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1、 一、科学研究的含义什么才是科学?伽利略曾说,减轻人类生存的苦难才是科学的唯一目的,科学家应该考虑绝大部分人。既然科学需要为大多数着想,那么科学研究者就不得不考虑自己所从事的研究不能与人类社会的道德和伦理发生冲突。李约瑟曾说,作为一个科学家,不可忽视的基本原则是一切为了人类的进步和文明。人类不断进步与创造的伟大文明与科学息息相关,最近两三百年,人类的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,是前所未有的,而这一切,都在于科学直接用于人类的进步和发展。当科学发展到一个新的高度,当一些未知领域吸引了科学家的目光,当我们还不能判断这些领域的探索是否会对人类的伦理道德产生影响,我们不得不问:科学研究究竟应该何去何从?


3、信,人类获得新的发现是为了发现更好的东西,而不是伤害。 ”爱因斯坦曾经主导了原子弹的产生,但当广岛的蘑菇云一下子带走几万无辜民众的生命时,他感到科学不当应用带来的后果是多么的严重。从而他坚定地走向了捍卫和平,反对核武器的发展。当有人问他第三次世界大战人类会用什么武器时,他说出了“我不知道第三次世界大战会用哪些武器,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。 ”控制理论提出者维纳,他是一个非常反对研究军事的科学家。他认为,每一个科学家应该为自己负责,为人类的千秋万代负责。他说,研制原子弹的那些科学家的经验证明,科学家的任何发明,都有可能被不法之人利用,而这些人是科学家最担心的。科学家也知道,促



6、单原子弹的问题了,也是整个人类或者说是各个国家之间不得不考虑的问题。核能是一种清洁能源,但是科学家的疏忽和态度上松懈,将会带来灾难性的后果。前苏联的切尔诺贝利核电站,由于操作员的不当操作,导致了严重的事故,这次事故影响了全球将近 20 亿的人,且影响至今也没有消除。核泄漏事故发生后,导致了大量无辜平民受到强烈辐射而死亡或者落下残疾或者导致后代的畸形,苏联因为这次事故,前后共疏散 34万余人,也给国家和人民带来了巨大的损失,而这些损失至今都无法准确估量,而危害却会一直延续下去。谁会想到,曾经的乌克兰北部的切尔诺贝利,是一个蓝天白云、鲜花大树、绿草茵茵、飞禽走兽和谐相处的充满诗意的地方。但是,切尔

7、诺贝利核电站的严重事故,毁掉了这美好的画面。据相关机构推算,核泄漏事故所产生的放射性污染,是日本广岛核弹爆炸产生污染物的 100 多倍。这是多么令人感到震惊和感到恐怖的啊。核泄漏前后共持续了 10 天,而且毁坏的核反应堆不断地向空气释放放射性物质。这种物质随风飘散,在爆炸发生当天,放射物就扩散到了波兰。10 天内,放射性尘埃也飘落到欧洲大部分地方,随着降雨,大量有害的放射性物质进入大地河流。因为受到核辐射,很多人痛苦地死去。然而上面所描述的,只是核爆炸所带来灾难的一部分,它只是实际损失的冰山一角,它给全球、全人类带来的各种影响是无法估量的。日本福岛核电站爆炸所带来的巨大灾难再次引发全球的关注。

8、由于地震引发的核电站事故,带给了人类无穷的灾难与恐慌,日本国内对核能运用的恐慌至今没有完全消除,他们担心由于日本多发地震的地质结构,再次带来核燃料的泄漏,从而带来灾难性的后果。但是我们不能排除政府部门为了缓解能源压力,再次发展核能的可能。 当多利的诞生,人类一度欢呼自己所取得的成就时。而后开始有科学家对克隆人而蠢蠢欲动时,人类开始担心这种科学研究,将会对现有的伦理道德标准产生强烈的冲击。尽管目前世界主要国家都禁止克隆人,但是谁都不能排除在这个世界的某些角落有人或许正在从事这些方面的研究来达到自己的目的。当城市的每个街道都安有“电子眼” ,当过安检时将面临赤裸裸的透视,当自己的信息被其他人利用,


10、大规模的运用,我们无法保证核能的运用是万无一失的,而一旦核燃料泄漏,后果将是灾难性的。随着网络的普及,网上信息交流的增多,个人隐私被泄露的风险显著增加。如此种种,都与现代社会的道德标准格格不入。三、对现代科学的分析当火箭顺利进入预定轨道,当卫星拍摄指定位置的地图,这都依靠了科学技术的发展;当在高速路上行驶的汽车,利用卫星导航,从而准确行驶到目的地,也依靠了科学的发展不可否认,科学已经从各个层面给人类带来了巨大的影响。美国的全球导航系统 GPS 最初为军事服务,为美国的政治影响服务,为美国的高科技武器打击精确定位,这一切都显得与科学追求的文明不相符。随着卫星定位精确度越来越高,一方面有利于打击恐



13、发展,让科学在人类进程中产生积极的影响。全人类的利益是科学家应该为之奋斗的,它不属于某个或者某群的极端民族主义者,科学的正确发展是有利于促进一切积极因素的发展的。科技如今的高速发展,更应该注重科学的道德伦理行为。为了杜绝各种科学伦理道德的问题,世界上很多国家已经开始注意这方面制度的研究和发展了。比方说在美国,大学教授如果再从事别的非教育事业,是必须公布的,必须让公众知道他从事的公司与他的关系。很多学校也专门设立各种研究中心,防止各种不正当的牟利活动。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,有着五千多年的文明史,最近 30 最近的经济发展在全球可谓一枝独秀,在世界上的影响也越来越大。但是我们可以看到,中国

14、科技的发展也让各种不法活动变得更加隐蔽更加疯狂了。不法之人可以从各种剩菜剩饭中提取“地沟油” ,再重新包装一下,就堂而皇之地在很多餐馆里使用了。 “假牛肉”也是使用化学材料让猪肉变“牛肉”的,苏丹红在辣酱里的使用,各种调制饮料喝着就像真正的水果汁调出来的饮料,各种化学原料的添加,食品安全问题的不断出现,让道德底线不断受到冲击。还有各种非法窃取个人隐私,非法监控个人通话,也变得越来越猖狂,而这一切是因为科学发明的不正确运用,从而危害了我们自己,可见,规范科学发明,明确科学精神是刻不容缓的。科学研究虽然鼓励自由的探究精神,但是却不能没有规范科学伦理的制度。作为一名科学家,首先要有正确的态度,任何的



17、平等发展,不能牺牲其它国家的利益来满足自己国家发展的需要。并且要警惕极端的爱国主义,哈伯研制毒气就是一种狭隘极端的爱国主义,这是需要科学研究者警惕的。(4 )科学发展观。科学研究首先应该解决现实中的问题,但是不能目光短浅,必须要兼顾到未来的发展。当代人应当关注下一代人的发展,不能以牺牲子孙后代的利益为代价,这就是科学发展的观点。首先满足现实的人类发展,但是同时考虑到子孙后代的发展权利,提出具体措施避免短视行为,实现全人类的可持续发展。A, the meaning of scientific researchWhat is science? Galileo said, alleviate the

18、 sufferings of the human existence is the sole purpose of science, scientists should consider the vast majority of people. Since science needs for the sake of most, so scientific researchers will have to consider his cant with the moral and ethical conflict of human society. Joseph Needham said, as

19、a scientist, can not be ignored is the basic principle of all for the human progress and civilization. Human progress and create great civilization is closely related to science, in recent two thousand three hundred years, great changes have taken place in human life, is unprecedented, and all this,

20、 is the scientific and applied directly to the human progress and development. When the scientific development to a new level, when some unknown attracted the attention of scientists, when we cant judge the exploration of these fields will affect human ethics, we have to ask: scientific research sho

21、uld go?Scientific research should never stop, Chekhov said, science is in the process of human development, the most beautiful and the most important and the most beneficial to human beings. Science researchers need social sense of responsibility, science has no end, but may also have to consider th

22、e scientific research on the impact of human society. All the scientific research, for whatever purpose, dont conflict with the existing ethical and moral standards of human society.Second, the scientific problemsMadame Curie once said: “we can think of, if the bad guys to master the art of radium,

23、it would be very dangerous. So there will be such a problem: know the secrets of nature is human, but benefit from the new found, may also be a bad influence on human. The Nobel invented dynamite is a typical case. High explosive makes people create miracles, but it is these explosives, could become

24、 a weapon to destroy life. I am a people who believe in the Nobel, a belief that I believe that humans have new discovery is to find something better, rather than harm.“Einstein once dominated the produce of the atomic bomb, but when the Hiroshima cloud suddenly taken away tens of thousands of innoc

25、ent peoples life, he felt science how serious the consequences of improper application. Thus he firmly to defend the peace and against the development of nuclear weapons. When someone asked him with what weapons world war iii will be human, he said “I dont know what weapons world war iii will be use

26、, but in the fourth world war ii there with sticks and stones.“ Control theory proposes wiener, he is a very against scientists who study the military. He believes that every scientist should be responsible for yourself, for human century ten thousand generation. Those scientists developed the atomi

27、c bomb, he says, the experience has shown that any invention, scientists are likely to be using the wrong person, who is most concerned about. Scientists also know that promote the development of any weapons are actually buried a time bomb for mankind, but they will never know who is in what time to

28、 ignite the lead. Poisoning the human, even if scientists dont participate in will not choose to use these weapons to deal with the human, but they know, they like people who use these weapons, must be subject to moral condemnation, and their names will never nailed on the history of the monument.Ge

29、rman jewish scientists Hubble in ammonia synthesis chemistry research, to the modern industrial production and agricultural production has injected a strong motivation, change can only use natural nitrogen fertilizer situation before, Hubble results that he became the pride of the nation. But during

30、 the first world war, the German victory eager, under the drive of he gas is developed and applied in the battlefield, he claimed that gas can let the war end faster. The wholesale use of poison gas, however, many innocent people died from this, European countries people including ordinary germans s

31、trongly condemned.The organizers of the Manhattan project, by default, we can think of the atomic bomb could be used in several ways, with the international environment, the political landscape has a great relationship, it is hard to control by scientists, but scientists will be condemned by history

32、, they developed a terrible weapons, and it is possible to deal with human own, and this kind of weapon may directly brought humanity to the tomb, including the use of weapons and the leading development. Nuclear weapons can be used to destroy plants and kill innocent people, this is the most terrib

33、le weapons use way; Can be used for military targets and the atomic bomb, what do you want to use nuclear weapons, depends on the politician and strategist of the mind and consideration. Nuclear weapons, of course, can also be a stem countries attempt to use military force, leading to the world a mo

34、re peaceful. But these which will happen, not a scientist, is often decided those who dominate the fate of the nation, in addition it is not only the problem of the atomic bomb, and the entire human race or problem between each country have to consider.Nuclear power is a kind of clean energy, but sc

35、ientists negligence and lax attitude, will lead to disastrous consequences. At chernobyl in the former Soviet union, due to operators improper operation, caused the serious accident, the accident affected nearly 2 billion people worldwide, and still can not eliminate. After a nuclear accident, resul

36、ting in a large number of innocent civilians and strong radiation falling death or disability or lead to the deformation of offspring, the Soviet union because of the accident, were evacuated before and after more than 340000 people, also brought huge losses to the country and people, and the loss h

37、as not measured accurately, and the harm is will always continue. Who would have thought that, once the northern chernobyl in Ukraine, is a blue sky and white clouds, flowers, trees, green grass shade, poetic place of animals and birds live in harmony. However, serious accident at the chernobyl nucl

38、ear power plant, destroyed this beautiful picture. According to the relevant institutions, radioactive pollution produced by the nuclear accident, is the Japanese city of Hiroshima bomb blast pollutants more than 100 times. This is how a shock and horror. Lasted a total of 10 days before and after t

39、he nuclear leak, and destroy the reactor continuously release radioactive substances into the air. This kind of material blow away in the wind, on the day of the explosion, radiation spread to Poland. Within 10 days, radioactive dust falling to most parts of Europe, with the rain, a large amount of

40、harmful radioactive material into the rivers. Due to the radiation, a lot of people die in pain. Described above, however, is only part of the nuclear disaster, it is just the tip of the iceberg for actual loss, it brings to the world, mankind various impact is immeasurable.Japans fukushima nuclear

41、plant explosion brought about by the huge disaster to cause the attention of the world again. Nuclear power plant accident, caused by earthquake brought human endless disaster and panic, Japans fears of nuclear power has not been completely eliminated, they fear that due to the geological structure

42、of the earthquakes in Japan, once again bring fuel leak, so as to bring disastrous consequences. But we cant rule out the government in order to alleviate the pressure of the energy, nuclear energy may once again. When the birth of dolly, human once hailed his achievements. And then began to scienti

43、sts to clone and stirs, humans began to worry about this kind of scientific research, will have a strong impact the existing ethical and moral standards. Although at present the worlds major countries ban on human cloning, but everyone in the world cannot be ruled out some corner someone may be enga

44、ged in the research of these aspects to reach own purpose.When each of the streets of the city at “digital“, when a security will face a stark perspective, when others to use their own information, moral problems brought by the advancement of science has caused more and more attention.The successful

45、 development of the atomic bomb, on the one hand, strengthen the influence of the nuclear countries, but also make the world more unrest; Hubble gas development, make the gas could be used for war, let more people died, the effect on human morality; Clone, opened another window to save the rare anim

46、als, for the cultivation of the organs and provides a new way of thinking, but if be with the wrong person, will have the huge influence of the ethics of human society immortality; If possible digital investigation are of great help to the police, and indirectly protect our security, but often can s

47、ee from news reports, use of “digital“ peeping the privacy of others; Carrying explosives on board in order to prevent al-qaeda members, European and American passengers through security in some countries, USES is perspective, this has caused great controversy; Nuclear power in the global widespread

48、 use, we are unable to guarantee the use of nuclear energy is quite safe, and once fuel leak, the consequences would be disastrous. Increased along with the network popularization, the online information exchange, significantly increased risk of personal privacy was leaked. All this, and the moral s

49、tandard of modern society.Third, the analysis of modern scienceWhen a rocket into orbit, when the location on the satellite map, this all depend on the development of science and technology; When driving on the highway of the car, the use of satellite navigation, accurate to drive to the destination, also depend on the development of science. There is no denying the fact that science has from all levels has brought the huge impact to human being.Americas global navigation system GPS was originally for military service, service for Americas political influence, American high-tec


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