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1、中 国 社 会 科 学 院 研 究 生 院2016年 攻 读 博 士 学 位 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 卷英 语( A 卷 )2016 年 3 月 26 日8:30 11:30答 题 说 明1. 请 考 生 按 照 答 题 卡 的 要 求 填 写 相 关 内 容 。 在 “ 姓 名 ” 一 栏 中 , 请 用 中 文 填 写1本 人 姓 名 ; “ 试 卷 类 型 ” 一 栏 , 本 人 无 需 填 写 。2 在 答 题 卡 的 “ 考 生 编 号 ” 一 栏 中 填 入 本 人 的 准 考 证 号 。例 如 : 考 号 为 012345678900001, 请 考 生 在 第 一 行

2、中 填 写 阿 拉 伯 数 字012345678900001, 然 后 再 将 各 栏 中 相 应 的 数 字 涂 黑 , 如 下 图 所 示 。 如 不 涂满 , 计 算 机 将 识 别 为 无 效 试 卷 。考 生 编 号 ( 左 对 齐 )0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 34 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

3、 5 5 56 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 67 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 78 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 89 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 93. 在 答 题 卡 上 填 写 答 案 时 , 请 务 必 按 照 图 示 将 选 项 格 涂 满 ;在 A,B,C,D四 个 选项 中 , 只 有 一 个 正 确 答 案 。 填 写 两 个 或 两 个 以 上 答 案 , 本 题 无 效 。 如 需 涂 改 ,请 务 必 用 橡 皮 擦 净 后 再 重 新 填 写 。4. 试 卷 第 三 部 分 ( 包 括 阅 读

4、 7选 5、 概 要 ) 、 第 四 部 分 (包 括 英 译 汉 、 汉 译 英 ),请 考 生 直 接 写 在 英 语 试 题 答 题 纸 上 的 指 定 位 置 , 不 再 提 供 额 外 的 答 题 纸 。请 将 以 下 题 目 的 答 案 填 写 在 答 题 卡 上 。2PART I: Cloze (20 points)Directions: Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank.Production workers must be able to do statistical quality control. Product

5、ion workers must beable to do just-in-time inventories. Managers are increasingly shifting from a “dont think, do whatyou are told“ to a “think, I am not going to tell you what to do“ style of management.This shift occurs not because todays managers are more _(1)_ than yesterdays managers,but becaus

6、e the evidence is mounting that the second style of management is more _(2)_ thanthe first style of management. But this means that problems of training and motivating the workforce both become more central and require different models of behavior.To be on top of this situation, tomorrows managers w

7、ill have to have strong background inorganizational psychology, human relations, and labor _(3)_. The MIT Sloan School of quicklymanagement attempts to _(4)_ our understanding in these areas through research and thenquickly bring the _(5)_ of this new research to our students so that they can be lea

8、ding-edgemanagers when it comes to the human side of the equation.The first three decades after World War II were _(6)_ in _(7)_ the United States had ahuge technological lead _(8)_ all the rest in the world. In a very real sense, _(9)_technological competitive. American firms did not have to worry

9、about their technologicalcompetitiveness because they were _(10)_.But that world has disappeared. Today we live in a world where American firms _(11)_have automatic technological _(12)_. In some areas they are still ahead, in some areas they are_(13)_, and in some areas they are behind, but on avera

10、ge, they are average._(14)_ this means is that American managers have to understand the forces of technicalchange in ways _(15)_ were not necessary in the past. Conversely, managers from the rest ofthe world know that it is now possible for them to dominate their American competitors if theyundersta

11、nd the forces of technical change better than theirAmerican competitors do.In the world of tomorrow managers cannot be technologically _(16)_ _(17)_ theirfunctional tasks within the firm. They dont have to be scientists or engineers inventing newtechnologies, _(18)_ they have to be managers who unde

12、rstand when to bet and when not beton new technologies. If they _(19)_ what is going on and technology effectively becomes ablack box, they _(20)_ to make the changes. They will be losers, not winners.1. a. enlightened b. enlightening c. enlightenment d. enlighten2. a. sterile b. producing c. produc

13、tive d. extravagant3. a. economics b. economic c. economy d. economies4. a. take b. arouse c. rise d. advance5. a. results b. evidence c. content d. fruits6. a. usual b. flawed c. unusual d. unessential7. a. which b. / c. that d. those8. a. by b. over c. on d. upon9. a. was the world not b. the worl

14、d was notc. did the world be not d. was not the world10. a. superior b. super c. inferior d. junior11. a. still b. even c. neither d. no longer312. a. superiority b. inferiority c. majority d. minority13. a. common b. average c. ignorant d. exceptional14. a. How b. That c. What d. Which15. a. that b

15、. they c. those d. who16. a. illiterate b. sophisticated c. literate d. omniscient17. a. regardless b. in spite of c. despite d. regardless of18. a. and b. likewise c. furthermore d. but19. a. didnt understand b. dont understandc. havent understood d. hadnt understood20. a. failed b. would have fail

16、edc. would fail d. would be failedPART II: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: Choose the best answers based on the information in the passages below.Passage 1The leaders of the mythopoetic mens movement believe that modernization has led to thefeminization of men. Mythopoets believe that t

17、he rise of the urban industrial society “trapped meninto straitjackets of rationality, thus blunting the powerful emotional communion and collectivespiritual transcendence that they believe men in tribal societies typically enjoyed“. Mostimportantly, the movement seeks to restore the “deep masculine

18、“ to men who have lost it in theirmore modern lifestyles. Other causes for the loss of the “deep masculine“ include: Men no longerbeing comrades who celebrated their masculinity together. Rather, they had become competitorswithin their workplaces; Men spending more time in their houses with women th

19、an they did withmen (in non-competitive terms outside of work). Excessive interaction with women generally keptmen from realizing their internal masculinity; Feminism is bringing attention to the “femininevoice.” Through this, the mythopoetic men felt that their voices had been muted (though Bly and

20、others are careful in not blaming feminism for this); The separation of men from their fathers keptthem from being truly initiated into manhood, and was a source of emotional damage. Men weresuffering further emotional damage due to feminist accusations about sexism. Men should celebratetheir differ

21、ences from women, rather than feeling guilty about them. Men is being discouraged fromexpressing their emotions. Male inexpressivity is an epidemic and does not correspond to their“deep masculine“ natures. Groups of primarily white, middle-aged, heterosexual men from theprofessional class retreated

22、from their female loved ones in order to join in spiritual rituals thatemphasized homosociality, with the central goal of reclaiming the parts of their masculinity thatthey had lost called the “deep masculine.“ Because most men no longer perform masculine rituals,mythopoets assert that men have muta

23、ted into destructive, hypermasculine chauvinists, or, in theopposite direction, have become too feminized. The mythopoetic men performed rituals at thesegatherings, which were meant to imitate those performed by tribal societies when men initiatedboys into a deeply essential natural manhood. The mov

24、ement emphasized the importance ofincluding multiple generations of men in the rituals, so that the men could learn about masculinityfrom those who were older and wiser. Characteristic of the early mythopoetic movement was atendency to retell myths, legends and folktales, and engage in their exegesi

25、s as a tool for personalinsight. Using frequent references to archetypes as drawn from Jungiananalytical psychology, the4movement focused on issues of gender role, gender identity and wellness for the modern man (andwoman). Advocates would often engage in storytelling with music, these acts being se

26、en as amodern extension to a form of “new ageshamanism“ popularized by Michael Harner atapproximately the same time. The movement sought to empower men by means of equatingarchetypal characters with their own emotions and abilities. For instance, Michael Messnerdescribes the concept of “Zeus energy“

27、 as emphasizing “male authority accepted for the good of thecommunity“. Beliefs about the emotional system based in archetypes of great men, mythopoetssought to channel these characters in themselves, so that they could unleash their “animal-males“.This group primarily analyzed the archetypes of Kin

28、g, Warrior, Magician, Lover and Wildman.As a self-help movement the mythopoetic movement tends not to take explicit stances onpolitical issues such as feminism, gay rights or family law (such as the issues of divorce, domesticviolence or child custody), preferring instead to stay focused on emotiona

29、l and psychologicalwell-being. Because of this neutrality, the movement became a site of social criticism by feminists,and was often characterized as anti-intellectual as well as apolitical. Michael Messner once gave aspeech at a gathering, in which he addressed the dangers of celebrating the warrio

30、r, as instances ofrape are higher in countries that glorify war. The mythopoets responded that they were notinterested in intellectual or political pursuits, but were primarily concerned with conductingspiritual and emotional work. Additional feminist critique revolved around the movements absenceof

31、 womens perspectives, as well as the essentialism in the movements teachings.Comprehension Questions:21. The mythopoetic mens movement can best be understood as _.a. a mens literary movement b. a mens liberation movementc. a mens rights movement d. a second-wave feminist movement22. The mythopoetic

32、mens movement consists of groups of men who retreated from their femaleloved ones in order to strive for _.a. gay rights b. same-sex marriagec. masculinity d. myths, legends and folktales23. The idea that modernization has led to the feminization of men means that_.a. men cannot be themselves b. men

33、 can no longer make friendsc. mens voices have changed d. men cannot express themselves24. The root issue is _.a. feminism b. masculinity c. sex d. gender25. According to the text, the causes for rape must be sought in _.a. the celebration of the archetype of the warriorb. the unleashing of mens “an

34、imal-males”c. domestic violenced. the loss of masculine rituals5Passage 2Although in the novel the millennium has been and gone, there are no references at all to realcontemporary American or global political events of the time of writing. Chapstick, Pledge, andSkevener in their study The Endless Lo

35、op of History: Space Time in the work of David FosterWallace (London 2001) have already noted the way Infinite Jest divorces itself from history by theuse of sci fi elements. They note how compared with the American post moderns, whose worksinteract with real historical time, Infinite Jest takes pla

36、ce in an ahistorical, allegorical time. DFWsinvention of Subsidized Time, and the renaming of years after products and companies shows theway in which the soul-rotting effects of advertising infect time as well as internal and externalspace (cf: Phillip K Dicks adverts projected onto the moon in The

37、 Man in the High Castle).Otherwise, the ubiquitous presence of advertising in contemporary daily life is absent from thenovel. Actually, this is not correct. The theme of waste management (also the underlying structureof Don DeLillos novel Underworld) reflects some of the anxieties of the 90s, the d

38、ecade in whichthe novel was written: namely, global warming, environmental concerns, nuclear wastemanagement, including its export to third world countries, the trading of carbon emission points,futures swaps in carbon footprints etc. DFW is here simply satirizing contemporary concerns; and aFreudia

39、n reading of this theme is both unnecessary and not really illuminating, Don Gatelys workas a shit hoser notwithstanding. DFWs use of spurious knowledge and scholarship (including aspurious academic apparatus at the back of the book) has been amply commented on, especially thedoubtful physics of J.O

40、. Incandenzas work with lenses and nuclear annulation, and the iffey mathinvolved in the Eschaton game. By his use of the spurious DFW is not only satirizing the discourseof academic knowledge, but making a serious point about the extent and typology of knowledgeitself. Once knowledge becomes so spe

41、cialized as to become comprehensible to only a very fewthose firmly inside the discourse- what status does that knowledge gain? To those outside thediscourse, the knowledge can only be taken on trust, and therefore all manner of hoods may bewinked. In this case the boundaries between the fictional a

42、nd the real become blurred, a matter forargument. We are used to questioning the reliability of the narrative voice in fiction, but not so ableto question in the same way the reliability of academic discourse or specialist knowledge. Thepresence of the spurious next to the real infects the real, inv

43、iting us to extend our distrust offictional narrative to non-fictional exposition, the fiction (le mensonge) and the truth becomemirrors of each other. The title of a work stands in metonymic relationship to the content of thework: War and Peace, for example, signifies the two main themes and struct

44、uring devices of thatnovel. For existing books, (real, read books), the title summons up everything we know orremember about the book. Where that work is non-existent (fictional, spurious, lost or simplyunknown/unread) the title acts as an empty signifier, which we can fill with our imagination,effe

45、ctively writing the work ourselves in a flash. Barthes calls these bookless titles prolepses;Nabokov creates summaries and detailed commentaries for them (in Pale Fire and The Real life ofSebastian Knight); Borges bases his whole stylistics on this process of metonymic expansion; andEco fills entire

46、 imaginary libraries with these fantastical books. DFW for his imaginary works, likeHoffmann, has a penchant for excessively long and humorous titles, whose length guides us in thisprocess of creation cf: Good Looking Men in Small Clever Rooms that Utilize Every Centimeter ofAvailable Space With Min

47、d-Boggling Efficiency (title of one of J.O. Incandenzas entertainments),and Mousetraps and their Influence on the Character and Achievement of the Feline Race (title ofone of Murrs books from Hoffmanns The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr).6Comprehension Questions:26. According to the author, th

48、e use of some of the anxieties of the 90s does not contradict theproposition that the novel Infinite Jest takes place in an ahistorical time because_.a. the millennium has been and goneb. DFW is here simply satirizing contemporary concernsc. DFWs invention of Subsidized Timed. he uses sci fi elements27. DFWs invention of Subsidized Time exemplifies _.a. the ubiquitous presence of


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