1、 同学:你好!现将论文撰写的时间安排、格式规定如下:撰写时间:提纲:2011 年 1 月 20 日前初稿:2011 年 3 月 20 日前终稿:2011 年 4 月 20 日前提交论文的终稿必须电脑打印、装订成册、一式两份。论文答辩时间:4 月下旬、5 月上旬论文纸张:A4论文格式:1. 装订成册的论文终稿应该包含有:封面、中英文摘要和关键词、目录/提纲、正文、注释、参考书目。2. 论文必须全用英文撰写,词数在 3000 以上。3. 封面毕业论文登记表和封底在南师大自学考试网 http:/ 2010(下)实践性环节考核安排中下载打印。封面上的内容由考生如实、认真填写,与论文装订成册;毕业论文登
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3、度对你的设想加以介绍,对你的观点加以阐述,必须实践与理论相结合,不可纯粹经验型的介绍,也忌纸上谈兵。Conclusion 是论文的最后部分,作者通常在这一部分提出明确的结论,说明该选题尚有待于进一步研究的方面,这一部分也可看作是全文的结束语。参考书目 References/Bibliography 是任何学术论文必不可少的部分,若不认真阅读、参考和你的选题有关的著作、杂志,则不可能写出有一定质量的论文。然而, “参考”并不意味着“抄写” 。必要时,可以引用原文,以(更有力地)阐述你的观点,但必须注明出处。参考书目按西文和中文分开列出,都按姓氏的 26 个字母顺序排列。每一书目的书写顺序是:姓、
4、名、年代、文章标题(或书名) (西文文章标题和书名必须以斜体打印) 、杂志名称(或出版社名称) 。具体请参阅“sample references”参考书目不得少于 15 条8. 论文严禁抄袭。如有抄袭,一经查实,按作弊处理。9. 请各位同学严格按照要求撰写论文及按时提交,否则将不安排答辩。祝各位同学论文撰写顺利!样本OutlineI. Introduction (The summary of the story Tess of the DUrbervilles and an introduction to the tragedy of Tess)II. Analysis of the caus
5、e of Tesss tragedyA. the society: the determinant factor a. the destruction of English agrarian culture by modern technology and commercial interests b. the Victorian moral standardsB. two men: Alec and Angela. Alec-the direct cause b. Angel-the indirect while more important causeC. Tess herselfa. h
6、er kindness-she sacrifices her happiness for her familyb. her conservatism in morality-she gives up her rights to pursue her happinessIII. Conclusion( The tragedy of Tess is the tragedy of her time, which is inevitable.) AbstractTess of the DUrbervilles is the tragic story of a beautiful country gir
7、l, Tess DUrbervilles. It is the truthful portrayal of the tragic lot of a poor girl, a pure woman, ruined by the bourgeois society. This paper analyses her tragedy from three aspects. First, for the social reason: The destruction of English agrarian culture by modern technology and commercial intere
8、sts, plus with the Victorian moral standards are the determinant factor. Second, for the reason of the two men with whom Tess develops sexual relations: Alec seduces her and makes her mistress, who gives Tess endless sufferings physically and who is the direct factor of Tesss tragedy; While Angel de
9、serts Tess cruelly and destroys her mentally, who plays an important role in the family and gives up her rights to pursue her happiness, which aggravates the tragedy of her fate. In the conclusion, it is mentioned that the tragedy of Tess is the tragedy of her time, so it is inevitable. However, Tes
10、s is the most striking character Hardy has ever crated and her tragedy has a permanent artistic charm in the literary history.Key Words: tragedy destruction of English agrarian Victorian moral standards Ales and Angel sacrifice conservatism 中文版“摘要”和“关键词”Bibliography(1) Hardy, Thomas, Tess of The DUr
11、bervilles. China: Foreign Languages press.1996(2) Kramer, Dale: Thomas Hardy, 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000(3) Peck, John. How to Study a Thomas Hardy Novel. Great Britain: Macmillan PublishersLTD.1987(4) 桂扬清 吴祥林编著:英美文学选读M,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1998(5) 陈焘宇编选:哈代创作论集M,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992(6) 张世君:鉴赏M,成都:重庆出版社,1986(7) 王群:从苔丝看哈代的创作思想J ,外国文学研究,1992(1)8083(8) 聂珍钊:苔丝命运的典型性和社会性质J ,外国文学,1986(5):116121(9) 朱红:英美文学散文M ,北京:三联书店,1984(10) 张中载:托马斯.哈M ,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1987