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1、DIY的申请流程。选学校。网上能搜到学校的官网。 “另外,可以在人人网、facebook 上面找学校的在读生,问他们有无好的推荐。在读生提供的信息会比较客观,比如上课时,老师具体是怎么讲解的,上课的模式是什么,这些官网没有,中介更加不会知道。 ”申请材料。学校官网都会写得很详细。 “比如你不清楚个人陈述怎么写,官网上有学校邮箱,你可以写邮件问。文书你可以自己写,也可以先自己写完找外国人帮你修改,这样就能有原汁原味的英文逻辑了。 ”托福、雅思等考试。 “怎么报名、怎么考,网站上都有,也有专门做这块的培训机构。 ”签证。 “大使馆的官网上都有说明,也有专门签证的机构,费用在 1500-2000元人

2、民币左右。”其他的一些建议:一些学校在中国会有代理,比如瑞士格里昂高等教育学院在北京有招生代表处,可以帮助学生申请,而不收任何人工费用。【达人支招】 DIY留学,申请费不到中介费的 1/10 “自己申请留学其实并不复杂,不单省钱还能保证申请学校的质量。 ”回杭州过暑假的伦敦艺术大学大二学生 W告诉记者。两年前,W 找到杭州一家留学中介:“想去英国读新传媒类的大学。 ”花了一万多元的中介费,虽然除了提供高中成绩单等必要材料外其他全委托中介操办,省了不少心,但 W到了英国后,进了当时中介极力吹嘘“很强大”的预科学校,感觉被当头浇了一盆冷水。“根本不像他们说的有多么多么好。 ”虽然早已交了 10万多

3、元人民币的学费,读了两个多月后,W 觉得不能再在这里耗费未来,果断决定换学校。这次,W 全部自己做申请,选学校、做材料、联系学校等等,一切顺利,进的预科学校也让她如愿申请到自己理想的大学。“因为自己就受了中介的苦,在英国重新换学校申请,浪费钱(学费不能退)和时间,后来就和几个同学一起成立了一个免费的中国留学生服务组织,帮大家申请英国的大学。 ”W说,他们这个留学生服务组织的成员来自伦敦大学学院、华威大学、杜伦大学等英国名校,之前帮助过几个亲戚朋友的小孩成功完成英国大学申请。“DIY最大的好处是两点:一是省钱,你会发现实际产生的申请费,连中介费用的十分之一都不到。另外是能够保证学校质量,你能直接

4、和学校取得联系,取得所需要的资讯。 ”W介绍,拿申请英国大学预科举例,自己申请也比较简单,挑好学校后,联系学校、下载申请表、准备雅思成绩单、高中成绩单、高中毕业证书、个人陈述、老师推荐信、申请表,艺术设计类还需要作品集等关键材料,并将所有材料都扫描发邮件给学校,大概三周左右就有回音了, “学校可能会要求交一定的申请费,但换算成人民币也就 1000元钱左右,相比动辄上万的中介费简直不算什么。 ”(本文来源:网易教育频道综合 ) 申请美国研究生院相当简便研究生专业若跟大学专业不太对口,没有问题,只要说清楚你为什么“移情别恋”即可。年龄也不是个问题。理论上来说,你即使到了退休年龄,都可以申请读研。网

5、易博客供稿 美国研究生院,英语是 graduate school。台湾人将它翻译成“研究所” ,很容易让大陆人误解成科学院的研究所。graduate,义为大学毕业、有学士学位等。美国大学生毕业后,想继续深造的,就申请就读研究生院。申请美国研究生院,相当简便。对美国学生来说,要递交的材料是:申请表(Application form)大学成绩单(Transcript)GRE(Graduate Record Examination) 或者其他的标准考试成绩(Standardized Test Scores) ,如 GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test) 。推

6、荐信(Letters of recommendation)个人陈述(Personal statement)对于非英语国家的申请人,要再加一个托福成绩。就这些。不需要体检,若有残障,可申请特别照顾。也没有政审,不管你爹妈有否历史问题。申请表都是申请人的基本情况,如实填写即可。附上申请费(大约 50到 100美元) 。大学成绩单,通常要求由学校直接寄。对外国学生,用大学的密封信封,也许允许自己寄。平均分数(GPA)成绩最好是 3.5以上(相当于 85分) 。对 GRE,各校要求不同。最低的要求是,只要考了就行。多数大学有个分数线。推荐信最好来自任课教师,因为推荐信的质量依赖于你和推荐人的关系(re

7、lationship) 。任课教师最了解你的能力和人品,美国研究生院非常重视来自任课教师的推荐信。如果你大学毕业后已经参加工作,那么上司和同事的推荐信也非常有用。个人陈述,不要谦虚,有成绩、有才干,就要说出来,否则人家不知道。这个 PS (Personal statement) 不妨有点 PS(Photoshop) 。找男友的女孩的照片都是 PS过的。只要不拿出范冰冰照片假冒就行了。要强调自己的专业兴趣。若申请读博,看过所申请的研究生院专业教授的论著,不妨说一下, “套瓷”一下。不要提“学成之后报效祖国” ,那留着等签证的时候说,虽然领事半信半疑。研究生专业若跟大学专业不太对口,没有问题,只要

8、说清楚你为什么“移情别恋”即可。年龄也不是个问题。理论上来说,你即使到了退休年龄,都可以申请读研。中国学生最关心的恐怕是资助问题。国际学生在美国读大学本科,很难拿到资助,但是,读研则资助机会很多。研究生奖学金,叫 Fellowship。奖学金有多种,有的连同免学费(Tuition waiver) ,有的要求你做助教(Teaching Assistant)或助研( Research Assistant) ,每周工作 10到 20个小时。奖学金通常根据你的学术水平、工作能力等,来决定是否授予以及授予多少。美国奖学金名目繁多,比如,有专门授予亚洲人的,只要你是亚洲人就符合条件。实在弄不到奖学金,也不

9、必发愁。只要领事相信你的财力,给你签证,到了美国,绝对不会饿死你。我老家是吉林省白山市的,但是由于上大学,我把我的户口迁到长春市了,但是我不知道怎么去办理,我也没有户口簿。办理护照大概需要多长时间才能下来呢?请大家帮帮忙? 1. 打长春市出入境局电话问询一下你这种情况可不可以在长春办护照。 (长春市解放大路 4058,电话:043185611681) 2. 如果可以,就拿身份证 and户口卡(学校户籍处领就可以啦) ,还有 250块钱左右到出入境办理即可。 (护照是 200元,照相 20元,将护照邮寄给你需要 10-20元) 3. 如果得到的答案是必须回白山市办理,那就重复第 2条, (在白山

10、市出入境局去办理即可) 4. 想要电话的话,就打 114查询,都能查到的。很快的。 护照就跟身份证一样,只不过是国际身份证。很好办的,不用担心。 差不多 10个工作日就可以收到啦。申办外国签证的一般程序: l、提交有效的中国护照。 2、提供必要的证明材料。 申请定居或长期居留,一般需要提供经过公证的亲属关系证明;出生、婚姻状况、学历、身份证明以及公安机关出具的“无刑事处分证明“、按双方协议或外国使领馆指定的医院出具的“健康检查证明“等。 申请探亲的,必须提供具有法律效力的经济担保证明及亲属邀请信件。 申请留学的,必须提供拟就读学校的入学通知书及经济担保证明等。 申请就业的,须提供由前往国劳工部

11、门核发的劳工证明或工作许可证。 申请短期入境的,有的国家要求提供往返机票。 申请过境的,须提交目的地国签证或前往该国的联程机票。 3、填写外国签证申请表。同时缴付本人照片,必须与护照上的照片相一致。 4、同前往国驻华大使或领事馆官员会见。但不是所有国家都要求与申请人会见。 5、大使馆或领事馆,将填妥的各种签证申请表格和必要的证明材料呈报国内主管部门审查批准。前往国家的主管部门进行必要的审核后,将审批意见通知驻华使领馆。 6、对获得批准者发给签证。 如果你户口读书前转入学校的话,那就是学校的集体户口,那就在大连办理护照如果你的户口读书前没转入学校的话,那么还在老家朝阳,那就在朝阳办理护照一般办理

12、期限是十五个工作日(一)表格种类 1、护照申请和延期、换发、补发的领取中国公民因私出国申请表 。(二)领取地点1、户口所在地派出所、公安分(县)局出入境管理部门; 2、北京市公安局出入境管理处; 3、出入境管理处海淀、朝阳受理点; 4、网络下载表格,网址:,点击网上办公,再点击出入境管理。(三)填写申请表填写申请表须用黑色或蓝黑色墨水笔填写,要求字迹清楚、整洁,不能涂改。具体填表方法,以下逐一介绍填写栏目:“身份证号码”以户口簿升位后 18位填写(如没有升位仍可填写 15位)!“姓名”使用国家标准简化汉字,与户口簿、身份证一致! “拼音姓名”按普通话拼写!“出生日期”须与户口簿、身份证一致!“

13、出生地”填写省、直辖市即可!“婚姻状况”按实际填写!“政治面貌”可填中共党员、共青团员、民主党派名称或群众!“文化程度”填写国家主管教育部门承认的最高学历! “户口所在地址”填写与户口簿一致的申请人户口所在地的详细地址! “家庭现住址、邮编”请依照家庭现居住地如实填写! “本人身份”须如实依项选择;工作单位填写全称,注明职务;档案与工作单位不一致的填写现在的单位,在备注栏注明档案存放地,退休人员档案在原单位填原单位! “单位地址”须写清单位的具体地址门牌号码!“前往国家地区”按出境后第一个国家,不含过境国家!“原证件号码” “有效期” “签发地” ,延期、换证、再次续签的需填写!“属第几次申请

14、因私出国”填写在公安机关申请出境的次数,未被批准的也合并计算;备注栏说明未被批准情况,出境事由只选择一项!“申请种类” “前往地” “往返次数”和“申请事由”栏须在与申请事由相符的“方块儿”内划“对勾”!“声明”栏内须填写申请人或监护人的签名!赴港澳探亲须填写“港澳地区亲属情况” ;“申请证件种类类别”请按实际申请证件种类只可选择一种!“原护照号码”选择护照延期、换发、补发的请填写此栏!“家庭主要成员”填写配偶、子女、父母、公婆、岳父母、祖父母、外祖父母等,家庭成员在境外的,用中文填写境外单位、地址!“本人简历”从参加工作填起至今,起止日期要准确、衔接!“取证方式”请自愿选择!“以下由申请人所

15、在位组织人事部门填写”是由单位负责人填写,签署意见并盖章签名。(四)提交申请基本步骤1.领表,正常申请可在出入境管理处和朝阳、海淀站点领取; 2.照相,填好表格后拍摄证件专用照片; 3.交表,准备齐相应的材料填好表格,贴好照片后到受理台提交申请; 4.取证,在取证回执单上的日期领取证件,正常取证时间 5个工作日。特别提醒以下人员需要单位出具意见并盖公章:(1)各级党政机关、人大、政协、人民法院、人民检察院、人民团体、事业单位。在职的县(处)级以上的领导干部,离(退)休的厅(局)级以上干部; (2)金融机构,国有企业的法人代表,金融机构分支行(分支公司)以上领导成员及其相应职级的领导干部,国有大

16、中型企业中层以上管理人员,国有控股企业中的国有股权代表。 (3)各部门、行业中涉及国家安全及国有资产安全、行业机密人员。 (4)其他在公安机关出入境管理部门登记备案的人员。只要做好以下 5件事,去办证大厅一趟就可拿到护照了:1、就近在全市 290多个户籍派出所免费领取申请表。2、加盖单位人事部门公章(北京市单位可盖处级章,中央单位盖局级章)。3、贴 2寸护照相片,将身份证和户口簿复印,原件和复印件都要带上。4、交申请表时在大厅一层花 20元办理邮政速递,可以递到您指定的地点。5、正常申请等 14个工作日,加急申请等 5个工作日。工本费用:人民币 200元工本费,领取护照时交付。办公时间、地点、

17、乘车路线1.出入境管理处办公时间:星期一到星期六(法定节假日除外) 8:3016:30。留学护照在校大学生护照办理须知 如果你是在校大学生,想出国办护照户口最好不要迁到学校,或者在迁户口到学校之办好护照,不然到时候你又要将户口迁回原籍才能办理护照,因为集体户口一般是不办理护照的。 办理护照所需共同材料及办理步骤 1. 到户口所在地公安部门申请护照.。 2. 申请时提交户口本, 身份证正本和复印件.。 3. 本人近期二寸免冠照片若干.(照片要求见中国公民因私出国证件照片标准 )。 4. 提交与申请事由相关的证明。 5. 提交字迹端正内容完整的出国申请表,单位意见栏上由单位签署意见并加盖公章(详细

18、的说明已印在出国申请表上) 。 6. 本人为单位法人代表的,须提交税务机关出具的企业近期纳税证明或企业近期交税单(需同时提交原件和复印件) 。 7. 如有因私护照需上交;办理过因公出国护照的,须提交省外办出具的因公护照已收回的证明。 8. 审批机关认为确有必要的其他证明。 出国留学所需另外材料 1 大专以上学历的人员(含在校生和在读的“五大生“)申请出国留学,须提交省教委出具的留学审核证明;中专、高中学历须提交档案单位出具的目前最高学历证明。 2 公派留学人员(含国家公派和单位公派留学人员)须提交公派留学人员申请护照登记表 。 3 出国学习宗教课程(含前往宗教院校学习)的,须提交省级以上宗教局

19、出具的同意证明。 参加团队出国旅游所需另外材料 1 提交有出国旅游经营权的旅行社出具的盖有“自费旅游、不准报销“印章的个人全鹅旅游发票原件和复印件,及经省旅游局盖章的中国公民自费出国旅游审核证明 。 2 本人若系*党员须提交单位党委一级出具的出国期间保留党籍证明。 出国劳务、就业所需要另外材料 1 由劳务公司办理的出国劳务人员,须提交有外派劳务经营权的经营公司出具的对外经济合作资格的证明(复印件) ,以及经营公司出具的劳务项目说明。 2 由境外就业服务机构协助办理出国就业的,须提交有境外就业经营权的境外就业服务机构确认的申请人与境外雇主签订的就业合同。 出国探亲访友、个人旅游、商务培训、文化交

20、流、定居等所需另外材料 属文化交流的,须提交省级以上文化部门出具的同意证明。 办理护照补发(换发)所需材料 1. 本人身份证、户口簿原件和复印件.。 2. 本人近期二寸免冠照片 3张(照片要求见中国公民因私出国证件照片标准 )。 3. 提交字迹端正内容完整的护照补发(换发)申请表。 4. 护照遗失地公安派出所出具的报失证明(护照在国外遗失的,须提交我驻外使、 领馆签发的旅行证) 。 5. 护照遗失声明作废的登报证明(市级以上报纸) 。 6. 换发护照须提交本人护照及护照复印件(包括护照内资料页) 说明: 1. 申请人护照遗失申请补办时需改变原出境事由或前往国的,须提交相应的证明材料。 2. 遗

21、失的护照已超过有效期的,需重新申请。 3. 护照遗失自报失之日起三个月后,方予补发。 4. 护照被涂改、损坏,在接受有关部门的处罚终结三个月后,可申请换发。资金来源解释模板 1Funds Source Explanation and Supporting Letter声明:本说明适用于 12月存期完全满足,资金来源清晰简单,父母工作稳定,有足够存款的同学。个人创意:将 Supporting letter和资金解释做到一起,如借鉴请慎用,本人的这种写法较为少见,为安全、诚信,不让大使馆换怀疑,请勿完全抄袭,谢谢。Dear Sir / Madam:My name is *. I am the ap

22、plicant * mother. I was born in * and I am currently employed as *at *. I have been working as a* since *.*s father *was also born in * and has been working at * for nearly * years as the*. Before this, he was the * of *.He has been working in the government sector since *.After careful consideratio

23、n, our only child * decided to go to Canada to pursue his Master degree in the field of Civil Engineering in the University of Alberta for 2 years. * industry always have broader career prospect in China which means our son will make his advanced technologies and skills learned into useful practice

24、in motherland, we are happy for him to go Canada for better education. To support his daily life and study, his father and I are willing to provide our savings RMB * Yuan (about CDN $ *) and other necessary support.My income details are as follows:In 2007: Total income is RMB * Yuan.In 2008: Total i

25、ncome is RMB * Yuan.In 2009: Total income is RMB * Yuan.In 2010: Monthly income is RMB * Yuan.My husbands income details are as follows:In 2007: Total income is RMB * Yuan.In 2008: Total income is RMB * Yuan.In 2009: Total income is RMB * Yuan.In 2010: Monthly income is RMB * Yuan.Our incomes includ

26、e basic salary and allowance; the personal income tax has been deducted and paid by respective institutes.Basically, our familys living expenses and our sons tuition fee will account for40%-50% of our total income. So our accounts have positive bank balance and able to save a portion of our income a

27、fter expense. Our savings equate to the amount of: RMB * Yuan (about CDN $*), which will be able to cover our sons living costs (about CDN $ */month), tuition fees (CDN $ */year) and round-trip airline tickets. His father and I are willing to provide extra funds for our son in case of an emergency.

28、All these money comes from our salaries, allowance and welfares. The two original Deposit Slips are also attached and all these funds will be used to support our son whenever he may need.Particularly, due to the characteristics of our professional careers, working as a government official like my hu

29、sband and working as a teacher in the college like me, both of our careers are quiet stable and our income are sufficient to cover any additional expenses. In addition, my parents and my husbands father are all retired now and have sufficient retirement pension, so we will take emotional care of the

30、m instead of offering them monetary resources.Usually, I deposited both my salaries and allowances of several months and my husbands into the bank with a fixed term (Put the money in Time Deposit accounts for usually one year). Then I withdrew from these Time Deposit accounts when the term ended and

31、 held for another term together with interests and our latest salaries and allowances again. Year by year, we have accumulated enough money, since we have the plan for our sons overseas education and in order to make it clear, I deposited the estimated amount of funds at POSTAL SAVINGS BANK OF CHINA

32、 on*, 2009 and divided the funds into two sums (one is RMB * Yuan, and the other is RMB * Yuan) when our son was preparing for his IELTS exam. At that time, our son was not sure about to go to which country and which university, so I have no idea about how much the tuition fee and living expense are

33、, and different countries will require different amount of funds to apply visa, the deposit type I chose was Time Deposit, I do not want to cause the loss of the of bank interests if unnecessary, that is why I divided the funds into two sums and two original Certificates of Deposit attached now.When

34、 our son finished IELTS exam in * 2009, at that moment more or less I understood the funds should have its history no matter which country he is going to, that is why I did not hold for another term when the two Time Deposit accounts were due on *, 2010, so the funds shows the history of nearly *mon

35、ths now.As a professor, I know how important the higher education is for our only child, and we firmly believe that education is an important part of life and the cost of education is an advisable investment which will benefit our child a lot no matter what age. It is our honor if our son is able to

36、 study in Canada, we are happy to support his study.Given our savings and our stable and decent jobs, we are sure that it will not influence the future life of our family and our son will not have any financial issues in Canada and we guarantee that he will not do anything against the laws. And we a

37、lso guarantee he will immediately return back to China on completion of his Master degree. We will assume any responsibilities. Please give kind consideration to our sons visa application. Thanks a lot!If you have any queries on any funding, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.Your

38、s faithfully,Signature (Mother) _Signature (Father) _Telephone:*Date:*, 2010.资金来源解释模板 2Dear Sir or Madam:We are the father * and the mother * of the applicant * and her financial sponsors in Canada.1 Basic information about our familys assets* has worked since*after he graduated *. He has 。* has wor

39、ked in *since * after she graduated On October 17, 19*, *opened a Shanghai shareholder account (No.*) (please refer to Page 1 of the Appendix) and began to invest our extra money into the share and bond markets. Up to January 25, 2008, the total investment asset of the family had been * (please refe

40、r to Page 2 of the Appendix). Up to February 17, 2009, RMB * Yuan had been transferred out from the share account to the bank account (please refer to Page 3 of the Appendix). The balance of the investment asset is *Yuan (please refer to Page 4 of the Appendix).2 Statement of source of RMB * YuanIt

41、is mainly from our securities investment account.Page 5 of the Appendix certifies that* set up the transfer relation between the securities account opened in * and the bank account (No.*) in Industrial Bank on September 26, 20*.Page 7 of the Appendix is the transaction sheets for selling the enterpr

42、ise bond from the securities account after * received the admission letter from Canada via email. On February 17, 2009, RMB * Yuan was transferred from the securities account to the bank account (please refer to Page 3 of the Appendix). Page 8 of the Appendix is the voucher for withdrawing RMB * Yua

43、n from bank card for the transfer (No.*). Page 9 of the Appendix is the evidence of depositing RMB * Yuan (time deposit six months).The above is our statement on the capital source.For her beloved *program and to have broader career prospect (we have classmates and friends who are general managers o

44、f the* companies), our daughter*plans to study in Canada. We are willing to provide our saving RMB * Yuan to her study in Canada. We believe it will not influence our future life. We guarantee that our daughter will never have any financial problems in Canada and guarantee that she will never have o

45、ffence against the laws. We will assume any responsibilities. We hope you may consider our daughters application for visa. Thank you.资金来源解释模板 3Income statementDear Sir or Madam,Im *, the applicants mother. I have been working in * since 1989. From 1992 to now, I work as the vice manager and manager

46、in Audit Department, also concurrently as law counselor. In Nov.1993, it renamed to *. Its one of the first officially authorized trade companies specified in import and export knitwear business for over 30 years. It ranks among the top 500 enterprises in import and export and export turnover by Chi

47、nas governmental statistics.We are exploring and developing new business orientations while consolidating our position in keeping abreast with the latest demands of our customers spread out over 70 countries and regions. So the salary and welfare of our employees is perfect in the same industry. Ove

48、r the past year, my whole year income is always about RMB 110,000, including basic salary, position salary, .allowance, season and year bonus, and welfare.My husband * worked in * as the office and finance director in 1989 after he tired from the PLA. Because of the short of economic benefits, he ha

49、d to leave there in May 1995. Then he worked as the department manager in * Co. Ltd. From Feb, 1999 to Dec. 2001 and became the department manager in *. In Oct. 2001 my husband came to * Co., Ltd as the vice-manager and producer. * Co., Ltd is the Agent of the advertising of *, they produce at least 20 public advertisement an


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