1、loveliest of trees, the cherry now,A.E.Houseman,death, life, and time,最可爱的树, 樱桃树,最可爱的树,樱桃树呀, 此时枝头上正缀满繁花, 在林间小道旁亭亭玉立, 为复活季节而身披白衣。 从我的七十岁可享之年, 二十岁光阴已一去不返, 七十载春秋减二十阳春, 留给我的仅五十个年份。 既然置身花间赏花品树, 五十个春天还远远不足, 我会再去那树林边守候, 看白雪花缀满樱树枝头。,Loveliest of trees, the cherry is now. Trees represent us and humans and we
2、 are at our fullest of life. Is hung with bloom along the boughWe are hung with beauty and joy on our branches of life. And stands about the woodland rideEveryone in the woodlands are at their potential.Wearing white for Eastertide Wearing innocence and purity for the Eastertide, rebirth.,Now of my
3、threescore years and tenA score is twenty years and his life is slipping away.Twenty will not come againHis youth, he cannot regain nor his innocence. And take from seventy springs a score, It only leaves me fifty moreHis life is shortening by 20 less so he has 50 more springs left.,And since to look at things in bloomAdmiring the others who have they childhood ahead.Fifty springs are little room. 50 years seem short in comparison. About the woodlands I will goAbout the people I will travel. To see the cherry hung with snowTo see death hung with snow (white, purity, innocence).,thanks,