1、Making the news 课时作业(五)I短文改错Before man knew to write, clever men1._could pass on their knowledge only for the people2._who could hear them to speak. These listeners3._could repeat what they heard so but by memory4._only whatever they did not remember were lost.5._Writing changed all of this. Writing
2、 knowledge6._lives on long after the lifetime of the writer. Today7._we can use the information and knowledge had been 8._gathered for thousands of years. When people the9._first learned to write, they began to record stories 10._they had known and liked. This may be how a story is produced.书面表达假如你是
3、一名记者,请根据下列表格提供的信息为某英文报写一篇 100120 词的短文,介绍澳门,发表在该报的 Local Feature(地方特辑)专栏里。标题自拟。注意:1字数:120 词以内。2生词:Portuguese 葡萄牙人 gambling 赌博 At a party, it is quite normal of someone to1._have a short conversation with you and then go on to talking 2._to other people! Dont think they dislike you and that 3._they ar
4、e impolite. It has the custom at many parties 4._in Britain, particularly there people are standing up rather 5._than sitting down. Here are two ways of finishing conversation 6._at a party. “Excuse me. 1 think Ill go and get another drinking. 7._See you later, perhaps?“ “ Oh, excuse me. Ive already seen 8. _Mary Jennings over there. Ive got to discuss a meeting we 9. _are having on Thursday. Would you like excuse me for a moment?“ 10._答案: