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1、1,DI Water Technical knowledge Sharing Class for SAET FE 超純水 专业技術分享會,(6th Sep, 2005 Facility System Engineering Section) Prepared by: Anthony Chan,2,Content 目錄,Why do we need High Purity Water for cleaning and rinsing?为什么要用超纯水作清洗和冲洗? 2. What is DI water? 什么是DI 水? 3. Water General Standard. 水的一般标准。 4

2、. Learn more about water.更多了解水。 5. DI water system. DI 水系统。,3,Content 目錄,6. More about RO. 更多了解RO。 More about CDI/EDI.更多了解CDI/EDI。 8. More about UV Lamp.更多了解紫外光灯。 9. Piping for DI water.DI 水管道系统。 10.DI / RO System for A6為A6設計的DI/RO純水系统,4,Why do we need High Purity Water for cleaning and rinsing? 为什么

3、要用超纯水作清洗和冲洗?,In its pure state, water is one of the most aggressive solvents ( aqueous solution ) known . 在它的纯净状态下, 水是现今所知性能极好的溶剂 ( 水溶剂 ) 。 Water, which is called the “universal solvent”, will dissolve virtually everything exposed to it to a certain degree. 水被称为 “万能溶剂”, 事实上任何物质放入水中,都可以溶解到某一特定的程度。,5,

4、DI water is short form of “Deionized water” DI 水是“去除离子的水”的简称,Deionization is an ion exchange processes. It uses certain types of synthetic resins in the proper state and arrangements to remove most or all of the total dissolved solids (TDS), in the form of ions, from water. Water with ions taken out

5、 by ion exchange is deionized water, or ion free water. 去除离子是运用一个离子交换过程 , 它使用某种类型的合成树脂在特定的状态和安排下,以离子形态去除水中大部分或全部可溶解固体 。而在离子交换过程被拿走离子的水就是去除离子的水,或是无离子的水。,2. What is DI water? 什么是DI水?,6,3. Water General Standard,7,3.1 DI Water Specifications,8,4. 水中主要的雜質有哪些?,水經由河川、湖泊等各處流過地表,或深處於地底下,因溶解作用,而含許多雜質如礦物質、有機物

6、、微生物、淤泥及氣體等。一般水中的雜質可大約分類如下: 懸浮固體(SS.):如泥土、砂石及金屬氧化物等。 溶解氣體:氣體的溶解與週遭環境如氣壓、溫度、PH等有一定的關係,一般水中都含有二氧化碳、氧氣、氮氣及其他氣體。 可溶解之固體 ( TDS ):如Ca. Mg. Na. K. Fe. HCO3. NO3. SO4. SiO2等。 有機物 ( TOC ) :所有含碳物質如油脂、污水、溶劑、 果糖、動植物屍體等。 微生物:如各種細菌、黴菌、藻類、熱原及病毒等。,9,5. 在設計規劃系統時考慮的重點:,如何有效運用設備,並掌握關鍵因素,結合累積的經驗,做最正確的判斷與運用。 系統的控制,必需達到操

7、作容易,維修方便,運轉零故障 (良好的緊急應變措施,使造水不斷)。 純水的製造過程,會有廢水排出。如何提高回收率,節省水源。是系統設計重要的指標。 兼顧品質的情況下,降低客戶的操作成本。 系統的擴充性 ,也是重要因素。在規劃設計的開始,就應全盤考慮將來擴充的設計量與便利性 ,才能提高系統的附加價值,降低成本。 不斷追求更好的技術,並結合最新的科技。 永遠站在客戶的使用立場來思考問題。 超純水最高電阻理論值為18.18Mohm-cm。,10,5.1 超純水生産流程 - I,過濾:如多層過濾、活性 碳過濾、一般濾芯過濾、絕對濾芯過濾等。 脫氣:去除餘氯、去除水中嗅味等。 紫外線光滅菌:利用254n

8、m的紫外線光,來破壞細菌的DNA抑制繁殖,一般而言,其去除率可達到99.9%以上。 加藥處理:加鹼去除水中二氧化碳等。 逆滲透:採單段或二段式,有效去除離子、細菌、有機物、膠體等。,11,5.1 超純水生産流程 - II,電解連續去離子:如CDI(EDI),不需使用酸、鹼再生,不需停機,連續運轉。 紫外線光分解有機物:利用185nm的紫外線光進行光氧化,釋放OH (離子,打斷TOC碳鍵,而降低TOC含量,其副產物CO2將由其後段的不再生混床來吸收。,H2O + CO2 H2CO3H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-,12,5.1 超純水生産流程 - III,去除餘氯(Cl2)及 嗅味,含許多雜質如

9、礦物質、有機物、微生物、淤泥及氣體等,Active Carbon Filter 活性碳 缸,Multi Media Filter / Sand Filter 砂缸,aw Water 自來水,去除泥土、砂石及金屬氧化物等,13,Note: Water with Ca. & Mg. is called Hard water and water without these two elements is called soft water.,去除水中二氧化碳等,去除 Ca.及Mg.,Alkaline dosing 定量加鹼,UV Sterilizer 紫外光殺菌器,oftener 軟水機,紫外線光滅

10、菌,5.1 超純水生産流程 - IV,14,用離子交換法進一步去除水中微量的離子:如 Na. K. Fe. HCO3. NO3. SO4. SiO2 、 Silica、TOC等,Reverse Osmosis 逆滲透,TOC Reducer TOC 清除器,CDI / EDI 持續去除離子器,用紫外線光分解有機物,打斷TOC碳鍵,釋放OH- 及 副產物CO2,去除可溶解之固體 ( TDS ):如 Na. K. Fe. HCO3. NO3. SO4. SiO2等,5.1 超純水生産流程 - V,15,去除水中大於0.2m微粒,Final Filter 後級過濾,UV Sterilizer 紫外光

11、殺菌器,Water Polisher 不再生混床,紫外線光殺滅餘菌,用離子交換法進一步去除水中微量的離子以及吸收前段TOC 清除器的副產物CO2,5.1 超純水生産流程 - VI,16,6. More about Reverse Osmosis (RO),What is Reverse Osmosis ? To understand reverse Osmosis we must first understand osmosis. During natural osmosis, water flows from a less concentrated solution through semi

12、permeable membrane to a more concentrated saline solution until concentrations on both sides of the membrane are equal. (see figure 1)Reverse Osmosis: Reverse osmosis requires external pressure to reverse natural osmotic flow. As pressure is applied to the saline solution, water flows from a more co

13、ncetrated saline solution through the semipermeable membrane. (see figure 2),17,6.1 Osmosis,In osmosis, there is a tendency for liquid to go from an area of less concentration to an area of more concentration through a semi permeable membrane. This is an osmotic flow. A semi permeable membrane is a

14、membrane, which allow one component of a solution to pass through it and not the other. The osmosis continues, the level of the concentrated solution rises until the pressure created by Osmotic Head equals the Osmotic pressure created by the different concentration of the two solutions. This is an O

15、smotic Equilibrium.,18,6.2 Reverse Osmosis (RO),Reverse Osmosis Membrane: A reverse osmosis membrane has a thin microporous surface that rejects impurities, but allows water to pass through. The membrane rejects bacteria, pyrogens, and 85%-95% of inorganic solids. Polyvalent ions are rejected easier

16、 than monovalent ions. Organic solids with molecular weight greater than 300 are rejected by the membrane, but dissolved gases pass through. Reverse osmosis is a percent rejection technology. The purity of the product water depends on the purity of the inlet water. The purity of reverse osmosis prod

17、uct water is much higher than the purity of the feed water. (see figure 3),19,6.2 Reverse Osmosis (RO),If pressure is applied to the concentrated side, Reverse Osmosis will take place. The pressure causes a flow through the semi permeable membrane into the diluted solution as a result of the passage

18、 of water molecules through the membrane while the mineral ions are rejected. The semi permeable membrane acts as a barrier to ions and does not allow them to pass through into the dilute solution. When applied to water, this means that the product water has a reduced total dissolved solids content.

19、,20,6.3 RO膜的使用壽命,在一般的設計中,RO膜的壽命一般都在三年以上,而RO膜之所以損壞不外下列幾個原因: 1.清洗不足或入水過硬,薄膜嚴重堵塞或結垢,無法有效清洗,在產水量不敷使用的情況下,必須更換新膜。 2.清洗頻繁,RO膜去除率降低,以致於水質差,影響後續的處理設備。由於RO膜本身很薄(約30m),只要稍有破洞,則去除率便立即降低,若經常使用酸、鹼來清洗,則更加速了去除率的衰退。依一般的設計,約莫四個月半年清洗一次即可。 3.被氧化物侵蝕,若水中含有氧化劑,如餘氯、臭氧等,在進入RO前均應0.01ppm,否則極易造成損壞。 4.不當的壓力或壓降造成膜的擠壓,變形或破裂等,造成產

20、水量不足,是為無法挽回之損壞,亦必須更換新膜。,21,用電極方式去除水中的離子,在1987年由Millipore研發部門所發展出來的。在1991年IONPURE最早將產品商業化及運用至純水工程,至今有不少公司也有相類似產品問市。 CDI-IPLX系統採模組化的設計,模組本身是美國IONPURE公司最新的專利產品,也是現今世上技術最好、品質最穩定的CDI/CEDI產品。IONPURE公司其實就是這個領域的創始者,並且一直在業界居於技術領先的地位。,7. More about CDI / EDI,CDI / EDI 歷史演進,22,7.1什么是 CDI / EDI?,CDI全名為Continuou

21、s Deionization;EDI全名為Electro-deionization,其用途都是利用電解+離子交換樹脂的方式來去除水中的離子,尤其運用在RO(逆滲透)系統後去除水中微量的離子(含Silica、TOC等)。 一般而言,其用途與傳統的混床離子交換樹脂相同,但是,這類的系統不需要停機再生,所以,不需使用酸、鹼再生,也沒有廢水排放的問題。將水質由0.050.1 M-cm提升至1518M-cm(超純水的最高電阻值為18.18 M-cm)。,23,7.2 CDI與EDI有何不同?,CDI與EDI的原理大致相同,主要是品牌的不同,品質也有異差,而且穩定性 亦差別很大。 CDI是美國US Fil

22、ter的產品,約有10年的歷史,品質十分穩定;EDI則有IONICS、Glegg(E-cell)、Electropure等公司,各有不同的產品。目前在台灣,有些工程公司因為只重視成本問題,而大量採用不成熟的設計產品,導致水質不佳(15M-cm),系統不穩定等種種的問題。,24,7.3 CDI外型和工能,CDI-IPLX系統係結合電透析技術與離子交換樹脂的新世代革命性產品,主要應用於純水/超純水系統中,可連續地產生超高純度的去離子水(18 M-)。應用的範圍廣泛包括半導體產業、生技製藥業、電廠以及化工廠等。 在產水過程中,本系統不需要使用酸鹼再生,可減少產水污染的機會,也沒有酸鹼廢液的產生,是目

23、前業界最具環保意識的去離子設備。,CEDI,CDI,25,7.4 CEDI的工作原理,CEDI(Continuous Electrodeionixation)是使用離子交換薄膜、離子交換樹脂及直流電力,來去除水中離子及可離子化物質,使水質純化。陽離子交換薄膜(AEM)僅讓陽離子通過,陰離子交換薄膜(CEM)僅讓陰離子通過,將帶電的離子移除至濃縮水區,在產水及濃縮水空間皆填滿離子交換樹脂,可增加電極間電流的流通,可有效提高產水水質並降低電力消耗。在產水過程中,足夠的電流會持續對水分裂成H+ 及 OH- 離子,將產水通道內的離子交換樹脂做連續而有效的再生。,26,7.5 More about ED

24、I,The EDI process employs an alternating arrangement of anion and cation permeable membranes, between which mixed bed ion exchange resin is sandwiched. Desired flow rates are obtained by aligning numerous membranes/resin assemblies (known as dilute spacers) hydraulically in parallel, and electricall

25、y in series. Separating the dilute spacers and forming the waste compartment are screen type concentrate spacers. The combination of a dilute spacer and an adjacent concentrate spacer is sometimes referred to as a cell pair. By applying a DC electric potential across a stack of cell pairs, ions move

26、 from one stream to another, effecting a separation. Diluted product water is produced in one stream (diluting stream) and concentrated waste water is produced in the other (concentrating stream).,27,7.5 More about EDI,As water flows down the length of the diluting stream, cationic contaminants firs

27、t attached onto cation exchange resin beads. Under the influence of the electrical field, these ions will migrate through the resin in the direction of the negatively charged cathode. Once the ions reach the cation permeable membrane, they are pulled through into the concentrating stream. An anion p

28、ermeable membrane on the other side of that stream prevents further migration, effectively trapping the cations in the concentrating stream and allowing them to be flushed to drain. The process for anion removal is similar, but in the opposite direction, toward the positively charged anode.,28,8. Ul

29、traviolet Lamp 紫外光灯,An electric arc is struck through an inert gas carrier (usually proprietary), in a sealed special glass tube. Heating from the arc cause vaporization of the small amount of mercury contained in the sealed tube. The mercury when vaporized becomes ionized and in the electric arc gi

30、ves off UV radiation. 在一密封的特制玻璃管内 ,电弧刺穿惰性气体媒介物(通常是特定的惰性气体)。电弧产 生的热力引起密闭管内微量水银蒸发 ,当水银蒸发至电离子,电弧就会发出紫外线 。,29,9. Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) pipe ABS 管,Georg Fischer (+GF+) offers 2 standard systems in ABS pipe ; firstly a BS Inch dimensioned system and secondly a metric mm dimensioned system.

31、 See ISO15493 for details. GF牌ABS管提供两种标准规格系列,首先是英制尺寸体系,其次是公制尺寸体系。详情可参阅 ISO15493 。 ABS piping is normally used in High Purity DI Water System. ABS配管通常使用于高纯度的DI水系统。(DI water requirement 15 M-cm)(DI水电阻率要求大于15兆欧/厘米),30,9.1 Advantages of ABS Pipe ABS管的优点,High impact strength even at low temperatures.在低温下

32、也能承受高冲击强度 。 Corrosion resistance.耐腐蚀性。 Simple processing via solvent cement joints. 使用时用液状粘固剂便可连接。 Low heat conductivity. 低导热性 No halogens.无卤素 Non-toxic. 无毒,31,9.1 Advantages of ABS Pipe ABS管的优点,Biologically inert; no support for microbial growths.抗菌性,细菌微生物不能在其中生长。 Low weight. 重量小。 High Pressure resistance Max. 15 bar at 20 .抗高压 在20 的温度下,最高可达15 bar。 Low pressure losses owing to smooth surfaces. 光滑表面致使低压力损失。 Good abrasion resistance.抗磨损性好。 Problem-free recycling. 并无因难,可重复利用。,32,10. DI / RO Water System for A6 為 A6 設計的 DI/RO 純水系统,33,The End 完結-,Review Test,


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