1、 Issue 王 老师 Issue 写作 方法 及所 有题 库 yingying 2015/10/26 每天列提 纲 积累思路 和 例证 要想拿到理想的分数, 至少要列 issue 和 argument 的提纲各 40 道, 这个工作时很难在 1-2 星期内完成 的。大部分 同学在开始 的时候总会 出现对题目 理解上的偏 差或者思路 无法展开 , 需要在我的帮助下调整, 慢慢适应新的解题策略。 这些都不是短时间能实现的。 我的建议是 每天都要列提纲, 哪怕只花 15-30 分钟 的时间, 也可以列出 2-3 道 题的提纲, 发到论坛上来, 可能会被我打击一顿,回去再想,慢慢地就会想明白。 例子
2、的积累不是要你去背历史事件或人物传记, 而是要学习如何从自己熟悉的生活中找到 切合题目的例子,并且学习从例子中提炼观点,构建自己的论证。 等提纲列的差不多了, 还有写全文, 又会被我各种打击。 这时会对自己的英语彻底失去信 心, 怀疑自己这么多年的英语是不是白学的, 怎么提笔写的句子都不对。 绝望之后, 开始 看 我写的文章, 发现我用的词都不难、 句子结构也容易懂, 于是问自己为什么就想不到这么写。 很简单,这需要积累。 我相信只要找对了思路、 抓住了题目的重点, 然后表达上不要让人不懂你在说什么, 拿 4 分不是那么难的。 但是现在真正做到每天坚持写提纲的版友还没有真正出现。 可能还是时间
3、 问题。100 个寄托考生中,可能真正愿意投入认真思考题目的不到 10 个,但是我坚信,只 要我一直在这里,总会遇到一些真正想学的孩子。 第 1 关: 基 本框架 首先要看同学的主旨句和主题句是否符合 1+3 模型的要求 主旨句是否切题 回应题 目要求 是否 有层次 (有没有回应题目的关键词; 有没有对关键词进 行合理的诠释) 主题句和主旨句是否互相呼应 主题句是否明确合理 第 2 关: 中 间段的组 织 和结构 中间段是否集中讨论和支持主题句的点 (有没 有偏离中心的句子或细节) 这一关的重点是要做到中间段的每句话都在围绕一个中心意思展开讨论, 不能偏离这个中心。 要提出例子 ,同时要解 释
4、例子如何 支持观点。 句子之间要 有连贯。检 查你有没有 过这一关 , 我不会太关注你具体写什么内容, 或者内容是否合理, 而重点看你有没有完成一些规定的动 作:1 )提出观点;2 )提出例子;3 )解释例子如何支持观点;4 )对观点进行总结 而针对 argument ,主要 的动作 包括 :1 )提 出某 方面的 假设 、问题 或论 据;2 ) 指出 其他的 可能性;3 )结合假设、问题和论据解释这种可能性对原论证的影响 第 3 关: 中 间段的干 货 第 2 关关注 的是有没有完成规定动作, 第三关就要看这些动作里的干货是否到位。 动作如同 武功招式,而干货就是内力。木有内力,招式就只是花
5、架子而已。 issue 的干货 ,首要的当然是合适的例子。例子好,这文章写起来就很顺有木有。有了 好 例 子, 理由自然充分, 反过来就会理亏。 另一个重要的干货就是原题没有提到的概念, 这一 点 以后会有例子具体解释。 这种概念达 到某个境界就可上升为理论, 比如经济学上的 incentive theory 。 比如 Paine 对政府性质的看法。 第 4 关: 句 子加油站 过去我看到写的不好的句子总会发脾气, 这里向之前得罪的版友致歉。 写不好句子是拿不到 4 分的主要原 因之一。 那些说什么 GRE 对语言要求不高、 更注重逻辑的人根本不知道自己在 说什么,或者没有看看那些稀烂的句子能
6、有多稀烂。 王老师针 对 Argument 写作的 Tips: 1 、 注意新老 G 的考察区别: 注意新 G 中应该讨论需要哪些新的证据和信息评估论证的合理 性,放弃老 G 中要求的对存在的问题以及逻辑谬误的攻击。 2 、根据写作要求措辞:虽然 Argument 中各种题型写法类似,但是需要根据题目中的要求 重点进行措辞。 例如题目中强调 Assumption 时, 就要围绕 Assumption 来讨论; 强调 evidence 时, 重点强调需要哪些证据来检验论证; 强调 question 时, 讨论有哪些问题还需要回答以评 估论证。当然,各种题型的写作内容是接近的。 3 、5 段式 1
7、+3 写法注意:Thesis statement 应该包括后面要讨论的三个大方面的关键词,三 个大方面如何去分是重点难点。 4 、Explore alternative possibility: 提出其他的可能性。例如题目提出一种因果关系时,我们 需要提出其他可能因果关系以挑战原题的因果关系, 从而提出更多的问题和需要获得的信息 用以评估证据。该动作出现频率较高,为练习重点。 5 、需要对各个 Argument 的题目背景有相关了解:Argument 涉及的知识范围较广,例如花 洒头、 专利、 人类学研究方法等。 在行文时需要相关背景知识和对词汇的掌握, 因此需要通 过提前准备熟悉题库来加强对
8、背景知识的了解。 关于 E-rater GRE 作文评卷是人改和机改相结合的, 据说 ETS 开发的 e-rater 和人改的结果吻合率高达 90% 以上。关于 e-rater 的具体运作,有 ETS 发表过几篇论文 等我有 时间 及版友 对我 的博客 表现 出足够 的兴 趣时我 会详 细讨论 一下 erater 的运 作原理以 及我们可以如何应对。 Attali when conditions C or D are met, the statement does not hold true because 而中间段就针对 conditions A/B/C/D 展开讨论即可。 比如这道题 In
9、 any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. I agree that for scientists and researchers, it is essential to review the past studies on specific problems before making any breakthroughs as
10、the accomplishments of the earlier scholars provide the theoretical and methodological foundations for further studies. On the other hand, in the fields of politics and education, government officials and school teachers have to rely on their own experiences and wisdom to deal with new problems and
11、challenges on a daily basis. 是否同意论断以及考虑反对意见 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position. 这道题要求我
12、们选择一个基本的立场- 赞成或反对,但需要讨论能挑战自己观点的例 证 。 其 实这就要求我们在讨论了某种可能的反对意见后, 再作出相应的反驳, 从而巩固自己的观点。 基本思路为: I agree with tis claim because A and B. While some people may disagree because C, I think the claim is still true because C. The best way to teachwhether as an educator, employer, or parentis to praise positive
13、 actions and ignore negative ones. There is no doubt that praising positive actions or behaviours is the best way to teach students, children and employees as the positive reinforcement will lead to repetition of more desirable behaviours. While some people may emphasise the importance of correcting
14、 mistakes, I believe that incorrect actions will be gradually replaced by correct actions which receive positive feedback. 评估具体情况下某建议是否可取 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In d
15、eveloping and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position. 我一直怀疑 ETS 在改革 GRE 写作时引入更多的具体指引其实是为了帮助考生写出更好地文 章。事实上这类指引是在十分明确的引导大家使用一种非常有用的策略-即分情况讨 论 。 这 样做的好处包括能够使观点和全
16、文有一个清晰的框架, 同时也能对问题提出一个有洞见和丰 富的立场。所以这类题的基本思路可概括为 The recommendation is advantageous when condition A is met because The recommendation is not desirable when conditions B or C are met because Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development. I believe that gove
17、rnments should never restrict research activities of any scientists in any fields in order to respect the academic freedom and encourage creative activities of mankind. Nevertheless, the scientific communities should establish a set of ethical codes to restrict research activities that would clearly
18、 harm the well-beings of mankind. 这里我除了运用上面提到的基本模板外, 还对建议的主体做出了调整, 强调学界应该自治而 非受制于外来的政治力量。 是否同意论断及原因 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based. 这种题目比较复杂, 需要讨论是否同意某个论断及提出的原因。 我们可以选择的立场也比较 多, 可以既同意论断又同意原因,
19、可以同意论断但不同意原因并提出另一原因, 甚至可以同 意原因部分,但不同意论断。好在这类题仅有 19 道,建议全部列提纲准备,这样在考场上 才能应付自如。 Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and suggestions of their students. Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying. 对于这道题,我们可以采
20、取分类讨论的方式,将学生分作中、小学生和大学生。 I agree that at college and postgraduate levels, professors should communicate with students as much as possible when planning the courses in order to incorporate interesting materials and topics that would motivate students to learn and conduct independent researches. Howev
21、er, at primary and secondary schools, teachers have to plan their courses according to national curriculum to ensure the quality of basic education and suggestions from students at these levels are less likely to be useful. Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than
22、from those whose views contradict our own. Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning. 我们可以分不同情况来讨论 reason 是否成立,然后决定论断是否成立。 When interacting with other people, we can learn more from those holding different views as long as our relationships enable us to discuss and exchange viewpoin
23、ts in a rational and equal manner, e.g. as colleagues and classmates. In such relationships, disagreement do not cause stress but promote learning. On the other hand, both the claim and the reason hold true when we could not stay calm and reasonable, e.g. fighting with spouses or political rivals. 论
24、及观点的两面及自己的倾向 Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented. 由于这道题要求我们讨论两面的立场并有一定的倾向性, 如果我们采取分情况讨论的策略则 可以提出某些情
25、况的比率更高因此更倾向于某个立场。 I tend agree with A because under circumstances B and C, A is true. On the other hand, A may not hold true under circumstance D which is rather unlikely. Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, tim
26、e, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species. I believe that we should not use our scarce resources to save all species near extinction because in most cases the benefits of such
27、 endeavours do not outweigh the costs. In relatively rare cases in which such efforts may lead to significant economic and social returns, the investment in conservation may be worth the while. 评估政策及其后果 Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the
28、 position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. 还是可以采取分类讨论的基本策略,注意每个分论点都要论及政策的后果。 Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choo
29、se fields of study in which jobs are plentiful. For vocational schools, there is no need to encourage students to choose majors based on career prospects as the schools should only offer programs that prepare students for industries which can provide enough jobs. For universities, however, the main
30、purpose is to promote learning and research activities which may or may not related to students future careers. The proposed policy would undermine the abilities of certain departments to attract talented students but force other departments to reorient their curriculums to more practical training.
31、在备考过程中, 考生应针对这 6 种不 同的题型列提纲、 形成观点和收集例证, 在计划全文 的 结构和思路时一定要全面的回应题目的要求。 之前 26 楼的 一些内容和这里讨论的内容相近,转帖过来 Issue 写作必 须完成题目要求,同时也可以锦上添花 新 GRE 作文提出了明确的写作要求,而且不同的题目要求还不太一样。Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
32、这个要求和以前区别不是很大, 关键是处理好 claim 和 reason 之间 的关系。而我在考场上由于时间比较充裕,联想到另一种写作要求 Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which youagree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position,be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could beused to challeng
33、e your position. 其实这个要 求中关于如何回应读者可 能提出的挑战是任何严谨的论述都应该涉及的, 因此我就在题目没有要求的情况下, 加了一 段,虽然有画蛇添足的嫌疑,实际上达到了锦上添花的效果。 Issue 入 门系 列之二:1+3 模型构建 复 杂而整合 的 思路 在开头段结尾部分必然会有一个由 3 个要点组成 的观点, 有时候可能是三句话, 也可能是一 句话里有三个点组成的并列结构。 而中间三段的开头分别回应开头段的三个点, 这样就形成 了一个中间段与开头段相互照应的局面。 参照罗素文章: What I Have Lived For Three passions, simp
34、le but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have