1、Proper Name Idioms 专有名词成语汉语和英语的 “专有名词成语 “都不少,都有典故或出处。如汉语的:愚公移山、东施效颦、毛遂自荐、班门弄斧、名落孙山、邯郸学步、洛阳纸贵、有眼不识泰山、长江后浪推前浪、不到黄河不死心,等等。英语中的 “专有名词成语 “有些来自古希腊、古罗马神话或传说;有些出自 圣经 ;有些出自文学作品;有些出自民间的幽默,如: “墨菲定律 “(Murphys law What can go wrong will go wrong); 另有一些是各民族之间的幽默戏弄:其中有英国人对法国人和荷兰人的嘲笑,也有美国人对美洲印地安人的讽刺。如:英国人把 Take Fre
2、nch leave(不辞而别)说成是法国人的习惯;把(避孕)安全套说成是 French letter;如果失言,说了不该说的话,随口道歉时,英国人常说 Pardon my French(注:把英语中的粗话说成是法语)。美国人把 “送出去又要收回来的礼物 “说成是 Indian gift(印第安人的礼物)。 本单元的英语成语跟 “人名 “和 “地名 “等专有名词有关。关键词包括: Achilles Blarney Damocles Humphrey Dutch French Freudian Garrison Gordian Greek Herculean IndianJackJob John
3、Jones Newcastle Pandora Peter Penelope Pyrrhic Reilly Roland Rome Rubicon Sally Sydney Thames Waterloo1. Achilles heel字面意思:阿基琉斯的脚后跟。解释 The vulnerable spot or weak point of a person or nation.一个人或国家的致命弱点。说明:据希腊神话, Achilles在年幼时,被其母亲倒提着在一条河里浸过,成人后刀枪不入。 Achilles的脚后跟当时被母亲握在手里,没有浸过河水,因此成了致命弱点。变体: The heel
4、 of Achilles.例句 The journalists Achilles heel was the problems he had with his spelling.2. Kiss the Blarney stone字面意思:亲吻巧言石。解释 Good at using flattery words.擅长恭维;巧于辞令。说明:英国一城堡内的一块刻有铭文的长方形石头叫做 “巧言石 “(Blarney stone). 仰面爬进洞口再探头才能亲吻到这块石头。据说,亲吻到这块 “巧言石 “人就会 “能言善辩 “,特别会恭维别人。例句 Everyone in the office hates
5、him. He does nothing except licking the managers boots. We all think he must have kissed the Blarney stone.3. The sword of Damocles字面意思:达摩克利斯剑。解释 Impending evil or danger.即将来临的邪恶势力或恐怖的威胁;临头大祸。说明:这条成语源于古罗马哲学家西塞罗转述的古希腊传说。希腊一城邦国的国王宴请佞臣 Damocles. 这次宴请实际为的是给 Damocles一个教训,因为他四处宣扬做国王是多么地容易。宴席之上, Damocles受宠
6、若惊,猛然抬头看到在座位上方有一用细线悬挂着的利剑,随时可能坠落下来。国王意在告诉 Damocles,君王虽身在宝座,但惶惶不可终日,杀身之祸随时可能降临。例句 The terrorists threatened to kidnap the famous actress, and she felt the sword of Damocles over her head. She was petrified until the police captured the terrorists.4. Dine with Duke Humphrey字面意思:跟汉弗莱公爵一同进餐。解释 Have noth
7、ing to eat; hungry.没饭吃;饿肚皮。说明:英国中世纪的汉弗莱公爵生前以好客闻名,人们以为他死后安葬于伦敦圣保罗大教堂。到吃饭时间,教堂墓地附近会有穷人或有麻烦的人在此逗留。这些人常风趣地说他们在 “跟汉弗莱公爵一同进餐 “。例句 I was very pleased when I got his invitation for having lunch together, because I was going to dine with Duke Humphrey before he rang.5. Double Dutch字面意思:双重荷兰语。解释 Words which d
8、o not mean anything or which one does not understand.看不懂或弄不明白的字句;无法理解的语言。说明:荷兰语跟英语同属一个语系的同一个语族。中世纪之前两种语言很接近,到后来才分道扬镳。 18世纪两国商业竞争激烈,英国人挖苦荷兰人,这条成语便是历史的见证。例句 I couldnt understand the signpost; the words were double Dutch to me.6. Go Dutch字面意思:赴荷兰人的宴席。解释 Share expenses.各付各的账;分摊费用; AA制; “去大吃 “。 说明: Dutch
9、 treat(荷兰式款待)的意思跟 Go Dutch一样。例句 It is a custom for friends to go Dutch when attending a birthday dinner party at a restaurant in Australia.7. Dutch courage字面意思:荷兰人的勇气。解释 The courage exerted by drinking alcohol.酒后之勇;借酒劲儿鼓起的勇气。说明:这条成语也是早年英美人挖苦荷兰人的历史见证。例句 With his Dutch courage, the coach gave lunatic
10、instructions to the swimming team just before the competition in Perth.8. Talk like a Dutch uncle字面意思:说话像荷兰大叔一样。解释 Criticize mercilessly or give abrupt directions to others.不留情面的批评或训斥;像长辈一样严厉地教训别人。例句 The students are all scared of their teacher. When the teacher is in the classroom, he talks like a
11、Dutch uncle.9. Take French leave字面意思:法国式的告辞。解释 Go away secretly without having permission.没有得到允许或不打招呼便悄悄离开;悄悄溜走;不辞而别;擅离职守。说明:英国人说这种不好的习俗是法国人的,而法国人说这是英国人的。法语中也 ?quot;英国式告辞 “的说法,意思就是 “悄悄离开 “。例句 The soldier took French leave and stayed away for a week. When he came back to his regiment he was put into
12、solitary confinement.10. Freudian slip字面意思:弗洛伊德失误。解释 Make a verbal mistake; say the wrong thing.口误;失言;说走嘴。说明:奥地利精神分析学派心理学创始人弗洛伊德认为 “被压抑的潜意识想法往往会通过口误或笔误泄露出来 “。人们现在多用 Freudian slip表示无意识口头泄露想法, “口误 “或 “失言 “。例句 The policeman made a Freudian slip when he said the suspect was being persecuted for theft. W
13、hat he really meant to say was “prosecuted“, not “persecuted“. 11. Garrison finish字面意思:盖里森结局。解释 Unexpected result.出乎意料的结局,多在指最后一刻赶超取得胜利。说明: Edward Garrison是 19世纪美国骑师。在多次大赛中, Garrison骑的马都是在最后一刻赶超对手获得第一的。例句 No one expected him to win the race, and his garrison finish surprised his coach as well as his
14、 team mates. 12. Cut the Gordian knot字面意思:斩断戈尔迪绳结。解释 Get out of a difficult position by one decisive step.以决定性的一步解决棘手的问题;以大刀阔斧的方式解决问题,类似 “快刀斩乱麻 “。说明:典故出自古希腊传说。戈尔迪绳结是找不到结头而难以解开的疙瘩。传说谁解开此绳结即可称霸亚洲。后来,亚历山大大帝用利剑砍开了此怪结。例句 The situation in the country is very complicated at the moment. The President needs
15、to cut the Gordian knot to resolve the problem.13. Greek gift字面意思:希腊人的礼物。解释 Gift which is meant to bring harm or misfortune.存心害人的礼物。说明:成语出自古罗马诗人维吉尔的史诗 埃涅伊特 所讲述的特洛伊城陷落的故事。希腊人佯装撤退,留下木马( Trojan horse即 “特洛伊木马 “),特洛伊人不知是计,将木马拖入城内,最终城被攻破。例句 The cheap rent of the house turned out be a Greek gift. We did no
16、t realize we have to pay for all gas bill, electricity bill and water bill. 14. Greek to someone 字面意思:对某人来说是希腊文。解释 Something written or spoken that you do not understand.不明白所说的话,或看不懂文字内容;一窍不通。变体: All Greek to someone. 说明:这条成语出自莎士比亚剧本 Julius Caesar. 例句 He asked me to read the manual, but its all Gree
17、k to me. 15. A Herculean task字面意思:海格立斯的任务。解释 An enormous task which needs great strength to solve.巨大艰难的任务;异常艰巨的任务。变体: Labor of Hercules或 Herculean labor. 说明:希腊神话中,海格立斯是主神宙斯的儿子,神勇非凡,力大无比,按神谕完成了 12项艰巨无比的任务后终于成神。他所做的努力被称为 Herculean efforts, 相当于汉语的 “九牛二虎之力 “。 Hercules亦作 Heracles (赫拉克勒斯 ), 是希腊神话中最伟大的英雄。例
18、句 The father asked his daughter to write a five page article on the Empress Dowager Cixi in half an hour. To her this was a Herculean task.16. Indian gift字面意思:印第安人的礼物。解释 Gift presented to someone but later ask for it back.送别人礼物然后又要回来。说明:白人中传说北美印第安人送别人礼物时,同时期待得到同等价值的礼物。如不满意,就要索回。相关的成语还有: Indian giver
19、(送礼物给人随后又索回的人)。例句 My ten year old daughter gave me her watch as a birthday present. I think the watch will become an Indian gift one day.17. Jack of all trades and master of nothing字面意思:各方面都懂一点儿,但不是某一方面的大师。解释 One who turns his / her hand to everything is not usually expert in any one field.样样都懂一点,但样
20、样不精通。说明: Jack指的是 “男人 “。例句 She is considered a Jack of all trades and a master of none in the class.18. As poor as Job字面意思:像约伯一样贫穷。解释 Very poor.非常贫穷;家徒四壁;一贫如洗。说明:源出 圣经 旧约 约伯记 。 Job(约伯)是人名,在 圣经 里他是贫穷和忍耐的化身。 Job的发音不同于 job(工作),字母 o读本身的字母音。表示 “一贫如洗 “还可用 As poor as a church mouse(像教堂里的老鼠一样穷)。另一条成语 Jobs co
21、mforter指的是 “使对方更加痛苦或难过的安慰者 “。例句 He was as poor as Job after he came out of the gate of the Royal Casino.19. A Dear John letter字面意思:给亲爱的约翰的信。解释 A letter from girl friend to boy friend, which is meant to put an end to their relationship.多指女友、未婚妻或情人的绝交信。说明:成语始于上世纪二战期间。信抬头的称呼语 “亲爱的约翰 “跟残酷无情的内容颇具讽刺意味,也有人
22、称之为 “绝情书 “。例句 After he had been in the army for a year, his girl friend wrote him a Dear John letter and married someone else.20. Keep up with the Joneses字面意思:赶上琼斯一家人。解释 Attempt to keep up with the social level or appearances with ones neighbors or friends.在物质方面跟邻居、同事或朋友攀比;别人有什么自己也要有什么。说明: Jones(琼斯)
23、是比较常见的姓氏。加冠词、变复数后指的是一家人。例句 She insisted that her husband buy a Honda because her neighbors had a new Santana. She always tried to keep up with the Joneses.21. Carry coals to Newcastle字面意思:往纽卡塞尔运煤。解释 Supply something to a place or person having enough of it already.向盛产某种产品的地区提供这种产品;给一个卖烧瓶的送烧饼。说明:纽卡塞尔
24、是英国和澳大利亚的地名,两地区都盛产煤炭。例句 They have plenty of lamb in Inner Mongolia, dont carry coals to Newcastle. They dont need more lamb.22. Open Pandoras box字面意思:打开潘多拉的盒子。解释 Uncover a lot of unsuspected problems.引起闻所未闻的一连串问题或麻烦;引起种种祸患。说明:典出希腊神话。普罗米修斯盗取天火给人类,主神宙斯大怒。将潘多拉送到人间并嫁给普罗米修斯的弟弟为妻,嫁妆是装有灾难和祸患的密封盒子。婚后,潘多拉出于好
25、奇打开盒子,灾难和祸患飞向地球的各个角落,惟有希望留在了盒底。另:在英语中, Pandora的含义是 “具有一切天赋。 “例句 You should be cautious with someone who is discontented and upset. If you dont, you might open Pandoras box.23. Rob Peter to pay Paul字面意思:抢彼得的东西还保罗。解释 Take away from one person in order to give to another.跟一个人要东西送另一个人;拆东墙补西墙。说明: Peter和
26、Paul 都是常见的人名。例句 He is chased by all his debtors, so he repays his debts by robbing Peter to pay Paul.24. Penelopes web字面意思:珀涅罗珀的编织物。解释 Work that can never be finished.永远做不完的工作;没完没了的工作。说明: Penelope是荷马史诗 奥德赛 中的主人公奥德修斯的妻子。丈夫征战特洛伊十年不归,多人来向 Penelope求婚。 Penelope为摆脱纠缠,答应为其公公织好寿衣后改嫁。她白天织、晚上拆,如此反复,终不能完工。在英语中
27、, Penelope常用来指 “忠实的妻子 “。变体: The web of Penelope. 例句 Her work is like Penelopes web, never ending and always waiting for her at home and in the office.25. A Pyrrhic victory字面意思:皮洛士的胜利。解释 A victory won at too heavy a price.付出惨重代价的胜利;得不偿失的胜利。说明:皮洛士 (Pyrrius)是古希腊伊庇鲁斯王国的国王。公元前 279年,皮洛士与罗马精锐交战。虽赢得胜利,但皮洛士的
28、将士几乎伤亡殆尽。后人称此次胜利为 Pyrrihic victory.例句 The solicitor is very clever. He defended the murderer successfully, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because he was condemned by the public and his professional status was ruined.26. Live the life of Riley字面意思:过赖利的生活。解释 Live a happy life without hard work or worrie
29、s.过无忧无虑、舒适奢侈的生活。说明:成语可能源于两首美国流行歌曲: 19世纪的 “Is That Mr. Reilly?“或 20世纪的 “The Best of the House Is None Too Good for Reilly“. Riley (Reilly)是人的姓氏,有两种拼写法,发音相同。变体: Lead the life of Riley.例句 Having inherited a huge amount of money, she lived the life of Riley.27. Give someone a Roland for an Oliver字面意思:给某
30、人来个罗兰对奥利弗。解释 Match each other in strength; forceful counterattack; tit for tat.有力的还击;以牙还牙的报复。说明:罗兰 (Roland)和奥利弗(Oliver)俩人都是中世纪法兰克王查理大帝(即查理曼Charlemagne, 742-814)手下最著名的武士。这二人功绩难分上下,武艺难分高低。一次比武,连战五日不分胜负。 A Roland for an Oliver多用来指 “势均力敌 “或 “旗鼓相当 “。例句 If you attack him, I am sure he will give you a Rola
31、nd for an Oliver.28. Fiddle while Rome burns字面意思:罗马城燃烧的时候还拉提琴。解释 Spend time enjoying yourself or doing things that are not important when you should be dealing with a serious problem.不去处理要紧的事情,而把时间花在吃喝玩乐或不重要的事情上。说明:公元 64年罗马城大火,烧了六天。传说罗马暴君尼禄(Nero, 37-68)在罗马城着火的时候仍在吟诗作乐,观赏大火。这一成语多用来比喻 “大祸临头却漠不关心,依然歌舞升
32、平 “。例句 In March and April, 2003, some relatives of SARS patients claimed that certain high level officials were fiddling while Rome was burning.29. Cross the Rubicon字面意思:穿过卢比孔河。解释 Do something which inevitably commits one to a following course of action.采取断然行动;事情只能继续做下去,没有回头路可走,相当于 “破釜沉舟 “。说明:源于古罗马史
33、。 Rubicon河在当时是山南高卢与意大利的界河。罗马将军恺撒( Julius Caesar, 100-44BC)率大军于 49BC越过 Rubicon河跟元老院抗衡。过河后恺撒下令放火烧船,以示必胜决心。此举引发了内战,改变了罗马的历史。变体:Pass the Rubicon.例句 The government crossed the Rubicon. They have increased taxes by 30 per cent even though the public is violently opposed to the matter.30. Aunt Sally字面意思:萨利
34、大妈。解释 A target of public criticism; a laughing stock. 众矢之的;开玩笑的对象。说明: “萨利大妈 “并非指人,而是英国民间游戏中一个口衔烟斗的模拟像的名字。游戏者在一定距离外击落烟斗或击倒 “萨利大妈 “即可得奖。例句 Whenever people are angry about air pollution and water contamination, they treat the government like an Aunt Sally. 31. Sydney or the bush字面意思:要么住在悉尼,要么住在乡村。解释 Al
35、l or nothing; make ones fortune and live in the big city, or lose it all and settle in the countryside.要么中大奖住进大城市,要么全输光回到乡下去;要么发财,要么倒霉。说明:悉尼是澳大利亚的第一大城市。在澳大利亚英语中,bush 跟 forest是同义词, bush fire的意思是 “森林大火 “。此处,bush指的是 “荒郊野外 “或 “穷乡僻壤 “。这条成语常在赌博时用。例句 When my friend Patrick was trying to gamble all his savi
36、ngs against the odds, he cried, “Sydney or the bush! Keep your fingers crossed for me.“32. Set the Thames on fire字面意思:让泰晤士河燃烧起来。解释 Do exciting things that bring fame and glory. 做出惊天动地的大事而一举成名;做出惊人的事情而使自己出名。说明:泰晤士河乃英国主要河流之一,自西北向东南流经牛津、伦敦等地。类似的夸张说法在德语里也有,如: “让莱茵河燃烧起来 “;而到了美国就不完全一样,美国人不说 “让密西西比河燃烧起来 “,
37、而是说 “让整个世界燃烧起来 “( Set the world on fire)。例句 She is not an ambitious person, and she has no intention of setting the Thames on fire.33. Meet ones Waterloo 字面意思:遭遇自己的滑铁卢。解释 Suffer a crushing final defeat.遭到毁灭性的彻底失败。说明:滑铁卢 (Waterloo) 是比利时中部城市, 1815年拿破仑率法国军队与惠灵顿公爵指挥的英国军队在此决战。拿破仑遭惨败,法国与周边国家持续了多年的战事就此宣告结束
38、。例句 The tycoon met his Waterloo as his wife demanded half his money and all his houses before she would agree to the divorce settlement.I. 多项选择练习。1. That is a Pyrrhic victory.A. Thats an easy victory. B. Thats a victory with too heavy a price.C. Thats a blessing in disguise.2. Its double Dutch to me
39、.A. Its too expensive.B. I am not going to pay for it.C. I can not understand it.3. Lets go Dutch.A. We should go overseas.B. We should have a good time.C. We should split the bill.4. She took French leave.A. She went for a holiday.B. She was sacked.C. She left without permission.5. He is as poor as
40、 Job.A. He is as poor as a church mouse.B. He is in fact a rich man.C. He pretends to be rich.6. This is a Herculean task.A. This is something easy to do.B. This is an enormous task.C. This is a well paid job.7. The instructions are Greek to me.A. The instructions are clear.B. The instructions are l
41、ogical.C. I do not understand the instructions.8. He talked like a Dutch uncle.A. He criticized others.B. He was kind to others.C. He behaved like Father Christmas. 9. She lived the life of Reilly.A. She did not have to work hard.B. She was very poor.C. She had to work very hard.10. That is his Achi
42、lles heel.A. That is his excuse.B. That is his weak point.C. That is his punishment.II. 填单词完成下列成语。1. open Pandoras _.2. rob Peter to _ Paul.3. _ up with the Joneses.4. kiss the Blarney _.5. _ the Gordian knot.6. _ with Duke Humphrey.7. a Dear John _.8. carry _ to Newcastle.9. _ while Rome burns.10.
43、set the _ on fire.11. _ ones Waterloo.12. _ the Rubicon.13. give someone a Roland _ an Oliver.14. _ the life of Reilly.15. take _ leave.III. 找出下列成语的大概意思。1 Sydney or the bush. weak point.2 Aunt Sally. harmful gift.3 Open Pandoras box. impending danger.4 Herculean task. win or lose.5 Achilles heel. un
44、expected win.6 the sword of Damocles. laughing stock.7 Greek gift. very poor.8 Penelopes web. cause trouble.9 as poor as Job. never ending job.10 Garrison finish. very big task.IV. 根据汉英提示写出英语成语。1 不辞而别 take _ _2 AA 制 go _3 攀比物质享受 keep _ _ _ _4 往内蒙运牛奶 carry _ _ _5 拆东墙、补西墙 rob _ _ _ _6 快刀斩乱麻 cut _ _ _7
45、 饿肚皮 dine _ _ _8 说话不留情 talk _ _ _ _9 做出惊人的事情 set _ _ _ _10 破釜沉舟 cross _ _V. 填单词完成下列句子。 1. He received a Dear _ letter from his girl friend.2. She cut the Gordian _.3. He is trying to _ Peter to pay Paul.4. We dont want to _ Pandoras box.5. Dont try to keep up with the _.6. Beware of Greek _!7. We mi
46、ght see a Garrison _ in todays race.8. Everyone has his Achilles _.9. If you do this, youll get a Roland for an _.10. She is living the _ of Reilly.VI. 用英语或汉语解释下列句子的意思。1. They passed the Rubicon.2. She is trying to set the Thames on fire.3. Its Greek to me.4. The message is double Dutch to him.5. He was going to dine with Duke Humphrey this evening.6. Who i