1、1原版英语口语情景对话第 0117 集:讲述婚后生活变化Keith 非常满意婚后的生活,听他讲讲婚后有什么变化吧。Todd: Hey, Keith. I heard you just got married.Keith: Oh, yeah.Todd: Nice. So, how long ago did you get married?Keith: Oh, I got married last November.Todd: Really, well congratulations.Keith: Thanks a lot.Todd: So, whats married life like?Kei
2、th: Oh, its great. I love married life.Todd: How is being married different than being a bachelor?Keith: You get less dates.Todd: Yeah. Thats for sure. Thats for sure. So at home, do you share with like the cooking and the cleaning and stuff like that?Keith: Oh, yeah, sure. Thats the only way to do it really.Todd: Yeah. Do you cook for your wife?Keith: Oh, yeah.Todd: OK. What do you cook for her?Keith: It depends on what she wants but usually I do the easy stuff like pastas and salads and that kind of stuff.2Todd: Oh, thats nice. Thats nice.