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    • 上海市浦东新区2018届九年级化学上学期期末教学质量检测一模试题五四制20181226285.doc--点击预览
    • 上海市浦东新区2018届九年级数学上学期期末教学质量检测一模试题沪教版五四制20181226286.doc--点击预览
    • 上海市浦东新区2018届九年级物理上学期期末教学质量检测一模试题新人教版五四制20181226287.doc--点击预览
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    • 上海市浦东新区2018届九年级语文上学期期末教学质量检测一模试题沪教版五四制20181226289.doc--点击预览


1上海市浦东新区 2018届九年级化学上学期期末教学质量检测(一模)试题 (满分 150分,考试时间 100分钟)化学部分可能用到的相对原子质量:O-16 S-32 K-39 Fe-56 Cu-646、单项选择题(共 20分)27. “Na”的元素名称是A. 钠 B. 氮 C. 氦 D. 纳28. 属于纯净物的是A. 蒸馏水 B. 自来水 C. 食盐水 D. 矿泉水29. 属于氧化物的是A. O2 B. H2SO4 C. SO2 D. CaCO330. 我国古代技术中属于物理变化的是A. 粮食酿酒 B. 棉纱织布 C. 烧制陶器 D. 冶炼金属31. 放入水中能形成溶液的食品是A. 淀粉 B. 辣酱 C. 香油 D. 蔗糖32. 试剂标签错误的是33. 三氧化二铋(Bi 2O3)用于制作防火纸,其中铋(Bi)元素的化合价为A. +1 B. +2 C. +3 D. +434. 化学符号“2H”表示A. 二个氢原子 B. 二个氢元素 C. 二个氢分子 D. 氢气35. 最接近中性的洗涤剂是A. 洁厕剂:pH=1.0 B. 洗发露:pH=7.6C. 洗衣液:pH=10.5 D. 漂白液:pH=13.436. 在氧气中燃烧发出明亮蓝紫色火焰的是A. 硫粉 B. 镁带 C. 木炭 D. 红磷37. “粗盐提纯”实验不需要的仪器是238. 书写正确的化学方程式是A. H2O2 2Mn   H2↑+O 2↑ B. H2O2 2Mn   H2O+O2↑C. 2H2O2   2H2O+O2 D. 2H2O2   2H2O+O2↑39. 物质的用途由其化学性质决定的是A. 干冰——人工降雨 B. 氦气——制霓虹灯C. 石墨——制铅芯笔 D. 生石灰——作干燥剂40. 酒精灯的使用方法正确的是A. 酒精灯内装满酒精 B. 用嘴吹灭酒精灯C. 拨送灯芯调大火焰 D. 用内焰加热试管41. 用锂(Li)储氢的原理是:①2Li+H 2→2LiH ②LiH+H 2O→LiOH+R,其中 R的化学式是A. O2 B. H2 C. H2O2 D. Li2O42. 对“水结冰”的认识正确的是A. 水分子变大 B. 质量变大C. 水分子停止运动 D. 体积变大43. 有关右图试剂的描述正确的是A. 溶质为胆矾 B. 溶液呈蓝色C. CuSO4的摩尔质量为 160 D. 溶质与溶剂的质量比是 1:2044. 归类不正确的一组是A H2 CO CO2 都难溶于水B H2CO3 KNO3 Ca(OH)2 都含有原子团C C60 石墨 金刚石 都是碳的同素异形体D O2 O3 空气 都含有游离态氧元素45. 1g氧分子与 1g氧原子具有不同的A. 质量 B. 物质的量C. 氧元素质量 D. 氧原子个数46. 右图是甲、乙两种固体(不含结晶水)的溶解度曲线。t℃时,对含3有等质量溶质的甲的饱和溶液与乙的饱和溶液,分别恒温蒸发等质量的水(未蒸干) ,正确的说法是A. 蒸发前,甲、乙溶液质量的大小关系为:甲>乙B. 蒸发后,所得甲溶液依然饱和,乙溶液不饱和C. 蒸发后,所得溶液中溶剂质量的大小关系为:甲<乙D. 蒸发后,析出固体质量的大小关系为:甲<乙7、填空题(共 18分)47. 2017年中国环境日主题是“绿水青山就是金山银山” ,旨在践行绿色生活,共建美丽中国。①人类需要清新的空气。其中能供给呼吸的是_________,参与光合作用的是_______________;防雾霾口罩中常填充活性炭,因为活性炭具有__________性。②人类需要洁净的水。高铁酸钾(K 2FeO4)是一种绿色水处理剂,它由________种元素组成,钾、铁、氧元素的原子个数比为___________,1molK 2FeO4中约含有_________个铁原子。③人类需要清洁的能源。天然气是上海地区常见的家用燃料,其主要成分是__________;与化石燃料相比,氢能源的优点是__________(写一点) 。48. “分解”与“化合”是两种研究物质组成的方法。研究问题 探究水的元素组成 探究氧化汞的元素组成研究方法 水的分解 汞与氧气的化合搜集证据用燃着的木条检验 a端气体,气体燃烧发出______色火焰,发生反应的化学方程式为______________;用带火星的木条检验 b端气体,观察到___________________。汞与氧气化合的微观过程示意图请将上图中反应后缺少的微粒补画完整____________。结论 水是由_________元素组成的。 氧化汞是由氧、汞元素组成的。49. 甲、乙固体的溶解度均随温度的升高而增大,数据如下表:温度/℃ 0 20 40 60溶解度 甲 13.3 31.6 63.9 110.04(g/100g 水)乙 35.7 36.0 36.6 37.3①20℃时,乙的溶解度是______g/100g 水。该温度下,将 40g乙加入 100g水中,充分搅拌后可得到____g 溶液。②将接近饱和的甲溶液转化为饱和溶液的一种方法是______________。③甲中混有少量乙,提纯甲的方法是______________(填“降温结晶”或“蒸发结晶” ) 。④50℃时,甲的饱和溶液与乙的饱和溶液的溶质质量分数( )大小关系是_______________。A. 甲 > 乙 B. 甲 < 乙 C. 甲 = 乙 D. 无法确定8、简答题(共 22分)50. 请根据装置回答。①写出编号为“a” 、 “b”的仪器名称:a_________;b__________。②用氯酸钾和二氧化锰的混合物制取一瓶干燥的氧气,选择的装置组合是_______(填写字母) 。③用排水法收集氧气时,依次观察到的现象是____________(用字母 a、b、c 对下图排序) ;集满氧气后的操作顺序是_____________(用字母 a、b、c 排序) 。a. 取出集气瓶 b. 盖上玻璃片 c. 正放在桌上④0.2mol 氯酸钾在二氧化锰的催化作用下,完全分解能生成氧气_______mol(根据化学方程式列式计算) 。51. 化学实验需要不断改进与创新,请分析以下实验。实验一 实验二 实验三5煅烧石灰石并检验气体产物 铁丝在氧气中燃烧 研究二氧化碳的性质【实验一】A处发生反应的化学方程式为_______________________,该反应属于_________(填“分解”或“化合” )反应;B处发生反应的化学方程式为________________________。【实验二】铁丝燃烧的化学方程式为____________________________;该实验中,铁丝燃烧能够持续较长时间,主要原因是__________________________________。【实验三】同时打开弹簧夹 K1、K 2,一段时间后,C 烧杯中的现象是________________________,E 中液体变为_________色,接着同时关闭 K1、K 2,D 中多孔隔板处依次观察到的现象是_____________(用字母 a、b、c 对下图排序) 。52. 兴趣小组对“一氧化碳还原氧化铜”的实验进行拓展研究。【查阅资料】I. 制取 CO的方法:加热碳酸镁和锌粉的混合物,反应原理为:MgCO3+Zn   MgO+ZnO+CO↑II. 处理尾气的方法:用氯化亚铜的氨水溶液吸收一氧化碳,溶液中会出现红色固体。【设计方案】根据上述资料设计如下实验装置(固定装置略,装置气密性良好):6【实验步骤】第一步:打开弹簧夹,通入一会儿氮气;第二步:关闭弹簧夹,点燃两个酒精灯;第三步:一段时间后,熄灭两个酒精灯;第四步:打开弹簧夹,再通一会儿氮气。【实验分析】①实验过程中,可观察到 B处黑色粉末变红,此处发生反应的化学方程式为__________________;C处观察到的现象是_______________:D 处溶液中出现红色固体。②上述实验步骤中,第一步和第四步的操作相同但是目的不同。其中第一步的操作目的是___________。③关于该实验的说法正确的是___________。a. 随着反应的进行,B 处固体的质量逐渐减小b. D处的实验现象可证明 A、B 处发生了反应 c. 实验过程中应在 E处点燃尾气以防污染空气d. 停止加热后,应持续通入氮气至玻璃管冷却④若 A处有 n1mol的 MgCO3参加反应,C 处生成 n2molCaCO3,能证明 n1>n 2的一个实验现象是_______。7参考答案6、单项选择题27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36A A C B D B C A B A37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46D D D C B D B A B C7、填空题47.①氧气(O 2) ;二氧化碳(CO 2) ;吸附 ②3;2:1:4;6.02×10 23 ③甲烷(CH 4) ;产物是水,无污染等48.淡蓝色;2H 2+O2  点 燃 2H2O;木条复燃;氢、氧(H、O) ;49.①36.0;136 ②增加溶质(或减溶剂或降温) ③降温结晶 ④A8、简答题50.①试管;长颈漏斗 ②AC ③bac;bac ④0.351.【实验一】CaCO 3  高 温 CaO+CO2↑;分解;CO 2+Ca(OH)2→CaCO 3↓+H 2O【实验二】3Fe+2O 2  点 燃 Fe3O4 ;集气瓶中双氧水在二氧化锰的催化作用下会不断生成氧气【实验三】短蜡烛先熄灭,长蜡烛后熄灭;红;cba52. ①CO+CuO   CuO;澄清石灰水变浑浊②排尽装置中的空气,防止混合气体加热发生爆炸③ad④D 中出现红色固体1上海市浦东新区 2018届九年级数学上学期期末教学质量检测(一模)试题 一、选择题:(本大题共 6题,每题 4分,满分 24分)【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置上】1.如果把一个锐角三角形三边的长都扩大为原来的两倍,那么锐角 A的余切值(A)扩大为原来的两倍; (B)缩小为原来的 21;(C)不变; (D)不能确定.2.下列函数中,二次函数是(A) 54xy; (B) )32(xy; (C) 2)4(xy;(D) 21xy.3.已知在 Rt△ ABC中,∠ C=90°, AB=7, BC=5,那么下列式子中正确的是(A) 7sin; (B) 75cosA; (C) 75tanA; (D) 75cotA.4.已知非零向量 a, b, ,下列条件中,不能判定向量 与向量 b平行的是(A) c/, /; (B) ba3; (C) ca, 2; (D) 0ba.5.如果二次函数 2yxc的图像全部在 x轴的下方,那么下列判断中正确的是(A) 0a, b; (B) 0, b;(C) , c; (D) a, c.6.如图,已知点 D、 F在△ ABC的边 AB上,点 E在边 AC上,且 DE∥ BC,要使得 EF∥ CD,还需添加一个条件,这个条件可以是(A) EB; (B) AC;(C) ; (D) F.二、填空题:(本大题共 12题,每题 4分,满分 48分)7.已知 23yx,则 y的值是 .8.已知线段 MN的长是 4cm,点 P是线段 MN的黄金分割点,则较长线段 MP的长是cm.9.已知△ ABC∽△ A1B1C1,△ ABC的周长与△ A1B1C1的周长的比值是 23, BE、 B1E1分别是它 们对应边上的中线,且 BE=6,则 B1E1= .10.计算: 32()ab= .11.计算: tn0si45= .12.抛物线 2xy的最低点坐标是 .ADEBC Fl1l2l3l4(第 14 题图)l5BAFECD(第 6 题图)213.将抛物线 2xy向下平移 3个单位,所得的抛物线的表达式是 .14.如图,已知直线 l1、 l2、 l3分别交直线 l4于点 A、 B、 C,交直线 l5于点 D、 E、 F,且l1∥ l2∥ l3, AB=4, AC=6, DF=9,则 DE= .15.如图,用长为 10米的篱笆,一面靠墙(墙的长度超过 10米) ,围成一个矩形花圃,设矩形垂直于墙的一边长为 x米,花圃面积为 S平方米,则 S关于 x的函数解析式是 .(不写定义域) .16.如图,湖心岛上有一凉亭 B,在凉亭 B的正东湖边有一棵大树 A,在湖边的 C处测得 B在北偏西 45°方向上,测得 A在北偏东 30°方向上,又测得 A、 C之间的距离为 100米,则 A、 B之间的距离是 米(结果保留根号形式) .17.已知点(-1, m) 、 (2, n)在二次函数 12axy的图像上,如果 mn,那么a0(用“”或“;18. 539.三、解答题:(本大题共 7题,满分 78分)19.解:∵ 542x= )(2.…………………………………(3 分)∴平移后的函数解析式是 1xy.………………………………(3 分)顶点坐标是(-2,1) .……………………………………………………(2 分)对称轴是直线 .………………………………………………… (2 分)20.解:(1) DE23a.……………………………(5 分)(2)图正确得 4分,结论: AF就是所要求作的向量. …(1 分) .21. (1)解:∵ 8CDGHS四 边 形 ,∴ 9F.……………………………………………………(1 分)∵ □ABCD 中, AD//BC,∴ △ CFH∽△ DFG . ………………………………………………(1 分)∴ 1)(2DGSFCH.…………………………………………… (1 分)∴ 3. …………………………………………………………(1 分)(2)证明:∵ □ABCD 中, AD//BC,∴ MB. ……………………………………(2 分)∵ □ABCD 中, AB//CD,∴ DFE. ……………………………………(2 分)∴GH. ……………………………………(1 分)∴ .……………………………(1 分) (第 21 题图)ABHFECGDM(第 20 题图)AB CD EF622.解:(1)延长 ED交射线 BC于点 H.由题意得 DH⊥ BC.在 Rt△ CDH中,∠ DHC=90°,tan∠ DCH= 1:3i.……………(1 分)∴ ∠ DCH=30°.∴ CD=2DH.……………………………(1 分)∵ CD=23,∴ DH= , CH=3 .……………………(1 分)答:点 D的铅垂高度是 3米.…………(1 分)(2)过点 E作 EF⊥ AB于 F.由题意得,∠ AEF即为点 E观察点 A时的仰角,∴ ∠ AEF=37°.∵ EF⊥ AB, AB⊥ BC, ED⊥ BC,∴ ∠ BFE=∠ B=∠ BHE=90°.∴ 四边形 FBHE为矩形.∴ EF=BH=BC+CH=6. ……………………………………………(1 分)FB=EH=ED+DH=1.5+ 3. ……………………………………(1 分)在 Rt△ AEF中,∠ AFE=90°, 5.47.06tanAEFF.(1 分)∴ AB=AF+FB=6+ ………………………………………………(1 分)7.3.16. ……………………………………………(1 分)答:旗杆 AB的高度约为 7.7米. …………………………………(1 分)23.证明:(1)∵ DFBCE,∴ . ………………………(1 分)∵ ∠ EFB=∠ DFC, …………………(1 分)∴ △ EFB∽△ DFC. …………………(1 分)∴ ∠ FEB=∠ FDC. ………………… (1 分)∵ CE⊥ AB,∴ ∠ FEB= 90°.……………………… (1 分)∴ ∠ FDC= 90°.∴ BD⊥ AC. ………………………… (1 分)(2)∵ △ EFB∽△ DFC,∴ ∠ ABD =∠ ACE. …………………………………………… (1 分) ∵ CE⊥ AB,∴ ∠ FEB= ∠ AEC= 90°.∴ △ AEC∽△ FEB. ……………………………………………(1 分)∴ EBCFA.……………………………………………………(1 分)∴ . …………………………………………………(1 分)(第 22 题图)AB CDE37°FHA(第 23 题图)DEFB C7∵ ∠ AEC=∠ FEB= 90°,∴ △ AEF∽△ CEB.………………………………………………(1 分) ∴ EBFCA,∴ AEBCF. ………………………(1 分)24.解:(1)∵ 抛物线 52bxay与 轴交于点 A(1,0) , B(5,0) ,∴ .052b; ……………………… …(1 分) 解得 .61ba;…………………………(2 分) ∴ 抛物线的解析式为 562xy .……(1 分) (2)∵ A(1,0) , B(5,0) ,∴ OA=1, AB=4.∵ AC=AB且点 C在点 A的左侧,∴ AC=4 .∴ CB=CA+AB=8. ………………………………………………(1 分)∵ 线段 CP是线段 CA、 CB的比例中项,∴ CBPA.∴ CP= 24. ……………………………………………………(1 分)又 ∵ ∠ PCB是公共角,∴ △ CPA∽ △ CBP . ∴ ∠ CPA= ∠ CBP. ………………………………………………(1 分)过 P作 PH⊥ x轴于 H.∵ OC=OD=3,∠ DOC=90°,∴ ∠ DCO=45°.∴ ∠ PCH=45° ∴ PH=CH=CP 45sin=4,∴ H(-7,0) , BH=12. ∴ P(-7,-4).∴ 31taBC, 31tanCA. ………………………(1 分)(3) ∵ 抛物线的顶点是 M(3,-4) ,………………………………… (1 分) 又 ∵ P(-7,-4) ,∴ PM∥ x轴 . 当点 E在 M左侧, 则 ∠BAM=∠AME .∵ ∠ AEM=∠ AMB, ∴ △ AEM∽△ BMA.…………………………………………………(1 分)∴ BA. ∴ 452E .∴ ME=5,∴ E(-2,-4). …………………………………(1 分) 过点 A作 AN⊥ PM于点 N,则 N(1,-4).当点 E在 M右侧时,记为点 ,(第 24 题图)lMP DH N E C A BO xy8∵ ∠ AEN=∠ AEN,∴ 点 与 E 关于直线 AN对称,则 E(4,-4).………………(1 分) 综上所述, E的坐标为(-2,-4)或(4,-4).(2)作 EH⊥ AF于点 H.∵ 在 Rt△ ABC中,∠ ACB=90°, BC=2, AC=4,∴ 21tanACB.∴ 在 Rt△ AEF中,∠ AEF=90°, 21tanAEF.∵ △ EFG∽△ AEG,∴ 21EFG.……………………………………………(1 分)∵ FG=x,∴ EG=2x, AG=4x.∴ AF=3x. ……………………………………………………………(1 分)∵ EH⊥ AF,∴ ∠ AHE=∠ EHF=90°.∴ ∠ EFA+∠ FEH=90°.∵ ∠ AEF=90°,∴ ∠ A+∠ EFA=90°.∴ ∠ A=∠ FEH.∴ tanA =tan∠ FEH.∴ 在 Rt△ EHF中,∠ EHF=90°, 21tanEHF.∴ EH=2HF.∵ 在 Rt△ AEH中,∠ AHE=90°, tA.∴ AH=2EH.∴ AH=4HF.∴ AF=5HF.∴ HF= x53.∴ EH6.…………………………………………………………(1 分)∴ 25362121xFGy .………………………………(1 分)定义域:( 40x) .……………………………………………(1 分)9(3)当△ EFD为等腰三角形时, FG的长度是: 254,731.……(5 分)1上海市浦东新区 2018 届九年级物理上学期期末教学质量检测(一模)试题(满分 150 分,考试时间 100 分钟)物 理 部 分一、选择题(共 16 分)1. 下列物理单位中,用于电能表单位的是( ) A. 千瓦时 B. 伏特 C. 瓦特 D. 库仑2. 下列物理量中,属于物质本身一种特性的是( )A. 质量 B. 密度 C. 压强 D. 浮力3. 下列应用中,属于利用连通器原理工作的是( )A. 高度计 B. 密度计 C. 订书机 D. 船闸4. 下列物理量中,能影响导体电阻大小的是( )A. 电压 B. 电流 C. 长度 D. 电功率5. 关于物体所受的浮力,下列说法中正确的是( ) A. 空气中的物体不受浮力作用 B. 沉在水底的铁球不受浮力作用C. 浮力是物体对液体施加的力 D. 浮力是液体对物体压力的合力6. 如图 1 所示的电路中, 12R,闭合电键 S 后,下列判断正确的是( )A. 电路的总电阻大于 的电阻值B. 电路的总电阻小于 2的电阻值C. 1R两端的电压大于 R两端的电压D. 通过 的电流大于通过 2的电流7. 在图 2 所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。闭合电键 S,向右移动滑动变阻器滑片 P 的过程中( )A. 电压表 1V示数与电流表 A 示数的比值变大B. 电压表 示数与电流表 A 示数的比值变小C. 电压表 2示数与电流表 A 示数的比值变大D. 电压表 V示数与电流表 A 示数的比值变小8. 两个完全相同的圆柱形容器内盛有 A、B 两种液体,某实心金属小球浸没在 A 中,如图 3 所示,此时液体对容器底部的压强 p。若将小球从 A 中拿出并浸没在 B 中(液体不溢出) ,则以2下判断一定正确的是( )A. 放入 B 中后,液体对容器底部的压强 ''ABpB. 放入 B 中后,液体对容器底部的压强 ''C. 液体对容器底部压强的变化量大小 ABD. 液体对容器底部压强的变化量大小 p二、填空题(共 26 分)9. 一节新干电池的电压为_______伏,手电筒、小型收音机等用电器经常采用几节干电池________(选填“串联”或“并联” )在一起进行供电。家中空调、冰箱等用电器正常工作时的电压均为________伏。10. 煤油的密度为 30.81千克/米 3,读作 30.81________,其表示的物理意义为每立方米煤油的__________。相等质量的煤油和水,_________的体积大( 水 煤 油 ) 。11. 如图 4 所示,用 20 牛的水平力把重为 6 牛的正方体物块紧压在竖直墙 壁上,则它对墙壁的压力为_________牛,若此正方体的底面积为 0.01 米 2,则它对墙 壁的压强为___________帕。若用同样的力,把体积更大的正方体紧压在竖直 墙壁上,则墙壁受到的压强将_______(选填“变大” 、 “不变”或“变小” )12. 某体积为 4310米 3的实心金属球浸没在水中时,它受到的浮力为________牛,当它在水面下某处向水底沉落的过程中,它所受的浮力将________;若将该金属球浸没在煤油中,则它所受的浮力将_______(选填“变大” 、 “不变”或“变小” )13. 在 60 秒内通过某导体横截面的电荷量为 12 库,则通过它的电流为________安,若此时该导体两端的电压为 6 伏,它的电阻为________欧。当该导体两端的电压为 12 伏时,其电阻为_______欧。14. 电热水壶等电热器做功时,将________能转化为内能。某家用电热器上标有“220V 1100W”字样,当它正常工作时,通过它的电流为_________安;若它连续正常工作 5 秒,电流所做的功为________焦。15. 下表记录了在不同海拔高度时的气温和气压值,请依据表中的信息回答:3①当海拔高度为 8800 米时,气压为____________百帕;②根据相关信息,猜想在海拔为 16000 米的高度时,气温为________℃;③当海拔高度在 20000 米到 30000 米时之间时,气温随海拔高度增加而_______,气压随海拔高度增加而_______。16. 如图 5 所示的电路中,闭合电键 S 后,电路能正常工作。由于电阻 R 或灯 L 之一发生了故障,导致灯 L 不再发光。用一个同规格且完好的灯 L'替换________就能准确判断出具体的故障原因。请根据相关信息,写出替换后所看到的的现象及相应的故障。_________________________________________三、作图题(共 6 分)17. 浮在水面的小球所受浮力为 6 牛,请在图 6 中用力的图示法画出该浮力 F浮 。18. 在图 7 中的○里填上适当的电表符号,使之成为正确的电路图。四、计算题(共 24 分)19. 某游泳池水区的水深为 1 米,求水对该处池底的压强 p水 .420. 如图 8 所示的电路中,电源电压为 12 伏且保持不变,电阻 1R的阻值为 20 欧。当电键 S 闭合后,通过 1R的电流为 0.2 安。求:① 两端的电压 U;②电阻 2的阻值.21. 如图 9 所示的电路中,电源电压为 6 伏且保持不变,滑动变阻器 1R上标有“20Ω 2A”字样。当电键 S 闭合后,通过 2R的电流为 0.3 安。①求 2R消耗的电功率 P;②当 1连入电路的阻值为 5 欧时,求电流表 A 的示数 I;③移动滑片 P,两电流表示数的比值变为 2/3。请计算此时 1R连入电路的阻值。22. 如图 10 所示,甲、乙两个质量均为 2 千克的实心均匀圆柱体放在水平地面上。甲的底面积为 3410米 2,乙的体积为 30.81米 。求:①乙的密度 乙 ;②甲对地面的压强 p甲 ;③若甲的底面积是乙的 1.5 倍,在甲、乙的上部沿水平方向 分别切去 m甲 和 乙 ,再将切去部分互叠在对方剩余部分的上方,使甲、乙对水平地面的压强相等。请比较 甲 和 乙 的大小关系及求出两者的差值。5五、实验题(共 18 分)23. 在“测定物质的密度”实验中,需要测出物质的体积和________。在“验证阿基米德原理”实验中,用__________测物体所受浮力的大小。在“用电流表测电流”实验中,电流表应_______(选填“串联”或“并联” )在电路中。在“用滑动变阻器改变电路中的电流”实验中,滑动变阻器如图 11 所示,当使用________两个接线柱时,不能达到改变电流的目的。24. 小华在“测定小灯泡的电功率”时,所用器材及电路连接如图 12 所示。在连接电路时电键应该_________,滑动变阻器的主要作用是________(选填字母:A 多次测量求平均值;B 多次实验得到普遍规律;C 使小灯两端电压为额定电压) ,在移动滑片的过程中,眼睛应该注意观察__________。根据图示信息,他______(选填“能”或“不能” )达成实验的目的。25. 某同学研究容器对水平地面压力的变化情况。他在盛有水的薄壁柱形容器中放入不同的实心物体,物体浸没在水中且沉底,实验过程均如图 13 所示,并用传感器测出容器对水平地面的压力变化量 F,相关的数据记录在表一中。①分析比较实验序号________中 F与 物 的关系及相关条件,可得出的初步结论是:浸没在水中且沉底的实心物体,当 V物 相同时, 随 物 的增大而增大;②分析比较实验序号 1 与 2(或 3 与 4,或 5 与 6)中 F与 V物 的关系及相关条件,可得出的初步结论是:_______________________________________________________;③进一步分析表一中的数据,发现浸没的物体沉入水底后,存在 相同的现象。若用其它物体进一步实验,请在表二中填入拟进行实验的数据。________________26. 小王在“用电流表、电压表测电阻”的实验中,元件均完好,电源电压为 2 伏的整数倍,滑动6变阻器上标有“20Ω 2A”字样。他正确连接电路,实验步骤正确,闭合电键后,电流表的示数如图 14(a)所示;当把滑动变阻器的滑片 P 恰好移到中点时,电压表示数如图 14(b)所示;小王继续移动滑片 P,在确保安全的情况下,又测得电路中的最大电流为 0.42 安。根据以上信息,小张经思考后认为,小王所用的电源电压为 6 伏,请你通过计算说明,小张的判断是正确的。_____________请将下表填写完整。___________________(计算电阻时,精确到 0.1 欧)7参考答案1、选择题1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A B D C D B B C2、填空题9. 1.5;串联;22010.千克每立方米;质量为 0.8×103千克;煤油11. 20;2×10 3;变小12. 2.94;不变;变小13. 0.2;30;3014.电;5;550015. 316.7;-56.5;增加;降低16.R;灯 L’发光,灯 L 不发光:灯 L 短路/灯 L’不和 L 均不发光:灯 L 断路/灯 L’不和 L 均发光:电阻 R 断路3、作图题17.略18.略四、计算题19. 9.8×103Pa20.①4V ②40Ω21.①1.8W ②1.5A ③10Ω22.①2.5×10 3kg/m3 ②4.9×10 3Pa ③△m 甲 <△m 乙 ;0.4kg5、实验题23.质量;弹簧测力计;串联;AB24.断开;C;电压表示数;不能25.①1 与 3 与 5 或 2 与 6 ②浸没在水中且沉底的实心物体,当 ρ 物 相同时,△F 随 V 物 的增大而增大③1.2×10 3;2.0×10 -426. 计算略;实验次数 电压/伏 电流/安 电阻/欧 电阻平均值/欧1 1.6 0.22 7.32 0.35 7.13 3.0 7.17.21上海市浦东新区 2018 届九年级英语上学期期末教学质量检测(一模)试题 Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)Ⅰ. Listening comprehension(听力理解) (共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8 分)7. A. In June. B. In May. C. In July. D. In March.8. A. A teacher. B. A shop assistant. C. A shop manager. D. A bank clerk.9. A. Clean the kitchen. B. Lay the table.C. Cook with Jenny. D. Enjoy the dinner.10. A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy. D. Snowy.11. A. At 1:00 p.m. B. At 2:00 p.m. C. At 3:00 p.m. D. At 5:00 p.m.12. A. In the library. B. In the cinema.C. In the restaurant. D. In the book store.13. A. Because they get lost again. B. Because he doesn’t feel very well.C. Because the car needs repairing. D. Because he’s not sure how far they can go.14. A. The woman lives in a house on Lake Street.B. The woman doesn’t want to live with her roommate.C. The woman wants to share a house with Rob.D. The woman and her roommate want to move into Rob’s house.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)2(6 分)15. When Jason opened the hotel room door in Hawaii, it was 10:30 p.m.16. Jason walked out onto the balcony to breathe the warm and fresh night air.17. Jason was a guest of Room 645 and was locked in his bathroom that night.18. Jason climbed over to the balcony of the neighbour and asked for help.19. The clerk of the front desk heard Jason’s shouts and came to help him.20. From then on, Jason would possibly be more careful than before.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词) (10 分)21. You should know the lines so well that you needn’t ________ ________ forgetting them.22. You can practice in an _________ ________ and make sure everyone can hear the word.23. Most people agree that nerves(紧张)are a good thing and actually _______ _______.24. Besides walking, jogging, talking and staying alone, find out what _______ _______ to relax.25. Do not forget to ________ ________ when you have done everything you can to prepare properly.Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) (共 20 分)26. Which of the following word matches the sound /fɪə/?A. fill B. fear C. fair D. feel27. The students are planning to have ______ outdoor barbecue party next week.A. a B. an C. the D. /28. This shopping mall is quite empty. There are _____ people here.A. few B. little C. many D. much29. Please connect the speakers _____ the CD player so that we can hear the songs clearly.A. by B. of C. at D. to30. ---Does this story book belong to ______?---No. I left mine at home.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself31. Amy _____ shares her happy moments with Cathy. They are best friends.A. always B. hardly C. never D. seldom32. All passengers ______ go through safety check before they take the underground.A. can B. may C. must D. shall33. The comic strips should be full of action to keep the readers ______.A. interests B. interesting C. interested D. interest334. Jennifer sent several emails to Mary. Unluckily, _____ of them reached her.A. both B. neither C. all D. none35.“Don’t take your _____ dictionary without asking. You should ask him first.”The teacher said.A. classmate B. classmate’s C. classmates D. classmates’36. The more colourful the picture in our mind is, the ______ we will remember the word.A. good B. well C. better D. best37. Our government enables us ______ home safely when we’re in trouble, wherever we are.A. go B. going C. goes D. to go38. Nancy _______ lots of work for the school union since she went to university.A. did B. will do C. has done D. had done39. Many journalists _______ the police about the international case a while ago.A. interviewed B. interview C. are interviewing D. had interviewed40. ______ important it is for teenagers to imagine freely in their life!A. What B. What a C. What an D. How41. Online games are very interesting, ______ children can’t spend too much time on it.A. and B. but C. so D. or42. My father asked,“______ wallet is this? I found it on the table.”A. What B. Which C. Who D. Whose43. ---______ can the next-generation Fuxing train run?---It can run up to more than 400 km an hour.A. How long B. How fast C. How far D. How soon44. ---Please give my best wishes to your parents.---___________.A. Thank you, I will. B. Not at all. C. Don’t say so. D. Yes, I do.45. ---_____.---Well done!A. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. B. How are you getting on with your work?C. I passed an important test yesterday. D. Why not go to the cinema with me?Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共 8 分)A. continues B. serious C. apply D. strong E. wild4Animal bitesIf an animal bites you, you can wash the part with soap and water and ___46___ the wound with a clean cloth if it is a bleeding. Bites by ___47___ animals like bats, rats and foxes may cause terrible diseases. If this happens ask for advice from a doctor.Nosebleeds(流鼻血)Although they are scary, nosebleeds are not strange in children and they usually aren’t ___48___. Let the person sit up with his or her head forward. Do not let the person lean back as this may cause coughing. Press the soft part of the nose for at least 10 minutes. If the nosebleed ___49___ after this, ask for advice from a doctor.A. gently B. ambulance C. immediately D. care E. agentInsect stings(虫叮)Although insect stings can be awful, they usually don’t require treatment by a doctor. They still need emergency(紧急)medical ___50___. If a bee stings the person, remove it ___51___ with a hand. Wash the part with soap and water. Use ice or a cool wet cloth to make it less painful. If there are any signs of getting worse, call a(n) ___52___.Knocked-out tooth(碰落的牙)Find the knocked-out tooth. Wash the tooth in milk or salt water. Store it in milk until you get to the dentist. Ask for help from a dentist or go to an emergency room ___53___. It may help you save the tooth.Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (共 8 分)54. A survey shows __________ work six hours on average on weekdays.(German)55. He is excited that _________ amazing performance in the game attracted people’s attention.(he)56. We still need ________ more assistants for the teen center library.(second)57. My father told me that he was tired because of the _________ of the lecture.(long)58. In _________ years, Alipay is more and more popular all over the world.(recently)59. Hardworking children are more likely to _________ in the future.(success)60. It is true that computers calculate very fast and _________ give wrong answers.(rare)61. To live happily, please close the door on __________ experiences in your memory.(happy)Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求完成句子。第 62-67 小题每5空限填一词) (共 14 分)62. The confident woman enjoys singing in front of large crowds.(改为一般疑问句)________ the confident woman _________ singing in front of large crowds?63. 3-D printing technology first appeared in the 1980s.(改为反意疑问句)3-D printing technology first appeared in the 1980s, ________ ________?64. The young designer created some beautiful clothing designs for spring.(就划线部分提问)__________ did the young designer _________ for spring?65. At the Spring Festival, we hang many coloured lights from the building.(改为被动语态)At the Spring Festival, many coloured lights ________ ________ from the building.66. Unless you clean your teeth regularly, you may get toothache.(保持句意基本不变)_________ you ________ clean your teeth regularly, you may get toothache.67.“Have you ever ridden a shared-bike?”Linda asked her mom.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)Linda asked her mom _________ she ________ ever ridden a shared-bike.68. they, to deal with, the way, the problem, have not found(连词成句)____________________________________________________________________________Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)Ⅵ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解) (共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12 分)Your sister often volunteers for the People’s Food Bank. She shows you a poster about this charity.669. According to the poster, you should not donate _______ to the People’s Food Bank.A. cereal B. rice C. tinned food D. milk70. According to the poster, food that _____ is accepted.A. can’t be used after 25 December B. won’t go bad until AprilC. will go bad in one month D. helps to feed the Christmas tree71. According to the poster, people who ______ are not helped by the donations.A. are too busy to cook B. have no place to live inC. are blind and poor D. have money problems72. What cannot we do for People’s Food Bank?A. Do volunteer work. B. Save money online.C. Learn about fund-raising activities. D. Bring food to the collection points.73. People’s Food Bank _____.A. stores food for Christmas tree B. sells food to the people in needC. reminds people not to waste food D. purchases food for the community74. The main purpose of the poster is to _______.A. look for volunteers B. set up a food bankC. celebrate Christmas D. introduce a kind of charity workB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文) (12 分)Do you feel cool and calm? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. In today’s society, many people find it difficult to slow down. Fast-paced lifestyles make it hard for many to really relax. The good news is you needn’t ___75___ to a nice place for relaxation. You can experience these in the middle of a stress-filled life.Better thinkingThe ability of relaxation depends more on your thinking than your situation. The next time when you suffer from worry, think about the situation. What is the problem? What is the cause? Most importantly, what can you do about it? Then, make an“action plan”or a“to-do list”to help you feel less worried. ___76___, if the situation is not in your hands, you should let it go. Take a walk, exercise and talk to a friend to get your mind off the problem.A habit of relaxingEven the busiest people arrange short periods of relaxation into their timetable. They do so because they know it’s ___77___. The time you spend relaxing is an important period. A 10-minute break in the middle of a long workday can increase your productivity(生产力). You can find a(n) ___78___, such as exercise, a hot bath or favourite TV show, to make you come to life. A few restful hours of doing something you really enjoy may help you to face a busy week.Restful sleepUnfortunately, not being able to relax causes some people to lose their most important rest: sleep. If that’s you, write everything on your mind in your diary before going to bed. Write down both problems and possible ___79___. This can help you release thoughts that might prevent you from getting needed sleep.Finally, ___80___ your disadvantages. You can’t do everything perfectly, but you 7can get the rest and relaxation you need to do many things better.75. A. capture B. escape C. discover D. manage76. A. So B. However C. Above allD. As a result77. A. necessary B. dramatic C. common D. traditional78. A. place B. location C. activityD. event79. A. ideas B. exercises C. suggestionsD. solutions80. A. deny B. explain C. recognize D. catchC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14 分)Every morning Sarah turns on her computer. First, she checks her email. Then, she v___81___ a social networking website to find out what her friends are doing. On this website, she reads news from her friends. For example, she may look at comments her friends made about movies, music, books and other friends. On her page, Sarah writes a short a___82___ about what she is doing. Like many young people, Sarah enjoys meeting and communicating with others on social networks. These websites let people see what their friends are doing and thinking.Social networking sites become more and more popular every day, and they are popular all around the world. Why has the social networking s___83___ to different users so quickly?One reason is because people are social. We like to communicate with other people. We use cell phones, email, QQ and websites to learn what our friends are doing.Social networking sites are interactive(互动)and personal. People can share photographs with each other. They can tell people what they are doing at any moment and keep in touch. They can post a link to site with their favourite song or band. Many people post their videos on sites like YouTube. Other users can give their o___84___ on these photos and videos. This makes these websites become more popular.Being able to write on the site is a___85___ reason. In the past, websites only had information for users to read. Today, the Internet is more interactive than it was in the past. Now anyone can have their own website, blog, or page on sites like Facebook. Readers are now also writers and can add materials to the Web e___86___. People can express their own ideas, and they can put their own experience online.Social networking sites have become widely used among all ages. D___87___ college, students spend almost two hours every day on Facebook. Teenagers and older people often use their sites as well. The Internet keeps changing, but one thing is clear: People enjoy using websites to share and communicate online.D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题) (12 分)Tim was running for(竞选)grade president. He and his friend Zack were putting up 8coloured posters in the school garden. They wrote, “TIM SHOULD WIN!”A fifth grader walked by them and saw the poster in the library. He read the poster and asked,“Why? Why should you win?”and then walked away.Tim had never thought about why before. He knew that he was popular in his grade and a lot of students would vote for him.“I suppose you should have some changes in the poster”,Zack suggested,“More break time? Hey, how about that new coffee machine in the boys’ changing room you’re always talking about?”At home, Tim and Zack made up new posters that said,“VOTE TIM: New coffee machine in the boys’ changing room. Everyone will play soccer at lunch.”The next day at school, some of Tim’s regular friends avoided him, especially the girls,“What’s the matter with everyone?”Tim puzzled while standing in the lunch line.“I’ll tell you what’s wrong,”said a small girl in line behind him.“Almost no one likes your campaign promises(竞选承诺). The girls couldn’t care less if you’re going to get a coffee machine in the boys’ changing room. And, nobody wants to be told they have to play soccer at break, Some people like to play other games.”Tim thought about what he could do. Tim and Zack decided to conduct a survey among the fourth graders and make a bar graph according to the result. Then they made up new campaign posters. The students were pleased with Tim’s promises on the posters. They started talking to him agai
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