1、17600 例句助记托福、雅思、GMAT8800 单词之A 部例句1 Indeed, few economists expect China to abandon its effective peg to the dollar before the middle of next year。1 事实上,很少有经济学家预期中国会在明年年中之前 abandon 放弃实际 peg 钉住美元。2 Individuals who live with abandon have discovered that personal trials make them more sensitive and lovin
2、g, while building endurance and character。2 abandon 狂热生活的人发现,个人 trials 经历使他们更敏感、更富于爱心,同时还能磨炼耐力和怡养 character 性情。3 Absenteeism and frequent work stoppage have greatly cut into the efficiency of the plant operations。3 Absenteeism 旷工和频繁的 work stoppage 停工斗争己经使工厂的工作效率大大减低。4 Conscientiously abide by learni
3、ng discipline, time and class, not absenteeism, late and leave early。4 Conscientiously 自觉 abide by 遵守学习纪律,按时上课,不得 absenteeism 旷课、迟到和早退。5 A mathematical structure is an abstract, immutable entity existing outside of space and time。5 mathematical 数学结构是一种 abstract 抽象、immutable 不可变的实体,超脱于时间与空间之外。6 The a
4、bstract of the specification may contain the chemical formula which best characterizes the invention。6 specification 说明书 abstract 摘要可以包含最能 characterizes 说明发明的化学formula 式;7 Magma appeared in abundance and in some locations formed vast molten oceans。7 Magma 岩浆 abundance 大量涌现,在一些地方形成了广阔的 molten 熔岩海洋。8
5、Worldwide, an abundance of liquidity has lured investors into riskier assets in search of higher returns。8 在世界各地, abundance 充裕的 liquidity 流动性 lured 吸引了 investors 投资者资本流入风险资产寻求高回报。9 Water is the most abundant chemical compound in the biosphere。9 水是 biosphere 生物圈中最 abundant 丰富的化学 compound 化合物。10 Minut
6、e marine or fresh-water crustaceans usually having six pairs of limbs on the thorax; some abundant in plankton and others parasitic on fish。10 Minute 微小的 marine 海水或淡水 crustaceans 甲壳动物,通常在 thorax 胸部有六对肢;一些 abundant 盛产的 plankton 浮游生物区而另一些 parasitic 寄生在鱼类身上。11 Outside the courtroom girls shrieked abuse
7、 at the lawyers。11 courtroom 法庭外面,女孩子们 shrieked 尖声 abuse 辱骂律师。12 If regulators are to prevent abuse, they will need strong political backing。12 如果 regulators 监管者要防范 abuse 滥用,他们将需要强大的政治 backing 支持。13 I face physical abuse on a daily basis and have been abused and been beaten up by my clients many tim
8、es。13 我 on a daily basis 每天都要面对身体 abuse 虐待,而且多次受到 clients 客户的 abused 虐待和 beaten 暴打。14 The water, the land, the air transportation are convenient, abut on JingHu, XinChang railroad, HuNing and along the river highway, Changzhou Airport and so on, the geographical superiority。14 水、陆、空交通便利, abut on 紧靠京
9、沪、新长铁路、沪宁、沿江高速公路、常州机场等,区位 superiority 优势得天独厚。15 In eastern Mexico live a variety of acacia shrubs and marauding ants。15 墨西哥东部生长着各类 acacia 金合欢属灌木和 marauding 掠夺成性的蚂蚁。16 A tropical African tree(Acacia nilotica) that yields a gum similar to gum arabic and has a bark used in tanning。16 一种热带的非洲树((Acacia n
10、ilotica 阿拉伯胶),产生类似于 arabic 阿拉伯树胶的胶体,树皮用于 tanning 制革。17 Their result of research are published in journal of national science academic。17 他们的研究结果就刊登在国家科 academic 学院的 journal 学报上。18 The increasing of dogmatism and bookishness as well as the overflow of various unhealthy tendencies in the research fiel
11、d has damaged the academic reputation。18 dogmatism 教条主义、bookishness 本本主义的繁衍,研究领域各种 unhealthy tendencies 不正之风的 overflow 泛滥,极大地损害了 academic 学术的 reputation声誉。19 Fertilizer will accelerate the growth of these tomato plants。19 Fertilizer 化肥会 accelerate 加快这些番茄的生长。20 The recent drop in oil prices has promp
12、ted speculation that China might accelerate the build-up。20 最近石油价格下降,有关中国可能会 accelerate 加速 build-up 储备的speculation 揣测也因此增加。21 But there is another way in which this acceleration of time is not an illusion but a reality。21 但从另一种意义上讲,时间的这种 acceleration 加速并非 illusion 错觉,而是事实。22 In the past few years, t
13、hough, astronomers have solidified the case for cosmic acceleration by studying ever more remote supernovae。22 然而在过去几年间,天文学家已经藉由研究更多遥远的 supernovae 超新星来solidified 稳固宇宙 acceleration 加速膨胀的说法。23 WBC Abbreviation for World Boxing Championship. One of boxings four most coveted championships。23 WBC 世界拳击 Ch
14、ampionship 锦标的 Abbreviation 缩写。四大最 coveted 吸引人的拳击锦标赛之一。24 CPU is the abbreviation of Central Processing Unit, which is the heart of a computer like the head of a family。24 CPU 是中央 Processing 处理单元的英文 abbreviation 缩写。它是计算机的心脏,好比一家之主一样。25 The marrow is examined under a microscope to see if there are ab
15、normal cells。25 最后在显微镜下观察,以判断取出的 marrow 骨髓中是否含有 abnormal 异常的细胞。26 Symptoms of a thiamine deficiency include anorexia (complete loss of appetite), abnormal posture, weakness, and even death。26 thiamine 维生素 B1 deficiency 缺乏症状包括 anorexia 厌食(完全失去胃口),abnormal 反常举止,虚弱甚至死亡。27 The end of law is not abolish
16、or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom。27 法律的目的不是 abolish 废除或 restrain 约束而是维护并扩大自由。28 The mayor of Hiroshima is urging global leaders to back President Barack Obamas call to abolish nuclear weapons。28 Hiroshima 广岛市市长 urging 督促全球领导人支持美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马abolish 废除核武器的倡议。29 He has lived among the abo
17、riginal inhabitants for a few years。29 他已经与 aboriginal 土著 inhabitants 居民一起生活了几年了。30 Many countries resolved their differences with aboriginal inhabitants long before they bothered with parliaments and the rule of law。30 许多国家早就解决了政府与 aboriginal 原住民之间的分歧,根本不用麻烦到parliaments 议会,也不必动用法规。31 The airmen wer
18、e under orders to abort their mission if on-board equipment showed the slightest glitch。31 飞行员事先 were under orders 接到命令,如果机载装备发生哪怕一点点的glitch 故障,也要 abort 取消所执行的任务。32 Besides, for reasons that arent yet well understood, cloned animals often abort spontaneously or are born with defects。32 此外,由于我们无法搞懂的原
19、因, cloned 克隆动物通常会 spontaneously 自行abort 流产 ,或者具有天生缺陷。33 Democrats point out that the bills in question do not mention abortion。33 民主党人指出 in question 尚待通过的议案中没有提及 abortion 堕胎。34 After the rally a supporter from Weatherford explained that he was staunchly against abortion。34 rally 集会之后,一个来自威瑟福德的支持者解释说
20、他 staunchly 坚决反对abortion 堕胎 。35 Not only do poetic thought and fancy abound, but the richness and variety of language and expression is also marvellous。35 不仅饱含着 poetic 诗一般的思想和 abound 丰富的想象力,华丽 variety of 多彩的语言和表达也 marvellous 妙不可言。36 Finish the female breasts surgery in a short time, can completely c
21、hange the status quo, small chest creates more aesthetic, breast curve tends to admire abound。36 做完丰胸手术的女性,能在短时间内彻底改变胸部过小的 status quo 现状,塑造出来的乳房曲线更加趋于 aesthetic 审美,abound 富于 admire 观赏性。37 However, the term may refer to stiffness or refer to resistance to scratching, abrasion or cutting。37 此外,这个词还可能指
22、代 stiffness 刚度或是材料的 resistance to 抗 resistance to 刮伤、抗 abrasion 磨损、抗剪切的能力。38 Even a very small cut or abrasion in the skin can make it possible for the virus to enter the body。38 甚至皮肤上一个非常细微的割伤或 abrasion 擦伤也为病毒进入体内提供了可能。39 He decided to abridge his stay here after he received a letter from home。39 他
23、接到家信后决定 abridge 缩短在这里的逗留时间。40 By using Design for testability, we can abridge the contriving period and reduce the cost。40 对其进行 testability 可测性设计,将 abridge 缩短产品的 contriving 开发周期、降低产品的开发成本。41 This is one of my abrupt kiss, will make people feel not express an opinion?41 我这 abrupt 唐突的一吻,会不会让人觉得 not ex
24、press an opinion 不置可否?42 Stalin received this somewhat abrupt response with a genial grin。42 斯大林对于这个相当 abrupt 生硬的回答抱以 genial 和蔼的 grin 一笑。43 They believe that because cactus grows in the desert, so it can absorb in the radiation。43 他们这样认为是因为 cactus 仙人掌是在 desert 沙漠地区生长的,所以能absorb 吸收 radiation 辐射。44 Ei
25、ther companies will have to absorb the higher costs in their margins, or consumers will lose spending power, or both。44 要么公司得被迫 absorb 承受更高的 margins 边际成本,要么消费者将会失去购买力,要么两者兼而有之。45 The longer this crisis lasts, the more absurd the G20s order of priorities will seem。45 这场危机持续得越长, G20 处理问题的 priorities 优
26、先顺序就显得越 absurd 荒谬。46 But at the root of it all is love, that most absurd and precious thing, and how hard it is to make it stay。46 但是一切的根源在于爱 这个最为 absurd 荒谬却 precious 无上珍贵的东西,也在于挽留爱情的艰辛。47 First, inspectors would get temporary powers to demand all access they needed。47 首先,inspectors 检查人员将得到 temporar
27、y 暂时的权力,即要求所需的全部access 使用权。48 You have to pay the deposit for keys, but no application charges, unlimited access。Are you clear?48 您得付钥匙 deposit 押金,但免开户费,可自由 access 存取。清楚了吗?49 For instance, Indias thriving outsourcing industry relies on access to the American market。49 比如,印度 thriving 欣欣向荣的 outsourcin
28、g 外包行业依赖于能够 access to 进入美国市场。50 Hence, the forbidding fences, railings and barrier controlling access to the facility。50 因此就出现了 forbidding 令人望而生畏的 fences 围墙、railings 栏杆和护栏来控制人员的 access to 进入的 facility 设施。51 Conclusion coronary scanning by CT is one of the best examinations on once and accessory nasa
29、l sinuses。51 结论 CT coronary 冠状扫描是鼻及 accessory 副 nasal sinuses 鼻窦疾患的最佳检查方法之一。52 Whats more, assisting crime as regulated in criminal law provision is a phenomenon of independent crime in accessory。52 此外,刑法分则 provision 规定的帮助型犯罪,是 accessory 从犯独立成罪phenomenon 现象。53 The accessibility of mainstream movies
30、is what makes them popular with most audiences。53 mainstream 主流电影的 accessibility 通俗易懂是它们受多数观众喜爱的原因。54 Both excessive social pressures and the accessibility of credit may encourage people who are already struggling to make unnecessary purchases。54 excessive 过多的社会压力和 accessibility 容易取得信贷可能在鼓励那些苦苦努力去买些
31、非必需品的人们。55 Then the LDP lost power fleetingly and almost accidentally to an eight-party coalition。55 当时自民党 fleetingly 很快而且几乎是 accidentally 意外地输给了八党coalition 联盟,失去了政权。56 You are not the pawn or puppet of a manipulative Creator, or the by-product of an accidentally created world。56 你不是造物主 manipulative
32、 操纵的 pawn 棋子、 puppet 木偶,也不是世界accidentally 无意制造的副产品。57 His beautiful Chinese handwriting makes people acclaim。57 他写的中国字很漂亮,令人 acclaim 称赞。58 I have been lucky because many of my books have received acclaim from literary critics。58 我实属幸运,因为我写的许多作品都得到了文学评论家的 acclaim 赞赏。59 The fact is that we either acco
33、mmodate self or deny self。59 事实就是,我们或者 accommodate 供应自我,或者 deny 舍弃自我。60 The world is a big box lid, which can accommodate many, many things。60 世界是一个没有 lid 盖子的大盒子,它可以 accommodate 容纳很多很多的东西。61 Mountaineering is attractive especially to young people because it is accompany with hardship and adventure。6
34、1 Mountaineering 登山很 attractive 吸引人,特别是对年轻人来说,因为它accompany 伴随着 hardship 艰难 adventure 险阻。62 Two other musicians would accompany her, playing violin and flute。62 其他两名 musicians 音乐家将用小提琴和 flute 长笛为她 accompany 伴奏。63 Scholars and diplomats describe Mr. Annans record as a mix of grand accomplishment and p
35、ainful disappointments。63 学者和外交官认为安南的执政记录混合了很大的 accomplishment 成绩和痛苦的失望。64 China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty - an accomplishment unparalleled in human history - while playing a larger role in global events。64 中国在全球问题中也发挥更大的作用的同时,还使得亿万人民脱贫,这种accomplishment 成就是人类历史上 unpara
36、lleled 史无前例的。65 Most of the instruments they use are from the West, such as guitar, bass, accordion, harmonica。65 他们使用的大部分 instruments 乐器都是西方的,比如吉他、 bass 贝斯、accordion 手风琴、harmonica 口琴。66 Accordion chamber music is one of accordion performing styles, which appears at the end of the nineteenth century
37、 in Europe。66 Accordion 手风琴 chamber 室内乐是 accordion 手风琴演奏形式之一,最早出现在十九世纪末的欧洲。67 However, this is only one account, and by no means an uncontested one。67 然而这仅仅是一种 account 理由,而且绝非 uncontested 毫无争议。68 Id like to transfer $300 from my savings account to my checking account。68 我想从我的储蓄 account 帐户上转 300 美元到我
38、的支票 account 帐户上。69 Such a resonance may account for Neptunes discontinuous ring。69 这样的 resonance 共振或许可以 account for 解释 Neptunes 海王星环为什麽不是连续的。70 This hidden tax adds to the costs of any manufacturer hiring an accountant。70 这种隐藏的税增加了所有 manufacturer 制造商雇佣 accountant 会计的成本。71 We live from hand to mouth
39、because my father is an accountant with a low salary。71 我们 live from hand to mouth 过着仅能糊口的生活,因为我父亲只是个薪水很低的 accountant 会计员。72 Over time, however, problems would first accumulate, then emerge。72 不过,随着时间的流逝,问题首先会逐渐 accumulate 积累,接着 emerge 暴露出来。73 Luthiers are obsessive about their wood and often accumu
40、late huge stashes of it。73 Luthiers 弦乐器工匠对木材颇为 obsessive 着迷,经常 accumulate 积攒stashes 贮藏大量的木材。74 They said they are very satisfied with their new accommodation and workplace。74 他们表示对于新的 accommodation 食宿条件和工作地点非常满意。75 John Paul IIs blunt talk about communism swept away years of cautious accommodation。7
41、5 约翰 保罗二世有关共产主义的 blunt 生硬讲话 swept away 毁掉了维持多年的cautious 谨慎 accommodation 和解。76 I am like a woodpecker. When I want to accomplish something, I just keep at it。76 我就像只 woodpecker 啄木鸟,当我想要 accomplish 完成某事时,坚持下去就是了。77 Science shows that it is possible to accomplish any good thing。77 科学家向我们展示了 accomplish
42、 实现美好愿望的可能性。78 Auto water treatment , effective filtration with seven levels, water quality accord with national standard。78 全自动水处理,七级有效 filtration 过滤,水质 accord 符合国家标准。79 The UN wants to sign a legally binding treaty by the end of 2010, but will struggle if countries repudiate the accord。79 联合国希望在 2
43、010 年年底前签署具有法律约束力的协议,但如果一些国家repudiate 拒绝接受上述 accord 协议,它的愿望将很难达成。80 Our party and state will take into account all the possible consequences of the Chinese-American contacts。80 我们的党和国家将 take into account 会考虑中美接触的一切可能的后果。81 But the bigger is enterprise, the more requirement is for control. In common,
44、 for successful Enterprise Group, they all take financial control into account。81 然而,企业越大,对控制的 requirement 要求也越大,大凡经营比较成功的企业集团,必然 takel into account 重视财务控制。82 Many search engines take account of the number of links to a website when they return the results of a search。82 很多搜索引擎在返回搜索结果一时,都 take accou
45、nt of 考虑某一网站所获取的链接数。83 Of course, this does not take account of their city real estate prices change。83 当然,这并不 take account of 考虑到他们所在城市 real estate 房地产价格的变化。84 They didnt catch the 8:50 flight to Japan on account of the traffic jam。84 on account of 因为 traffic jam 塞车,他们没赶上八点五十飞日本的班机。85 On account to
46、 cannot be semigroups, so cannot be left ( right) zero semigroups absolutely。85 On account to 因为不能作成半群, 故更不可能作成左(右)零半群。86 On no account can we ignore the immense value of knowledge。86 我们 On no account 绝对不能忽视知识的巨大价值。87 On no account must you smuggle things into the country。87 您 On no account 绝对不准把货物走
47、私进入这个国家。88 I understand and accept that should be accountable for leaking out any data or business secret。88 本人明白并同意承担 leaking out 泄漏有关公司信息以及商业机密所引起的一切法律 accountable for 责任。89 For the international community to be credible, it must pass a resolution now that holds Iran accountable for its defiance。8
48、9 考虑到国际社会的可信度,现在必须通过一项 resolution 决议让伊朗为它的defiance 违反行为 accountable for 负责。90 All this does not mean that the accumulation of capital is undesirable。90 这一切并不意味着资本 accumulation 积累是 undesirable 不值得希求的。91In the twenty years that the Clean Air has mandated unleaded gas use in the United States, the lead
49、 accumulation worldwide has decreased significantly。91 美国制定了清洁空气法案 mandated 强制执行使用无铅汽油,在此法案实施的二十年中,世界范围内的铅 accumulation 积聚物 significantly 明显减少。92 General relativity is a beautiful theory, and many of its predictions have been tested to great accuracy。92 广义相对论是个漂亮的理论,它的很多 predictions 预测已经通过高度 accuracy精密的检验。95 Although the approximate wave function is qualitatively useful, it is gravely lacking in quantitative accuracy。95 虽然 approximate 近似的波函数是 qualitatively 定性地有用,然而它严重的缺少quantitative 定量的 accuracy 准确性。96 She brazened through the accusation from the witness stand