1、1 化学测 试题 可能用到的相对原子质量 :H-1 C-12 O-16 Ca-40 Cu-64 一、选择题:(每小题仅有一个选项符合题意。包括 12 个小题,每小题 3 分,共 36 分) 1.空气是人类宝贵的资源,下列有关空气的说法,正确的是 A.目前计入空气质量日报污染指数的项目包括 CO 2 B.空气质量级别越高,空气质量越好 C.空气中 O 2 的质量分数约为 21% D.分离液态空气可制得无色氮气和淡蓝色的液态氧 2.有机物与人类密切相关,下列有关说法正确的是 A.棉花、羊毛、天然橡胶都是天然有机高分子材料 B.霉变的大米、花生洗净煮熟后才能食用 C.毒奶粉中加的三聚氰胺(化学式 C
2、 3 H 6 N 6 )属于蛋白质,它能提高奶粉中氮元素含量 D.电木插座破损后可以进行热修补 3.下列有关能源与环境、燃烧与灭火的说法,正确的是 A.“节能减排” 提倡多用电,少用不可再生资源化石燃料 B.化石燃料的过度使用是造成温室气体 CO 2 、SO 2 、CH 4 、氟利昂等排放的主要原因 C.燃烧不一定需要 O 2 ,水不一定能灭火 D.从着火燃烧的房子逃离时,应成站立姿势迅速跑出 4.下列有关说法正确的是 A.由 O 2 的沸点为-183,SO 2 的沸点为-12 可知,O 2 比 SO 2 易液化 B.酸碱指示剂遇酸或碱均会变色 C.打开盛浓盐酸的试剂瓶盖,看到冒白雾,说明浓盐
3、酸易挥发, HCl 气体易溶于水 D.实验室除食盐、蔗糖等少数厨房用品外,不得尝药品的味道 5.下列有关硬水的说法不正确的是 A.明矾常用于净水,可以使硬水软化 B.硬水和软水可用肥皂水鉴别 C.硬水中的Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 、Mg(HCO 3 ) 2 可用加热煮沸法除去 D.蒸馏法可比较彻底的除去硬水中的 Ca 2+ 、Mg 2+ ,蒸馏装置冷凝管中的冷凝水应下进上出 6.下列实验操作不能达到预期目的的是 A.用湿润的 PH 试纸测得某地酸雨的 PH 值为 4.6 B.用通过灼热 CuO 粉末的方法除去CO 2 中的少量 CO C.从 MnO 2 与 KCl 的混合物中分离出 KCl 的
4、方法是溶解、过滤、蒸发、结晶 D.只用一种试剂能鉴别出 NaCl、NaOH、NH 4 NO 3 三种固体 7.水冷却后,除了会凝固成冰晶体外,还会形成玻璃态,它是由液态水急速冷却到-108 时形成的,玻璃态水与普通水密度相同,下列有关说法错误的是 A.水冷却到 0时形成的冰水混合物是纯净物 B.水结冰后分子间距离不变 C.水由液态变为玻璃态体积不变 2 D.水变为冰或玻璃态均属于物理变化 8.质子数相同,中子数不同的同一元素的不同原子互称同位素,如碳元素有三种同位素 12 C、 13 C、 14 C,其质子数均为 6,中子数分别为 6、7、8 。有两种粒子质子数相同,核外电子数也相同, 则这两
5、种粒子不可能是 A.互为同位素 B.一种原子,一种分子 C.两种分子 D.一种离子,一种分子 9.一定质量的某化合物完全燃烧,消耗 9.6g O 2 ,生成物通过足量浓 H 2 SO 4 增重 5.4g,再通 过足量澄清石灰水生成沉淀 20g,对该化合物判断不正确的是 A.该化合物一定含有 C、H、O 三种元素 B.该化合物中碳元素化合价为-2 价 C.该化合物的分子式为 C 2 H 6 O D.该化合物质量为 15.8g 10.在一个密闭容器中,有甲、乙、丙、丁四种物质在一定条件下反应一段时间后测得各物 质的质量如下表,下列说法错误的是 物 质 甲 乙 丙 丁 反应前质量/g 5 11 28
6、 5 反应后质量/g 待测 2 20 22 A.该反应是化合反应 B.甲可能是该反应的催化剂 C.甲的质量和物理性质、化学性质均不改变 D.继续反应完全后只有乙的质量为 0 11.某无色气体可能含有 CO 2 、CO、H 2 、N 2 中的一种或几种,依次进行以下实验(假设每 步反应均完全进行) 通过炽热的碳层后,恢复到原状态,气体体积不变 通过灼热的 CuO 时,固体变成红色 通过白色 CuSO 4 粉末时,粉末变为蓝色晶体 通入澄清石灰水中,石灰水变浑浊 下列判断正确的是 A.原混合气体中一定含有 CO 2 、CO、H 2 B.原混合气体中一定含有 H 2 和 CO,无法确定是否含有 CO
7、 2 、N 2 C.原混合气体一定含有 H 2 和 CO 2 ,可能含有 CO 和 N 2 D.若实验后还有气体剩余,则原混合气体一定含有 N 2 、CO、H 2 12.已知铜、铁均能与 FeCl 3 溶液反应,Cu+2FeCl 3 =2FeCl 2 +CuCl 2 ,Fe+2FeCl 3 =3FeCl 2 。 现将铜、铁混合粉末加入到盛有 FeCl 3 溶液的烧杯中,充分反应后烧杯中仍有少量固体,有关烧 杯中物质组成的说法正确的是 A.溶液中一定含有 FeCl 3 ,固定一定有 Cu,可能有 Fe B.溶液中一定含有 FeCl 2 ,固体一定含Cu C.溶液中一定含有 FeCl 2 、CuC
8、l 2 ,固体一定含有 Cu D.溶液一定含有 FeCl 2 ,固体一定是 Fe 和 Cu 二、填空、解答( 包括 3 小题,共 44 分) 13.(11 分)如图所示是 a、b、c 三种物质的溶解度曲线,a 与 c 的溶解度曲线相交于 P 点, 3 据图回答: (1)在 t 2 时,a、 b、c 三种物质的饱和溶液 能通过降温使其变为不饱和溶液的是 (2)在 t 2 时,将 50g a 物质加入 50g 水中充分 搅拌溶解,所得溶液溶质质量分数为 (3)t 1 时,用托盘天平称取 15g a 物质于一个烧杯中,再用 mL 量筒量取 mL 水 加入烧杯中充分搅拌溶解即得a 的饱和溶液。 若量取
9、水时仰视读数,则所得溶液为 溶液(填“饱和”、 “不饱和”或“ 过饱和”) 若称取 a 物质时 a 与砝码位置放反了(10g 以下用游码),则所得溶液的质量分数为 (4)在 t 2 时,将 a、b、c 三种物质的不饱和溶液变为饱和溶液,都适用的方法有 。 (5)将 t 1 时 a、b、c 三种物质饱和溶液的温度升高到 t 2 时,三种溶液的溶质质量分数大 小关系是 。 A.abc B.ca=b C.bac D.a=bc 14.(13 分 )已知 D 是生活中最常见的液态化合物,X 是目前应用最广泛的金属,通常情况 下,F、G 为无色气体单质,E 为难溶于水的白色固体,Y 为常用食品干燥剂,反应
10、为实验室 制气体化合物 I 的常用方法,物质间转化关系如图所示,部分产物已略去。 请回答下列问题: (1)B 俗称 ,D 的化学式是 ,Y 中阴离子的结构示意 图为 。 (2)反应中属于复分解反应的有 (3)现阶段还不能广泛使用 F 作能源的理由是 (4)反应的现象是 (5)写出反应 的方程式 (6)写出反应的方程式 15.(20 分) 某化学兴趣小组对木炭与 CuO 反应的气体和固体产物分别进行探究。 【提出问题】:气体产物是什么? 【猜想与假设】:(1) 可能是 CO; (2)可能是 CO 2 ;(3) 【设计实验方案】(1)甲同学设计了一种检验 CO 的方案:将小动物放在收集的气体中,观
11、 察能否存活,若不能存活,则猜想(1)成立,乙同学认为此方案不行,理由是 (2)他们查阅资料知:把滤纸浸泡在磷钼酸与氯化钯的黄色混合溶液中制成的试纸遇 CO 立即变成蓝色,遇 CO 2 不变色。于是又设计了如图所示实验方案。 4 若 B 中试纸变蓝,C 中 (填溶液名称)变浑浊,说明上述猜想 成立,此 时装置还存在一个明显的缺陷是 。 【提出问题】:红色固体产物(无黑色固体)是什么? 【查阅资料】(1)Cu 2 O 和 Cu 均为红色固体 (2)CuSO 4 溶液,Cu(CO 3 ) 2 溶液均为蓝色 (3)Cu 2 O+H 2 SO 4 (稀)=Cu+CuSO 4 +H 2 O 3Cu 2
12、O+14HNO 3 (稀)=6Cu(NO 3 ) 2 +2NO+7H 2 O 3Cu+8HNO 3 (稀)=3Cu(NO 3 ) 2 +2NO+4H 2 O 【猜想与假设】:(1)可能是 Cu;(2)可能是 Cu 2 O; (3)可能是 Cu 和 Cu 2 O 【设计实验方案】:方案一: 取适量固体试样于一支试管中,加入 后充分振荡, 若出现现象 ,则产物只有 Cu; 若出现现象 ,则产物肯 定有 ,可能有 。 方案二:称取 14.4g 红色产物加入足量稀硫酸,再过滤、 、 、称量得固体的质 量为 m g。当 m 为 g 时,产物中只有 Cu 2 O;当 m 的取值范围为 时,产物 中既有 C
13、u 又有 Cu 2 O。 【结论】综合上述、可知,木炭与 CuO 在加热条件下发生的反应可能有(写出所有可 能的反应方程式) 。 5 化学测试题答卷 二、(共 44 分) 13.(11 分)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 14.(13 分)(1) , , (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 15.(20 分) 【猜想与假设】(3) 【设计实验方案】(1) (2)若 B 中试纸变蓝,C 中 (填溶液名称)变浑浊,说明上述猜想 成 立,此时装置还存在一个明显的缺陷是 。 、方案一:取适量固体试样于一支试管中,加入 后充分振荡,若出现现 象 ,则产物只有 Cu; 若出现现象 ,则产物肯定
14、 有 ,可能有 。 方案二: 称取 14.4g 红色产物加入足量稀硫酸,再过滤、 、 、称量得固体 的质量为 m g。当 m 为 g 时,产物中只有 Cu 2 O;当 m 的取值范围为 时, 产物中既有 Cu 又有 Cu 2 O。 【结论】综合上述、可知,木炭与 CuO 在加热条件下发生的反应可能有(写出所有可 能的反应方程式 ) 。剑阁县英才班模拟考试 英语注:听力考试略II.选择填空(共 15 小题,共 15 分)从 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。 21.To our great _,the beautiful singer could sing a lo
15、t of English songs. A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprisingly 22.Making good use of a tape recorder will help you to _ bad pronunciation. A.give in B.give out C.give away D.get rid of 23. What do you think of the place? I didnt care for it at_first,but after_ time I got to like it. A./;the
16、B.the;a C./;a D.a;the 24Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end? If you keep still,you can sit at _.A.neither B.either C.all D.any 25.At the school meeting,the headmaster suggestes the teachers receive _ education to catch up with the _development. A.farther;late B.farther;latest C.furt
17、her;late D.further;latest 26.Be careful when you get _ or _ the bus?A.on;off B.up;down C.in;out D.over;below27.Susan is out.I wonder how long ago_. A.did she go B.she has left C.she leaves D.she left28.I usually go there by trainWhy not _by plane for a change? A.to try going B.try going C.to try and
18、 go D.trying to go 29.Think hard,_ youll get a good idea. A.but B./ C.and D.yet 30.They lost their way in the forest,and _ made matter worse was that night began to fall. A.which B.what C.it D.that31.Have you traveled much? No,Ive done _traveling. A.few B.smalll C.little D.less 32. Shall I go home n
19、ow? No,you_.Your work hasnt been finished yetA.neednt B.mustnt C.wont D.wouldnt33.Dont do anything unless I ask _. A.you to B.you C.of you D. you to do 34. I failed in the English test. _.Dont lose heart.Try again. A.Youre too slow B.Im sorry to hear that C.Nothing to worry about D.Im angry with you
20、. 35.Who do you think knows the news? Nobody but Tom and Jane _ it. A.know B.knows C.have known D.is known III.完形填空(本题有 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。All big cities are quite similar. 36 in a modern Asian city is not 37 living in an American city.The same canno
21、t be said about living on farms, 38 .In many parts of the world,farmers and their families live in villages or 39 .In the United States,however,each farm family lives 40 its own fields,often out of the sight of any 41 .Instead of traveling in the morning from their 42 to the field every day,American
22、 farmers often 43 on their land throughout the week.They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for 44 or on Sundays for church.The children 45 on buses to large schools which 46 all of the farm families living in the area.In 47 areas,there are small schools for a few families,and the children 48 t
23、o schoolBut life 49 for everyone,of course,including the farmers. 50 there are cars,good roads,radios,and television sets. 51 of course there are modern machines for farming.All of these have changed farm life. For many years,however,farming in America was 52 a lonely way of living.Farmers had to 53
24、 their own problems all by themselves,instead of getting 54 from others.As time went on they learned to try new ways,and trust their own ideas instead of following 55 ways. 36.A.Studying B.Living C.Farming D.Working 37.A.as far as B.as difficult as C.very different from D.as easy as 38.A.either B.ho
25、wever C.now D.of course 39.A.towns B.big cities C.streets D.houses40.A.in B.across C.near D.between 41.A.animals B.neighbours C.friends D.cattle 42.A.hometown B.farm C.field D.village 43.A.eat B.sleep C.stay D.depend 44.A.food B.trip C.dinner D.shopping45.A.take B.ride C.sit D.lie 46.A.are run by B.
26、are near C.serve D.work for 47.A.other B.these C.most D.some 48.A.walk B.go C.come D.run 49.A.is not easy B.keeps changing C.is hard D.is funny 50.A.Often B.Usually C.Today D.Sometimes51.A.Then B.Therefore C.But D.And 52.A.not B.often C.never D.foreverV. 阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、
27、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 APlants are very important living things.Life could not go if there were no plants.This is because plants can make food from air,water and sunlight.Animals and man cannot make food from air,water and sunlight.Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals.So animals and
28、 man need plants in order to live.This is why we find that there are so many plants around us. If you look carefully at the plants around you,you will find that there are two kinds of plants:flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants can bear seeds.The seeds are protected by the fru
29、its.Some fruits have one seed,some have two,three or four,and some have many seeds.But a few fruits have no seeds at all.An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit. Most non-flowering plants dont grow from seeds.They grow from spores.Spores are very,very small.Some spores are so small a
30、nd light that they can float in the air.We may say that spores are quite the same as the seeds.When these spores fall on wet and shady places,they usually grow into new plants. 56.The main idea of the passage is that _. A. plants are important for life plants cannot grow without airC.there are many
31、plants around us D.we cannot live without water. 57.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Plants can be divided into two main types:flowering plants and non-flowering plants. B.All fruits have seeds in them. C.Seeds are protected by the fruits D.Some plants grow from spores. 58.The word “non-floweri
32、ng”in this passage means _. A.开花的 B.有花的 C.多花的 D.不开花的 BIn the United States,most children begin attending school when they are 5 years old.Public education is free and most children go to learn to read and write.But they also play games and go on trips.There is no reason at such an early age for them
33、 to hit the books. The situation changes as children become older.The subjects become more difficult. Students must learn about world history,algebra(数),and the life sciences.Tests become more common.Pressure is growing to hit the books,study hard,and advance.However,most serious students only reall
34、y begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school. High school students who hope to continue their education at a college or university must take a special national test called the S-A-T.The test has two parts.The first part tests the students ability with numbers and mathematical
35、 skills. The second part tests the students ability in the English language. The S-A-T test is very important.A high school student who gets a high score on the two parts of the test has a good chance to enter a top American college.For this reason,many students hit the books for months to prepare f
36、or the S-A-T. 59.From the text,we can see “hitting the books” means _. A.working hard for the future B.studying a subject carefully C.reading books in a hurry D.reading books with great effort 60.Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of the text? A.The S-A-T is the most im
37、portant test. B.Education is not easy in the United States. C.“Hitting the books ” is very important for the students who want to have a bright future. D.The more you want to learn,the more tests you have to pass. 61.American children dont have _ if they want to study in public school. A.to work har
38、d at their lessons B.to pay for the education C.to hit the books D.to take many tests62.The students in high school_A.have to take the S-A-T B.are free and happyC.have to hit the books if they want to go on to college D.dont hit the books until they pass the S-A-T 63.Which of the following is NOT tr
39、ue according to the text? A.In America the students have to pass certain tests to continue their education. B.Young children neednt work hard at their lessons because education is free. C.Those who fail in the S-A-T cannot go to college. D.The students must spend a lot of time preparing for the S-A-
40、T. CAnother ReasonIt was a quiet village in which there was a military camp.It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around.Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers.But it was difficult for the young men to go outside.Mr.White ,an officer of forty,wa
41、s strict with them and he hardly let them leave the camp. Once Mr.White was ill in bed. He couldnt work and a young officer, Mr. Hunt, began to train thenew soldiers instead of him.He knew the young men well and let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday.But night fell and none came
42、back to the camp.He was worried about it and stood at the gate.It was five to twelve when Mr.Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening with the young men.He started the car quickly and set off.At that moment the nine soldiers came back.It seemed they were all drunk.Of course they fou
43、nd the officer was angry. “Im sorry, sir” said the first soldier. “I left the town on time,But something was wrong with my bus on my way here.I had to buy a horse and made it run fast.Bad luck!It died and I had to run back.” And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the same reason.It was
44、 the last soldiers turn.He said, “Im sorry,sir.I got on a bus on time,but” Having heard this,the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once.He called out, “If you say something was wrong with your bus,Ill punish you at once!” “No,no,sir,said the young man. “My bus was all right,but the dead
45、 horses were in its way!”64.The military camp was built in the village to _. A.stop the soldiers going to towns B.stop the soldiers meeting their friends C.train new soldiers D.make the young men live quietly. 65.Mr.Hunt let nine soldiers have a holiday because_. A.he was kind to them B.they felt lo
46、nely C.they had something important to do D.they were the best of all 66.The nine soldiers returned to the camp late because_ A.he was kind to them B.they felt lonely C.they had something important to do D.they were the best of all66.The nine soldiers returned to the camp late because_. A.something
47、was wrong with their buses B.their horses died on their return way C.it took them much time to run back D.they all had drunk too much in the town 67.Which answer do you think is right? A.The officer only believed the last soldier. B.The officer believed the nine soldiers. C.The officer believed none of the soldiers. D.The officer wouldnt punish his soldiers. D“If you want to see a thing well,reach out and touch it!” That may seem a strange thing to say.But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell