices. You can watch&make-TV shows,movies, pictures, live shows,the non

15、verbal style,advertising. You can feel&give-touch, tasting, atmosphere.NOTE: some involves more than one of the above.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,34,The Framework of The Subject,Management communication in transition Communication and strategy Communication ethics Speaking, writing, persuasion , techn

16、ology listening and feedback Nonverbal communication Intercultural communication Managing conflict Business meeting and how to deal with media,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,35,What Will You Learn?,The skills in communication and interpersonal relations The secret of making your life & work smooth,relaxed

17、 and happy The technique to accomplish your tasks more effectively,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2013,36,Learn From The Nature: the nonverbal communication,CHAPTER 1: Management Communication in Transition,Basic Issues,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,38,What Is Management Communication?,Management communication is a

18、bout the movement of information and the skills which facilitate it-speaking, listening, and processes of critical thinking-but its more than just skill, really. Its also about understanding who you are,who others think you are. Its about confidence-the knowledge that you can speak and write well, t

19、hat you can listen with great skill as others speak.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,39,Why Is Communication So Important?,The essence of what management is all about is the effective use of language to get things done. Without the right words(rhetoric),used in the right way,it is unlikely that the right a

20、ctions will ever occur. Your effectiveness as a speaker and writer will determine how well you are able to get others to do what you want. Your effectiveness as a listener and reader will determine how well you understand others and can do things for them. Most managers(also common people) fail duo

21、to their defective or poor communication. Do you want to be one of them?,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,40,What Do Managers Do All Day,Outwardly, managers spend their time engaged in planning, organizing, leading and controlling. In fact, they spend most of their time interacting with others-both inside a

22、nd outside the organization, about 2/3 to 3/4 of their time in verbal activity, being brief and lasting less nine minutes each time.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,41,The Roles Managers Play (H. Mintzbergs study),Interpersonal roles-to host receptions, take clients to dinner, meet with business prospects

23、and partners, form alliances, and conduct hiring, etc.-the richest source of information for managers. Informational roles-to gather, analyze, store and disseminate many kinds of information. Decisional roles-to be charged with responsibility of making decision under circumstances of high ambiguity

24、and with inadequate information. The former two roles will help.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,42,Interpersonal Roles,Figurehead role-to perform ceremonial duties, deal with mails. Leader role-formal authority, leadership style, personal charisma. Liaison role-to establish and maintain contacts outside o

25、f the vertical chain of command.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,43,Informational Roles,Monitor-to scan the environment for information, talk with liaison contacts and subordinates, receive unsolicited information, most in verbal form such as gossip, hearsay. Disseminator-to pass privileged information dir

26、ectly to subordinates. Spokesperson-to send information to people outside of their organizations, often being asked to deal with news media, providing both factual and opinion-based responses, with both potential risks and reward.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,44,Decisional Roles,Entrepreneur-to seek to

27、improve their business, adapt to changing market conditions, and react to opportunities and initiate change. Crisis handler-involuntarily to react to deteriorating conditions. Resource allocator-to decide who gets what, how much, when and why. Negotiator-to negotiate over budget allocation, labor an

28、d collective bargaining agreements (boss and labors), and other formal dispute resolution.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,45,My Research :Golden Triangle,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,46,Things cannot be done with absence of anyone of the three,Entrepreneur-who initiates and creates the business with a new ide

29、a, technology or product, and also the one who helps the organization survive out of crises or make change and reconstruct the organization. Managers-professionals in management, carrying out the strategy made by entrepreneur. Experts-specialists such as accountants, engineers, sales talents, lawyer

30、s, researchers or consultants. Note: One of them may have more than one role of the above. Some researchers combine entrepreneurs and leaders into managers or use them alternatively.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,47,Four Kinds of Entrepreneurs (politicians),Creative Entrepreneur-farsighted, acute, good a

31、t finding market opportunities and breaking rules, never stopping destruction and innovation-Mao, Napoleon, Shi Yuzhu, Wang An, Hu Zhibiao Caretaker Entrepreneur-good at building internal scientific system and “game rules”, reasonably allocating resources-Alfred Sloan Jr., F. Putin, Hu Surgeon Entre

32、preneur-who can find the deep-seated problems and reconstruct the organization-Lee Iacocca (Chrysler), Deng, Yeltsin All-rounder Entrepreneur-who knows who he is, when he should exit and what is right things to do, adapting himself to changing conditions, without mind-set and with all qualities of t

33、he above three-Bill Gates, Zhang Ruimin,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,48,Major characteristics of the managers job,Time is fragmented-overburdened with obligations. Values compete and the various roles are in tension. The job is overloaded-too many people reporting to them directly, partly because of the

34、 popular decentralization, downsizing and flattening. Efficiency is a core skill.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,49,What varies in a managers job: Emphasis,As an entrepreneur-being aware of threats and opportunities-technological breakthroughs, shortened product cycles, market niches, upgrades in equipmen

35、t. As a leader-being sophisticated as strategist and mentor, motivating, training and promoting good and potentially good people. As a local person-creating a local version which can explain the strategy for the unit, in practical and understandable terms.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,50,Management Skil

36、ls,Technical skills: most valuable at the entry level, but less valuable at more senior levels; easily outdated and not necessarily getting you promoted. Relating skills: valuable across the managerial career span ,helping you progress or be promoted to higher levels of responsibility and form relat

37、ionships. Conceptual skills: least valuable at entry level, but more valuable at senior levels, which permit you to look past the details of daily work assignment and see the bigger picture. Note: remember golden triangle?,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,51,Talk Is The Work 75% of managers time in verbal i

38、nteraction,Face-to-face conversation Telephone conversation Video teleconferencing Presentations to small groups Public speaking to larger audiences Note:The major channels of management communication are talking and listening.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,52,The Role of Writing,Documentation-The most i

39、mportant projects, decisions and ideas end up in writing. You have to write a resume when seeking for a job. A career shifter-Your writing demonstrates your ability to put ideas in a clear, unambiguous fashion-Show your competence of writing, especially in the early days of your career. Do it yourse

40、lf-No others really know what you think, so youd develop writing skill. Beware of the effect of your writing-The ill-considered or expressed writing could be utilized by your opponents or let down your boss.Note: An article can trigger a wave of social revolution. And your writing can persuade other

41、s to do what you want them to do.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,53,Information(SLWR) Is Socially Constructed,Information is created, shared and interpreted by people. Information never speaks for itself. Context always drives meaning-Pay attention to the backdrop to a message or its background. A messeng

42、er always accompanies a message. So never only pay attention to the information itself, and learn to take advantage of rhetoric.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,54,How To Become A Good Communicator?,Admit to flaws in your skill Recognize your strengths and weaknesses as a communicator-use the most skilled

43、ability and improve the least skilled one. Be alert to demands to develop new skills. Acquire a knowledge base and beware of trends affecting your future. Read the relevant newspapers, magazines and books to make communication more effective-keep pace with the ongoing era. Develop the confidence you

44、 will need to succeed as a manger, particularly under conditions of uncertainty, change and challenge.,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,55,Exercise:Get Things Done,Analyze your own strengths and weaknesses in skills of communication. Write them in a paper and plan how to deal with it. Ask a friend or classm

45、ate to assess your analysis. Get his or her advice. Meet a stranger, tell him a “story”, and then persuade him to do what you want him to do. Example: In a bus stop, you ask a stranger to lend you 1 Yuan “because you lost your wallet or your wallet was stolen by a thief in the bus”.,2019/3/3,GAO JIA

46、NXIN2014,56,Joke 1,Three mice are being chased by a cat. The mice were cornered when one of the mice turned around and barked, “Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!“ The surprised cat ran away scared. Later when the mice told their mother what happened, she smiled and said, “You see, it pays to be bilingual!“,2019/3/3

47、,GAO JIANXIN2014,57,Joke 2,A man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog. He asks the shopkeeper, “Does your dog bite?“ The shopkeeper says, “No, my dog does not bite.“ The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him. “Ouch!“ He says, “I thought you said your dog does not bite!“ The shopkeep

48、er replies, “That is not my dog!“,2019/3/3,GAO JIANXIN2014,58,Joke 3(a),Three rich brothers each wanted to do something special for their elderly mother on Mothers Day. The first brother bought her a huge house. The second brother gave her a limousine (luxury car), with a driver. The third brother remembered that his mother used to love to read the Bible, but couldnt see well anymore, so he got her a specially trained parrot that could recite any verse from the Bible on demand.,


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