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1、移动通信系统简介,GSM/CDMA/TDSCDMA,第一部分 GSM,GSM系统发展简介,1982年, CEPT设立的移动通信特别小组(Group Special Mobile 即GSM)提出数字蜂窝移动通信系统, 任务是指定欧洲900MHz 移动系统标准. 后来又易名为全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communication),1990年确定GSM900移动系统标准, 开始制定DCS1800,1991年第一个GSM900M系统在欧洲开始运行, 确定DCS1800 规范,1992年GSM系统正式投入商业运营,DCS1800与GSM900是同一种技术制式,

2、具有同样的基本功能, 但系统采用的工作频率为1805-1880MHz(基站发)及1710-1785 MHz(手机发), 374个载波信道.,GSM900系统发射频段: 基站935-960MHz,移动台890-915MHz, 双工间隔45MHz, 射频载波间隔200kHz, 124个载波信道. 采用 时分多址(TDMA)技术, 语音编码采用规则脉冲激励长期预测编 码(REP-LPC)算法.,GSM系统发展简介,GSM 移动通信网常用术语,移动用户起呼-呼叫建立过程,移动用户作主叫,公网固定电话呼叫移动电话用户,移动用户作被叫,Motorola BSS(GSM) 结 构,MSC,A-ter Con

3、centration Link (C7),BSC,BSS REGION,BSC,BTS,无线子系统(BSS),GSM接口,GSM 系统网络结构,无线系统设计 BSS子系统组网介绍,MSC,RXCDR,OMC,BSS,BSC,BTS,BTS,BTS,BTS,BTS,BTS,.,BSS,BSSC Cabinet,工作温度 0C to 50C 直流电源 +27V at 90A (最大) 或 -48V at 50 A (最大) 或 -60V at 40 A (最大) N+1 电源备份 N+1 处理器板备份 1+1 数字板容余备份 功耗 3100 W (最大),支持 GSM900/1800双频段运作,网

4、络结构配置灵活,单个机箱可以配置为: 一个或两个机框的BSC 一个或两个机框XCDR 一个 BSC 机框和一个XCDR机框 XCDR可置于MSC处,降低传输费用 体积 2.1 X 0.7 X 0.4 m (HxWxD),BSSC Cabinet,支持 GSM900/1800双频段运作,BSC容 量,项 目 数 量 BTS Sites 100 BTS Cells 250 RF Carriers 384 Trunks 1920Erlangs 1650,BSU,XCDR,每个XCDR由1 个机架组成每个XCDR机架可配置2个RXU机框 每个 RXU 机框可配置:2 个 GPROC25 个 MSI16

5、 个 GDP,BSU 机框,BSU 机框,RXU,常用的名词,system系统 BTS基站 BSC基站控制器 XCDR变码器 Frequency频率 Frequency point频点 Frequency plan频率规划 TCU载频收发信机 MSC移动交换机 BBH基带跳频 SFH合成器跳频,无线系统设计移动通信网络的发展,微蜂窝,室内分布系统,频率范围,GSM900接收(uplink) 890-915MHz 发射(downlink)935-960Mhz 收发双工带宽 45MHz 信道带宽200KHz 载频信道数124,DCS1800 接收(uplink) 1710-1785MHz 发射(d

6、ownlink) 1805-1880Mhz 收发双工带宽 95MHz 信道带宽 200KHz 载频信道数 374,无线系统设计 BSS子系统 基站控制器(BSC),通用处理器 (GPROC2) 千端口交换板 (KSW) 通用时钟板 (GCLK) 多路串行接口板 (MSI) 半尺寸接口扩展板: 千端口交换扩展器 (KSWX) 时钟扩展器 (CLKX) 局域网扩展器 (LANX) 并行接口扩展器 (PIX) Non-Volatile Memory Board,无线系统设计 BSS子系统 码速率变换器(XCDR),通用处理器 (GPROC2) 千端口交换板 (KSW) 通用时钟板 (GCLK) 多路

7、串行接口板 (MSI) GDP 板 半尺寸接口扩展板: 千端口交换扩展器 (KSWX) 时钟扩展器 (CLKX) 局域网扩展器 (LANX) Non-Volatile Memory Board,Converts the signal from 64Kbs A-law to 13Kbs GSM speech,BSC/XCDR 连接,无线系统设计 BSS子系统基站(BTS),室内基站,室外基站,基站类型 SITE TYPE,全向站: O1/O2/O4 定向站: 1/1/1 , 2/2/2 , 4/4/4 , 6/6/6 , 8/8/82/2 , 3/3,基站设备类型,宏蜂窝: Horizon/M-

8、cell 微蜂窝: Horizonmicro ,Horozoncompact 室内分布系统: Horizonoffice,宏室内 BTS-Horizon Macro-Indoor,特性描述:全球最小的6 载波的室内 BTS支 持SFH 可垒置,容纳 12 个CTU可按照双频带机柜配置,益处: 与 M-Cell 系列基站全兼容降低功耗轻松的安装 - 在 1米以下100% 前端插入设 备 集 成 化 和 可 靠 性 高,支持 GSM900/1800双频段运作,在 基 站 选 址 困 难 时,可 灵活 使 用 于 集 装 箱 式 基 站,载波单元,RF模块,电源,数字处理板,天线,室内基站: 高度:

9、 单 机 柜小 于0.85M, 可叠放 在一起, 高度小于2M (12 载波) 占地面积: 400mm x 700mm. 重量: 单机框满配置时少于120公斤 两机框叠放少于255公斤 环境: -5oC 至+45oC 供电: 交流 88-264V, 45 to 66 Hz 直流 +27V or 48/60V 耗电: 1.4 千瓦 整 机 噪 声: 小 于48dB,支持 GSM900/1800双频段运作,宏室内 BTS-Horizon Macro-Indoor,室外基站: 高度: 低于1.5米(不能叠放在一起) 占地面积: 560mm x 1300mm 重量: 满配置少于500公斤 环境: -4

10、0oC 至+45oC 供电: 交流 88 264V,45 to 66 Hz 电池: 内部电池可供电10 分钟,一个外部电池 机柜可供电4小时,支持GSM900/1800双频段运作,宏室外 BTS-Horizon Macro-Outdoor,可 用 于 选 址 困 难 的 基 站,如 楼 顶,微蜂窝基站硬件Horizon Micro,M-Cellarena 微蜂窝 2 TRX 基站,1.2W (GSM900) 2 TRX基站,1.0W (GSM1800) 可安装于墙壁或立柱上-40oC to +50oC 可进行合成器跳频 (SFH) 大于 5 分钟的备用电池 可选的内置天线 可选的内置 HDSL

11、 47.1 x54.2 x16.8cm,20公斤 150W功耗,支持GSM900/1800双频段运作,单人操作30分钟; 迅速入网 10 minutes; 所需安装面积小 两侧孔隙只需10公分,微蜂窝安装开通 - 快捷解决覆盖问题,HORIZONmicro-compact,带功率提升器的微蜂窝可 用 作 山 区 主 要 交 通 线 、 高 层、 街 道 层 或 室 内 微 蜂 窝分 布 系 统的 覆 盖 补 点,频段,GSM900 GSM1800,最大输出功率,10 W/carrier,功耗,200 W,工作温度,-40 to +50,供电,88 - 264 V AC,45 - 65 Hz,体

12、积(W/D/H),500mm/170mm/250mm,重量,15kg,Buildings shared by multiple enterprises,A single cluster controller supports user communities from 4 single carrier cells delivers service to 4 enterprises each with 21 users = 84 total users 24 single carrier cells delivers service to 24 enterprises of 21 users =

13、 504 total users Any mixture of 1, 2, 3, 4 carrier cells supported up to 24 radio units per cluster controller,For Wireless Enterprise 0.5% blocking and 100mE per sub is assumed,第二部分 CDMA,内容,码分多址的基本原理 码分多址的关键技术 摩托罗拉码分多址系统的基本构成和部件功能 信号流程分析,内容,码分多址的基本原理 码分多址的关键技术 摩托罗拉码分多址系统的基本构成和部件功能 信号流程分析,目标,不同用户是如何

14、用码区分出来的 三种CDMA码的用途 CDMA逻辑信道的划分,Strategies of Multiple Access (FDMA),频分多址接入:通过频道区分用户,U-TACS:fi=25KHz,第一代蜂窝系统,C/I= 17dB,7*3复用,Strategies of Multiple Access (TDMA),时分多址接入:通过时隙区分用户,GSM:TS0-TS7,帧长=4.615ms,fi=200KHz,第一代蜂窝系统,C/I= 9dB,4*3复用,复用深度比FDMA深,Strategies of Multiple Access (CDMA),码分多址接入:通过地址码区分用户(正交

15、或准正交的地址码),与GSM相比共同点是共用一个频段,不同点是自干扰系统,同时一直使用同一个频段,Is-95:fi=1.2288MHz,采用关键技术:扩频,C/I= -15dB,CDMA与FDMA、TDMA信道利用方式比较,positive after filtering,DS-CDMA,1.23 MHz,Frequency,Time,CDMA,CDMA 通信网,CDMA 通信网 - IS41协议,目的: 完成移动台的自动漫游功能以及移动交换中心间的切换功能;对象: MSC、VLR、HLR、AUC、SME和SMC之间的接口;使用: 采用NO.7方式传递移动应用部分(MAP),其中包括了消息流程

16、、消息和参数的定义及具体的 编码,要求使用七号信令的MTP、SCCP、TCAP传输MAP消息。,CDMA 通信网 - A+ 接口,目的: 实现不同厂家无线子系统和交换子系统之间的互连互通; IS-634: 由US TIA/EIA 借鉴ETIS GSM Phase 1规范,结合北美地区的具体情况, 在1995年12月定制出 IS-634 Rev 0 (第一稿)。1998年6月,增加对OTASP,Data Call,Packet Transport 等业务的支持,形成IS-634 Rev A CDG IOS:由CDG组织(CDMA Development Group)在现有IS-634 Rev A

17、的基础上,明确定义了原有的一些可选项,精简了消息流程,提高了消息传递的有效性。,CDMA 物理信道,Tx: 870-880MHzRx: 825-835MHz,CDMA Channel Numbers and Corresponding Frequencies,CDMA 首选载波分配,频率使用计划,IS-95A及cdma2000 1x系统频道间隔为1.23MHz中心频率在AMPS的283号频道为CDMA的基本频道,逐步从高端向低端扩展使用的CDMA频道的中心频点位置依此为242号、201号、160号、119号、78号和37号。 反向信道(手机到基站):825-845MHz 前向信道(基站到手机)

18、:870-890MHz 在AMPS中一个频道为0.03MHz,f=N*0.03+825,CDMA如何用码区分不同基站或扇区,PN,PN,PN,Short PN code:0-511 速率1.2288Mchips/s Short PN code间隔64chips,覆盖距离16公里,Wash Code 在CDMA中的作用,Walsh code,Walsh code,Walsh code,Walsh code,Walsh code,Walsh code,Wash Code共有64个,区分同一扇区不同的前向信道 Pilot(导频信道):W(0) Sync(同步信道):W(32) Paging(寻呼信道

19、):W(1-7) Traffic(业务信道):其他wash code,动态分配,PN CODE,PN CODE,5,Direct Sequence Spreading Spectrum,Di(t) 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Ci(t) 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Di(t) Ci(t) 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1Di(t) Ci(t) 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Ci(t) 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Di(t) Ci(t) Ci(t) 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1,+,+,+,+,+1,+1,+1,-1,-1,-1,D(

20、t),C(t),D(t).C(t),Time Domain,Frequency Domain,Direct Sequence Spreading Spectrum,CDMA系统中采用的编码,Walsh 码在CDMA前向逻辑信道中使用,以区分同一小区或扇区用户正交性Wi Wi = 1 Wi Wj = 0 (I j),Walsh码递归公式,8阶Walsh码,Generation of PN Sequences,Stage 1,Stage 2,Stage 3,+,Output Sequence,T0 0 0 1T1 1 0 0T2 1 1 0T3 1 1 1T4 0 1 1T5 1 0 1T6 0

21、1 0T7 0 0 1,Output Sequence:C(t) = 1001110 1001110 1001110 .,Repeat,PN短码偏置,CDMA系统中采用的编码,长码用于反向逻辑信道区分不同用户伪随机序列242-1 unit在前向链路上对业务及寻呼信道进行扰码,The Long Code Offsets,The Long Code Mask,CDMA Channels,CDMA Physical Channel: Forward and Reverse Channel:The bandwidth of one physical channel is 1.23MHz CDMA Lo

22、gical Channel:Forward: Pilot channelSync channelPaging channelTraffic channelReverse: Access channelTraffic channel,CDMA Forward Channels,Pilot Channel:initial measurementphase reference used for decoding other forward logical channeldistinguish between different cells and sectorseach forward physic

23、al channel has one pilot channel,CDMA Forward Channels,Sync Channel:provide MS with absolute system timing & system configuration information including:System IDNet IDPilot PN offsetSystem TimeLong Code state at System TimePaging Channel Data Rate.one sync channel within each forward physical channe

24、l,CDMA Forward Channels,Paging Channel:transmits system overhead information to all active MS the Access channel No.; Nom-pwr offset; the initial power offset step; the incremental power step; the number of Access probe per sequence; the time-out window between Access probes; the randomization time

25、between Access probes; provide message with a particular MSup to seven can be config to each forward physical channel,CDMA Reverse Channels,Access Channel: MS initiate communication with BTSrespond to any message received while in an idle stateone access channel associated with each paging channel,C

26、DMA Traffic Channels,Traffic Channel:supports voice or data traffic between MS and BTScarries some signaling message,CDMA前向信道结构,CDMA基本原理,Pilot Sync Paging Traffic,DSS by Walsh 0,DSS by Walsh 32,DSS by Walsh 1-7,DSS by remaining 55 Walsh codes,64 logical channels are combinedThen quadrature spread us

27、ing pilot PN code,Forward CDMA Overhead Channel Structures,Forward Traffic Channel Structure,CDMA反向信道结构,Addressed by Long Code PNs,. . .,. . .,. . .,. . .,. . .,. . .,. . .,CDMA 基本原理,Spread by long code (offset),Spread by long code (offset),Access,Traffic,Quadrature spread using pilot PN code withou

28、t any offset,Access Channel Structure,Reverse CDMA Traffic Channel Structure,Simple Convolutional Encoder,Input: 101,Output1: 111,Output1: 101,Output stream: 111011,Interleaver,Consider a 16 bit size interleaver with digits 1 through 16. A Blockinterleaving method would input the bits in columns as:

29、1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16,and read them out in row as :1,5,9,13,2,6,10,14,3,7,11,15,4,8,12,16also read out with a Bit Reversal technique as:1,9,5,13,3,11,7,15,2,10,6,14,4,12,8,16,Interleaver,Burst error,Quadrature Spreading,Summary of Codes & Channels,内容,码分多址的基本原理 码分多址的关键技术

30、摩托罗拉码分多址系统的基本构成和部件功能 信号流程分析,Kernel Technique of CDMA,CELP Power ControlSoft Hand-Off,CELP,Code Excited Linear PredictiveCompressed digital voice between XC and MSUses much less data to approximate the original signal8K or 13K,Vocoder Output Rates,Voice Encoding,PCM EncodingCELP Encoding,PCM,CELP,Pow

31、er Control,Reverse Open LoopReverse Closed LoopForward Closed Loop,CDMA的通话方式,SC 4812T 48 Power Conversion Shelf,Power Control method: 反向开环功率控制, 反向闭环功率控制,(1.25ms) 前向闭环功率控制,(15-20ms)Philosophy:less is better,功率控制,Forward,Reverse,远近效应,Based on: power measurement (Eb/No) frame error rate(FER),开环功率控制,软切换

32、,Narrow Band Break Before Make,Cells Compete,Mobile Position,Cell A,Cell B,Soft Handoff,Signal Strength,A,B,CDMA Make Before Break,Cells Team up,FDMA & TDMA 切换,CDMA软切换,Make-before-break,TD-SCDMA接力切换,Make-before-break,减少由于切换产生的掉话,CDMA小区/扇区切换采用软/更软切换 切换是先接续再中断 服务质量高,有效减低掉话,Cell Site A,H A N D O F F,Ce

33、ll Site B,MAKE,AMPS GSM,B R E A K,Cell Site A,Cell Site B,Cell Site A,Cell Site B,CDMA,中断,其它无线系统 小区/扇区切换采用硬切换 切换是先中断再接续 容易产生掉话,减低掉话,提高服务质量。,Rake接收机,软切换导频集,有效导频集相邻导频集剩余导频集候选导频集,软切换,Threshold & TimerT-AddT-CompT-DropT-Tdrop,Search, compare, combine, then Soft handoff,CDMA Summary,频率规划简单,GSM:N=4 频率复用,C

34、DMA:N=1频率复用,工程设计简单,扩容方便。,CDMA与GSM的小区容量对比:,CDMA 10 MHz 8个CDMA载波 每载波、每扇区20个话音信道 每小区3个扇区 频率复用系数 = 1 支持有效话音信道数=8 * 20 * 3 = 480,去除BCCH,GSM 10 MHz 50个GSM载波(10MHz/200KHz) 每载波8个时隙(包括控制信道和业务信道) 每小区3个扇区 频率复用系数(通常) = 4 可配置的站型为S444 支持有效话音信道数 =48 * 8 * /4 = 96 - 87,在相同频谱利用度的情况下,CDMA的容量是GSM的5.5倍。,与GSM相比:覆盖大,CDMA

35、 小区覆盖随负载的变化而变化 在无负载的情况下,小区半径是标准GSM的3倍。 在每扇区20信道的负载条件下,半径是标准GSM的倍。 GSM 小区在加载的情况下,覆盖保持不变。反向链路预算比较:在反向链路预算上,CDMA比GSM高5dB。,在相同覆盖条件下,基站数量大大减少节省投资。,CDMA 特点和优势,提高服务质量节省投资减低运营成本,提高运营商的竞争能力,特点,技术,内容,码分多址的基本原理 码分多址的关键技术 摩托罗拉码分多址系统的基本构成和部件功能 信号流程分析,Motorola CDMA Cellular System,XCPC - Transcoder PCUsed to init

36、ialize the transcoder Operations Maintenance Processor prior to general transcoder subsystem initialization. BTS - Base Transceiver StationThe BTS provides the air interface between the MS and the land-based infrastructure. LMF - Local Maintenance FacilityUsed by the Cellular Field Engineer for init

37、ial BTS installation testing and calibration, and subsequent field troubleshooting. RFDS - Radio Frequency Diagnostic SubsystemOptional subsystem used for testing call flow paths though the system. Automated test scripts are initiated from the OMC-R by operations personnel.,Product Family Overview,P

38、roduct Family Overview,UNO - Universal Network OperationsA hardware/software system, used in conjunction with XTERMs,or workstations, to provide a graphical user interface for operations and maintenance personnel. XTERM - A terminal that provides a graphical user interface based on the X Window Syst

39、em developed at MIT. TTE - Trunk Test EquipmentSage 930A test equipment.Used in conduction with the RFDS to implement the System Audio Loopback Test (SALT). NetPlan - NetPlan is Motorolas premier RF network design and planning tool, used to assist engineers in optimizing and implementing wireless ne

40、tworks by providing an accurate and reliable prediction of coverage. With a database that takes into account data such as terrain, clutter, and antenna radiation patterns, as well as an intuitive graphical interface,NetPlan gives RF engineers a state-of-the-art tool to:,Design Wireless NetworksPlan

41、Network ExpansionsOptimize Network PerformanceDiagnose System Problems CDMA Simulator - NetPlan, with the optional CDMA Simulator, supports modeling of all aspects of a CDMA network, including:Soft Hand-off ParametersDynamic Power ControlForward and Reverse Link Signal Analysis (Eb/No) The simulator

42、 uses propagation data, traffic density distributions, mobile speed distributions, and Rayleigh fading characteristics. The simulator identifies problem regions, and allows the interactive adjustment of key CDMA parameters to optimize total system performance.,Product Family Overview,COMPAS Cellular

43、 - Operational Measurement Performance Analysis SystemCOMPAS is a software application package capable of flexible analysis of CDMA cellular system field data. The COMPAS tool can be used throughout the planning, acceptance test, and operational phases of cellular system deployment. COMPAS processes

44、 CDMA field data gathered from Diagnostic Monitors associated with mobiles, the Base Site Controller, and spectrum analyzers, and provides the user with a comprehensive means for analyzing such data. COMPAS is compatible with many data gathering tools, including Motorolas System Monitoring Applicati

45、on Processor (SMAP) and CDMA Advanced Mobile Phone Simulator (CAMPS) products, Qualcomms Diagnostic Monitor (DM), and SAFCOs OPAS. SMAP - System Monitoring Application ProcessorSMAP provides detailed information about the RF performance of a CDMA system. This information can be used for diagnosing a

46、 system during installation and FOA deployment activities, during the optimization phase, or to provide a basis of continuous quality analysis of a system in commercial use. SMAP can monitor information on an individual call, sector, or cell. SMAP is the mechanism by which link information is gather

47、ed and stored during drive testing and optimization of a cell or cluster. This information is logged, and can be used for additional post-processing analysis.,Product Family Overview,CAMPS - CDMA Advanced Mobile Phone SimulatorCAMPS is a PC-based tool which runs under two basic modes: scripting and standard. The scripting mode allows a CDMA test engineer to test the error legs of a cellular phone call. The standard mode allows a field engineer to place phone calls on a CDMA system to gather RF and call processing metrics.,


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