1、Chapter 1单词翻译:Nicotian 烟草属 combustion :燃烧. Solanaceae 茄科 combustibility 可燃性度 nicotine 尼古丁,烟碱 pest resistance 抗虫害agronomic performance 农艺性能 ChineseStyle Cigarette :中式卷烟Chinese-style cigarette:中式卷烟 Virginian-type cigarette:烤烟型卷烟blended cigarette:混合型卷烟 tar content:焦油含量aromatic 芳香的 limit regulation:限焦令.
2、 Virginia tobacco :弗吉尼亚烟Flue-cured tobacco:烤烟 Bright tobacco :浅色烟 Burley tobacco :白肋烟Oriental tobacco 东方烟 Aromatic tobacco :香料烟 Maryland tobacco :马里兰烟Cigar tobacco :雪茄烟 disease resistance:抗病性 plants physiology:植物生理thresh:打叶 redrying:复烤 aging:老化,(陈化、醇化) fermentation 发酵cigarette manufacture:卷烟生产 smoke
3、 chemistry:烟气化学 cigar 雪茄cigarillo 小雪茄 smokeless tobacco:无烟烟草 botanical 植物的air-curing 晾制 sun-curing 晒制 fire-curing 熏制 fiue-curing 烤制the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration :STMA officially :国家烟草专卖局 2. 长句子翻译Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is a kind of special plant containing nicotine, belong to Sola
4、naceae, Nicotiana. Tobacco differs from other crops in that it is used mostly for combustion. Variables of botanical, physical and chemical characteristics of leaf tobacco determine degrees of combustibility, smoke composition, taste and aroma and, thus, product acceptability.烟草是一种特殊的含有尼古丁的植物,属于茄科烟草
5、属。烟草作为燃烧物质又不同与其他作物,烟草的植物、物理、化学特性决定了其燃烧程度、烟气组成、香气、吸味和可接受程度。Because the properties of tobacco and, therefore, its usability vary markedly with variety, locality, system of production and curing method, standardization of the commercial product is essential for growers and users (i.e. manufacturers). I
6、t is based primarily on curing method (air-, sun-, fire- and flue-curing), locality of production (growth) and the way in which the leaf is to be used (cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc.). Further classification is then according to position on the stalk from which the leaves have originated and factors s
7、uch as their color, quality and ripeness at harvest.由于烟草的性质及其可用性均随品种、生产区域、生产方式和调制方法的不同而发生显著的变化,因此,制定烟叶商品标准对烟草种植者和产品制造商来说都是十分必要的。先按烟草的调制方法(晾、晒、熏、烤) 、生产区域和使用方式(卷烟、雪茄、斗烟等)进行分类,然后再依据烟叶的生长部位、颜色、质量和成熟度等因素进一步细分。3. 简答根据烟草的调制方法,使用方式把烟草分为几类?(至少写五种,每种一分,共五分)Virginia tobacco 弗吉尼亚烟 Flue-cured tobacco 烤烟 Burley t
8、obacco 白肋烟 sun-cured tobacco晒烟 Oriental tobacco 东方烟、香料烟 Maryland tobacco 马里兰烟 Cigar tobacco 雪茄烟 Cigarette 卷烟 light air-cured tobacco 浅色晾烟 dark air-cured tobacco 深色晾烟Chapter2alkaloid 生物碱 Frost-free days 无霜期 blue mold 霜霉病 photoperiodism 光周期现象 short-day plants 短日照植物 seedlings 幼苗 bare-root transplants 裸
9、根移植 plant populations 植物种群 nitrogen 氮肥 Topping 打顶 stalk 茎秆 suckering 抹叉 ripeness 成熟 premature 未成熟的Chapter 31. 单词翻译light air-cured:浅色晾晒型 dark air-cured:深色晾晒型 sun-cured:晒(烟)cigar filler:雪茄芯烟 binder (雪茄烟)内衣;( 雪茄烟)内包皮 Turkish 土耳其(烟叶)wrapper (雪茄烟)外衣;(雪茄烟)外包皮 interspecific cross:杂交gene mutations:基因突变 broa
10、d terms:广义 breeder:育种人员;育种工作者;cultivar 品种 germplasm sources:种质资源 genotypes:基因型outlining tests 概述测试 trait:特征 attribute 属性 handling 处理 lamina (烟叶)叶片midvein:(烟叶叶片)中脉 filling:填充值 harsh (烟气) 粗糙、 (烟气)生硬bitter 苦 pungent 辛辣 aroma 香气 mass selection:混合选择 allele:等位基因.pedigree 杂交分离世代谱系 backcross 回交 recurrent:轮回
11、选择 haploid:单倍体 tissue culture techniques:组织培养技术 doubled haploids:双单倍体inherited trait:遗传性状 homozygote 纯合子 interspcific bridge cross 种间杂交inbreeding 近亲繁殖 genetically variable:基因变异 recombination 基因重组black root rot:黑腐病 crop failure:粮食欠收 sensory properties:感官特性 morphological 形态特征 pyrolysis:裂解 heterosis 杂种
12、优势长句子翻译In broad terms, a modern breeding project will consist of three phases: planning, line development and testing. In the planning phase, a breeder should carefully define the goals to be accomplished. Generally, this will be correcting a deficiency in existing cultivars or increasing the desira
13、bility of cultivars for one or more traits. Other aspects of planning include identifying and/or selecting appropriate germplasm sources, choosing the best breeding method, identifying or developing techniques needed to evaluate the breeding materials and to select the best genotypes and outlining t
14、ests required to fully characterize the lines obtained from the breeding effort. The line development and testing phases are the parts of the project where the plans are carried out and, hopefully, the objectives accomplished.概括地讲,现代育种项目包括制定计划、品种培育和品系鉴定 3 个阶段。在计划制定阶段,育种者必须仔细地确定欲完成的育种目标。一般是改进现有栽培品种的缺
15、陷,或提高栽培品种一个或多个性状合乎需要的程度。另外,计划还应包含鉴定或筛选适当种质资源,选择最佳的育种方法,鉴定或开发评价育种材料和选择优良基因型所需要的技术,以及提出完全表征该育种研究筛选品系特性的鉴定要点。品系培育和鉴定阶段是育种项目进行并最后完成所期望的目标的一部分。There have been many advances in tobacco breeding and genetics over the past several years. Breeders have developed cultivars with high yield, good quality and re
16、sistance to several diseases. In addition, inheritance information has been obtained for numerous characteristics, and a vast array of germplasm has been collected and characterized. This solid base of genetic information and germplasm enhances the prospects for future advancements. Also, new inform
17、ation and emerging technologies in chemistry and biology, especially in genetic engineering, have promising applications in tobacco improvement.在过去的几年里,烟草遗传和育种上出现了许多新进展。育种学家培育出了高产、优质和抗多种病害的新品种。另外,还得到了许多性状的遗传信息,搜集和鉴定了大量的种质。遗传信息和种质的坚实基础展现了未来光明的发展前景,在化学和生物方面,尤其基因工程技术方面的新信息、新技术在烟草的改良中具有光明的应用前景。2. 简答烟草改良
18、常用的育种方法有哪些?(至少写出五种,每种一分,共计五分)Backcross Breeding 回交育种 Genetic engineering Breeding 基因工程育种Haploids Breeding 单倍体育种 Mass selection Breeding 混合选择育种Pedigree Breeding 系谱法育种,系统育种 Pure-line selection Breeding 纯系选择育种Recurrent selection Breeding 轮回选择育种 Introduction Breeding 引种育种Hybridization Breeding 杂交育种 Dist
19、ant hybridization Breeding 远缘杂交育种Induced mutation breeding 诱变育种3. 看图翻译1.下图是一个完整烟草花的解剖图,请选择合适的英文单词填空雄蕊 stamens 雌蕊 pistil 花药 anther 花丝 filaments 柱头 stigma 花柱 style 花冠 corolla 子房 ovary 花萼 calyxChapter 4 fungal: adj.真菌的,由真菌引起的 fungus:n.真菌;霉,霉菌 复数:fungi; funguses;bacterial:adj.细菌的;细菌性 bacterium: n.细菌 复数:
20、 bacteriayield and quality:产质量 blue mold: 烟草霜霉病 brown spot:烟草赤星病powdery mildew:烟草白粉病 target spot:烟草靶斑病 wild fire :烟草野火病angular leaf spot :烟草角斑病 black shank:烟草黑胫病 black root rot:烟草根黑腐病stalk :n. 植茎 vascular: n .植 维管的 sore shin:烟草立枯病 Granville wilt:烟草青枯病collar rot:烟草菌核病(Sclerotinia rot)Fusarium wilt :烟
21、草枯萎病 hollow stalk:烟草空茎病 efficient methods :有效方法 disease control:病害控制 cured tobacco:烤烟nematode: 线虫 parasitic:adj.寄生的;寄生物的;由寄生虫引起的属( Genus)种 (Species)insecticide :杀虫剂 pesticide:农药问题:1.真菌病害:brown spot:烟草赤星病 black shank:烟草黑胫病 powdery mildew:烟草白粉病 black root rot:烟草根黑腐病 sore shin:烟草立枯病 blue mold: 烟草霜霉病2.细
22、菌病害:hollow stalk:烟草空茎病 angular leaf spot :烟草角斑病3.根茎部病害:black shank:烟草黑胫病 black root rot:烟草根黑腐病 Fusarium wilt :烟草枯萎病 hollow stalk:烟草空茎病 sore shin:烟草立枯病 Granville wilt:烟草青枯病4.叶部病害:blue mold: 烟草霜霉病 brown spot:烟草赤星病powdery mildew:烟草白粉病 target spot:烟草靶斑病 wild fire :烟草野火病?主要病源:funguses. 真菌 bacteria 细菌 vir
23、us 病毒 nematode pests 有害线虫 insect pests 害虫Chapter 7 Tobacco Leaf Chemistryconstituent :n. 成分,构成部分;委托人, 选民 Carbohydrate:碳水化合物,糖类Starch:淀粉 Sugar:糖 Sugar Ester:糖脂 Cellulose:纤维素 Pectin:果胶质polymer :n.多聚物;高分子 聚合物 polysaccharide: n.多醣,聚糖,多聚糖saccharide:糖类 amylose :n.直链淀粉 amylopectin :n.支链淀粉 sucrose:蔗糖blend:混
24、合物 stinging:刺激的 odor:气味,臭味 reconstituted tobacco:重组烟草fiber:纤维 alkaloid:生物碱 nicotine:尼古丁 Plastid:质体 pigment:色素carotenoid:类胡萝卜素 precursor:前体物 volatile:易挥发的;易变的,不稳定的;aroma:芳香,香味;烟草中碳水化合物主要有:Starch:淀粉 Sugar:糖 Sugar Ester:糖脂 Cellulose:纤维素Pectin:果胶质Chapter 81. 单词翻译filling value 填充值 burn rate 燃烧率 adsorptio
25、n 吸附作用 raw material 原料cut rag 烟丝 specific volume 比容 shred 烟丝 constant velocity 匀速 compress 压缩,压紧;精简 adsorption equilibrium 吸附平衡 vacuum drying 真空干燥 relative humidity 相对湿度sulfuric acid 硫酸 saturated 饱和的;渗透的;深颜色的 wrap paper 外包纸 permeability 渗透性;通透性 additives 添加剂 ventilation 通风设备;空气流通 puff 抽吸口数 circumfer
26、ence 圆周;周长 the static burning rate 静燃速率 equilibrium moisture 平衡含水率,平衡水分 taste 吸味 filter 过滤材料 tobacco blending 配方 body 身份 degree of damage 残伤度 cigarette paper 卷烟纸长句子翻译There are three main ways to measure equilibrium moisture content. One method takes measurements by a gas with a fixed relative humidi
27、ty that flows through a sample. Another method measures equilibrium moisture under the water vapor environment after evacuating air. The third way uses a desiccator and adjusts the humidity with a sulfuric acid solution or a saturated salt solution and takes measurements under atmospheric pressure.测
28、定平衡含水率有三种主要方法。方法一是采用一种具有稳定相对湿度的气体流过被测样品进行测定。方法二是在抽出空气后的水蒸汽的环境下测定平衡含水率。第三种方法使用了一个干燥器,通过调整含有硫酸溶液或饱和盐溶液的湿度,在大气压下进行测定。Chapter 101. 单词翻译Reconstituted sheet 再造烟叶 expansion 膨胀 homogenized:均匀分布微粒的 shred 碎片slurring:稠浆法 impregnation:渗入 adhesives 粘合剂 slurry:浆体 mainstream smoke:主流烟气 sidestream smoke 测流烟气 lamina
29、 体积 Slurry Sheet Process:稠浆法 humectant:保湿剂 diced:切割 cut filler:填料 pulp 纸浆 recon 薄片烟 Smoking Qualities :吸食质量sensory quality:感官质量 signature flavor:独特风味 carbon monoxide:一氧化碳tailor- made:量身定做 carcinogen 致癌物 shredded:切丝 rolled stems:压梗filter 过滤 limonene limni:n:柠檬烯长句子翻译Expanded tobacco is an essential pa
30、rt of processing of most cigarette products. It is an efficient means of expanding the volume of tobacco lamina by up to 100%. The main benefits of using expanded tobacco are: reduces cigarette weight while reserving its natural tobacco taste; increases the filling value and burn rate, thus reducing
31、 the number of puffs, which in turn reduces the tar and nicotine deliveries per cigarette.膨胀烟丝是大多数卷烟产品加工中的重要组成部分。它是一种有效的手段,能够扩大烟草叶片体积高达 100。使用膨胀烟丝的主要好处是:减少卷烟的重量,同时保留其天然的烟草味道,增加填充值和燃烧率,从而降低了抽吸口数,也就是减少了每支卷烟的焦油和尼古丁含量。Reconstituted sheet, commonly called recon, is now considered an integral part of proc
32、essing any quality and cost-effective cigarettes product. Recent advances in paper making technology allow for producing tailor- made recon that can play a major role in the development of many blended cigarettes, Virginia, oriental and black cigarettes as well as other smoking products.再造薄片,俗称薄片烟,现
33、在被认为是具有优秀质量和具有成本效益香烟产品工序的一个组成部分。再造薄片技术的进步使量身订做的薄片烟,在许多混合型卷烟的发展中起了重要的作用,在弗吉尼亚烟,东方烟和黑色香烟以及其他烟草产品也是如此。Chapter 111. 单词翻译delivery /释放量 TSNA(tobacco specific nitrosamine) 烟草特有的亚硝胺benzo(a)pyrene B(a)P 苯并芘;苯并(a) 芘 dimension 规格、尺寸rod / (烟)支; (烟)条;枝条 carton 纸板箱 neutralizer 中和剂resin 树脂;松香 syrup 糖浆果汁;含药糖浆 integ
34、ral 积分的;完整的,整体的venation 脉络;叶脉 tobacco rod 烟条 烟丝被卷烟纸包卷后形成的长圆柱体。ash / 灰分;烟灰 wrapper 包装材料; /包装/ 包装纸;书皮 binder 粘合剂inhale /inheil/ 吸入 aftertaste 余味 shred 烟丝 adverse effect 不利影响;副作用 flavor grades (致香型)烟叶 modifier grades 调味型)烟叶 filler grades (填充型) 烟叶 extensive 广泛的;大量的 volatile 挥发性的;不稳定的ameliorate / 改善;减轻(痛
35、苦等) ;改良 processability 加工性;加工性能pliable 柔韧的;柔软的;圆滑的;易曲折的 evaporate 蒸发,挥发exterior 外部;表面;外型;外貌 stretch 伸展,延伸 cellulosic 有纤维质的porous 多孔渗水的;能渗透的;有气孔的 cellulose acetate 醋酸纤维charcoal 木炭 cosmetic 化妆品;装饰品 firmness 硬度长句子翻译Cigarette manufacturing involves developing a specific tobacco blend utilizing the desir
36、ed tobacco types, breaking up the tobaccos stored in hogsheads or bales, combining the blend components, cutting the raw tobaccos into specific dimensions, applying casing and top dressing materials (unless it is a no-additive product), adjusting moisture content, selecting the appropriate filter, p
37、aper, cigarette design properties, combining these components into a rod (usually on a high speed machine), inserting the rods into a pack, placing the packs into cartons and consolidating the cartons into cases for distribution.卷烟制造过程包括根据所需类型开发出特定的叶组配方,解烟包,烟叶掺配,切丝,加香加料(不加香加料的卷烟除外) ,调节水分,选择适宜的过滤嘴、卷烟
38、纸、卷烟设计参数,卷成烟支(通常用高速卷烟机) ,装盒,成条,最后装箱以便于批发销售。The blend is the single most important factor in determining the smoke quality of a product. Blending can be defined as the combining of raw materials in grades identifiable through visual, chemical and smoking characteristics. Through blending, taste chara
39、cter, irritation/harshness and strength can be altered to the desired product brief. The blender must be familiar with the smoke characteristics of each individual grade of each tobacco type. He must be able to look at the quality of each individual grade and know how that appearance of the tobacco
40、will marry with other blend components and smoke in the final product.配方是决定卷烟产品吸食质量的最主要的因素。配方可以定义为将依据外观质量、化学成分和感官特性分级的烟叶原料进行组合。通过配方,口味特征、刺激性/粗糙感和劲头可以被调整为所期望的产品特征。配方设计人员必须熟悉不同等级、不同类型烟叶的吸食特性。并且能够根据某一等级烟叶原料的品质,知道它在与其他组分配时的表现,以及在最终产品中的吸食表现。Cigarette paper is composed of an inorganic filler and cellulosi
41、c fiber. The most common inorganic filler is calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Special fillers may be used for reducing sidestream smoke yields. Common fibers used for cigarette papers include flax and wood pulp.卷烟纸由无机填料和纤维质材料组成。最为常用的无机填料是碳酸钙(CaCO 3) 。有时会用一些特殊填料来减少测流烟气量。卷烟纸使用的常见纤维包括亚麻纤维和木浆纤维。简答题1 烟株的烟叶由下至上
42、分别为:sand lugs,primings 脚叶,中下部叶(下二棚) ,cutters 中部叶(腰叶) ,leaf 上中部叶(上二棚),tips 顶叶2 烟草可分为三类:flavor grades (致香型)烟叶modifier grades 调味型)烟叶filler grades (填充型)烟叶Chapter 12 Cigarette Quality Assuranceparameter:参数 instrumentation :n.使用仪器,装设仪器; weight :重量 cigarette:卷烟circumference:圆周 diameter:直径 ovality:椭圆度 round
43、ness:圆度 pressure drop :压降resistance-to-draw (rtd) :draw:吸引,拉,拖。draft :气流 filter rods :过滤嘴ventilation :通风设备 Ventilation:通风 Dilution :稀释 low tar cigarettes 低焦油卷烟perforat :打孔 Porosity : n.多孔性,有孔性 porous : adj. 有毛孔或气孔的perforation n.穿孔,贯穿,针孔,齿孔 cigarette paper:卷烟纸 tipping paper 接装纸(水松纸)plug wrap paper :成
44、型纸(滤嘴棒纸)filter rod :滤嘴棒 Moisture:水分Water Content:含水率 Total Oven Volatiles:烘箱总挥发物 Plasticizer:增塑剂cellulose acetate:醋酸纤维 Smoking machine:吸烟机 total particulate matter:总粒相物质gas phase :气相简答卷烟的基本参数:Weight 重量 Circumference or Diameter Measurement 圆周或直径 Pressure Drop 压降 Ventilation 通风度 Firmness (Also Called
45、 Hardness) Including Filling Power 坚实度 Paper Porosity (or Permeability 纸的孔隙度或透气度 Moisture 水分 Length 长度 Measurement of Plasticizer 增塑剂 Smoking Machines and Gas Phase Analyzers 吸烟机和气相分析仪 Air Flow Measuring Instruments 空气流量测定仪 Cigarette Pack Seal Testers 卷烟的包装密封性测试chapter131 烟气收集的方法:Cambridge filter 剑桥
46、滤片 Electrostatic Precipitation 静电沉积器 Cold Traps冷阱Solid Adsorbents固体吸附Solvent Traps溶剂阱Mainstream Smoke (MS)主流烟气Sidestream Smoke (SS)测流烟气Environmental tobacco Smoke (ETS)环境烟气smoke aerosol烟气气溶胶gas phase and particles气相和粒相剑桥滤片的优点:1. Effectively retains particulate phase smoke at room temperature 2. Nonh
47、ygroscopic 3. Easily fashioned into filters of uniform efficiency 4. Requires minimum user preparation 5. Inexpensive影响剑桥滤片平衡的因素1. Temperature 2. Filter loading 3. Flow 4. Moisture level of the pad What is TPM ?TPM=Total Particulate Matter = Nicotine + Tar + WaterChapter 14 Natural Tobacco Flavortop
48、 dressings flavor:加表用香精 casing flavor :加料用香精 filter flavor:滤嘴用香精elucidate :vt.阐明,解释 flue-cured 烤制 burley oriental 东方的Maryland tobacco 马里兰烟Turkish tobacco 土耳其烟Aroma 芳香,香味香精可以分为三种 top dressings flavor:加表用香精 casing flavor :加料用香精 filter flavor:滤嘴用香精Chapter 161. 单词翻译controversial 有争议的,引起争议的,被争论的; 好争论的mil
49、lennia 一千年( millennium 的名词复数 );千年期;myocardial 心肌的infarction 梗塞形成,梗死形成 peripheral:外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的vascular 脉管的,血管的 ,含有血管的;chronic 慢性的长期的;obstructive故意阻碍的monograph专著,专论 carcinogenic致癌物(质) 的surgeon 外科医生长句子翻译Numerous studies were conducted on the association with smoking of four diseases: cancer of the lung, myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease and chronic obstructive lung diseases. However, others maintain the conclusion that smoking is one of the factors contributing to these diseases is mor