1、12 Zodiac Signs,stories,ARIES (The Ram),The King of Thebes had two children with his queen but his heart was captivated by the beautiful Ino, so he decreed a divorce and took Ino as his new queen. The step-mother Ino attempted to remove the prince Phrixus and the princess Helle by starting a false p
2、rophecy that they should be killed. The golden fleece of this ram later became one of the treasures of the Kingdom of Colchis. It was this golden fleece that the Greek hero Jason sought when he set out on his epic journey, recounted in the tale of the Argo expedition.,白羊座,话说古希腊波底亚国王Athamas娶了云中仙子Neph
3、ele做王后后,始乱终弃,另娶了Thebes王国的公主Ino为后,而狠心的Ino却想谋害王子Phrixos,好让自己的儿子可以在将来继承王位。后来在一次全国饥荒中,Ino和神殿的使者串通,嫁祸给Phrixos。国王听信了Ino的话,准备王子处死时,突然一头长着金毛的公羊从天而降,将王子救到Colchis。Phrixos为了感激自己得救,便将金羊宰了,将羊肉献给Zeus,将金羊毛送给Colchis的国王。故事中的金羊便是白羊座。,TAURUS (The Bull),One pleasant early afternoon, Europa the daughter of King Phoenix
4、was plucking grass by the side of the river when a great snow-white bull appeared as if from nowhere, and approached her. Astonished by the beauty of the bull, she forgot her caution and sat on the bulls back. The bull was actually Zeus, the King of the Gods, in another form. Zeus carried off Europa
5、 across the Mediterranean Sea to the Grecian island of Crete, where he married her. Ever since that time, the land to which Europa was carried by the bull has been known by the name Europe.,金牛座,关于金牛座的神话有很多故事。其中有一个是讲述Zeus爱上了Phoenicia王国的Europa公主,Zeus便化身成为一头既漂亮又温驯的公牛来接近她。当Europa好奇并骑上了这头巨大的公牛时,这头公牛竟然狂跳起
6、来,载着Europa飞越重洋。他们经过海洋时,惊恐的Europa了解到这头公牛的身份并且恳求原谅。Zeus就赶紧现出原形向Europa倾诉他的爱意,并与她举行了盛大的婚礼。根据传说,欧洲大陆就是以Europa为命名的。,GEMINI (The Twins),The twins Castor and Pollux were the children of Zeus, the King of the Gods, and Leda the Queen of Sparta. The two were devoted friends, extremely brave, and together achi
7、eved great fame from their exploits on the famous Argo expedition and many other adventures. The twins were always helping each other. In one battle, Castor was mortally wounded and died. In his grief, Pollux tried to take his own life, However Pollux had inherited more of the blood of his father Ze
8、us, and was therefore immortal. Looking on as Pollux cried “Let me go to my brother Castor,“ Zeus took pity and raised both twins into the sky. Ever since, they have stood as a symbol of friendship.,双子座,双子兄弟Castor和Pollux同是Leda的儿子。兄长Castor是Sparta国王所生,弟弟Pollux则是Zeus所生,于是Pollux拥有长生不老之躯。Castor及Pollux两兄弟
9、,从小人缘及感情都非常好。Castor擅于骑术和驯马,常结伴狩猎及参加冒险活动,而Pollux则擅长拳击。在某次战役中,哥哥被杀死了,Pollux非常伤心。最后Pollux只好向Zeus许愿,愿意以自己的生命换回兄长的性命,Zeus怜悯Pollux的手足情深,决定让他们永远在天上长相左右。,CANCER (The Crab),The crab in the constellation Cancer was a friend of the sea monster Hydra. The tale of this crab appears in one of the twelve labors of
10、 Hercules, in which Hercules was to rid the world of the Hydra. As the many-headed Hydra grappled with Hercules, one after another of its fearsome heads was cut off until its situation became extremely perilous. Before the greatest of the Greek heroes, however, the crab had no chance and was vanquis
11、hed in an instant. Looking on, the gods were impressed with this display of friendship and added the crab to the constellations in the heavens.,巨蟹座,巨蟹座和Heracles有关,熟悉希腊神话的朋友都知道,Heracles为了赎罪在完成十二项几乎不可能完成的任务时,其中第二项任务是杀死怪蛇Lernaean Hydra。当Heracles在与Hydra争斗时,天后Hera却偷偷地派遣了一只巨蟹来阻挠Heracles杀蛇;当时Heracles的脚跟被巨蟹
12、座紧紧钳住,想使他不能动弹;但Heracles在最后还是用棒子将巨蟹打死,并成功地杀了怪蛇,那只Hydra即现在的长蛇座。而巨蟹因为弄伤Heracles的脚有功,被Hera升上天,成为巨蟹座。,LEO (The Lion),Hercules, the hero of many Greek myths, was commanded by the angry King Eurites to perform twelve perilous tasks, known as the Labors of Hercules. The lion represents the first of these da
13、ngerous feats. Hercules was ordered to get rid of the man-eating lion of the Forest of Nemea. Taking his bow and arrow and sword, he attacked the lion that appeared before him. His foe, however, was a supernatural lion with an immortal body that could not be wounded by arrows or swords. Hercules wra
14、pped his arms around the neck of the lion and squeezed with all of his tremendous strength. The supernatural lion was no match for power of Hercules, and was slain. The constellation of the Lion was named in memory of this great feat of Hercules.,狮子座,这也是发生在希腊最伟大的英雄Heracles身上的另一段几乎不可能完成的十二项任务之一。Herac
15、les的第一项任务便是杀死涅墨亚狮子。涅墨亚狮子有着混身厚皮、刀枪不入,怒吼起来如狂风暴雨,Heracles与它缠斗许久,最后Heracles硬是勒死了它。Heracles将巨狮的利爪斩下,用巨狮的爪剥下狮皮做成战袍,将狮头制成头盔,扛在肩上光荣的完成任务。为表扬Heracles的功绩,Zeus将涅墨亚狮子升上天,成为狮子座。,VIRGO (The Maiden),Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, governed the fruits of the earth and had an only child, named Persephone. One d
16、ay Persephone was picking flowers in the meadow, when suddenly the earth opened and Hades, the King of the Underworld appeared and carried her off in his black chariot. Demeter grieved for her beloved only daughter who had been taken away to the Underworld, and hid herself in a cave. Zeus, the King
17、of the Gods, saw this and commanded Hades to return Persephone to Demeter. agreed with great reluctance, but Persephone had already eaten part of a pomegranate while she was in captivity, and anyone who had tasted the food of the Underworld was doomed to live there. Forevre so it was decided that Pe
18、rsephone would live with her mother for half of the year, and return to the Underworld for the other half.,处女座,伟大的农业女神Demeter,掌管农业,她有个漂亮女儿,名叫Persephone。母女俩人相依为命,并为人类带来丰富的耕作收成。有天,Persephone恰巧被Zeus的哥哥,掌管地狱的冥王Hades瞧见,Hades对Persephone一见钟情,便将Persephone强行掳走,带去冥府。Demeter痛失爱女,再也无心耕作农事,所有的田地都开始荒芜。经由Zeus出面调停,
19、要求Hades释放Persephone。但Hades却设计Persephone,让她吃下冥府的石榴,使她永远留在冥府。结果Persephone只吃了一半,所以每年她们只能相聚半年。处女座就是农业女神Demeter的象征。,LIBRA (The Scales),The constellation Libra is said to be the scales with which Astraea, the goddess of justice, determined good and evil. Long ago, in the Golden Age of the world, the scale
20、s of the goddess Astraea always tipped in the direction of justice. Humans and animals lived happily, and there was eternal spring all of the year. Eventually the Silver Age arrived, an age in which the weak were oppressed by the strong. Gods and goddesses withdrew into heaven, their patience with h
21、umans exhausted. Astraea however remained among men, continuing to expound justice. With the coming of the copper age however, humans began to make war upon each other. The scales of Astraea continually tipped towards evil, and the goddess could no longer bear the ways of men and withdrew from the e
22、arth.,天秤座,众神们为了极力排除人间的争吵与不公,不断的留在人间处理,但人世的烦扰实在太多,所以最后几乎所有众神都放弃了,只剩下Demeter继续用天秤判别世人的善恶。而天秤座就是她所用的天秤,所以天秤座总是在处女座Demeter的身边。,SCORPIO (The Scorpion),Orion, the mighty hunter, was always boasting of his marksmanship. “Nothing in creation can stand up to me.“ The gods and goddesses were pained by such ta
23、lk, and one day Hera, the wife of the great Zeus, could no longer bear it. She released a scorpion on the forest path where Orion frequently walked as he boasted of his power. The scorpion stung Orion in the foot, and its venom spread through his body. In spite of all his strength, Orion soon breath
24、ed his last. Ever since then both Orion and the Scorpion have remained in the sky as enemies. As the Scorpion rises Orion sinks below the horizon, as if to flee in a never-ending celestial chase.,天蝎座,希腊神话里,猎户Orion是海神Poseidon的儿子,高大英俊又十分勇猛。因为夸口说要杀尽天下所有猛兽,而引起天神不满,触怒大地之母Gaea。Gaea于是派遣了一只毒蝎子躲在暗处,趁Orion不注意
25、时攻击他,Orion被蝎螫到而毒发倒地,但最后仍是打死了毒蝎,同归于尽。于是,从此只要天蝎一出现,猎户就会躲起来,所以天蝎座和猎户座永不会同时在天上出现。,SAGITTARIUS (The Centaur),The constellation Sagittarius has the shape of the mythical centaur, a creature in Greek mythology that had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse. The race of centaurs were a rough
26、 and savage lot except for one named Chiron, who was taught by Apollo and Artemis the arts of music and medicine, hunting and prophecy, and went on to tutor the young heroes of Greece in many subjects. The wise Chiron was immortal, however this proved to be ruinous. Wounded by a stray poison arrow s
27、hot by the hero Hercules, his suffering was so great that Prometheus granted release from immortality so that he could die. The great Zeus was hurt by the death of Chiron and raised him to the skies as a constellation.,射手座,射手座Chiron是希腊神话中半人马族的一员,传说他长生不死。Chiron对拳击、摔跤、刀剑、箭术、驾车、马术、音乐文艺、天文地理、医术,甚至预言无一不精
28、,是许多英雄的老师父。可惜在一次Heracles与半人马族的打斗中,Chiron却死于Heracles不小心射出的毒箭之下,这毒无药可解,但因为他有不死之身而死不了。Zeus见Chiron中毒十分痛苦,于是取走他的不死之身,将他移到天上成为射手座,永远追射天上的毒物天蝎。,CAPRICORN (The Goat),Do you know why the goat in the constellation Capricorn has the tail of a fish? Pan, the god of the forest, resembled a goat, was very skilled
29、 at playing the reed pipes. Pan spent his days singing, dancing, and living a cheerful existence. Once the gods were feasting on the banks of the river Nile in the land of Egypt. Pan, who loved everything lively, set out joyfully playing his reed pipes merrily and loudly when suddenly in burst the m
30、onster Typhon bellowed “What is that terrible noise?“ Startled, Pan tried to quickly change himself into a fish to get away. In his haste, his body turned into a fish but his head remained that of a goat. The gods laughed uproariously, and added his form to the constellations in the sky to commemora
31、te the event.,摩羯座,牧神Pan是神使Hermes,他的相貌非常奇特,长着山羊头、角同胡子,而脚则是羊蹄,是半人半羊的怪物。有一次他应邀参加奥林帕斯山上的众神聚会,并为众神们吹奏美妙的笛声时,却惊动了怪物Typhon。当时众神只好各自变形逃生,Pan也在慌忙中化作鱼跳入尼罗河中,不料因为太过紧张,只有下半身变成鱼尾,而上半身仍旧还是山羊的模样。这便是摩羯座的神话由来。,AQUARIUS (The Water Carrier),This constellation is in the shape of a young man carrying jug of water. The y
32、oung man is Ganymede, a handsome youth who was a favorite of Zeus. Ganymede, a prince of Troy, was known for his beauty. Looking down on the earth from heaven, Zeus saw him as he was herding sheep and was pleased. Zeus turned himself into a great black eagle, flew down from heaven in one straight sw
33、oop and grabbed Ganymede, carrying him off to the palace of the gods. The King of Troy lamented the loss of his son, but Zeus appeared to him in a dream saying “Ganymede is living happily in the palace of the gods. Stop your lament and look up into the sky.“ When the king looked up, he saw the form
34、of his beloved son shining in the constellation of the water carrier.,水瓶座,本来,天界的水瓶侍者是依希腊风俗由主人Zeus未嫁的女儿青春女神Hebe公主担任的,但因为Hebe嫁给了英雄Heracles,于是水瓶侍者出缺。后来Zeus看上了Troy王子Ganymede,便派使者前去邀请,但Ganymede不答应。所以Zeus只好化身为一只大鹰,亲自将Ganymede抓上山,要他担任侍酒一职。从此Ganymede便永远成为天界的水瓶侍者了。水瓶座就是少年提着壶斟酒的形态,而水瓶中的水就是众神智慧的泉源。,PISCES (The
35、 Fishes),The two fish in the constellation Pisces are actually two well-known Greek gods in another form. Aphrodite (or Venus), the goddess of love and beauty and her child Eros (or Cupid) the god of infatuation were walking happily together, mother and child, along the banks of the river Euphrates.
36、 Suddenly there appeared the monster Typhon, a notorious villain in Greek myths. Startled, the two sprang into the river, changed into fish, and swam away as fast as they could go. The goddess Athena saw them, and placed them in the heavens in the form of two fish linked by a ribbon.,双鱼座,有一天,众神在奥林匹斯
37、仙境饮宴,途中怪物Typhon出现,众神皆变身逃走。美神Aphrodite和她的儿子爱神Cupid立刻变成鱼,跳入河里逃走。Aphrodite因担心Cupid有所闪失,便扯下身上一片衣服做为丝带系住Cupid的脚,变成两条系在一起的鱼。这就是双鱼座神话的由来。,Ruler (主宰行星 ),Mars,Venus,Mercury,Moon,Sun,Mercury,Venus,Pluto,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Find your zodiac signs,Typical characteristics,Tips for 12 zodiac signs,for A
38、ries,Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.,for Taurus,You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.,for Gemini,Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.,for Cancer,Good memory is your born gift.,for Leo,Your fixed m
39、otivation adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility.,for Virgo,A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage.,for Libra,Your great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot.,for Scorpio,Study would never be a problem for Sco
40、rpio. You just need more confidence.,for Sagittarius,You definitely have talent. But you still have to concentrate more.,for Capricorn,Patience and caution are your advantages.,for Aquarius,Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. But you may try many new things but end up mastering none.,for Pisces,Lack of ego-strength can make you feel helpless.,The end,