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1、中华人民共和国企业破产法Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Enterprise Bankruptcy (For Trial Implementation)第一章 总 则 CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS 第一条 为了适应社会主义有计划的商品经济发展和经济体制改革的需要,促进全民所有制企业自主经营,加强经济责任制和民主管理,改善经营状况,提高经济效益,保护债权人、债务人的合法权益,特制定本法。 Article 1. This Law is formulated in order to suit the development

2、of the planned socialist commodity economy and the needs of the reform of the economic structure, to promote the autonomous operation of enterprises owned by the whole people, to strengthen the economic responsibility system and democratic management, to improve the state of operations, to increase

3、economic efficiency and to protect the lawful rights and interests of creditors and debtors. 第二条 本法适用于全民所有制企业。 Article 2. This Law applies to enterprises owned by the whole people. 第三条 企业因经营管理不善造成严重亏损,不能清偿到期债务的,依照本法规定宣告破产。Article 3. Enterprises which, owing to poor operations and management that res

4、ult in serious losses, are unable to repay debts that are due shall be declared bankrupt in accordance with the provisions of this Law. 企业由债权人申请破产,有下列情形之一的,不予宣告破产: Enterprises for which creditors file for bankruptcy shall not be declared bankrupt under any of the following circumstances: (一)公用企业和与国计

5、民生有重大关系的企业,政府有关部门给予资助或者采取其他措施帮助清偿债务的; (1) public utility enterprises and enterprises that have an important relationship to the national economy and the peoples livelihood, for which the relevant government departments grant subsidies or adopt other measures to assist the repayment of debts; (二)取得担保

6、,自破产申请之日起六个月内清偿债务的。 (2) enterprises that have obtained guarantees for the repayment of debts within six months from the date of the application for bankruptcy. 企业由债权人申请破产,上级主管部门申请整顿并且经企业与债权人会议达成和解协议的,中止破产程序。 With respect to enterprises for which creditors file for bankruptcy, bankruptcy proceedings

7、shall be suspended against those for which the superior departments in charge have applied for reorganization, and if the enterprise and the creditors have reached a settlement agreement through consultation. 第四条 国家通过各种途径妥善安排破产企业职工重新就业,并保障他们重新就业前的基本生活需要,具体办法由国务院另行规定。 Article 4. The state through var

8、ious means shall appropriately arrange for the reemployment of the staff and workers of bankrupt enterprises, and shall guarantee their basic living needs prior to reemployment; specific measures shall be separately stipulated by the State Council. 第五条 破产案件由债务人所在地人民法院管辖。 Article 5. Bankruptcy cases

9、shall be under the jurisdiction of the peoples courts in the location of the debtor. 第六条 破产案件的诉讼程序,本法没有规定的,适用民事诉讼程序的法律规定。 Article 6. Where this Law has not stipulated the procedures for bankruptcy cases, the legal provisions for civil procedures shall apply. 第二章 破产申请的提出和受理 CHAPTER II THE SUBMISSION

10、AND ACCEPTANCE OF BANKRUPTCY APPLICATIONS 第七条 债务人不能清偿到期债务,债权人可以申请宣告债务人破产。 Article 7. Where the debtor is unable to repay debts that are due, the creditors may file to declare the debtor bankrupt. 债权人提出破产申请时,应当提供关于债权数额、有无财产担保以及债务人不能清偿到期债务的有关证据。 When the creditor is submitting the bankruptcy applicati

11、on, it should provide relevant evidence relating to the amount of the claim, whether or not it is secured with property, and to the inability of the debtor to repay debts that are due. 第八条 债务人经其上级主管部门同意后,可以申请宣告破产。 Article 8. The debtor, upon the agreement of its superior departments in charge, may a

12、pply for the declaration of bankruptcy. 债务人提出破产申请时,应当说明企业亏损的情况,提交有关的会计报表、债务清册和债权清册。 When the debtor is submitting the bankruptcy application, it shall explain the circumstances of the enterprises losses and deliver relevant accounting statements, a detailed list of debts and a detailed list of claim

13、s. 第九条 人民法院受理破产案件后,应当在十日内通知债务人并且发布公告。人民法院在收到债务人提交的债务清册后十日内,应当通知已知的债权人。公告和通知中应当规定第一次债权人会议召开的日期。 Article 9. After the peoples court has accepted a bankruptcy case, it shall notify the debtor within ten days and make a public announcement. Within ten days after receiving the detailed list of debts deli

14、vered by the debtor, the peoples court shall notify known creditors. The public announcement and notice shall stipulate the date of the first convening of the creditors meeting. 债权人应当在收到通知后一个月内,未收到通知的债权人应当自公告之日起三个月内,向人民法院申报债权,说明债权的数额和有无财产担保,并且提交有关证明材料。逾期未申报债权的,视为自动放弃债权。 Creditors who have been notif

15、ied shall, within one month after receiving the notice, and creditors who have not been notified shall, within three months after the date of the public announcement, report their claims to the peoples court and explain the amount of the claims, as well as whether or not they are secured with proper

16、ty, and also deliver relevant materials of proof. Creditors who do not report their claims during these periods shall be deemed to have automatically abandoned their claims. 人民法院对有财产担保债权和无财产担保债权的申报,应当分别登记。 The peoples court shall register separately claims that are secured with property and claims t

17、hat are not secured with property. 第十条 债权人提出破产申请的,债务人应当在收到人民法院通知后十五日内,向人民法院提交本法第八条第二款所列有关材料。 Article 10. Where creditors have made the bankruptcy application, the debtor shall, within 15 days after receiving the notice of the peoples court, deliver to the peoples court the relevant materials describ

18、ed in the second paragraph of Article 8 of this Law. 债务人为其他单位担任保证人的,应当在收到人民法院通知后五日内转告有关当事人。 If the debtor is a guarantor for another unit, it shall, within five days after receiving the notice of the peoples court, in turn notify the relevant parties. 第十一条 人民法院受理破产案件后,对债务人财产的其他民事执行程序必须中止。 Article 11

19、. After the peoples court has accepted a bankruptcy case, other civil enforcement proceedings against the property of the debtor must be suspended. 第十二条 人民法院受理破产案件后,债务人对部分债权人的清偿无效,但是债务人正常生产经营所必需的除外。 Article 12. After the peoples court has accepted a bankruptcy case, payment by the debtor to only som

20、e of the creditors is null and void, with the exception of payments required for the normal production and operations of the debtor. 第三章 债权人会议 CHAPTER III CREDITORS MEETINGS 第十三条 所有债权人均为债权人会议成员。债权人会议成员享有表决权,但是有财产担保的债权人未放弃优先受偿权利的除外。债务人的保证人,在代替债务人清偿债务后可以作为债权人,享有表决权。 Article 13. All creditors are membe

21、rs of the creditors meeting. Members of the creditors meeting enjoy the right to vote, provided, however, that creditors with claims secured with property which have not abandoned their priority right to be repaid are excepted. Guarantors of the debtor, after having repaid debts on behalf of the deb

22、tor, may be deemed creditors, and enjoy the right to vote. 债权人会议主席由人民法院从有表决权的债权人中指定。 The chairman of the creditors meeting is designated by the peoples court from among the creditors with the right to vote. 债务人的法定代表人必须列席债权人会议,回答债权人的询问。 The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors

23、 meetings and answer the creditors inquiries. 第十四条 第一次债权人会议由人民法院召集,应当在债权申报期限届满后十五日内召开。以后的债权人会议在人民法院或者会议主席认为必要时召开,也可以在清算组或者占无财产担保债权总额的四分之一以上的债权人要求时召开。 Article 14. The first creditors meeting is called by the peoples court, and shall be convened within 15 days after the expiration of the period for re

24、porting claims. Subsequent creditors meetings are convened at such times as the peoples court or the chairman of the meeting deems them necessary, and may also be convened on the request of the liquidation committee or of creditors whose claims comprise more than one fourth of the total amount of cl

25、aims not secured with property. 第十五条 债权人会议的职权是: Article 15. The functions and powers of the creditors meeting are: (一)审查有关债权的证明材料,确认债权有无财产担保及其数额; (1) to examine materials of proof relating to the claims, and to confirm the amount of such claims and whether or not the claims are secured with property

26、; (二)讨论通过和解协议草案; (2) to discuss and adopt a draft settlement agreement; and (三)讨论通过破产财产的处理和分配方案。 (3) to discuss and adopt a plan for the disposition and distribution of bankruptcy property. 第十六条 债权人会议的决议,由出席会议的有表决权的债权人的过半数通过,并且其所代表的债权额,必须占无财产担保债权总额的半数以上,但是通过和解协议草案的决议,必须占无财产担保债权总额的三分之二以上。 Article 16.

27、 Resolutions of the creditors meeting are adopted by a majority of creditors with the right to vote present at the meeting; the amount of their claims must comprise more than half of the total amount of claims that are not secured with property, however, with respect to a resolution adopting a draft

28、 settlement agreement, such amount must comprise more than two thirds of the total amount of claims not secured with property. 债权人会议的决议,对于全体债权人均有约束力。 Resolutions of the creditors meeting shall have binding force on all the creditors. 债权人认为债权人会议的决议违反法律规定的,可以在债权人会议作出决议后七日内提请人民法院裁定。 Creditors who consi

29、der the resolutions of the creditors meeting to be contrary to the provisions of law may, within seven days after the creditors meeting has made such resolutions, apply to the peoples court for judgment. 第四章 和解和整顿 CHAPTER IV SETTLEMENT AND REORGANIZATION 第十七条 企业由债权人申请破产的,在人民法院受理案件后三个月内,被申请破产的企业的上级主管

30、部门可以申请对该企业进行整顿,整顿的期限不超过两年。 Article 17. With respect to enterprises for which the creditors apply for bankruptcy, the superior departments in charge of the enterprise that is the subject of the bankruptcy application may, within three months after the peoples court has accepted the case, apply to car

31、ry out reorganization of the enterprise; the period of reorganization shall not exceed two years. 第十八条 整顿申请提出后,企业应当向债权人会议提出和解协议草案。 Article 18. After an application for reorganization is submitted, the enterprise shall propose a draft settlement agreement to the creditors meeting. 和解协议应当规定企业清偿债务的期限。

32、The settlement agreement shall stipulate the period in which the enterprise shall repay the debts. 第十九条 企业和债权人会议达成和解协议,经人民法院认可后,由人民法院发布公告,中止破产程序。和解协议自公告之日起具有法律效力。 Article 19. After the enterprise and creditors meeting have reached a settlement agreement which has been recognized by the peoples court

33、, the peoples court shall make a public announcement and suspend the bankruptcy proceedings. The settlement agreement shall have legal effect from the date of the public announcement. 第二十条 企业的整顿由其上级主管部门负责主持。 Article 20. The reorganization of the enterprise shall be supervised by its superior departm

34、ents in charge. 企业整顿方案应当经过企业职工代表大会讨论。企业整顿的情况应当向企业职工代表大会报告,并听取意见。 The reorganization plan of the enterprise shall be discussed by the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise. The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be reported to the congress of the staff and worke

35、rs of the enterprise and its opinion shall be heeded. 企业整顿的情况应当定期向债权人会议报告。 The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be periodically reported to the creditors meeting. 第二十一条 整顿期间,企业有下列情形之一的,经人民法院裁定,终结该企业的整顿,宣告其破产: Article 21. During the period of reorganization, an enterprise i

36、n any of the following circumstances shall, upon judgment of the peoples court, terminate reorganization and declare its bankruptcy: (一)不执行和解协议的; (1) not implementing the settlement agreement; (二)财务状况继续恶化,债权人会议申请终结整顿的; (2) continued worsening in its financial condition, for which reason the creditor

37、s meeting has applied for the termination of reorganization; and (三)有本法第三十五条所列行为之一,严重损害债权人利益的。 (3) committing any of the acts listed in Article 35 of this Law and seriously harming the interests of creditors. 第二十二条 经过整顿,企业能够按照和解协议清偿债务的,人民法院应当终结对该企业的破产程序并且予以公告。 Article 22. With respect to an enterpri

38、se that has undergone reorganization and is able to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement, the peoples court shall terminate the bankruptcy proceedings for such enterprise, and also make a public announcement thereof. 整顿期满,企业不能按照和解协议清偿债务的,人民法院应当宣告该企业破产,并且按照本法第九条的规定重新登记债权。 With resp

39、ect to an enterprise that, on the expiration of the period of reorganization, is unable to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement, the peoples court shall declare such enterprise bankrupt, and shall re-register the claims in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of this Law. 第

40、五章 破产宣告和破产清算 CHAPTER V BANKRUPTCY DECLARATIONS AND BANKRUPTCY LIQUIDATIONS 第二十三条 有下列情形之一的,由人民法院裁定,宣告企业破产: Article 23. In any of the following circumstances, after the judgment of the peoples court, an enterprise shall be declared bankrupt: (一)依照本法第三条的规定应当宣告破产的; (1) if, in accordance with the provisi

41、ons of Article 3 of this Law should be declared bankrupt; (二)依照本法第二十一条的规定终结整顿的; (2) if, reorganization has been terminated in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of this Law; and (三)整顿期满,不能按照和解协议清偿债务的。 (3) if, upon the expiration of the period of reorganization, is unable to repay debts in

42、accordance with the settlement agreement. 第二十四条 人民法院应当自宣告企业破产之日起十五日内成立清算组,接管破产企业。清算组负责破产财产的保管、清理、估价、处理和分配。清算组可以依法进行必要的民事活动。 Article 24. The peoples court shall, within 15 days after the date the enterprise is declared bankrupt, establish a liquidation team to take over the bankrupt enterprise. The l

43、iquidation team shall be responsible for the keeping, putting into order, appraisal, disposition and distribution of the bankruptcy property. The liquidation team may carry out necessary civil actions in accordance with law. 清算组成员由人民法院从企业上级主管部门、政府财政部门等有关部门和专业人员中指定。清算组可以聘任必要的工作人员。 The members of the

44、liquidation team shall be designated by the peoples court from among the superior departments in charge, government finance departments, and other relevant departments and professional personnel. The liquidation team may hire necessary work personnel. 清算组对人民法院负责并且报告工作。 The liquidation team is respon

45、sible to, and shall make report on its work to, the peoples court. 第二十五条 任何单位和个人不得非法处理破产企业的财产、帐册、文书、资料和印章等。 Article 25. No unit or individual may illegally dispose of the property, account books, documents, materials, seals, etc. of a bankrupt enterprise. 破产企业的债务人和财产持有人,只能向清算组清偿债务或者交付财产。 The debtors

46、 of a bankrupt enterprise and persons holding the property of a bankrupt enterprise can repay debts or deliver property only to the liquidation team. 第二十六条 对破产企业未履行的合同,清算组可以决定解除或者继续履行。 Article 26. The liquidation team may decide to terminate or to continue to perform the contracts that have not yet

47、been performed by the bankrupt enterprise. 清算组决定解除合同,另一方当事人因合同解除受到损害的,其损害赔偿额作为破产债权。If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract, and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract, the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankrup

48、tcy claim. 第二十七条 破产企业的法定代表人在向清算组办理移交手续前,负责保管本企业的财产、帐册、文书、资料和印章等。 Article 27. Before the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise has handled the procedures for transfer to the liquidation team, he shall be responsible for the keeping of the property, account books, documents, materials, seals

49、, etc. of such enterprise. 破产企业的法定代表人在破产程序终结以前,根据人民法院或者清算组的要求进行工作,不得擅离职守。 Before the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings, the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise shall carry out work according to the requirements of the peoples court or the liquidation team, and may not leave his position without authorization. 第二十八条 破产财产由下列财产构成: Article 28. Bankruptcy property comprises the following property: (一)宣告破产时破产企业经营管理的全部财产; (1) all property that the bankrupt enterprise operated and managed at the time bankruptcy was declared; (二)破产企业在破产宣告后至破


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