1、TRAUMA,Definition Classification Affecting Factors Pathology Clinic manifestation Diagnosis & TreatmentBasic Principles,Definition of Trauma,Physical agents Human body energy release & absorbed Structural alteration & Physiologic imbalance Injury OR Wound,Classification,I - Injury typetraffic injury
2、Industrial injurysports injurywar or nuclear war injury,Classification,II Injury causing agentpenetrating injury - sharp instrument inj.Least force knife cut , missiles blunt force injury - contusion, bruisemore forcecrush injury - car running over inj.most forceother sources - thermal inj. freeze i
3、nj. electrical inj. radiation inj.,Classification,III Location of Injury cranial or skull injurythoracic or chest injuryabdominal injuryextremity injury maxillofacial injuryvisceral injury,Classification,VI Integrity of the skinclose injury skin intactopen injury skin damagepossible to be contaminat
4、ed or infected septic infection,Classification,V- Severity of injury slight injurysevere or mortal injuryaffect vital signsconsciousness breathing circulation,Affecting factors,Age of victimAnatomy Mechanism of Injury,Affecting factors,Age of victimthe elder - worse result & high mortality ratereaso
5、ns difficulty in diagnosislimited on organ reserveless flexible of skeletonconcurrent medical disease,Affecting factors,Anatomy impact resistancefixation of body partsanatomic protection,Affecting factors,Anatomy 5 high impact resistance partssignificant energy & associate injury1th rib 2ed rib ster
6、numscapula femur,Affecting factors,Anatomy high impact resistance associate inj. 1th rib F.- mortality chest cranium abdomen36.3% 64% 53% 33%mortality & morbidity 1th rib F. 89% 2ed rib F. 80%,Affecting factors,Anatomy high impact resistance associate inj.Sternum F.- cardiac contusion or injuryScapu
7、la F. - thoracic injury Femur F. - Knee ligament injury,Affecting factors,Anatomy fixation of body partsPart small intestine duodenum vertebra Nature intraperitoneal retroperitoneal solid Fixation poor good solid Rate of decel. slow fast immediate Injury rapture perforation crushclose of pyloruscont
8、racture of Treits lig.,Affecting factors,Anatomy anatomic protection of body partsvehicle skull brain1th impact 2ed impactprotection productionbrain trauma,Affecting factors,Mechanism of Injury Blunt impactForce Organ Deform beyond its limits of Elasticity & ViscosityRapture,Affecting factors,Mechan
9、ism of InjuryPenetrating traumaE = mass velocity22gE: kinetic energy,TRAUMA,病理,创伤性炎症(局部反应)出血 失活组织 微血管改变 血管通透性增高 血块 收缩 扩张 充血 水、电解质、血浆渗出炎性细胞游出*炎性介质:组织胺、缓激肽、前列腺素、慢反应物质,TRAUMA 病理,1.创伤性炎症(局部反应) 作 用正常创伤性炎症有利修复血浆纤维蛋白渗出 纤维网架充填裂隙细胞增生细胞游出 中性细胞:抗感染;单核细胞:清除异物、免疫监视过多炎症反应不利于修复微循环持久充血血循环障碍大量水、电解质渗出(组织水肿)*细菌、异物存在加重
10、创伤性炎症,TRAUMA 病理,2. 全身性反应(1) 体温升高 出血、组织分解产物、炎性介质 (T 38.5),TRAUMA 病理,2. 全身性反应(2) 内分泌变化 疼痛、精神紧张、失血、失液 下丘脑垂体系统 应激反应促肾上腺皮质激素 ACTH 肾上腺皮质激素 抗利尿激素 ADH 生长激素 GH 交感神经肾上腺髓质轴 应激反应 儿茶酚胺 有效循环血量下降 醛固酮 贫血 促红细胞生长素 ,TRAUMA 病理,2. 全身性反应 作 用保证重要器官血液灌注 儿茶酚胺:周围血管收缩、心肌收缩增强 维持血压抗利尿激素、醛固酮:促进水分、钠回收 保持血容量,TRAUMA 病理,2. 全身性反应(3)
11、代谢变化 糖、脂肪、蛋白质:早期为分解活动为主,后期合成活动为主由于进食少、机体细胞对外源糖利用率低胰高糖素 内源糖元分解血糖脂肪分解 血脂肪酸肌蛋白分解 氨基酸作 用 动员机体静息能量,满足创伤后能量需要的增加,TRAUMA 病理,2. 全身性反应 (3) 代谢变化 蛋白质早期为分解活动为主,后期合成活动为主尿含氮物排出 氮负平衡 白蛋白分解 血白蛋白 氨基酸肌蛋白分解 氨基酸 作 用 满足创伤组织修复所需血球蛋白、纤维蛋白并不降低、相反有所作 用 有利于抗感染与凝血作用有关,TRAUMA 病理,3. 创伤修复 二种形式 原始修复:指组织缺损完全由原来性质的细胞修复,恢复原来结构与功能疤痕修
12、复:指组织缺损通过肉芽组织充填、纤维组织替代原始细胞的修复,不能完全恢复原来组织的结构与功能,TRAUMA 病理,3. 创伤修复 三个阶段 (1)纤维蛋白充填(炎症期) 48-72小时血凝块充填 炎症反应 纤维蛋白渗出 止血、封闭创面(2)细胞增生(增生期) 4 - 8 周 6小时 : 成纤维细胞增生 纤维组织 肉芽组织24小时 :血管内皮细胞增生 新生血管胶原纤维增多 强度增高 疤痕组织 (胶原量过多,疤痕过硬)成骨细胞增生 骨痂皮肤(粘膜)细胞增生 新生上皮、粘膜 巨噬细胞、白细胞 清除血凝块、坏死组织(3)组织塑形(塑形期) 1年-几年运动应力、酶 疤痕组织、骨痂 在数量、分布、强度上调
13、整 逐渐适应生理需要 保持修复强度、疤痕软化 多余骨痂吸收,TRAUMA 修复,不利因素 1. 感染:机械性因素 + 生物性致伤因素(毒素、酶)2. 异物:阻隔新生细胞基质覆盖创面 + 继发感染3. 血循环不良:缺氧、能量不足,如休克、伤口包扎过紧、缝合过紧,修复延迟 4. 治疗不当:应用大量抑制创伤性炎症的药物,如皮质激素,抗癌细胞毒药物,放射治疗;制动不良,增加新的机械性损伤5. 全身营养不良:低蛋白 (白蛋白主要内源)、缺乏维生素C、微量元素(参与胶原形成);内科消费性疾病:糖尿病、尿毒症、肝硬化,TRAUMA 愈合分类,一期愈合:伤口裂隙小、对合良好、上皮迅速再生、愈合疤痕很少、功能良
14、好二期愈合:伤口裂隙大或并发感染、上皮缺损、依靠肉芽组织增生和伤口收缩达到愈合、愈合疤痕多、外观及功能均差延期愈合:伤口持续开放24-72小时、引流分泌物,确认无感染后予缝合,愈合疤痕少于一期,TRAUMA 临床表现,一、局部表现 疼痛 炎症反应、神经丰富与否*伴休克常不述疼痛 *一般2-3天,持续或加重有感染可能*慎用麻醉止痛药肿胀 炎性渗出、出血(青紫、红肿)血肿形成(波动感)静脉回流障碍(水肿)动脉血流障碍(苍白、皮温下降)伤口或创面 出血、异物功能障碍 组织破坏直接造成(骨折影响运动)组织水肿压迫间接造成(咽喉水肿影响呼吸),TRAUMA 临床表现,二、全身表现体温 38 过高,感染可
15、能脉搏、心率 ,舒张压 、收缩压 、脉压 ? ,休克时收缩压 口渴、少尿其它,疲惫、食欲不振、嗜睡,TRAUMA 临床表现,三、并发症化脓性感染 开放伤 、异物创伤性休克 低血容量性、疼痛性(神经性)、心源性器官功能衰竭 挤压综合症(肾)、脂肪栓塞(肺、脑),TRAUMA 诊断,1.病史 致伤原因、作用部位、受伤姿势症状及其演变过程处理方式和处理时间以往健康状况,TRAUMA 诊断,2.体检 a 生命体征 T 、 P 、 R、BP 主要有无窒息、休克b 根据病史及突出体征详细检查受伤局部如四肢:肿胀、畸形、异常活动、骨擦音、肢体感觉运动、肢端脉搏c 开放性损伤注意有无出血、污染、渗出、创道位置
16、,TRAUMA 诊断,3.辅助检查 化验 血常规、血电解质 穿刺 胸腔穿刺 腹腔穿刺 关节穿刺影像学检查 X-线 CT MR,TRAUMA 诊断,注意事项: 1.危重病人(窒息、大出血)立刻抢救2.检查简捷、谨慎、轻巧3.多个病人组织人力、不忽视不出声病人4.未确诊病人密切观察、尽早确诊,TRAUMA 治疗,First aid at the scene of an accident 1 check the airway clear it if obstructed 2 feel the pulse 3 recovery position for unconscious P take speci
17、al care of the cervical spine 4 stop oncoming traffic 5 treat the patient cover exposed bonereduce fracturearrest bleeding 5 call for emergency rescue & wait for ambulance,TRAUMA 治疗,Immediate management A B C routineairwaybreathing &circulation,TRAUMA 治疗,Immediate management airway & breathing 1 . o
18、bstructed airway causes blood , vomit , broken teech, tonguefractured mandiblesoft tissue swelling dure to injuries to neck, larynx or facial fracture2. respiratory failurecauses chest injuries , pain above C3 cervical spine injuries (damage the phrenic nerve),TRAUMA 治疗,Immediate management airway &
19、 breathing way to establishclear the mouth and pharynxendotracheal intubationnasotracheal intubationtracheostomy,TRAUMA 治疗,Immediate management circulation1.stop bleeding tourniquet usedtime of applicationrelease once per hour2.restore blood volumeintravenous infusion,TRAUMA 治疗,Monitoring and comple
20、te examinationAfter Immediate management 1.begin charts set up record of P rate, BP ,R rate,Tlevel of consciousness ,pupil sizes plete the examination cut the cloth , do not pull it outmeasure the wounds & examine every bone 3. record ECG 4. CVP line set up central venous pressure line for monitorin
21、g the blood volume, CVP is 4-8cmH2O at normal 5. ISS grading (based on AIS abbreviate injury score)(1-75)ISS Injury severity score 16 severe , 20 high mortality, 50 few alive 75 almost impossible to cure 6.advanced trauma life support specialist for systematic review,TRAUMA,Patient assessed and clas
22、sified into 3 categories1. Those requiring immediate & energetic treatmentimmediate resuscitation 2. Those with minor or none injuriesgeneral trauma treatment 3. Those with serious but non-urgent injuriesspecialist for systematic review and treatment,TRAUMA 治疗,Immediate management immediate resuscit
23、ation or medical rescue should be given to the patient in following situation:cardiac arrest (心脏骤停 ) asphyxia ( 窒息)extensive bleeding ( 大出血) open pneumothorax (开放气胸 ) shock (休克) viscera breakaway (内脏脱出),TRAUMA 治疗,Local treatment ( general treatment ) 1. immobilization of injuried limb or trunk for p
24、ain relieve & prevention of further damages 2. emergent surgery for hemostasis , debridement or tissue repair 3. reduction & fixation of the deplaced bone and jointtraction, reduction, fixation with cast or brace 4.soft tissue treatment physical treatment , cold compress with ice within 48 h of inju
25、ry at site of bruising ,hot compress afterfor the inhibition of over-inflammatory reaction,TRAUMA,Systematic treatment ( general treatment )1. maintain efficient circulation saline infusion or blood transfusion 2. maintain airway & breathing oxygen inhaling 3. Prevention of secondary infection usage
26、 of prophylactic antibiotics in cases ofopen injury with contaminated wound,close injury at chest or abdomen,any injury that need surgery, any injury with severe tissue necrosis4. maintain the balance of metabolism ,nutrition and hydro-dielectric 5. pain control and psychological treatment,TRAUMA 开放
27、伤口处理,Classification 1.Clean wound sterilized cutting during operation , can suture it for one-stage healing 2.Contaminated wound the wound with amount of bacteria not yet enough to developing infection as open wound within 8 hours or facial wound within 12 hoursor severe Contaminated wound within 4
28、hours,can be cleaned by debridement aiming for one-stage healing 3.Infected wound the wound with amount of bacteria having developed infection as open wound over 8 hourscutting wound for abscess drainagewound with red and swollen or fluid leakage, can only be treated by wound dressing and resulting
29、in two-stage healing,TRAUMA 清创术,(1)清洗去污无菌砂布覆盖创面a 周围皮肤 肥皂水洗刷剪去毛发、去除污垢油腻生理盐水冲洗b 创面 冲洗 无菌生理盐水洁而灭或洗必太溶液双氧水溶液(疑有厌氧感染)去除表面血块、异物,TRAUMA 清创术,2)清理创面麻醉、消毒、铺巾探查,清除血块、异物、失活组织保留并复位与软组织相连的或较大的游离骨块清除明显挫伤皮肤(0.2-0.3cm)及皮下组织深部伤口 适当扩大伤口、切开筋膜随时生理盐水冲洗至显露清洁、血循环好的组织,TRAUMA 清创术,(3) 缝合伤口重新消毒,更换手术单、器件、手套彻底止血、放置引流、伤口干净 头面部 手部
30、 外阴部 一期缝合污染明显延期缝合(腹膜,硬脑膜,关节囊必须缝合四肢只缝深筋膜、1-4天后缝皮下与皮肤)皮肤缺损可考虑植皮,TRAUMA 清创术,注意事项:无菌操作,认真清洗和消毒清除异物、血块、坏死组织,大骨块清洗后复位彻底止血,消灭死腔腹膜,硬脑膜,关节囊必须缝合皮肤缺损、尤在神经、血管、骨关节处应植皮,TRAUMA 换药,(1)无菌原则 用于感染伤口2把镊子:一把接触清洁物,一把接触创面清洁 从内向外消毒污染 从外向内消毒污染物放置专用容器,TRAUMA 换药,(2)引流方法 浅伤口:清洁凡士林分泌多盐水纱布深伤口:清洁凡士林至伤口底、不堵外口分泌多胶管类引流、通畅负压引流,TRAUMA
31、 换药,(3)抗感染局部药绿脓杆菌0.1%苯氧乙醇 、磺胺嘧啶银软膏一般感染利凡洛污染重、坏死多优索、碘酊纱条,TRAUMA 换药,(4)肉芽处理 新鲜创面 及时植皮水肿肉芽 高渗盐水暗、有苔 表面清除生长过剩 清除注意事项:勤换药、引流畅、除异物、适时植皮,TRAUMA 战伤,救治原则 快抢快救,先抢后救 Quick全面检查,科学分类 Screening在后送中连续检测与治疗 Detection早期清创,延期缝合 Debridement先重后轻,防治结合 Vital整体治疗 Comprehensive,TRAUMA 战伤,伤员分类胸前有色布条 红色(重伤) 白色(骨折) 蓝色(放射线) 黑色(传染病) 黄色(化学伤),TRAUMA 战伤,基本技术1 通气(ventilation) 托颌牵舌法 2 止血 (hemostasis) 加压包扎法 止血带 3 包扎(bandaging) 绑带、三角巾 4 固定(fixation) 夹板 5 搬运(transport)与后送(evacuation) 背夹拖抬架 (脊柱骨折 不可弯曲 扭转),Question &Answer,