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1、 3 - 1思考流程图6绿带训练基础篇(一)Honeywell International Inc.3 - 2学习目标 了解思考流程图(TMAP) 之概念与价值 复习平行与序列式思考之应用 解決问题时,了解各个问题的重要性 能够建结构图形化的思考流程图 通过思考流程图的应用范例来做练习测量 分析 改善 控制3 - 3应用范例 不连续制造绿带人员在面对须决定是否以一个适当的测量系统來改进流程,可用 TMAP 找出并记录替代方案。 连续制造化学工程师必须评估改变催化剂配方可能引发的问题及其对健康、安全和环境所造成的影响。 行政管理执行计划的绿带人员必须确认并记录项目所需的支援,并找出适当的沟通渠道

2、以整合此改善项目。 设计为了评估现有的产品或流程,设计工程师必须记录并评估不同设计并比较其优缺点。3 - 4何谓思考流程图?所谓TMAP,即是当小组解决问题时,将决策背后的逻辑思考过程书面化。 包含所要解决的问题 以图形化的方式表达思考逻辑。 是一种可藉此发展策略。 是评估的过程,评估途径。 将解决问题或关键所得或所需书面化的思考与过程知识。 也可找出会危害小组努力施行结果的关键或障碍 。 改善您个人解决问题的方法(帮助你“跳出固定的思考模式及从整体来看”) 是一份活的文件! 是一份地图,可帮助您了解 Y=f(x)!3 - 5如何构造TMAP TMAP并无特殊的格式,您可自由选用任何格式,只需

3、以逻辑方式表达计划所面临的问题与构想即可。步骤如下: 确认计划目标。 完成上述目标有何问题?将其书写在 TMAP 上。 如何定其优先顺序?哪个问题应优先回答?由 TMAP 中最重要的一点开始。 您要如何回答这些问题?应使用何种工具?将其记录在 TMAP 上。 藉由工具回答问题的过程中,获得了哪些信息?是否已回答了这些问题?将其记录下来! 是否产生了新的问题?将其记录下来,并开始下一阶段的解决问题的程序 (如回到第一个步骤!) 以上的方式可依其本质或其必要性来执行,循序渐进或平行处理皆可。 记录任何个人或小组所作的假设。3 - 6Do I Lease or Buy M y N ext Car?H

4、ow Often Do I n eed a N E W Car?Is it Typ ically Every 3 to 4 Years?NoYesD o I h ave th e 20% Down Payment Money?D o I M ain tain my Vehicle Regularly?A re there Restrictions on the Lease?Does m y Vehicle Need Repairs Now?Problem Statem entBuy LeaseD o I wan t to Spend this M oney on a Car?How can I

5、 put down the least am ount of $NoHow many miles Do I Drive? YesYesYesLooks & StatusWhy?Less than 1 5 ,0 0 0 m iles a Year?YesNoYes NoC an I W ait for a G ood Deal?NoYesYesYes一个简单的思考流程图范例3 - 7分组练习是否记得我们曾经利用 TMAP来决定租车或买车的范例?找出TMAP 所得的结论。现在我们要求每一组建构一个TMAP,帮助你解决如何制作一杯可口的VC泡腾片饮料或听一场F4演唱会,你会收集那些资料?如何收集这些

6、资料?3 - 8作业 检视下列情况,与您的小组一起建构TMAP,以表达如何根据现有的情况处理问题。 GM 希望您在年终时将其准时交货率由 60% 提升到 95%。试建造一个TMAP,表达您的小组将如何完成计划。 一连续生产化学品经理担心应如何滿足 20% 的额外客户订单。假使之前从未达到如此高的产能,您的小组将如何提高产出? 一生产线经理担心其VSR的RTY太低。试建构一个TMAP以找出问题,并提高其RTY 。 一物流经理希望整合 15个区域中心以降低成本。试建构一个TMAP 以确认需要多少个区域中心、区域中心的位置及其对客户服务的冲击。3 - 9总 结 了解提出问题在过程中的重要性。 明确这

7、些问题有助于确认了解过程或产品程潜在的研究路径。 能制作一个TMAP,用逻辑及图形化的方式表达问题和思考方式,以找出问题的解决之道。 上述方法可视为提供过程改善计划的新方法,且特定的计划会有特定的解决方法。3 - 10上述工具可应用于何处? 请花 5 分钟时间思考并回答这个问题3 - 11不同型态的 TMAP范例3 - 12ID Task & Available resourcesApproach to combining MaterialReview Material for contentModel MaterialDraft MaterialWhos working on project

8、? Do we have one from each sector? What is timeline for completion? What is scope of the task? Who is the customer or customers? What are their expectations? What are the process boundaries? Is there a charter for the team? What are the requirements of the process? Are there conflicting requirements

9、? - John Hagen (Automotive). Not from all sectors. - For March 2nd Class. - Combine the EMS, Auto & Aerospace material to one seamless package. - BBCs, ASI Management, SBEs, MBBs, ALA - Meld three sectors best of material into new BBC Training Program Material - Conflict of thread of training from t

10、eaching material critical thought process is not evident in the EMS, Auto material. Week 1 modules (Common) - Process Map - FMEA - Intro to 6 - Variation / Metrics - Methodologies / PIP - NEM / Graphical AnalysisUnique Modules: - Statistical Tolerancing - Basic Stats - Capability Analysis - Correlat

11、ion - Finance - Teams Building - Presentation Module - Minitab Basics - HS & E ConsiderationsWhich topics are the essentials (MIN)? Which are best of best? What are takaways of the week? What unique material is required? What Unique material should we keep? How do we balance training we are to use?

12、(Data dump or Socratic method) Based on method and requirements what is best way to combine material? Is the training or Socratic Method best way to teach? How do we maintain integrity and level of the current program? How do we address diverse customer base? What appearance should the material have

13、? What exercises coincide with material? Which ones should we keep? Do we train teaming in 6 sigma? - What soft skills meet customer requirements?- Use best of best from all sectors. Combine where possible. - Combination of both critical thought (Socratic Method and training) - Should be a able to u

14、se both methods within a module. - Retain core of material, retain best of all models - use other best practice modules to reinforce BBC ability where applicable - Need for various examples / case studies within material to meet divers customer needs. -Use powerpoint! - Have a battery of exercises i

15、n Appendix to choose from use based on class makeup. - Assess soft skills requirements based on class. - Teaming throughout Breakout exercises, Presentation skills with the Project presentations.- Intro, Variation, Basic Stats, PMAP, TMAP, MSE FMEA. - Combine best of both methods of training to supp

16、lement learning with keys to critical thought. - See attached for takaways - Unique required: HS&E, - Keep: Capability Analysis, C & E, CLT, Minitab, Finance - Use team effort to combine material by using MBBs from all previous sectors to storm through material! How do we generate feedback on materi

17、al? How to make Modifications? Timeline for MODS? Do we generate Instructor notes? How do we measure and validate key learning objectives? How do we measure effectiveness of material? How do we streamline process for follow on weeks material?- Feedback loop through the MBB and BB material teams. - M

18、od ASAP, Release ASAP! Use class 6 as test of material. - Instructor notes individually but use key learning objectives w/ material - Use feedback forms from BBCs and assessment of MBBs in class. - Invite available MBBs to review the material as presented. Rate learning through weekly performance of

19、 BBCs, compare to previous classes (expectation now higher!) - Share best practices between teams working on follow on weeks. - Perform FMEA on material and process for revisions!Week 1 BB Curriculum TMAPAdministrative Application3 - 13What rotor group xs drive ATP vibration levels? Rotor assembly p

20、rocess map* Stretch, balance check, unstretch, clock, restretch loop repeated typically 13 times and averages 4.5 hours. * Single component often drives balance and runout magnitude and angle. * High variability in balance readings. * High variability in runout readings. * Balance variability may be

21、 carried into power section assembly. * Difficult to press turbine simulator on to aft coupler.What rotor group assembly xs should be studied?FMEAKey areas identified: * Simulator Bearing * Shaft stretch * Balance check * Runout check * Component clocking, handling * Component level balance and runo

22、utsBalance checkShaft stretchComponent clocking, handlingComponent level balance and runoutsAssemblyWhat assembly processes have the potential to drive ATP vibration levels?Rotor group assembly 38222505-4Power section assembly P.N. 3801103-1Engine Assembly P.N. 3800703-1Continue ContinueRunout check

23、Simulator BearingEngine Vibration Reduction (Discrete Mfg. and Design)THOUGHT PROCESS 131-9B VIBRATION TEAM STRATEGIC PLANTHE PROBLEM: Measured ATP vibration is high resulting in a lab reject rate of 50%Cause and Effect DiagramForm team, establish objectives and goals* Rework * Inventory cost * Cost

24、 avoidance * Lead time / Cycle time * DeliveryWhat xs drive measured vibration?Who is needed to support the team?Form logical sub teams that are aligned with functional areas* Integrated approach * Cross functional * Design to final out (ship)Design Kelly Szeto - Structures Eric Lloyd - Rotor Dynami

25、cs Eric Bridges - Rotor DynamicsTest Craig Schmitt - Test BBAssembly Larry Bitzko - Assy BB Jim Zick - Prod Engr Tom Bremer - QualityManufacture Brian Boyette - Mfg BB Tony Rosaci - Mfg BBLeadership John Arenare - Project Mike Siegelman - Boeing Rajesh Mehta (Consultant)Demonstrate ToolsCompare and

26、Contrast (Time Permitting)Example courtesy of Larry Bitzko3 - 14DOE* 7 factors * 16 run repeated fractional factorial * 3 replicats * Variation (3 sigma) 88% of specification) * Major components of variation identified * Ram angle * Pull shaft offset * Pull shaft nut angleIdentify stretch tool desig

27、n modificationsOrder new tooling, new tooling receivedDOEHave gains been realized?* 4 factors * 8 run repeated fractional factorial * 3 replicates * Variation reduced by 50%Run chart engine builds to quantify impact on lab test.DOEStandard Operating ProcedureWhat should be controlled on existing too

28、ling to minimize variation?* Block to block * Burr and scoringIdentify design modificationsOrder new tooling, new tooling receivedYESCOVIs the balance measurement process capable?* Operator to operator biggest driver. * Standard procedures. * Overall variation acceptable (3 sigma 20% of specificatio

29、n) * Measurement system OKBalance checkShaft stretchComponent clocking, handlingComponent level balance and runoutsSeparate projects (T. Rosaci, B. Boyette)Standard procedures * Cleanliness * HandlingRunout checkMSEAre the measurement processes capable?* Operator bias evident. * Standard procedures

30、* Measurement error 17% specification * Measurement system OKIs the runout measurement process capable?NOSTOP Improve Measurement SystemsSimulator BearingYESEngine Vibration Reduction (continued)Example courtesy of Larry Bitzko3 - 15THOUGHT PROCESS MAP TURBINE DAMPER REDESIGNHigh vibratory response

31、at turbine end bearing carrier.Analytical DOEDevelop problem statement, scope, and approachForm team, secure management buy in.* Current production is “closed end“ * Little experience with closed end designs * Damper modeled under “short bearing“ theory which is relatively “soft“ * Concern that damp

32、er should have been modeled under “long bearing“ theory (relatively stiff).* 2 parameters (xs), 2 levels, 4 runs. * Short versus long bearing theory * Low and High unbalance. * Better match to “long bearing“ theory (stiff).* Problem statement: Develop a turbine damper design that is more robust to r

33、otor unbalance without adversely impacting critical system parameters. * Scope: Minimal design modifications that will not require substaintial development and recertification. * Approach: Reduce damper stiffness.Cause and Effect Diagram* xs that influence: * Fluid film damping and stiffness * Coulo

34、mb damping and stiffness (including damper lock up) * Damper type * Assembly process * Hardware qualityIs damper performing as intended during initial design and development?Damper is stiffer than intendedWhat xs drive damper performance?What xs are significant and fit within the scope?John Arenare*

35、 Kelly Szeto Tom Bremmer Eric Bridges* Eric Lloyd* Larry Bitzko* Ramesh Mehta Jim Fontana Jack Moy Craig Schmitt Brian Boyette * Core team FMEAPartition xs into a strategic planHardware qualityAssembly processDamperWhat xs are significant and fit within the scope?CONTINUE (separate project)CONTINUE

36、(separate project)Define test inputs and outputsPhase 1 Test FMEAWhat controllable xs can be varied with no design modificaton (Phase 1 test)?What can go wrong?* Detailed test plan * Instrumentation requirements * Hardware requirements * Run procedures * Run order * Data collection proceduresCause a

37、nd Effect Diagram* xs to be controlled are identified* Select Xs that require no design modification that will affect damping and stiffness.Engine Vibration Reduction (continued)Example courtesy of Larry Bitzko3 - 16Engine Vibration Reduction (continued)8 Hr New Configuration Chipping Test DOE (Test

38、 2) 8 Hr back-up Configuration Chipping Test DOE (Test 3) 150 Hr New configuration Wear/Coking DOE Test (Test 3) Configure 131-9A with new mount and CURRENT (-1) seal for qual test* New Open Mount/New (-2) seal, low springrate (.20 lbf/in cir) range .20 to .25 * Vary unbalance, oil flow, oil temp fo

39、r DOE * Strive for relative rotor m otion between 2.5 and 3.0 mils pk-pk at high unbalance * gather new configuration data * Evidence of wear. * .0001-.0006 radial interference before test (new) * .0009 radial clear after test * Smearing on carbon * Uneven wear (towards ends) * Chattering marks on r

40、otor * Evidence of chattering on rotor * No chipping, no cracking, no evidence of tracking problem (pressure) * Seal temperature not sensitive to eccentricity * Seal tem p sensitive to oil tem p* New Open Mount/Current (-1) seal, low springrate (.13 lbf/in cir) range .13 to .17 * Changed out aft cou

41、pler and turbine stage. * Vary unbalance, oil flow, oil temp for DOE * Strive for relative rotor motion between 2.5 and 3.0 mils pk-pk * Gather additional data for comparison * No wear, No chipping, No cracking * Wear even, no chattering, no varnishing. * .0006 radial clearence after test (.0001-.00

42、06 interference when new) * Evidence of sump pressure impacting damper response.* New Open Moun, -1 seal, high springrate (.17 lbf/in cir) * 4 hr Pre-Test to vary unbalance, oil flow, and oil tem p, sum p pressure for DO E to quantify affect of sump pressure on damper response. * Little im pact due

43、to sum p pressure * Suspect confounding in Test 3 with unbalance * 150 Hr test parameters set at worst condition based on pre-test and Test 3 DOE * High oil temperature (250F) * High unbalance (2.5 - 3.0 mils pk-pk for duration of test). * No evidence of tracking problems (pressure) * Good wear and

44、break in (pressure) * No chipping * Crack from anti rotation pin * Evidence of seal cracking in fieldSeal improvement programIntroduce new mount system into field via 131-9A* Overall system package goodExample courtesy of Larry Bitzko3 - 17Valve FailuresWhat is the problem? Valve stays open when sho

45、uld be shutProcess Map-Functional-Trace airflow throughproblem area-Foundation for FMEAWhy?FMEA-Mode-Effects-Severity-Causes-Pr. of Occ.-Current controls-Detectability-RPN-Actions to be taken-Change to RPNDOE #1:-Factors from FMEAand process map-See planning sheetHow can this process fail?Why does i

46、t fail?How often will it occur?How badly will it hurt?What can we do to avoid the failure?Now how badly will it hurt?Looking at these problems and theirpotential fixes, which ones really have animpact and should be implemented?Could not get anydiaphragms to stick duringDOE - Why?!The valve sticks wh

47、en assembledwith a diaphragm that has stuck inthe past. Are the diaphragms thatwere made for the test different fromthe ones that stick?Measure features on diaphragms that stick anddiaphragms that dont stick. Is there a feature/features that when plotted, clearly isolates thestickers from the non-st

48、ickers?Diaphragms with thincylindrical sections onOD stick consistently,while those with thickercylindrical sections donot.Measure existing diaphragms from Palmer Shenard and old AlliedSignal and make whateverdiaphragms are necessary to have 5 diaphragms along a linear cylindrical-section thicknessc

49、ontinuum that straddle the predicted threshold valueWhat if, down the road, thecorrelation of stickiness withcylinder thickness is not asstrong as it now seems?Measure other geometry features and also hardness of these 5 diaphragmsParallelactivities2a2bUpdate process map - add more diaphragm geom. detail3 - 18Phase 1 DOE* Sixteen (16) run repeated fractional factorial. * Four (4) factors, two levels all factors * Axial load * Rotor unbalance * O il type (viscosity) * O il flow rate * Damper does not respond to axia


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