1、Food Science MajorFood Science is a discipline encompassing food chemistry, food microbiology, physical, sensory and nutritional properties of food and food process science with respect to the manufacture, preservation, quality assurance and development of food products.Students wishing to specializ
2、e in or concentrate on certain areas should consult the program advisor.AdmissionEntry into the Food Science major is at the beginning of either second or third year. Admission GPA is calculated on the grades from the best 21 credits of required courses in the most recently completed year of full-ti
3、me study (either first or second year). A minimum competitive average of 70% is required for entry into the Food Science major due to space restrictions.Students who fail to meet the entrance requirements after first year can apply again after second year. Students interested in Food Science who fai
4、l to meet the entrance requirements after second year would be eligible to complete the FNH general major, or select another program if appropriate. A student may be permitted to enter the Food Science Major after completing third year, if they have taken a full course load in their current program
5、and obtained an average of 75% or higher for required courses, and providing room is available in the major.Students who are admitted to the Food Science Major will be required to maintain at least a 70% average in required courses in each year, to remain in the program.Food Science MajorFirst Year
6、AGSC 100 1 ENGL 112 3 BIOL 112/121 6 BIOL 140 1 CHEM 121/123 (111/113)1 8 MATH 102/103 or equivalent2 6 ECON 101 3 PHYS 101 or equivalent 3 Total credits 31 Second Year AGSC 250 6 FNH 200 3 FNH 250 3 CHEM 205/233 6 CHEM 235 1 BIOL 200/2013 6 ECON 102 3 STATS 200 or FRST 231 3 Total credits 31 Third
7、Year AGSC 350 6 BIOC 3023 3 FNH 300 3 FNH 301 3 FNH 302 3 FNH 309 3 MICB 202 3 MICB 353 1 FNH 325 3 FNH 326 3 Total credits 31 Fourth Year AGSC 450 3 FNH 313 3 FNH 401 3 FNH 403 3 FNH 425 or FNH 497 or FNH 499 6 Restricted electives4 6 Unrestricted electives 6 Total credits 30 Overall four-year total credits 123