1、100:00:02,36 00:00:04,46Youre telling me this actress person.你泡过的马子里200:00:04,73 00:00:08,83.is the only woman you ever wanted who didnt want you back?只有这个女演员没有反应?300:00:09,67 00:00:10,90Oh,my God.天哪400:00:11,64 00:00:13,50Is this what its like to be you?这就是你的人生?500:00:15,24 00:00:18,18-Youre crazy
2、about her,huh? -You have no idea.你真的很喜欢她? 你有所不知600:00:18,41 00:00:22,37When were on stage,I get to kiss her and touch her.上了台,我可以吻她、摸她700:00:22,65 00:00:24,21She goes home with the director.然后她跟导演回家800:00:24,42 00:00:26,35.and its like somebodys ripping out my heart.我就心如刀割900:00:27,09 00:00:30,22Oh,
3、its so great to see you feeling like this.看你这样,感觉真好1000:00:35,03 00:00:36,83Dad called this morning.爸早上打电话来1100:00:37,90 00:00:40,23Aunt Sylvia passed away.施薇亚姑姑死了1200:00:47,18 00:00:49,74We were all pretty shaken up about it.我们都很震惊1300:00:50,01 00:00:51,14Am I missing something?我漏听了什么?1400:00:51,41
4、 00:00:54,25I thought death was supposed to be sad,in a way.死亡不是悲伤的事吗?1500:00:55,32 00:00:57,48Well,Aunt Sylvia was.施薇亚姑姑1600:00:57,69 00:00:59,08. not a nice person.不是一个好人1700:00:59,39 00:01:03,15She was a cruel,cranky old bitch.她是个残忍的糟老太婆1800:01:04,23 00:01:05,52And Im sorry she died.我很难过1900:01:0
5、7,23 00:01:08,39Did Dad say I get the dollhouse?我有没有得到娃娃屋?2000:01:08,70 00:01:11,82-You get the dollhouse. -I get the dollhouse!你有 我得到娃娃屋了2100:01:13,70 00:01:16,50A house for dolls! That is so cool.娃娃住的屋子,好酷2200:01:17,71 00:01:20,07When I was a kid,I had a barrel.我小时候只有铁桶2300:01:21,41 00:01:23,40You
6、 had a barrel for a dollhouse?你拿铁桶当娃娃屋?2400:01:24,21 00:01:25,87No,just a barrel.不,就是一个铁桶2500:01:27,22 00:01:29,21You know what? You can play with my dollhouse.你可以玩我的娃娃屋2600:01:29,48 00:01:30,31Really?真的?2700:01:30,62 00:01:31,88Any time you want.随时欢迎2800:01:32,12 00:01:35,09When I was young I wante
7、d to play with this dollhouse.我小的时候好想玩2900:01:35,32 00:01:38,62But no! It was to be looked at, never played with.但是不行,只准看、不准碰3000:01:38,89 00:01:41,33My grandmother said the same thing to me.我奶奶也是这样告戒我3100:01:43,83 00:01:45,99The One With the Doll House本集播出:“约会风波”3200:01:45,99 00:01:51,99-=BT 家DRM小
8、http:/=- 马 本 马 R3DVD OCR得来3300:02:36,38 00:02:39,15Thanks for lunch. You didnt have to walk me here.你 我 , 我回来3400:02:40,02 00:02:42,15Thats okay. No problem.不 3500:02:45,06 00:02:48,52You realize we dont keep the womens lingerie here.女 不会 里3600:02:51,10 00:02:53,03Yes,I realize that.我知 3700:02:53,87
9、 00:02:56,20-Summer catalog. -Thats the stuff.就是这个3800:02:57,44 00:03:00,10Rachel,I need the Versace invoice.,我的currency13900:03:00,98 00:03:02,81You dont work for me.你不是我的员4000:03:03,11 00:03:06,08Joanna,this is my friend Chandler Bing. Joanna.“,我的fifl 4100:03:06,31 00:03:07,87Bing? Thats a great n
10、ame.?很的4200:03:08,12 00:03:10,81Its Gaelic for, “Thy turkeys done.“是 的“”好了”4300:03:14,29 00:03:16,62-Im gonna go. Nice meeting you. -You too.我了,会 4400:03:20,46 00:03:22,43So whats wrong with him? 么样?4500:03:22,63 00:03:27,26Nothing. Hes just goofy like that. I actually hardly notice it anymore.都这样的
11、我都没感觉了4600:03:29,30 00:03:32,80I mean,is he married or involved with anyone?我是吗?有吗?4700:03:34,31 00:03:37,11Hes not married or involved with anyone.不,没有4800:03:40,52 00:03:42,24Actually,you know what? Forget it.我看 是 了4900:03:43,48 00:03:45,95-Ill ask him for you,if you want. -Would you?我可以你 真的?5000:
12、03:46,22 00:03:49,88Or is it too sad and desperate, like something Sophie would do?会不会太可悲、太 就会 的事?5100:03:50,16 00:03:52,46-I am here. -I know that.我 这里 我知 5200:03:55,53 00:03:57,02Look at it!你们看5300:03:58,83 00:04:01,06Wallpapers a little faded. Thats okay.有 ,没 5400:04:01,34 00:04:02,74Carpets a li
13、ttle loose.有 来5500:04:02,97 00:04:04,37Hardwood floors?!?5600:04:10,91 00:04:14,37-Its so beautiful! -I know!好 我知 5700:04:15,38 00:04:17,75So Im here,ready to play!我来玩了5800:04:18,22 00:04:22,68I brought a bunch of stuff for the house,so check it out.我 了一 来,看 5900:04:26,36 00:04:27,35Whats this?这是什么?
14、6000:04:27,60 00:04:30,00Thats a dog. Every house should have a dog.,子都应 有6100:04:30,53 00:04:32,36Not one that can pee on the roof.不 到可以 屋 上 6200:04:34,90 00:04:39,57Maybe its so big because the house was built on radioactive waste.也 是 子 上6300:04:41,84 00:04:45,04And is this in case the house sneez
15、es?这是子打 的?6400:04:48,02 00:04:50,51No,thats the ghost for the attic.不是,是 里的 6500:04:51,62 00:04:55,25-I dont want a ghost. -Well,nobody wants a ghost.我不 谁都不想闹 6600:04:56,86 00:04:58,26But youve got one.但是这里闹 6700:04:58,46 00:05:02,56. because the house is sitting on an ancient lndian burial ground.子
16、 印 古坟场上6800:05:04,47 00:05:07,63Wait a minute. The house was built on radioactive waste.慢着,这子 6900:05:07,90 00:05:11,20.and an ancient lndian burial ground?和印 古坟场上?7000:05:11,44 00:05:12,80That would never happen.是不可 的7100:05:14,44 00:05:17,78Obviously you dont know much about the U.S. government.你太
17、不了解美国政府了7200:05:22,05 00:05:24,95-I need to talk to you. -Sure. Whats up?我有事找你 什么事?7300:05:25,72 00:05:27,59Oh,sorry. I meant Chandler.抱歉,我是fl 7400:05:29,16 00:05:30,56I know.我知 7500:05:32,33 00:05:35,32Well,if something comes up有事记得找我7600:05:38,57 00:05:41,80Im glad you guys are past that little aw
18、kward phase.恭喜你们度过尴尬期7700:05:43,97 00:05:46,63My boss. Joanna. When you left.我的上司“,你一离开7800:05:46,91 00:05:49,47.she started asking questions about you她就 你的事7900:05:49,68 00:05:51,34Liked what she saw?看上眼了?8000:05:53,58 00:05:55,74Dug my action,did she?喜欢我的表现?8100:05:55,95 00:05:58,98Checking out th
19、e Chan Chan Man!探听小flfl的事?8200:06:03,02 00:06:04,29That was.听 来8300:06:04,49 00:06:06,46.surreal.怪怪的8400:06:06,76 00:06:08,82What do you think? Are you interested?样?有兴趣吗?8500:06:09,70 00:06:13,46She seemed cool. Attractive. Ill do it.她 不错,蛮 的,好吧8600:06:13,67 00:06:17,20Thank you,Chandler. This is gr
20、eat. Shes gonna love me.你,太好了,她会爱死我8700:06:17,47 00:06:21,17Dinosaur attack! Quick,everybody into the house!恐龙出击, 家快躲进屋里!8800:06:23,01 00:06:26,61All right,Phoebe,you know what? Thats it. Thats it.你知 吗?到 止8900:06:26,88 00:06:30,01No dinosaurs,no ghosts, no giant dogs,okay?我不恐龙、 和超级 ,好吗?9000:06:30,28
21、 00:06:34,15Theyre not the right size,theyre not Victorian and they dont go.比例不,不是维多利亚风 一 也不相衬9100:06:36,89 00:06:38,29Fine.好9200:06:39,29 00:06:43,49Come,dinosaur. Were not welcome in the house of no imagination.恐龙,我们 没有想力的子不欢迎我们9300:06:43,70 00:06:48,29While were on the subject, I have to say that
22、 dinosaurs.趁这个机会,我想告诉你9400:06:48,50 00:06:51,40.they dont go,“ruff!“恐龙不会汪汪叫9500:06:52,97 00:06:54,70The little ones do.小恐龙会9600:06:58,21 00:06:59,80“露 儿洛泰剧院”9700:07:02,82 00:07:04,75-Hey,Kate. -Morning.凯特 早9800:07:05,05 00:07:07,32I went to that restaurant you talked about我去了你的家餐厅9900:07:07,56 00:07
23、:08,82Hey,lovely.美女10000:07:09,12 00:07:11,35Come,talk to me for a minute.来跟我聊一下10100:07:12,13 00:07:14,29I ate the food. It was good. I had the fish.我 里 很好 ,我 了鱼10200:07:18,30 00:07:19,96Im Lauren. Kates understudy.我是萝伦,凯特的候补10300:07:21,14 00:07:22,12Joey Tribbiani.“伊崔比亚尼10400:07:22,70 00:07:23,50I
24、 know.我知 10500:07:23,74 00:07:25,50Im a big fan of yours.我是你的超级影迷10600:07:25,74 00:07:26,73What?什么?10700:07:28,64 00:07:32,31I used to schedule my classes so I could watch Dr. Drake Ramoray.我以前经常 课 好回家看“我们的岁月”10800:07:32,51 00:07:34,07.on Days of our Lives.和拉莫医生10900:07:34,32 00:07:37,08-Get out of
25、here. Really? -Absolutely.少来了,真的? 真的11000:07:37,55 00:07:40,42But then they dropped you down that elevator shaft.结果们让你掉到电梯井里11100:07:40,72 00:07:42,35They gave me the shaft,all right.们是把我踢掉了11200:07:44,63 00:07:46,22Youre so funny.你好幽默11300:07:46,76 00:07:48,35What are you doing after rehearsal?你排完戏
26、 什么?11400:07:48,60 00:07:50,53You want to get a drink?不去喝一杯?11500:07:57,64 00:07:59,20Sure. A drink sounds great.好啊,听 来不错11600:07:59,47 00:08:02,47-Cool. Ill see you then. -All right.酷,待会见 好11700:08:06,15 00:08:10,41All right. Its time to act, my talking props.演戏了,会话的 具们11800:08:16,92 00:08:19,15Loo
27、k everybody! Look at my new dollhouse!你们看,我的新娃娃屋11900:08:25,30 00:08:26,43Look,look!你们看12000:08:29,97 00:08:31,30Hey,whats this?这是什么?12100:08:31,51 00:08:34,41Its a slide instead of stairs. Look.我 溜滑梯取代 梯,看12200:08:36,98 00:08:38,28Very interesting,Phoebe.很有意思嘛12300:08:40,41 00:08:41,24Whats this?这是
28、什么?12400:08:41,48 00:08:45,08The licorice room. You can eat all the furniture.甘草,傢俱都可以 12500:08:46,69 00:08:50,45And when guests come over,they can stay on the Tootsie Roll-away bed.人来了可以睡 滑轮床上12600:08:52,09 00:08:54,36This is the coolest house ever!这子有够酷的12700:08:56,16 00:08:58,53Does anyone want t
29、o join me in the Aroma Room?有人跟我进 吗?12800:08:58,83 00:09:00,46-All right. -I would. 我12900:09:01,20 00:09:02,69Hey,guys? Guys!13000:09:03,00 00:09:05,20Did you see my new china cabinet?你们看到我的新 了吗?13100:09:08,71 00:09:10,34Watch. Watch.看 13200:09:11,51 00:09:13,28And? And?有 13300:09:17,65 00:09:20,31
30、Hey,my fathers house does that.我爸的子也会样13400:09:22,89 00:09:24,32How did it go? Tell me everything!么样?快13500:09:24,56 00:09:25,82The movie was great.电影很好看13600:09:26,06 00:09:30,72.dinner was great,and theres nothing like a cool,crisp New York evening.餐很好 的 约 人13700:09:30,97 00:09:35,73Of course,I di
31、dnt enjoy any of that because Joannas such a dull dud!当然 ,我一 也不 兴 “好 聊13800:09:36,70 00:09:38,97Chandler is fantastic!fl 太了13900:09:39,84 00:09:42,21-What? -You know how people just click?什么? 你知 一 吧?14000:09:42,41 00:09:46,68He came by to pick me up,I opened the door and it was just like,“click!“来 我
32、,我打开 感觉一 14100:09:46,98 00:09:48,35Did he tell you?有告诉你吗?14200:09:48,58 00:09:51,25Doesnt he have a good heart?的心 很好吧?14300:09:51,52 00:09:55,35And hes so sweet. He said hed call,so put him straight through.好 会打来, 我14400:09:55,66 00:09:58,65-lsnt this great? -Dont spoil it.太好了 不 兴14500:10:00,56 00:1
33、0:03,16Come on,baby,dont go. Please?你,不14600:10:03,40 00:10:04,73What do you say?好吗?14700:10:08,00 00:10:10,49Its you. Just one sec.是你, 一下14800:10:12,17 00:10:14,00Im going to take this call.我 个电话14900:10:15,24 00:10:18,41When I continue, I hope there will appear on-stage.我回来, 台上会出现15000:10:18,68 00
34、:10:23,17.this magical thing that in the theater we call.一的 剧场 15100:10:23,42 00:10:26,mitting to the moment!戏!15200:10:30,59 00:10:32,92The guys like a cartoon.好可15300:10:33,76 00:10:35,63What do you see in him,anyway?你到看上哪一 ?15400:10:35,86 00:10:37,30He happens to be brilliant.很currency115500:10:3
35、7,53 00:10:40,59Which is more than I can say for that sweater youre dating.比你“ 女好多了15600:10:42,37 00:10:44,57Im not interested in her sweater.我不是看上她的 15700:10:44,81 00:10:46,97Its whats underneath her sweater that counts. 下fi15800:10:50,21 00:10:52,11And besides.15900:10:52,41 00:10:54,11.since when
36、 do you care who Im with?你fl时开 心我跟谁?16000:10:54,42 00:10:57,25I dont care. Why,do you want me to care?我不 心,你 我 心?16100:10:57,99 00:11:00,82Do you want me to want you to care?你 我 你 心吗?16200:11:01,29 00:11:02,72Do you?你?16300:11:03,26 00:11:04,22What?什么?16400:11:04,83 00:11:09,59Okay. Im afraid to say
37、 this, but lets pick up where we left off.我 很不想 不过我们 排吧16500:11:16,34 00:11:20,30Come on,baby,dont go. Please? What do you say?你,不 好吗?16600:11:20,57 00:11:22,97Ive got no reason to stay.我没有下来16700:11:25,25 00:11:26,80Stop!”!16800:11:27,11 00:11:30,64Stop it! You must stop!”!演了16900:11:32,49 00:11:35
38、,15You are bad actors!你们是演员17000:11:35,49 00:11:37,96This is a terrible play!这是出戏17100:11:38,19 00:11:40,49Ill see you in the morning.天早上见17200:11:43,10 00:11:46,29I cant believe we go on in a week.然一期后就上演了17300:11:46,67 00:11:49,03Hey,its gonna be all right.没 的17400:11:49,94 00:11:52,77Since were g
39、etting off early, do you want to go paint mugs?然早 你想去马杯吗?17500:11:55,81 00:11:56,94What?什么?17600:11:57,48 00:11:59,95At the place I told you about last night?就是我 的个 17700:12:01,52 00:12:04,21Yeah,with the mug-painting.了,里可以马杯17800:12:04,49 00:12:06,78I was so listening to that.我听得很 心17900:12:07,89 0
40、0:12:10,86But you know what? I need to work on my stuff tonight.但是我 想好好 戏18000:12:12,89 00:12:14,66Ill see you tomorrow.天见18100:12:27,07 00:12:28,63Are you okay?你 好吗?18200:12:28,84 00:12:30,31I guess.好吧18300:12:32,05 00:12:34,48What are we gonna do about the scene?这场戏 么 ?18400:12:34,72 00:12:35,91I
41、dont know.不知 18500:12:40,15 00:12:42,38Maybe if it had more heat.也 应 一 18600:12:43,22 00:12:44,69Well,how do you mean?么?18700:12:44,93 00:12:47,76Adriannes looking for a reason to stay,right?爱 找下来的18800:12:49,50 00:12:51,99Victor cant just kiss her. Hes gotta.维不 只是她,18900:12:52,27 00:12:54,60. hes g
42、otta give her a reason.她有力的19000:12:55,57 00:12:57,59Maybe he could slip her the tongue.也 可以她 吻19100:13:03,61 00:13:05,24Or maybe.19200:13:05,51 00:13:09,42. maybe he could grab her and lift her up.可以 住她,把她抱 来19300:13:09,95 00:13:13,25Then Adrianne could wrap her legs around his waist.然后爱 住的 19400:1
43、3:14,05 00:13:17,62Then she could rip off his shirt and kiss his chest and stomach.然后她 开的 吻的 、 子19500:13:17,89 00:13:22,02Then he could use his teeth to undo her dress and.可以 掉她的 19600:13:22,23 00:13:23,13.and bite her!然后 她19700:13:24,06 00:13:27,52Then right when the scene ends, he could take her.结
44、的 ,可以有她19800:13:27,80 00:13:30,57.with this raw,animal 的、 的19900:13:35,44 00:13:37,21Something like that?这样?20000:13:37,55 00:13:40,04Thats pretty much what I had in mind.不多20100:14:02,40 00:14:05,30Its a little early to be drinking.现 喝 太早了吧20200:14:06,84 00:14:10,40Things finally happened with Kate
45、.我跟凯特有进了20300:14:10,68 00:14:12,51Youre kidding? Thats great.真的?太好了20400:14:12,75 00:14:14,04It was so amazing.感觉好20500:14:14,42 00:14:16,61After the lovemaking.完爱 后20600:14:16,82 00:14:17,75Oh,my.天哪20700:14:19,65 00:14:22,82. I just watched her sleep for hours.我看着她睡觉看了好20800:14:23,06 00:14:24,49Jus
46、t breathing in.就这样 20900:14:24,73 00:14:26,56.and breathing out.21000:14:27,26 00:14:28,85I knew she was dreaming because.我知 她 , 21100:14:29,10 00:14:31,39. her eyes kept going like this.她的眼 一 这样21200:14:37,67 00:14:39,83Im telling you, shes got it all wrong.她完 会了21300:14:40,04 00:14:43,53All I said
47、 was,“This was fun. Lets do it again sometime.我只是 很 快, 天21400:14:43,84 00:14:45,00Ill give you a call.“我打你21500:14:46,85 00:14:49,75I wonder why she thinks youre going to call her?她 什么觉得你会打她?21600:14:50,55 00:14:52,42Its what you say at the end of a date.约完会都这么21700:14:52,65 00:14:55,45You cant just
48、 say, “Nice to meet you. Good night?“你就不 很 兴 你, ?21800:14:55,99 00:14:57,29To her face?当着她的?21900:14:59,33 00:15:00,99Im standing there.一个 上结了22000:15:01,26 00:15:03,56.shes waiting for me to say Ill call her.我知 她 我这话22100:15:03,83 00:15:06,10.and it comes out. I cant help it.所以我就了,我没 22200:15:06,30 00:15:07,32Its a compulsion.我不 22300:15:09,07 00:15:13,80When a guy says hell call, it doesnt mean hes going to call.人联络也不见得会联络22400:15:14,17 00:15:16,14This never happened to you?你没碰过