1、28 null6 2005 M69null null null nullnull nullnull nullCH INESE JOURNA L OF COM PU TERSVo l. 28 N o. 6June 2005nullK d E陈文亮null 张null 胜null 金修宝( 2t bt?vnull 2null 210016)l : 2003-10-20; l : 2005- 04-01., 3, 1966 M 3,p V, q,Z_CAD/ CAE/ C AMa eF/ a E/a E. E-mail: cw lme n uaa. edu . cn.fnull ;, 3, 1975
2、 M 3, V,Z_CAD/ C AE / CAM ., 3, 1977 M3, V,Z_CAD/C AE/ CAM .Knull1null ,qK 4 B w d E. E n5y K dH, Q dH LZ_i 3 L, E/; w ,K H E 3 d. N E d V; B8, Vz CAEs ,q d1 p. LlV E V L.1oMnullK; d; w ; E; mEs |T P 391ResearchontheAlgorithmof HoleRepairingforFiniteElementMeshCH EN Wen-Liang null ZH ANG Sheng null
3、JIN Xiu-Bao(College of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics hole repairing; surface; paving algo rithm; m etal form ing1nullnull CAE, ,qK i d, dH “, _, _, ,q ,yN,YZE 5 B1 p d ,q, M d,V71 p ,q.CAEs H,tdi9 l ,yNKs - d B Es1T. d5X 1 3 . “ -X EB | d4 | bWH, dH A .)
4、ZE1 J 3 d W C8,E CAE q L=1.4 B w K d E, E dH, 3Bf dgNURBS w , H w 1 3 E,; d,z % d ;5.2null dH | | dH E$.CA E q, H V/ZE: Ti HH B T( H) ,5HH HBHH, TH,HH nM FH.H V / :typedef str uct boundar y _ptr int nd1, nd2; null null null null / *H|* /int ne; / *H|* /flo at pt1 3 , pt2 3 ; / *HUS* /struct bo undar
5、y _ptr * prev , * nex t; Bo undary Edg es;m1 U,HL 1BE1,#L 1HH,7L 2 E1E2M#,#L 2 HH. ZE_ BH, Vs HH.HvB , V FHF. m2 U,B1, B2B3sY V H. d ,m1nullHHm2 null dH1 =HB2B3 ,yN d - n5 uY =H.CAE, Z_, V| HZ_g,g (YX Y ) =1 H ZE uY =H: KvHH, =H,9 dH.3null d w 1 3 =H, dH, 3Bf dgNURBS w , H 1 3 E,; d.3. 1null L/n5, L
6、Z_. dH, p H Z_gKl ,s HZ_ bW K L 00,L 01. BH bWLL0 ,LL 0Z_T LZ_( m3 U). ,P1#YVP1i OL 0 A 1 =HP2/B“H wL. H ,M # H, , | HE O . P1 ,M #HE ON1, N2 , HE O | (N,TP1E O. P1, P2# E O,/BHB“H wL. H“ wL/V, VBF bW wL. w gT,s wL,1 wLLL 0Z_L 0 L 00,L 01)L 10,L 11 , 9FBH wL.K wLML 10 ,L 11, 3 wL.3. 2null wL _I ZE w
7、L, V ?CM # H wLW t f ,/ ZE_ wL . wLLL 0Z_ , IHM # wL, m3Sn, Sn+ 1 ,vB1 psY H wLms, PB“ L , K 00, K01 , K02, null, K0m, 6BH wL5K10 , K11, K12 , null, K1m,L W K 1,K 2, null,Km, T Kv K maxlnull,5 H wL BH ,V wLF “. m3,Sn+ 2Sn+ 3W , BHSn+ 3 .1 wL, H wLW 1 p. E, | (1/ 5Tnull.3. 3null wL wL _, wL10696 :K d
8、 Em3null L/LL0Z_ . w g ? ,1 3Bf1 dHv w .BF L,sKBH L,L M OZ_B (.T LW. L,5 M OZ_W. m3,S LKBH L, sY M OZ_, mLs, Sn, Sn+ 1, Sn+ 2 null51 sY LS. m3 Ls. 5 + E, VB“H wL , 31 L.3.4null d w 3 ZEF wLT wL, E/; w .NU RBSBtM1 E,+Y QUS/ 6 E#NU RBS w Q E 4 , V d w . wL VB“H wL, / w 1 dv, w H,1 dH/NURBSw g. 3gNURBS
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15、ang, bo rn in 1966,Ph. D. , associate pr ofessor . H is researchinter ests include CA D/ CA E/ CA M , NCmachining, v ir tual manufacturing, metalfo rming simulatio n.null null ZHANG Sheng, bo rn in 1975, M . S. . H is resea rch in-terests include CA D/ CA E/ CA M .JINXiu-Bao, born in 1977, M . S. .
16、H is r esear ch inter-est s include CAD/ CAE/ CAM .BackgroundT he pa per is based on the study o f the pro ject null M etalFor ming CA E Softw arenull . T his pro ject is an international co-o per ation pro ject between N anjing U niver sity of A eronauticsand A st ronautics and Eng ineering T echno
17、 log y Associates,INC( U SA) . T he aim is to aid engineer to ev aluate the dev e-lo p met al for ming die( Detection o f for ming limits and w rin-kles, Optimization of pro cess pa rameters) .T he research papers on this pro ject includes:1 T he algo rithm of co mbined mesh g enerat or fo r com-pli
18、cated surface. Jo ur nal o f Image and Gr aphics,2004, 9( 8) ( in Chinese)2 O ptimizatio n algo rithm for hybrid meshes of cur vedsurface. Jo ur nal of South China U niver sity o f T ech-nolog y, 2004, 32( 2) ( in Chinese)T he null Inner F illnull functio n is implement ed by the pr o-posed alg or ithm in the paper . It is used to fill the hole w ithsmo oth mesh auto matically. It is a v ery important step formetal fo rming simulatio n. Eng ineer w ill sav e t ime and obtainmore satisfacto ry CA E result by the null I nner Fillnull functioningCA E softw are.