1、Antibody Toolkit (IgG), helix,Vimentin,Actin and myosin,Coiled-coil,Microtubule,6 nm,10 nm,25 nm,Nucleosomes 2,Metabolism of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU),5-Fluorouridine,5-FUMP,5-FdUMP,Uridine phosphorylase,5-Fluorodeoxyuridine,Thymidine phosphorylase,Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase,Thymidine kinase,5-F
2、UTP,5-FdUTP,RNA,DNA,5-nucleotidase,5-nucleotidase,Uridine kinase,ATP,ADP,ATP,ADP,PRPP,Western Blotting,1. Resolve protein samples on SDS-PAGE,6. Incubate the blot with chemiluminescent HRP substrate and expose to film,2. Electrophoretically transfer fractionated proteins from gel onto PVDF membrane,3. Block the membrane with neutral protein (BSA or milk casein),4. Incubate the membrane with primary antibody specific to target protein,5. Incubate the membrane with HRP-labeled secondary antibody specific to primary antibody,