1、 科学发展观论文:科学发展观视野下的我国地方政府决策科学化研究【中文摘要】地方政府决策是一种典型的公共选择行为。它是指由省、市、县政府依据中央政府的法规,作出的处理各自管辖范围内的地方性行政管理问题的决策。决策的科学化就是尊重客观规律,按照客观规律的要求确定决策目标,选择实施目标的手段,使决策符合科学发展观的要求。地方政府决策的科学化是实现本地区发展经济、管理社会和服务公众的重要条件。改革开放以来,我国经济实力大幅提升,人民生活显著改善,这一切与地方政府坚持决策的科学化分不开的。但是在科学地方政府决策中仍然存在诸多弊端诸如决策责任追究制度不完善,决策公开化、透明化程度不够,决策信息反馈机制不健
3、政府的决策方法。以此完善地方政府决策,促进各级地方政府决策者实行科学、民主、正确的决策,避免或减少失误,保证地方经济社会的可持续协调发展。【英文摘要】Local government decision-making is a typical behavior of public choice. It refers to the provincial, city and county according to the Central Governments laws and regulations to make the deal with the respective jurisdiction
4、 of local administrative decision-making. Scientific decision-making is to respect the objective laws, in accordance with the requirements of objective law to determine policy objectives, choosing to implement a means to make decisions consistent with the scientific development concept. Local govern
5、ment decision-making more scientific is an important factor. to achieve economic development in this region, management, social and public services.Since reform and opening, Economic strength of China has increased substantially, peoples lives has significantly improve, All with local governments ad
6、here to scientific decision-making inseparable. However, the local government decision-making in science still has many shortcomings such as the accountability system is flawed decision-making, decision-making open and transparent to the insufficient level of information feedback mechanism is not so
7、und decision-making, because of disregard of objective laws, do not listen to make decisions, lead to significant wrong decisions. Therefore, to enhance administrative efficiency organ construction, science and government service performance management.Propose Scientific Concept of Development. It p
8、ut forward new demands on deepening administrative reform, particularly changes in local government management philosophy, management functions and management Scientific Outlook on Development requires local governments to improve the quality of decision-making, to avoid making mistakes. Decision-ma
9、king is fair, efficient, development, stability, security and other value selection process. Therefore, the scientific decision-making is important, the only way to achieve the government objective of public administration.Under Scientific Concept of Development to achieve the government scientific
10、decision-making is an important part of public management research, but also issues of concern to people in recent years. This paper aims to philosophy, Administration, and the theory of management science, the basic theory of decision-making set, presents and analyzes the current Local Government i
11、n decision-making problems, and propose and summarize the scientific concept of development under the Local Government decision making. Thereby improving local government decision-making, and promote the implementation of science policy makers at all levels of local government, democracy, the right
12、decisions, to avoid or reduce errors, ensure that local public utilities and smooth development.【关键词】科学发展观 地方政府决策 决策科学化【英文关键词】The perspective of scientific development local government decision-making scientific decision-making【目录】科学发展观视野下的我国地方政府决策科学化研究 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第 1 章 导论 9-14 1.1 研究背景及意义
13、9-10 1.1.1 研究背景 9-10 1.1.2 选题意义 10 1.2 相关研究状况 10-12 1.2.1 国外研究现状 10-11 1.2.2 国内研究现状 11-12 1.3 研究的方法及可能的创新点 12-13 1.3.1 研究的内容 12 1.3.2 研究的方法 12 1.3.3 可能的创新点 12-13 1.4 论文结构 13-14 第 2章 地方政府决策科学化的理论分析 14-21 2.1地方政府决策 14-16 2.1.1 概念和特征 14-15 2.1.2 对象及范围 15 2.1.3 类型分析 15-16 2.2 地方政府决策科学化 16-21 2.2.1 内涵和特点
14、 16-17 2.2.2 基本标准 17-21 第 3 章 我国地方政府决策科学化状况分析 21-29 3.1 我国地方政府决策体系的发展历程 21-23 3.2 我国推进地方政府决策科学化的重要意义 23-24 3.3 我国地方政府决策科学化取得的成效 24-25 3.4 我国地方政府决策科学化存在的主要问题 25-29 第 4 章 科学发展观视野下的地方政府决策考察 29-35 4.1 科学发展观综述 29-31 4.2 科学发展观对地方政府决策科学化的现实意义 31-32 4.3 科学发展观对地方政府决策科学化的具体要求 32-35 第 5 章 推进地方政府决策科学化的有效对策 35-41 5.1 更新决策理念,提高决策者素质 35-36 5.2 建立地方政府决策信息互动机制 36 5.3 完善地方政府决策论证配套制度 36-38 5.4 健全地方政府决策执行、监督和责任追究制度 38-40 5.5 依法行政,推进地方法治政府建设 40-41 参考文献 41-44 致谢 44-45 攻读硕士学位期间研究成果发表的论文 45