1、Unit 4 Making the newsNews is a fresh report of events, facts, or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实或观点的新近报道。Ordinary people plus ordinary things is not equal to the news. 平凡人+平凡事 新闻Ordinary person plus unusual occurence is equal to the news. 平凡人+
2、不平凡事新闻Extraordinary person plus usual occurence is equal to the news. 不平凡人+平凡事新闻Extraordinary person plus unusual occurence is good/big news. 不平凡人+不平凡事好 /重大新闻In order to inform us of the news, news workers experienced a complex process. Then let me introduce the process of news video programs. 为了告知我
3、们新闻,新闻工作人员经历了繁杂的流程。下面我向大家介绍一下新闻视频节目采编流程。News director of the center decides the issue.中心主任确定主题。The reporter submits interviewing plan.记者提交采访计划。The producer checks interviewing plan and visits the important interviewee.栏目制片人审批采访计划,预约重要受访人。The important interviewee plans smoke flare.重要受访人准备发言稿。The rep
4、orter interviews important men.记者采访重要人物。Photographer assists in photography, video.摄影师协助摄影、录像。The reporter writes articles.记者撰写稿件。The photographer uploades the picture material.摄影师上传画面素材。Editor reviews articles.编辑审稿。The photographer edits screen.摄影师编辑画面。Producer is responsible for the synthesis of m
5、anagement.制片人负责节目合成管理。The director of the center is in charge of the final judgment.中心主任终审。Finally the video is uploaded to the Broadcast Department.视频上传至播出部播出。News delivery process is basically like video program.新闻播音流程基本上就像视频节目。The final draft is submitted to news anchor.最终的稿子递交播音主持。Broadcast anchor reviews, edits paper, the head is in charge of the final paper.播音审稿、编辑,台长终审。