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1、11一An Englishman who had just landed in China entered a restaurant to appease the pangs of hunger. Unfortunately he knew no Chinese and the waiter knew no English; so they were both thrown on mother wit. John Chinaman articulated “Bowwow”, to which John Bull moved his head from right to left. Then t

2、he waiter said “Quack, quack!”, to which the customer moved his head from sky to earth, and the inner man was soon satisfied.一个刚在中国登岸的英国人,因为肚子饿得发慌,便走进了一家餐馆。不幸的是,他不懂中文,而那个堂倌又不懂英文,因此他们只有凭借天生的智慧来进行交流。那个堂倌说“汪汪” ,英国人听了直摇头。接着,那个堂倌又说“ 嘎嘎” 。那位顾客听了点头不已。不久那个内在的人 1就感到满足了。注释:1”内在的人”为幽默说法,指胃袋。二A college professo

3、r was one day nearing the close of a history lecture and was indulging in one of those rhetorical climaxes in which he delighted when the hour struck. Thus students immediately began to slam down the movable arms 22of their lecture chairs and to prepare to leave.The professor, annoyed at the interru

4、ption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand:“Wait just one minute, gentlemen, I have a few more pearls to cast.”一天,一位大学教授在他的历史课接近尾声的时候,正津津乐道于修辞学上的一种层进法。这时,下课铃响了。因此,学生们开始劈哩叭啦地收拾座椅的活动把手,并准备离开。这位教授,对学生们打断他口若悬河的演讲感到非常恼火,便举起手来,说道:“诸位,请稍等片刻,我还有几颗珠子要投呀 1!”注释:1此处包含有一个圣经成语”把珍珠抛在猪面前”(to cast pearls befor

5、e swine),即”对牛弹琴”。这里,教授把学生比作蠢猪,不会欣赏他精彩的演讲。1 专八翻译原题及参考译文1)1996C-E 原文:在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会,冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕33恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒暄几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开,只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会主动掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒显得有些勉强。参考译文:In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet receptions of d

6、ifferent kinds offer great opportunities for making friends. On such occasions, strangers may get to know each other. If they are Asians, they will, very respectfully and with both hands, present their calling cards to their interlocutors before any conversation starts. This seems to be the required

7、 courtesy on their part. The French, however, usually are not so ready with such a formality. Both sides will greet each other, and even chat casually about any topic and then excuse themselves. Only when they find they like each other and hope to further the relationship will they exchange cards. I

8、t will seem very unnatural to do so before any real conversation gets under way.E-C 英译汉原文:It should have been easy. They were battle-tested 44veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ties to the Republican Party, men who understood presidential politics as well as any in the country. The ba

9、ckdrop of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nations economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after recession. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, tra

10、vel, and television commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills. Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F. Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America a nation of renewed mil

11、itary strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government.参考译文:这应该不是件难事。这都是些跟着里根多年、久经沙场的老将,他们跟共和党则有更深厚的渊源,是这个国家里最熟悉总统政治的人。竞选的背景也很有利,也很多好消息可供炒作。例如,美国上下一片和平,美国经济这一竞选要素也在经过一段时间的衰退之后开始强劲反弹。此外,这次竞选本身得到了慷慨资助,因此有充裕的资用于组织一流的竞选班子、支付巡55回演讲和电视广告的费用。而最重要的一点是,他们的候选人是罗纳德里根,他可是位极具个人魅力和沟通技巧的总统。自约翰F肯尼迪总统

12、以来,里根是最成功地勾勒出美国蓝图的总统:一个军事力量复兴、富有个人进取心、联邦政府得以精简的国家。2)1997原文:来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往往会抽出一天甚至两天的时间去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出得较多。我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。但他十分欣赏亚裔学生勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心理。因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余 5 位均是亚裔学生。他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:“本室助研必须每周工作 7 天,早 10 时至晚 12 时,工作时间必须全力以赴。 ”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名的,在我所

13、呆的 3 年半中,共有 14 位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下 5 人。1990 年夏天,我不顾别人劝阻,硬着头皮接受了导师的资助,从此开始了艰难的求学旅程。参考译文:Like students from other Asian countries and regions, most 66Chinese students who come to pursue their further education in the United States work on their studies most diligently and assiduously. Even on weeke

14、nds, they would frequently spend one day, or even two days, to work overtime in their laboratories. Therefore, compared with their American counterparts, they are more academically fruitful. My supervisor is of Asian origin. He is addicted to alcohols and cigarettes, with a sharp/irritable temper. N

15、evertheless, he highly appreciates the industry and the solid foundational knowledge of Asian students and has a particularly keen insight into what Asian students have on their mind. Hence, of all the students recruited into his laboratory, except for one German, the other five were all from Asia.

16、He even put an eye-catching notice on the door of his lab, which read, “All the research assistants of this laboratory are required to work 7 days a week, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Nothing but work during the working hours.” This supervisor is reputed on the entire campus for his severity and ha

17、rshness. During the 3 and a half years that I stayed there, a total of 14 students were recruited into his laboratory and only 5 of them stayed until they graduated with their Ph.D degrees. In the summer of 1990, ignoring the dissuasions from others, I accepted my 77supervisors sponsorship and embar

18、ked on my difficult journey of academic pursuit.原 文:Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate societys power of choice. We can choose to make opera, and other expensive forms of culture, accessible to those who ca

19、nnot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse towards culture, the desire to expr

20、ess and explore the world through imagination and representation is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to w

21、hich human thought and imagination may aspire; they carry the most profound messages that can be sent from one human to another.参考译文:聆听歌剧,无疑昂贵至极。但是,昂贵的事物并非必定属于88富人的范畴,除非我们放弃社会的选择权。我们可以选择去使歌剧以及其他某些昂贵的文化形式也能为那些不具备个人支付能力的人所享受。但问题是,我们有必要这么做吗?没人会否认食物、居所、防护、健康与教育的不可或缺性。但即便是在史前时代的洞穴中,人类伸出手来,早就不单纯是为了吃、喝或搏杀,

22、而且亦进行绘画创作。人类对于文化的冲动,通过形象思维和再现手段来表现并探索世界的欲望,乃亘古有之。在欧洲,这一欲望在我们的音乐、艺术、文学和戏剧杰作中寻找到了其实现形式。这些杰作构成了我们全部努力的试金石。作为试金石,它们能衡量出人类的思想和想象力所可能企及的程度。它们携带着最寓意深刻的主题,可在人类彼此间相互传递。3)1998原 文:这次到台湾访问交流,虽然行程匆匆,但是,看了不少地方,访了旧友,交了新知,大家走到一起,谈论的一个重要话题就是中华民族在 21 世纪的强盛。虽然祖国大陆、台湾的青年生活在不同的社会环境中,有着各自不同的生活经历,但大家的内心都深深铭刻着中华文化优秀传统的印记,都

23、拥有着振兴中华民族的共同理想。在世纪之交的伟大时代,我们的祖国正在走向繁荣富强,海峡两岸人民也将加强交流,共同推进祖国统一99大业的早日完成。世纪之交的宝贵机遇和巨大挑战将青年推到了历史前台。跨世纪青年一代应该用什么样的姿态迎接充满希望的新世纪,这是我们必须回答的问题。参考译文:The current visit to Taiwan for exchange, brief and cursory as it is, has enabled us to see many places, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances. Wh

24、enever people gather together, an important topic of discussion has been how the Chinese nation can become prosperous and powerful in the 21st century. Although the young people on the Mainland and in Taiwan live in different social contexts (environments / milieus), with their individually differen

25、t experiences of life, in the innermost recesses of their hearts are wrought an indelible mark by the fine traditions of the Chinese culture. They all cherish the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation (They share the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation). In this great epoch at the turn

26、 of the century, our motherland is developing toward greater prosperity and powerfulness. People across the Taiwan Straits are bound to strengthen their exchanges and will mutually promote the earliest possible achievement of the great cause of reunification of the motherland. The precious opportuni

27、ties and the tremendous 1010challenges at the turn of the century have pushed the young people to the foreground (forefront) of the historical arena (stage). At this transitional phase between the two millennia, in what way the young generation should embrace the forthcoming new century replete with

28、 hopes is a question to which we have to seek an answer.Section B 原 文:I agree to some extent with my imaginary English reader. American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness. They do over-phrase their own literature,

29、or certainly its minor figures. And Americans do swing from aggressive over phrase of their literature to an equally unfortunate, imitative deference. But then, the English themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals. Moreover, in fields where they are not pre-eminent e. g. in paint

30、ing and music they too alternate between boasting of native products and copying those of the Continent. How many English paintings try to look as though they were done in Paris; how many times have we read in articles that they really represent an “English tradition” after all.To speak of American

31、literature, then, is not to assert that it 1111is completely unlike that of Europe. Broadly speaking, America and Europe have kept step. At any given moment the traveler could find examples in both of the same architecture, the same styles in dress, and the same books on the shelves. Ideas have cros

32、sed the Atlantic as freely as men and merchandise, though sometimes more slowly. When I refer to American habit, thoughts, etc., I intend some sort of qualification to precede the word, for frequently the difference between America and Europe (especially England) will be one of degree, sometimes onl

33、y of a small degree. The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America. He is looking at a country which in important senses grew out of his own, which in several ways still resembles his own and which is yet a foreign country. There are odd overl

34、appings and abrupt unfamiliarities; kinship yields to a sudden alienation, as when we hail a person across the street, only to discover from his blank response that we have mistaken a stranger for a friend.参考译文:在某种程度上,我同我心目中的英语读者的观点一致。美国文学史家看待美国文坛的观念也许过于狭隘,误把显著性当作独特性,他们实在是过于夸耀自己的文学,也就是美国文学中1212那些并非举


36、书籍。在大西洋两岸,思想如同人员与货物往来一样自由交流,尽管有时会略显迟缓。当我提及美国式的习惯、思想等概念时,我意欲在“美国式的” 这一词汇之前加上某种限定,因为欧美(尤其是英美)之间的差异往往只是程度上的差异而已,并且有时候仅仅只是微乎其微的一点程度差异而已。差异的多寡是件极为微妙的事情,这极容易使一个英国人在审视美国时大惑不解。他所审视的那个国家,从某些重要的意义上来说,诞生于他自己的国家,并在某些方面仍与他自己的国家相差无几然而,它却实实在在是一个异邦。两者间存在着某些古怪的交替重迭,以及令人甚感突兀的陌生感;亲缘关系已让位于一种突如其来的异化与疏远,1313这种情景仿佛就像我们隔着马

37、路向另一个人打招呼,结果却从这个人漠无表情的反应中发现,我们原来竟将一个陌生人误认为我们的熟人。4)1999Section A 原 文:温哥华(Vancouver)的辉煌是温哥华人智慧和勤奋的结晶,其中包括多民族的贡献。加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口却不足 3000 万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。可以说,加拿大除了印第安人外,无一不是外来移民,不同的只是时间长短而已。温哥华则更是世界上屈指可数的多民族城市。现今 180 万温哥华居民中,有一半不是在本地出生的,每 4 个居民中就有一个是亚洲人。而 25 万华人对温哥华的经济转型起着决定性的作用。他们其中有一半是近 5 年才

38、来到温哥华地区的,使温哥华成为亚洲以外最大的中国人聚居地。参考译文:The glory of Vancouver has been achieved through the wisdom and the industry of the Vancouver people, including the contributions of many ethnic groups. Canada, sparsely populated, has a territory larger than that of China, but its population is only less than 30 mi

39、llion. Consequently, to attracting immigrants from other countries has become a 1414national policy long practiced/followed/cherished by Canada. All Canadians except the American Indians, so to speak, are foreign immigrants, differing only in the length of time they have settled in Canada. Vancouver

40、, in particular, is one of the few most celebrated multi-ethnic cities in the world. Among the 1.8 million Vancouver residents, half of them are non-natives and one out of every four residents is from Asia. The 250,000 Chinese there have played a decisive role in the transformation of Vancouvers eco

41、nomy. Half of them have come to settle in Vancouver over the past five years only, rendering Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese inhabit.Section B 原 文:In some societies people want children for what might be called familial reasons: to extend the family line or the family name,

42、 to propitiate the ancestors; to enable the proper functioning of religious rituals involving the family. Such reasons may seem thin in the modern, secularized society but they have been and are powerful indeed in other places.In addition, one class of family reasons shares a border with the followi

43、ng category, namely, having children in order to maintain or improve a marriage: to hold the husband or 1515occupy the wife; to repair or rejuvenate the marriage; to increase the number of children on the assumption that family happiness lies that way. The point is underlined by its converse: in som

44、e societies the failure to bear children (or males) is a threat to the marriage and a ready cause for divorce.Beyond all that is the profound significance of children to the very institution of the family itself. To many people, husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family they need children t

45、o enrich the circle, to validate its family character, to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. Children need the family, but the family seems also to need children, as the social institution uniquely available, at least in principle, for security, comfort, assurance, and direction in a chan

46、ging, often hostile, world. To most people, such a home base, in the literal sense, needs more than one person for sustenance and in generational extension.参考译文:在某些社会中,人们希望拥有孩子是出于所谓的家庭原因:传宗接代,光宗耀祖,讨好祖辈,使那些涉及到家庭的宗教仪式得以正常进行。此类原因在现代世俗化的社会中似显苍白,但它们在其他地方曾一度构成并确实仍在构成强有力的理由。1616此外,有一类家庭原因与下列类别不无共通之处,这便是:生儿

47、育女是为了维系或改善婚姻:能拴住丈夫或者使妻子不致于无所事事;修复或重振婚姻;多子多孙,以为家庭幸福惟有此法。这一点更可以由其反 面得到昭示:在某些社会中,无法生儿育女(或无法生育男孩)对婚姻而言是一种威胁,还可作为离婚的现成借口。后代对于家庭这一体制本身所具有的深远意义远非如此。对许多人来说,夫妻两人尚不足以构成一个真正意义上的家庭夫妻需要孩子来丰富其两人小天地,赋予该小天地以真正意义上的家庭性质,并从子孙后代身上获取某种回报。孩子需要家庭,但家庭似乎也需要孩子。家庭作为一种社会机构,以其特有的方式,至少从原则上说,可在一个变幻莫测、常常是充满敌意的世界中让人从中获取某种安全、慰藉、保障,以

48、及价值取向。于大多数人而言, 这样的一个家庭基础, 即使从其表层意义上来说, 也需要不止一个人来维持其存在, 并使其时代相传, 生生不息。5)2000SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH中国科技馆的诞生来之不易。与国际著名科技馆和其他博物馆相比,它先天有些不足,后天也缺乏营养,但是它成长的步伐却是坚实而有力的。它在国际上已被公认为后起之秀。1717世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史。第二代属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果。这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的

49、旁观者。世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己去动手操作,自己细心体察。这样,他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥妙。中国科技馆正是这样的博物馆!它汲取了国际上一些著名博物馆的长处,设计制作了力 学、光学、电学、热学、声学、生物学等展品,展示了科学的原理和先进的科技成果。参考译文(1):The Chinese Science and Technology Museum as a newcomer does not have an easy start. Compared with those world famous foreign science and technology museums and other kinds of museums, it lacks the resources in technology, science research and professional expertise. However, it grows up with solid achievements and now is ranked among the best world wide.The first generation of museums are what might be c


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