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1、教学设计Reading教学设计思想普通高中英语课程标准(实验) 中指出:“教师要善于结合教学实际的需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。 ”本单元以节日为话题,内容比较贴近生活,比较容易被学生接受。根据这个特点,笔者把阅读和写作整合在一起,采用任务型教学方法,引导学生通过观察、归纳、对比和总结等方法了解文章内容,并结合实际为学生提供运用语言知识的机会。活动从整体入手,由易到难,步步推进,为学生的语言输入作了充分准备,从而使语言的输出水到渠成。教材内容分析根据学科教学指导意见的要求,教师在教学中应以单元话题为核心,以结构和功能项目为主线,组

2、织和安排听、说、读、写的活动,通过“任务型”活动来实现教学目标,使学生能够通过亲身参与和实践,感悟和体验英语,发展语言技能,进而逐步获得综合语言运用能力。本单元话题围绕世界不同节日以及节日所传递的意义展开,第一篇阅读材料是几个典型节日的介绍,第二篇阅读材料是一个发生在情人节的爱情故事,单元的写作任务为续写爱情故事的结局。笔者认为,本单元的写作任务离学生的生活比较远,因而决定重新设计写作任务,从阅读课的第一课时延伸出去要求学生给一位外国笔友回信介绍中外两大重要节日,目的是让学生能结合实践更好地运用阅读获取的信息。教学目标知识技能 a)培养学生把握文章脉络和进行整体阅读的能力;b)学习掌握一些常用

3、的描绘节日的词句和表达法;如:honour the dead,on the feast day,in memory of,dress up,play a trick,national festival, decorate,religious and social festival,lucky money in red paper,etc.Some festivals are held to. It is the custom to.c)培养和提高英语表达能力,形成用英语获得信息、处理信息以及用英语思维和表达相关话题,运用所学知识解决实际问题。情感态度a)通过了解各国典型节日的庆祝方式,帮助学生


5、教学方法。力求使课堂生动活泼,知识容量大,从而激发学生学习兴趣,使学生乐学好学。把“寓思想教育于语言教学之中”的教学思想贯彻在教学中,激发学生带着问题去思考并分析整理形成自己的观点。课前准备课前指导学生做好充分的词汇和课文预习工作,要求学生通过多种手段了解与节日相关的知识。教师做好信息收集和多媒体制作,并对学生在讨论话题中可能出现的创造性答案进行预测,以便教师在课堂中可以更好地引导学生和组织课堂。教学过程Step 1 Warming upActivity 1:Have a discussion among students.a)Show a calendar,and let students

6、guess why some of the days are printed in red.(possible answer:festival,redletter days,etc.)b)Festivals are meant to celebrate important events.Different countries have different festivals.List five festivals that you know.c)Which is your favourite holiday of the year?Why?【设计说明】1)用几页日历来展开课堂是激发学生学习兴趣

7、的一种有效手段。以日历上的“红日子”为话题,并以抢答形式调动讨论的气氛,在讨论过程中话题层层深入,让学生的回答从单词到短语到句子,降低了学生的开口紧张度。2)通过回忆有关描述节日的词汇,可帮助学生复习所学的词汇,也能让老师借机引入新词汇,为课文的阅读作好铺垫。Activity 2:Present one email from an epal from England and talk about how to organize a reply to the email.(信的部分内容为:I hear Chinese people also celebrate Christmas these y

8、ears and I wonder how you celebrate it.Besides,which is more important to you now,Christmas or the Spring Festival?)【设计说明】邮件中涉及的内容是与节日相关的话题,在导入的第二步呈现这封邮件,为课堂提供了一个写作任务。运用这封信来导课,更能激发学生通过阅读寻求应答的强烈欲望。Step 2 Fast readingSkimming:Skim the passage to find out how many types of festivals are mentioned.(whol

9、e class )Scanning:Match the festivals with the purposes of celebrating.(individual work)Obon aa festival to honour ancestorsDragon Boat Festival ba religious festival to celebrate the coming of springHalloween ca childrens festival to ask for sweets or play a trickThanksgiving Day da traditional fes

10、tival for Chinese to admire the moonEaster e a festival in memory of a famous ancient poetQu Yuan MidAutumn Festival fa festival to be grateful because food is gathered【设计说明】在快速阅读阶段设计简单问题能抓住学生的注意力,让全班齐答也是因为任务较简单。第二个扫读任务锻炼了学生快速搜索信息的能力。Step 3 Further comprehensionPresent 4 pictures for students to des

11、cribe the festivals with the useful words in the reading material.Picture 1(Spring Festival )Spring_Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.Its a time to enjoy each others company and have_fun_with_our friends.People eat dumplings,fish and meat,and children may get lucky_money in re

12、d paper.Picture 2(Easter)Easter is an important religious and social festival in Christian countries.It usually comes in February.They might include parades,dancing in the streets day_and_night,loud music and colorful clothing of all kinds.Picture 3(Obon )Obon is a festival held in Japan.People shou

13、ld go to clean_the_graves and light incense_in_memory_of their ancestors.People light_lamps and play music because they think that this will lead_the ancestors back to earth.Picture 4(Thanksgiving festival)Thanksgiving festival is a very happy event.It is the custom to decorate churches and town hal

14、ls with flowers and fruit,and people get together to have meals.Some people might win_awards for their animals, flowers,fruit and vegetables,like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster.【设计说明】本教学环节用看图填词方式来处理,教具的直观激发了学生的参与热情。所设置的活动包括对课文词句的理解,难易有梯度,词汇的填写练习丰富了学生的词汇体系,体现了新课程背景下词汇教学的新理念,为学生的语

15、言输出提供了平台。Step 4 Group workAsk students to work in groups and pick out three things that most festivals seem to have in common.(possible answers:Festivals let us enjoy life,be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.Most celebrations of festivals involved some special food.F

16、estivals remind us of the true meaning of life and let us value what we have had.)【设计说明】通过学生们的合作学习,让他们共同去发现节日创设的意义以及对我们生活的影响。要找出不同节日的共性,在文章中并没有现成的答案,这需要学生认真体会文章的潜在内容,对某些学生具有一定挑战性。对于这样的问题也没有一个统一的答案,这样更能激发学生的创造性思维。在小组共同完成任务的过程中也培养了学生之间互相聆听、互相补充的良好学习习惯。Step 5 DiscussionPresent the email again and discu

17、ss how to give a reply.Q1:How do we Chinese celebrate Spring Festival?Q2:What do you think of Christmas in China?(The teacher should write the key points on the blackboard.For example:get together,set off fireworks, traditional holiday,pay New Year visits to relatives and friends,have fun with,lucky

18、 money in red paper,a time to enjoy ourselves,exchange gifts,Christmas cards,etc.)【设计说明】利用文中所学并结合实际生活,让学生积极探讨回信中必须涉及的两个要点,这样的设计既为学生灵活运用文中信息提供了契机又为进一步写作作了充分的准备。在这样的教学活动中学生的语言表达能力有了很好的锻炼。Step 6 HomeworkAsk students to write a reply letter to the email.(within 120 words )【设计说明】作业设计要求完成本课开始提到的来信,首尾呼应,有了

19、前面课文的介绍和课中的讨论作铺垫在某种意义上来讲也为学生顺利完成作业作了准备。把作业设计与课堂内容联系起来也是检测学生掌握所学内容的一种有效手段,体现了语言从输入到输出的自然过渡。参考资料:1黄远振新课程英语教与学 ,福建教育出版社 2003 年版 2 新课标教案人民教育出版社 延边教育出版社 2006 年版3教育部:高中英语课程标准 (实验) ,人民教育出版社 2003 年版4 中小学外语教学2006 年第 7 期, 高中课型课例交流与研究Reading罗卫东,浙江省丽水中学教师。本教学设计获浙江省教学设计大赛一等奖。课前准备课前教师研读教材和新课程标准,设计教案和任务型作业,上网收集相关资

20、料,准备中外节日图片,制作课件;准备一些鸡蛋和各种颜料及亮粉。从学生方面了解他们已经对西方的节日有哪些了解以及了解的程度,为上课时能够掌控课堂节奏作准备。教学过程:(课前播放“Jingle Bells”音乐,营造快乐的节日气氛,为本堂课创造情境,也为呈现主题作铺垫。 )Step 1 GreetingsHow are you feeling these days?(通过老师和学生的交流,使他们能够很快进入课堂。 )Step 2 Warming up教师展示相关节日的图片,让学生猜测这些图片分别表现了哪些节日,引导他们小组讨论这些节日的来源以及庆祝的情况。再通过一副表格把学生讨论的结果归纳起来。F

21、estival Time of year/date What it celebrates What people do(通过对这些节日的讨论,学生能够加深对中国传统文化的了解。 )Step 3 BrainstormingChinese public holidaysFestival DateThe Spring Festival Lunar January 1The Lantern Festival Lunar January 15The Treeplanting Day March 12The Qingming Festival April 5 or soThe Dragon Boat Fe

22、stival Lunar May 5The Double Seventh Festival Lunar July 7Teachers Day September 10The Double Ninth Festival Lunar September 9The National Day October 1Festivals in foreign countries or in the world:Festival DateNew Years Day January 1Valentines Day February 14April Fools Day April 1Labours Day May

23、1Childrens Day June 1Halloween October 31Thanksgiving Day The fourth Thursday of NovemberChristmas Day December 25(头脑风暴部分使学生对本节课的话题世界各地的节日有所了解,而且学生感兴趣,能够充分展示自己。 )Step 4 Whilereading1PredictionLook at the title and the subtitles.What do you guess the writer will tell us in the passage?(这样可以培养学生的预测能力。

24、 )Look at the pictures.What are the pictures about?Good!People are celebrating festivals.Please describe the pictures.(学生通过口头描述这些图片,能够运用英语来表达自己的想法。现在的高考有很多这种看图写话的文体,只要平时经常进行训练,高考作答时就不会很困难了。 )2SkimmingGo through the whole passage and find out the festivals mentioned here:What festivals are mentioned

25、in the text?(引导学生使用略读策略,找出文章各段中提到的节日。 )3Scanning1)What did ancient festivals celebrate?2)What are festivals of the dead for?3)Why are autumn festivals happy events?4)Name three things people do at spring festivals?4Intensive reading Read the passage paragraph by paragraph and find out the main idea

26、of each paragraph. Paragraph 1:All kinds of celebrations in ancient time.Paragraph 2:The purpose to honour the dead and three examples.Festivals Time Things people doObonDay of the DeadHalloweenParagraph 3:The reasons why we honour people.Festival Who does it celebrate?Dragon Boat FestivalColumbus D

27、ayIndian National FestivalParagraph 4:Autumn festivals are happy events.Paragraph 5:How people celebrate in spring festivals.(精读部分向来是阅读的重点,在这一部分的教学中,教师应精心设计阅读任务,指导学生运用听读,寻读等阅读技巧去抓住课文要点,获取主要信息,理解文章内涵,从上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象等。 )Step 5 Post readingDiscuss with your partner and pick out three things that most fe

28、stivals seem to have in common.Write down these three things,and why you think they might be important to people everywhere.Then fill in the chart on Page 3.(组织学生进行小组合作讨论以便能够更深层次理解课文。 )Step 6 Game制作复活节彩蛋。把学生分成几个小组,在老师的指导下,进行复活节彩蛋的制作。各个小组制作完毕后,让他们展示自己的作品。 (此举既可以加强小组合作,又可以提高学生的学习兴趣并体验不同的文化。 )Step 7 Ac

29、tivities情景:Nowadays,Chinese,especially young people,become so keen on western festivals such as Christmas and Thanksgiving Day.People around celebrate Christmas probably because they want more festivals.A festival should not only be a day that we get together and enjoy ourselves,but more a day that

30、is full of meanings.任务:Work in groups.Imagine that you are going to set and celebrate a new holiday together.1What kind of day will you set to celebrate?2When and why do you decide to celebrate the day?3What will you do on that day?Examples:1Peace Day:No fighting or conflicts are allowed.People lear

31、n and talk about peace.2Happiness Day:People must only do things that will make others happy.People learn about happiness.3Friendship Day:No arguments or fights are allowed.People learn about friendship.4Nature Day:No pollution or destruction of nature is allowed.People learn and talk about nature.最

32、后,每组选派代表陈述讨论结果:I think that the new holiday should be a Peace Day.On this day,no fighting or conflicts are allowed.People will learn and talk about peace.The holiday will celebrate on _and people will celebrate it by_.I think this is the best idea because _.(在活动阶段,教师可以通过各种练习和活动,创设情景,设计任务,促使知识尽快转化为技能

33、,以提高学生将知识和技能转化为实际运用英语的能力,真正达到信息输出的目的。 )Step 8 Homework1Read the text further and finish comprehending exercises and language exercises after it.2Write down your new festival.3Find more information on the Internet about the festivals you have learnt in the text today.(课后作业是课堂教学的延续、深化和补充。 )参考资料:1 普通高中英语课程标准 (实验版)2003,人民教育出版社。2 浙江省普通高中新课程学科教学指导意见 ,2006,浙江教育出版社。3葛文山:关于提高阅读训练效率的几点建议 , 中小学外语教学2001 年第 1期。4陈芳:英语教学目标设计中存在的问题及对策 , 中小学外语教学2006 年第8 期。


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