1、.补全短文根据所给中文完成下列短文。那是我第一次到英国。登上飞机那一刻, 我相信自己很有可能迅速融入英国人的生活。可是, 一到英国, 我就惊呆了:我听不懂英国人的话。我意识到必须尽快调节自己以适应新的环境。我重新学起了口语, 一有机会我就和当地人对话, 好心的人们经常鼓励我再接再厉。我的口语进步很快, 这有助于我更好地了解英国。很快, 我就能表达自如, 甚至适应了靠左驾驶。后来, 我觉得在英国非常自在, 有时竟有了如鱼得水的感觉。It was my first time that I had been to Britain.1. _ ,I believed that I could fit i
2、n with the life in Britain very soon. However on my arrival in Britain, I was numb with shock. 2. _. I realized that I must adjust myself to the new surroundings as soon as possible. Therefore I took up oral English again and I seized every chance to talk with the local people, who always kindly enc
3、ouraged me to keep it up. 3. _, which helped me know better about Britain. Very soon, I could 4. _ and I even got used to 5. _, later I found it comfortable to live in Britain and sometimes I even felt just like a fish in water. _答案:1.When I went on board 2I couldnt understand their language3I made
4、rapid progress in spoken English4express myself freely 5driving on the left.话题写作请根据汉语提示写一篇短文,可以适当增加细节、变动句型使文句流畅通顺。12007 年,特大暴风雪袭击了中国南部。2这是 50 年来人们经历的最可怕的一次暴风雪。3我们的学校张贴海报,呼吁我们援助雪灾区和灾民。4师生积极提供帮助,捐赠书籍、衣服和钱等。5三周后,我们收到一封感谢信,高度赞扬我们的行为。6我们能够做一些事来帮助别人, 我们都感到自豪和高兴。_答案:In 2007, heavy snowstorms hit the southe
5、rn part of China and it was the most terrible one in the past 50 years. Therefore, our school put up a poster, calling on us to aid the snowstricken areas and the victims. The teachers and students were eager to offer help, donating books, clothes and money and so on. Three weeks later, a thankyou letter written by the victims was sent to us, speaking highly of our kindness. We all felt proud and happy because we were able to do something to help others.