1、临港物流与保税港随着全球经济一体化以及国际竞争的加剧,跨国公司更加重视降低生产与流通成本, 因此配合跨国企业实现全球供应链一体化,向国际化、规模化、系统化发展,形成高度整合的“大物流” ,成为当前港口发展的主要趋势。顺应现代国际物流的发展需要, 国内保税物流政策正朝着更有利于通关效率的提高、环境的改善、物流的高效通畅及降低物流成本的方向完善改进,从而进一步推动我国现代物流发展,提升我国港口经济的竞争力。保税港区的试点运作就是最好的例证。现代物流对保税港的发展关系重大,为了提升保税港区的价值和竞争力,临港保税物流园如何开发、建设及运营,是许多保税港区秉待解决的问题,本文结合在国内外运作相关项目的
2、案例和经验,就以上问题进行初步分析和探讨,希望能对保税港区的规划运作有所帮助。现代国际物流与港口发展趋势1、 现代物流发展特点 现代物流是伴随社会化大生产进程产生和发展的,随着科学技术的进步、贸易范围的扩大,其功能也在不断拓展,服务领域不断延伸,因此现代物流的发展呈现出一体化、网络化、智能化、专业化、社会化、国际化等趋势。2、 中国国际物流发展特点进入二十一世纪,随着全球经济一体化的加速发展,跨国公司从全球角度部署其采购、生产、配送、销售体系,全球正在出现强劲的供应链管理一体化的浪潮。中国为全球供应链的一个重要源头。中国是世界制造中心,其原材料来自海内外,销售市场主要在海外。依靠中国制造业的基
3、础优势、交通运输硬件优势及地缘优势,中国港口成为全球供应链的重要环节,国际物流得到快速发展。随着中国加入 WTO 后服务贸易协议的实施,针对以上中国在国际供应链的重要地位,各类跨国公司及国际物流巨头纷纷抢滩中国,设立采购中心及物流中心。另一方面,由于国际竞争加剧,使跨国公司更加重视降低生产与流通成本,随着中国进一步开放,通关条件的改善,促使越来越多的跨国企业将国际采购、国际配送等高增值的物流服务逐渐向中国转移。3、 世界港口发展趋势世界港口的发展大体经历了三代:第一代港口功能定位为纯粹的“运输中心”,主要提供船舶停靠、海运货物的装卸、转运和仓储等;第二代港口功能定位为“运输中心服务中心 ”,除
4、了提供货物的装卸仓储等,还增加了工业和商业活动,使港口具有了货物的增值功能;第三代港口功能定位为“国际物流中心” ,除了作为海运的必经通道在国际贸易中继续保持有形商品的强大集散功能并进一步提高有形商品的集散效率之外,还具有集有形商品、技术、资本、信息于一体的物流功能。目前,世界主要港口中第二代港口仍是发展的主流,但随着经济全球化、市场国际化和信息网络化,一些大型港口已经开始向第三代港口转型。在港口物流发展过程中,港口物流发展轨迹是一个由成本理念到利润理念再到综合物流服务理念的过程。成本理念追求的是降低物流总成本,利润理念追求的是获取最大利润,而综合物流服务理念则除追求商品自然流通的效率和费用外
5、,还要强化客户服务意识,切实转换经营和管理方式,按现代物流的要求进行整合,以客户为中心进行管理和控制,提供完善的物流服务。向国际化、规模化、系统化发展形成高度整合的“大物流” 、进一步拓展服务功能的“增值物流 ”、打造技术密集型的 “智能港” 以及发展“ 虚拟物流链控制中心”是当前港口物流发展的主要特点和趋势。4、 港口与物流中心的关系港口设立物流中心对提升港口竞争力非常重要,但港口与物流中心之间不是单方面的作用,而是相辅相成、互促共进的关系。(1)港口竞争力决定了临港物流中心的价值。港口为临港物流中心带来货量,同时通过临港物流中心的建设可以吸引更多的货源和航线航班。货源和航线航班的增多反过来
6、吸引物流企业、船东与货主来港投资,进一步扩大物流中心的规模,促进港口及港口城市的经济发展。(2)临港物流中心加强港口与腹地的联系。港口是国际物流与国内物流的交汇点,随着港口对腹地辐射范围的扩大,港口吸引腹地的重点已经从地理位置、集疏运条件、传统的装卸和储存服务水平扩大到为产品提供增值服务的水平。(3)临港物流中心为港口完善其物流服务功能、提高竞争力、满足物流需求提供平台。港口物流中心提供的换装、分拨、配送、加工、联运等一系列物流服务,能够保证将货物以最经济、快捷、准确、安全的方式送达下一级配送中心或直接用户手中,发挥物流运输节点的作用,提高港口的国际竞争力。5、 我国港口发展的机遇与挑战(1)
7、 经济一体化和全球化要求港口大力发展现代物流。随着经济一体化和全球化进程的加快,全球性贸易与运输链正在逐步形成,国际贸易的 90以上通过海运完成,港口不仅成为国际海陆间物流通道的重要枢纽和结点,而且也是国际贸易的服务中心和综合物流分拨配送和加工中心,现代港口正在由运输中心向综合物流中心转变。现代化的港口已不仅仅是水陆运输方式之间的联结点和货物的集散地,而且是国际贸易中心,信息中心和服务中心。因此,发展现代物流是港口发展的必然选择。(2) 港口之间激烈的竞争促使港口发展现代物流。现代物流是以运输为主要环节的综合服务系统。港口作为综合运输网络的节点,正在朝着提供全方位增值服务的方向发展。港口功能的
8、拓展不仅是现代物流发展的要求,而且是港口推动现代物流发展作用的体现。为争夺国际航运中心和物流中心的地位,世界各主要港口之间展开了激烈的竞争。各个港口为在竞争中占据有利地位,不断拓展新的服务领域,提高服务质量。港口发展立意新、起点高、标准严的现代物流配送中心,有助于提高生产与流通领域的集约化程度,彻底改变港口粗放型的经营和管理方式,有助于促进港口中转运输产业的优化和升级,提高港口的核心竞争力,促进港口跨越式发展。现在世界上几乎所有的港口,不论是枢纽港还是支线港、喂给港都在积极发展现代物流。伴随着经济和贸易全球化程度的进一步深入,港口将会对进出港货物提供更多的增值物流服务。(3) 保税港政策的实施
9、为我国港口大力发展现代物流提供政策条件。面对国际经济发展所带来机遇和挑战,我国港口正在通过整合保税政策优势(保税物流中心和区港联动)和港区的区位优势,拓展有条件的港口功能,提供综合性临港物流和出口加工等业务,满足全球化经济中国际配送、国际采购、国际中转和转口贸易对国际枢纽港的功能要求。6、 我国目前主要保税物流政策顺应现代国际物流的发展需要, 国内保税物流政策未来正朝着更有利于海关效率的提高、通关环境的改善、物流的高效通畅及降低物流成本的方向完善改进。目前海关保税物流体系为“以保税区、综合保税物流园区、区港联动为龙头,以保税物流中心(A 型、B 型)为枢纽,以优化后星罗棋布的公共型、自用型保税
10、仓库和出口监管仓库为网点”的多元化、立体的保税物流体系。如下图所示:保税港区保税物流园区物流中心(B 型)出口监管仓综合保税物流园区进口保税仓物流中心(A)型图表 2-1 我国现行保税物流体系保税港区就是中国式的自由贸易区,是目前我国对外开放层次最高、政策最优惠、功能最齐全、区位优势最明显的特殊经济功能区。随着保税港区的试点运作,将进一步推动我国现代国际物流的发展,进而加快港口经济的发展,提升我国港口经济的竞争力。与保税区相比:保税港区“区港一体” 的优势得到充分显现;与出口加工区相比:保税港区具有的物流分拨等功能,使其与境外、区外经济联系更加紧密;与保税物流园区相比:保税港区允许开展出口加工
11、业务,使其更具临港加工优势。临港物流园面临的问题及解决方法存在问题由于国内保税港区、临港物流园发展时间不长,可借鉴的发展经验不多,结合目前国内物流园区建设的现状,需注意并解决好以下几方面的问题:1. 定位问题(1) 缺乏必要的调研分析国内许多项目在前期缺乏必要的调研分析,因此未能对园区的定位、规划及运作提供翔实的决策依据。(2) 市場定位不清晰、发展战略不明确市场定位、功能、业务等定位不清晰,目标设定不合理,造成经营方向不明,长期目标与短期目标不协调,资源分配不合理。2.规划问题 由于目前国内缺少有经验的专业规划设计机构,因此在规划设计上容易出现以下问题:(1) 与市场脱节许多项目是由政府主导
12、申请设立,由于缺乏对相应的物流市场供需两方面的现状了解,以及未来发展趋势的方向和预测,造成规划或设计出来的园区与市场需求有失偏颇。(2) 与专业脱节许多工程规划设计单位虽了解工程技术设计,却不熟悉物流,尤其是现代物流的特点和业务运作,有的简单套用工业建设标准或参照其他类似项目进行规划设计,因此往往容易造成规划设计不合理、不专业,不能符合现代物流的专业性运作要求。3.资源问题由于有的物流园区属于政府政绩工程,存在互相攀比,一味求大、求全、求新,对园区所需的市场、资金、技术、人才、政策资源认识不足,或不懂得如何有效整合、利用资源,造成项目搁置或失败。4.运作问题(1) 缺乏优选的商业运作模式由于经
13、验、人才、技术等方面限制,无法结合企业的资源优势选择适合园区发展的投资、运营管理模式、盈利模式。 (2) 缺乏专业运作人才专业的物流管理技术人才是物流项目运作成功的关键。由于物流中心的运营管理刚刚起步,有这方面经验的人才不足,这一问题明显制约着许多物流园区的运营管理和盈利水平。(3) 缺乏有效的实施方案和计划一些物流园区的运作团队对项目理解不足,缺乏物流园运营管理经验,做出来的实施方案和计划不符合项目的实际发展需要,导致经营业绩不佳。解决方法1. 真正以市场为导向,按照目标市场的需求进行定位和策划要充分重视市场调研工作,通过调研,切实了解国际与项目区域内物流市场的需求情况。以市场调研情况为基础
14、进行相应的定位和策划。2. 明确政府与企业的定位与分工政府主要为企业提供政策支持,塑造良好的经商环境,不干涉企业实际业务。某些产业支撑型重点物流园区,前期可能需要政府强力推动或主导投资开发,但项目启动之后,必需引入市场机制,并逐步退出具体的经营操作。企业(包括投资、运作企业)的主要任务是以市场为导向,按照现代企业管理制度,遵循市场规律经营,确保股东资产投入增值、保值。3. 有效进行资源整合,包括土地、政策、技术、资金、人才、管理等资源的整合。4. 按专业化进行策划与运作自身有能力或业务单一的项目可通过自身的力量进行策划与运作。自身缺乏经验或综合性大型物流园可通过委托真正有经验的专业机构协助策划
15、与运营,这样可借助他人的技术、经验、网络和人才尽快达成园区的建设和运营管理要求。Port Logistics and Free Trade ZoneWith the global economic integration and international competition, multinational corporations pay more attention to reduce the production and circulation costs, multinational companies with global supply chain integration, to
16、 the international scale, systematic development, the formation of a highly integrated “big logistics “, becoming the main trend of the current port development. Conform to the development needs of the modern international logistics, bonded logistics, domestic policy is more conducive towards the cu
17、stoms clearance efficiency, environmental improvement, smooth and efficient logistics and reduce logistics costs to improve the direction of improvement to further promote Chinas modern logistics development, enhance our the economic competitiveness of the port. Pilot operation of the bonded port ar
18、ea is the best example. Modern logistics development in Hong Kong between the bonded material, the bonded port area in order to enhance the value and competitiveness, Port Bonded Logistics Park to development, construction and operation of the bonded port area for many problems to be solved Bing, th
19、is paper, the operation at home and abroad cases related projects and experience, the above preliminary analysis and discussion of the issue, hoping the planning of the operation of the bonded port area will help. The modern trend of international logistics and port development 1, characteristics of
20、 modern logistics development Modern logistics is accompanied by the process of social production and development, with the scientific and technological progress, trade expansion of the scope is also expanding its capabilities, services continue to extend, thus showing the development of modern logi
21、stics integration, network , intelligent, professional, social, international and other trends. 2, Characteristics of the China International Logistics Development Into the twenty-first century, with accelerated development of economic globalization, multinational corporations from the perspective o
22、f the deployment of its global procurement, production, distribution and sales system, is a strong global supply chain management integration of the wave. China as an important global source of supply chains. China is the worlds manufacturing center, its raw materials from overseas, mainly in overse
23、as sales market. Advantage of relying on the basis of Chinas manufacturing industry, transport hardware advantage and geographical advantages, the Chinese port to become an important link in global supply chain, international logistics of rapid development. With Chinas accession to WTO, implementati
24、on of the agreement on Trade in Services for China in the international supply chain over the important position of various multinational corporations and international logistics giants have vied for China, set up purchasing centers and logistics centers. On the other hand, due to international comp
25、etition, so that multinational corporations pay more attention to reducing the cost of production and circulation, with the further opening up of China, customs clearance conditions improve, more and more multinational companies to promote the international procurement, international distribution of
26、 high value-added logistics services gradually transfer to China. 3, World Port Development World port development has undergone three generations: the first generation of port functions defined as pure “transportation center“, the main provider of ship docking, marine cargo handling, transportation
27、 and warehousing; the second generation of the port functions as a “transportation hub + Service “In addition to providing storage and other handling of goods, also increased the industrial and commercial activities to the port with a cargo of value-added features; the third generation port function
28、s as“ an international logistics center “, in addition to being a necessary shipping channel in international trade continue to maintain strong distribution capabilities of tangible goods, and further improve the efficiency of physical distribution of goods, but also has a set of tangible goods, tec
29、hnology, capital, information in one of the logistics function. Currently, the worlds major ports in the port of the second generation is still the mainstream of development, but with the economic globalization, market internationalization and information network, a number of major ports have begun
30、to transition to the third generation port. In the process of development of port logistics, port logistics development path is a concept to profit from the idea of the cost and then to process the concept of integrated logistics services. Idea is to reduce the cost of the pursuit of total logistics
31、 costs, the pursuit of profit concept is to maximize profits, while the concept of integrated logistics services to the natural flow of goods, subject to the pursuit of efficiency and cost, but also strengthen the sense of customer service and strive to change the operation and management, according
32、 to the requirements of modern logistics integration, customer management and control center to provide comprehensive logistics services. To the international scale, systematic development of a highly integrated “big logistics“, to further expand the service functions of the “value-added logistics“,
33、 to create technology-intensive “smart port“ and the development of “virtual logistics chain control center“ is the current port Logistics Development of the main features and trends. 4, the relationship between the port and logistics center Port to establish logistics centers in enhancing the compe
34、titiveness of the port is very important, but not between the port and logistics center in the role of unilateral, but rather complement each other, promoted by the relationship together. (1) competitiveness of our port determines the value of port logistics center. Port logistics center for the por
35、t to bring the volume, through the construction of port logistics center can attract more cargo and flight routes. Supply and in turn attract more airline flights logistics companies, shipowners and cargo owners to invest in Hong Kong to further expand the scale of the logistics center, and promote
36、the port and the port citys economic development. (2) port logistics center to strengthen the link port and the hinterland. Port is an international logistics and the intersection of domestic logistics, with the port to the hinterland of the expansion of the scope of radiation, the port has attracte
37、d the focus of the hinterland from the location, collection and distribution conditions, the traditional level of handling and storage services expanded to provide value-added services for the products level. (3) port logistics center for the port to improve its logistics services to improve competi
38、tiveness, provide a platform to meet the logistics needs. Port logistics centers facelift, distribution, distribution, processing, transport and other logistics services, to ensure that the goods in the most economic, efficient, accurate and secure way to reach the next level of distribution centers
39、 or directly to the hands of users to play logistics and transport nodes, and improve the international competitiveness of the port. 5, Chinas port development opportunities and challenges (1) economic integration and globalization requires the port to develop modern logistics. As economic integrati
40、on and the acceleration of globalization, global trade and transport chain is taking shape, more than 90% of international trade by sea to complete, the port is not only between land and sea into an international hub for the logistics channels and nodes, but also international trade center and integ
41、rated logistics services, allocation of distribution and processing center, the port is the transportation hub of modern integrated logistics center to change. Modern port is not only the bond between land and water transportation point and distribution center for goods and international trade cente
42、r, information center and service center. Therefore, the development of modern logistics is an inevitable choice for port development. (2) to promote competition between ports, port development of modern logistics. Logistics is the main part of a comprehensive transport service system. Integrated tr
43、ansport network of ports as nodes are moving in the direction of full-value-added services development. Port expansion is not only a function of the requirements of modern logistics development, but also the role of the port to promote the development of the embodiment of modern logistics. The compe
44、tition for international shipping center and logistics center, between the worlds major ports engaged in a fierce competition. Ports to take a favorable position in the competition, and constantly develop new services, improve service quality. Conception of new port development, the starting point h
45、igh standards and strict modern logistics distribution center, help to improve the intensification of production and circulation level, completely changed the port of extensive business and management, contribute to the promotion optimization port transit transport industry and upgrade and improve t
46、he ports core competitiveness, promote the port leaps and bounds. Now almost all the ports in the world, whether or regional hub in Hong Kong, feeding actively the development of modern logistics in the harbor. With the globalization of economic and trade further deepening of the goods entering and
47、leaving the port will be on providing more value-added logistics services. (3) implementation of the policy for the bonded port the port to develop modern logistics in China to provide policy conditions. The face of international economic development opportunities and challenges, Chinas ports are bo
48、nded through the integration of the policy advantages of (bonded logistics center and zone-port interaction) and the Port of regional advantages, expand the conditional port functions, to provide comprehensive logistics and port export processing and other services to meet the global economy, intern
49、ational distribution, international procurement, international transit and re-export of the functional requirements of the international hub port. 6, our present, bonded logistics policy Conform to the development needs of the modern international logistics, bonded logistics domestic policies more conducive to the future is moving to improve customs efficiency, customs clearance and improved logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs smooth the direction of sound improvement. Customs bonded logistics system for the present the “Free