1、第 24 卷 第 3 期 浙 江 林 业 科 技 Vol. 24 No.32 0 0 4 年 5 月 JOUR. OF ZHEJIANG FOR. SCI. 2. Zhejiang Forestry Academy, Hangzhou 310023, China)Abstract: Analysis was carried out on demands and characteristics of afforestation tree on road and unfavorable factor of their growth environment. Proposals were offer
2、ed to resolve problems.Key words: afforestation tree species on road; selection; basic principle; distribution of tree species(上接第 38 页)3.3 效益分析3 期 王菊芳,等: 66e8a34698b7cc7901c4845d5ab3643f.pdf 513.3.1 经济效益 晚稻杨梅经济性状突出,收益高。其果实品质优良,加工性能好,经济寿命长,产量高,1985 年被评为浙江省名特优产品,1986 年被列为全国四大杨梅良种之一,松材线虫病疫区迹地树种用晚稻杨梅来更
3、新可大大提高林地生产力,使当地农民增收,将为解决三农问题作出贡献,开发利用前景广阔。3.3.2 生态效益 迹地更新后经过定向培育管理,已逐渐形成了由人工更新的晚稻杨梅和天然更新的小松树组成的针阔混交林分,这将大大地促进了森林生态平衡,改善了迹地的生态环境,其生态效益是十分显著的。 Study on Regeneration by Myrica atBursaphelenchus xylophilus Infected Area in Zhoushan IslandNI An-zhi1,YU Ci-ying2,YUAN Yan-fei2,LI Xiu-peng3,FANG Jin-jun4(1.
4、 Cengang Township Government of Zhoushan, Dinghai 316055, China; 2. Zhoushan Forestry Institute of Zhejiang, Dinghai 316000, China;3. Ningbo Agriculture Institute of Zhejiang, Ningbo 315040, China; 4. Zhoushan Culture and Sport Bureau of Zhejiang, Dinghai 316000, China)Abstract: Regeneration by Myri
5、ca at Bursaphelenchus xylophilus infected area in Hejia Mountain, Dinghai, Zhejiang province showed that 5-year 52 浙 江 林 业 科 技 24卷trees grew normally with mean height over 2 meters and 2m2m crown size. The highest one had 3m with crown size of 2.7m2.7m.Key words: Myrica; Bursaphelenchus xylophilus infected area; regeration; Zhoushan islands