1、English Debate, ,Summary of Speaker Roles and Responsibilities,Rules,Process,INTRODUCTIONBritish Parliamentary debating features eight speakers to a debate: there are two teams of two speakers on each side.It is a team sport: debates are won and lost by teams, not by individuals. It is a subtle art.
2、 It involves competing with a team on your side, without appearing to disagree with them.Positions are allocated on a random basis: teams do not choose the side of the debate they are on.Often this will lead to speaking in favour of things you dont believe in, and against those that you do.,Process
3、1.Each side is seated. Introduce the topic ,each sides argument ,the rules ,the teams , the guests and the judges .(2mins) Debaters introduce themselves(20 seconds per person),2.The debate begins,Second Speaker, First Proposition Team (2nd Prop/Deputy Prime Minister) Rebuts 1st Opp Delivers own subs
4、tantive material, using the labels his partner gave for it, and makes reference back to partners material Second Speaker, First Opposition Team (2nd Opp/Deputy Leader of the Opposition) Rebuts the arguments of the 1st Prop team, with particular responsibility for rebutting 2nd Prop Delivers own subs
5、tantive material, using the labels his partner gave for it, and makes reference back to partners material,First Speaker, First Proposition Team (1st Prop/Prime Minister) Defines the grounds of the debate Delivers own substantive material Flags the arguments to be delivered by his partner First Speak
6、er, First Opposition Team (1st Opp/Leader of the Opposition) Defines the oppositions grounds Rebuts 1st Prop Delivers own substantive material Flags the arguments to be delivered by his partner,First Speaker, Second Proposition Team (3rd Prop/Member of Government) Delivers own substantive material D
7、oes not have to say the word extension Rebuts the arguments of the speakers before him, with particular responsibility to rebut 2nd Opp First Speaker, Second Opposition Team (3rd Opp/Member of the Opposition) Rebuts the arguments of the speakers before him, with particular responsibility to deal wit
8、h the extension from 3rd Prop. Delivers own substantive material May deliver an extension,Second Speaker, Second Proposition Team (4th Prop/Government Whip) Summates for his side Shouldnt offer new material (subject to discussion above) Second Speaker, Second Opposition Team (4th Opp/Opposition Whip
9、) Summates for his side. Definitely, definitely offers no new material,3.After debating The judges and guests comment on debaters(3 minutes per people) The chairman announces the result.-END-,RULES,TimingPoints of Information,Timing,Speeches are of five or seven minutes in length, depending upon the
10、 competition The first and last minute of each speech are protected time. The end of the first minute and the beginning of the last minute a single knock on the table The end of the last minute two knocks on the table There is a grace period of no more than 30 seconds after this,Points of Informatio
11、n,Debaters may request a point of information (either verbally or by rising) at any time after the first minute, and before the last minute, of any speech. The debater holding the floor may accept or refuse points of information. If accepted, the debater making the request has fifteen seconds to mak
12、e a statement or ask a question. During the point of information, the speaking time of the floor debater continues.,Summary of Speaker Roles and Responsibilities,“Prime Minister“ or “First Government Member” Leader of the Opposition“ or “First Opposition member“ “Deputy Prime Minister“ or “Second Go
13、vernment member“,“Deputy Leader of the Opposition“ or “Second Opposition member“ “Member for the Government“ or “Third Government member“ “Member for the Opposition“ or “Third Opposition member“,“Government Whip“ or “Fourth Government member“ “Opposition Whip“ or “Fourth Opposition member“,Judges,Th
14、e teams will be ranked based upon the manner and matter of presentations in the debate, including team and speaker role, argumentation, and persuasion The score is ranged from 03 pointsThe adjudication should not last more than 5 minutes. When consensus judging is not used, a single judge or multiple judges should deliberate independently.,Process Rules Summary of Speaker Roles and Responsibilities,Thank You,