1、大家好我是*,来自*学院,今天我要为大家介绍一道我非常喜欢吃的菜的做法。那就是西红柿炒鸡蛋。之所以介绍它,因为她是日常生活当中经常可以吃到的菜肴,其味道鲜美,并且营养价值也很高。首先西红柿它含有大量的胡萝卜素以及维生素族群,可谓营养丰富,还有助消化、润肤、保护血管、降压等功效。鸡蛋的营养价值更是我们熟悉的了,鸡蛋含有大量地维生素和矿物质及有高生物价值地蛋白质。这些有用物质对人体的发育以及头脑的强健都起着非常重要的作用。做法如下:西红柿切成块,要大小不一,什么形状无所谓,鸡蛋打开放入碗中,打匀,放入少许的盐。2、锅内放入适量(炒鸡蛋的时候,油放多少很关键,我的经验是放相当于鸡蛋液的2 3)的油,
2、等油热了的时候,倒入鸡蛋液,注意这个时候,鸡蛋液会自然的凝固,不要动,等到这个鸡蛋液都凝固的时候(要小心油干了,造成鸡蛋糊了) ,用饭铲(也叫炒勺)从鸡蛋的边缘轻轻进入,将鸡蛋翻过来,煎一下,等两面的颜色都呈现金黄的颜色时候,把鸡蛋从锅里取出来(也可以不取,不过等熟练以后再说吧) ,这个时候锅里面应该还有一些油,把西红柿翻进去,翻炒几下。由于西红柿里面含有大量的水分,会有水份析出,这个时候把炒好的鸡蛋放进去,放入少许盐,翻炒几下,出锅。因为西红柿炒鸡蛋,美味可口,物美价廉,制作方便,对身体有很大的益处,而且是我个人很喜欢吃的,所以我希望能跟大家分享。就这些,谢谢大家。问题:你会做饭吗?爱做饭吗
3、?喜欢做。但是会的不多。会一些,不会太多。Just a little会什么呢?像刚才介绍的西红柿炒鸡蛋,还有炒土豆丝(fire potato)。紫菜鸡蛋汤 (soup),也没什么了。你会用英语说几个中国菜的菜名吗?我了解了下。比如宫保鸡丁用英语说是:Kung pao chicken红烧鱼用英语说是:西湖牛肉羹:West Lake Beef Soup红烧豆腐:Braised Tofu你喜欢吃什么:面条,蔬菜,还有汤。Noodles vegetable soup你会做什么面条。我们家里有一种面叫做焖面,是用西红柿和豆角焖的,先炒好西红柿豆角,炒的时候汁要多一些,然后将面条平铺在菜上面,盖上焖半个小
4、时,出来以后的面散发焖熟的面香,陪着菜吃,非常的好吃。Hello,everyone my name is * .I come from *.I want to share a home cooking with you.That is scrambled 炒skrmbl eggs with tomatoes.Scrambled skrmbl eggs with tomatoes is a very common dish in our daily life and it taste delicious also with rich nutrition in it. 1.Tomatoes con
5、tain a lot of carotene kr,tin胡萝卜素 and vitamin group 维生素群 which help to improve our digestiondadestn,nourish our skin,protect our blood vesselsvesl. and reduce our blood pressure. 2.Egg contains a lot of vitamins and minerals mnrland has high biological value of protein prti:n. These useful substance
6、 plays a very important role.on the human body and mental health development .We can make this dish as follows:first,cut the tomato into pieces regardless it is large or small and dont care their shape.Eggs are broken into the bowl,stired well,and add a little salt into it.Second,pour the amount of
7、oil into the pot, when hot, pour the eggs into the pot,wait for the liquid egg freezing into solid. Do not move, gently shovel the remaining liquid eggs from the edge into the center, when the eggs are all freezing, turn the eggs over, continue frying, when both sides of the color presents golden co
8、lor, put the eggs out of the pot.Now in the pot should still have some oil,then put tomatoes back into the pot, fry and stir for a few seconds.Last, put the previously fried egg back into the pot , add a little salt, after fry a few minutes, pour out of the pot and put it into the plate.Scrambled skrmbl eggs with tomatoes taste delicious, inexpensive, convenient to produce, and has high nutrition which is benefit to the body.This is my favourite dish , so I hope to share with you.Thats all, thank you.