1、,德国历史 The history of German Die Geschichte von Deutschland,1.From the Germanen to the Frankish Empire(to 1000AC),1. 日耳曼部落 Germanic tribes 古代日耳曼人(Germanen) 德意志民族是古代日尔曼族中的一些部落经过长期融合形成 Germany is the national ancient Germanic tribes tribe in some form of integration over a long period. BC, they were ca
2、lled the Germanen. 从300AC起,日耳曼人部落开始结成部落联盟(法兰克、萨克森、勃良弟) the Germanic tribes living in isolation from each others state of Saxony has been gradually formed, Frankfurt, Bavaria, Thuringia, Hesse, Friis, and other more stable tribes. 400AC,日耳曼人开始成群结队地涌向南部的西罗马帝国,史称日耳曼民族大迁陡-由于匈奴人西迁造成的,2. 法兰克帝国Frankish Emp
3、ire (486911) 欧洲新的文明中心在罗马帝国的遗迹上建立起来 帝国的分裂division:2 treaties“凡尔登条约” (Vertrag von Verdun)“墨尔森条约”(Vertrag von Mersen) 东法兰克王国德国的雏形 中法兰克王国意大利国的雏形 西法兰克王国法国的雏形,查理大帝 Charles the Great,2The First Empire,The nation of Germany Holy Roman Empire 德意志民族神圣罗马帝国(9621806) 奥托一世 (Otto 1:936973) “神圣罗马帝国”为德意志第一帝国In the f
4、irst half of the 11th century, the heyday of Germany is in a period of royal power. 11世纪的前半段,德国的王权处于极盛时期。,奥托一世 Otto I,2、the fall of the royal power 德意志皇权的衰落 “黄金诏书” (1356) -中央皇权已名存实亡,皇帝已无实权,德意志进一步处于四分五裂状态 the “Holy Roman Empire” lost its royal power. Germany began to feudal rule in this land of Germa
5、ny and split up a few hundred or a small country Political groups. 神权皇权,主教的任命权在教皇;皇帝也是上帝的子民,因而也是教皇的下属。,十字军战士,拿破仑波拿巴,Germany, where are you? I can not find that place! by Friedrich von Schiller德意志,你在哪里?我找不到那块地方! - 弗里德里希 冯 席勒,1871 Wilhelm I 威廉一世奥托冯俾斯麦(Otto von Bismarck) 卓越的政治家excellent politician “铁血政
6、策”(Blut und Eisen) Three wars “德意志第二帝国”诞生 -1871年 德意志首次在历史上成为一个统一的国家,3The second empire,“不是温情脉脉的民主政治,而是只有铁与血才能救德国!”,National flag and emblem,威廉一世加冕,3The third Reich-Nazi,Won the grand for the Germanys ploughs with our swords. -by Hitler My struggle 用德国的剑为德国的犁赢得土地。 -by 希特勒 我的奋斗,Why did Nazi succeed to
7、 won the suggest of Germans?,I think that it has two reasons. One is Hitlers personal charisma. Hitler was good at making a speech and his words were very demagogic.,Another reason is because of the social condition in Germany at that time. After the first world war, there were lots of political par
8、ties in Germany, and their viewpoints were much different. Maybe this kind chaos in the society bored the people. Peoples thirst for order or the end of chaos defeated the will of their personal freedom. They wanted to be a part of the nation. Hitler said that one race, one nation, one Fhrer, one voice, and this satisfied the need well of most people in Germany. I dont mean to spread the thoughts of Nazi, just to show you something that happened in history.,Thanks,