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1、activities to develop in depth. Is to promote the “two“, and actively create atmosphere. To let society more widely understand Ministry of public security on modified of decided (Ministry of public security 124th, makes) and motor vehicle license apply for and using provides (Ministry of public secu

2、rity 123th, makes), active create strong atmosphere, effective maintenance driving people of lawful rights and interests of, ensure two a Department makes smooth implementation, we take six article measures, do six a in place, (Organization police learning two a Department makes, do learning in plac

3、e; strengthened media publicity two a Department makes, do publicity in place; Organization drivers explain the two prescripts, education in place; printed two prescripts, publicity materials, promotional materials; use the Internet and mobile phone text messaging, publish information; journalists w

4、ith police operations, reporting). Second, the effective implementation of the education plan and strengthen the driver education training. XX people . Security and stability established information security system, abnormal operation analysis and early warning mechanisms. By implementing online bus

5、iness regulatory assessment, improve the quality of business data. Third, raise the level of public security traffic management command. In accordance with the “overallplanning, building, expanding, on demand service“ principle, making full use of existing resources, urban video, monitoring and comm

6、and platform. Video, monitors and police command vehicle GPS positioning, scheduling and management. Detachment and Luqu Brigade command center and is gearing up to promote. Actively seeking funding, equipped with computers, law enforcement recorder, alcohol detector, mobile guns and other equipment

7、, improve the level of technology and equipment to promote application of new technology. To further enhance the level of law enforcement. Actively cooperate with four Corps, complete the popularization and application of new software and systems. Application based on the composite application platf

8、orm performance assessment in the province system, enforcing the supervision and assessment system, source of traffic safety supervision system, fault reporting operation and maintenance management system plug-in software commissioning of complete detachment of the DMV driver test center access driv

9、er examination Center in the province, with the Corps to promote construction of motor vehicle inspection have been supervised system, intercom system requested by the Corps to open 350 trillion. Five is to strengthen information system security management, improving the information systems environm

10、ent. According to province police information communications room construction specification requirements, further strengthening police information communications room construction of scientific, and normative, and security, effective guarantees police information construction and application of in-

11、depth development; specification established the business Taiwan accountconstantly perfect a machine a document, for system application, and computer operation, and network line fault, and data verification, and system run maintenance, timely to upload issued, and coordination solution, guarantee th

12、e business smooth carried out. Further strengthening information confidential measures, timely and police network using personnel signed police information network security confidential responsibility, on Sentinel maintenance service units and technicians take information security review, and signed

13、 security agreement, and established security archives, regulatory measures, full implementation PKI/PMI electronic identity certification, do has “three no“: no violations modified data or handle business, and no violations “a machine dual-use“, and no major information security and network securit

14、y event. (F) regulate the course of law enforcement, further strengthening the standardization of law enforcement. Statewide legal work of letters and calls to “strict, fair and civilized and standardized law enforcement“ as the goal, to address enforcement problems as the starting point, constantly

15、 improve the quality of handling public security traffic police and law enforcement levels. To troubleshooting resolve petition backlog for focus, put effective solution masses reflect of reasonable demands and actual difficult as petition work of fundamental starting point and foothold, in-depth ad

16、vance source prevention, and based construction, and mechanism innovation, and law petition, focus work, constantly strengthened police organ traffic police specification law enforcement, and just law enforcement, and civilization law enforcement of consciousness, full solution petition highlight pr

17、oblem, further upgrade new situation Xia petition work overall level. First, strengthening the training and improve the overall quality of police staff. Invited experts of the Peoples Republic of China criminal procedure law and the regulations on the handling of criminal cases by public security an

18、d public order . System was deployed to carry out “five noes“ Police Brigade created activities and “five noes“ DMV activities, to promote the construction of police honesty, diligence. Five is to strictly implement the party system. Since June, the States seven counties and one City Police Brigade

19、branch, detachment of General party branch has held the democratic meeting, extensively carry out criticism and self criticism, has further strengthened the detachment of General party branches and the construction of the partys ideological building, organizational and work style, “three lessons“, o

20、rganization systems, inner-party democratic meeting, democratic appraisal system of the party construction of party members to implement, the implementation of lean management. Four are based online performance appraisal system. Relies on information technology means, according to both focused on qu

21、antitative assessment and focused on qualitative assessment, both both process assessment and both results assessment of principles, on the County, and City Police大学本科毕业设计(论文)致谢模板致谢时间飞逝,大学的学习生活很快就要过去,在这四年的学习生活中,收获了很多,而这些成绩的取得是和一直关心帮助我的人分不开的。首先非常感谢学校开设这个课题,为本人日后从事计算机方面的工作提供了经验,奠定了基础。本次毕业设计大概持续了半年,现在终



24、得了些许成绩,生活中有快乐也有艰辛。感谢老师四年来对我孜孜不倦的教诲,对我成长的关心和爱护。学友情深,情同兄妹。四年的风风雨雨,我们一同走过,充满着关爱,给我留下了值得珍藏的最美好的记忆。在我的十几年求学历程里,离不开父母的鼓励和支持,是他们辛勤的劳作,无私的付出,为我创造良好的学习条件,我才能顺利完成完成学业,感激他们一直以来对我的抚养与培育。activities to develop in depth. Is to promote the “two“, and actively create atmosphere. To let society more widely understand

25、 Ministry of public security on modified of decided (Ministry of public security 124th, makes) and motor vehicle license apply for and using provides (Ministry of public security 123th, makes), active create strong atmosphere, effective maintenance driving people of lawful rights and interests of, e

26、nsure two a Department makes smooth implementation, we take six article measures, do six a in place, (Organization police learning two a Department makes, do learning in place; strengthened media publicity two a Department makes, do publicity in place; Organization drivers explain the two prescripts

27、, education in place; printed two prescripts, publicity materials, promotional materials; use the Internet and mobile phone text messaging, publish information; journalists with police operations, reporting). Second, the effective implementation of the education plan and strengthen the driver educat

28、ion training. XX people . Security and stability established information security system, abnormal operation analysis and early warning mechanisms. By implementing online business regulatory assessment, improve the quality of business data. Third, raise the level of public security traffic managemen

29、t command. In accordance with the “overallplanning, building, expanding, on demand service“ principle, making full use of existing resources, urban video, monitoring and command platform. Video, monitors and police command vehicle GPS positioning, scheduling and management. Detachment and Luqu Briga

30、de command center and is gearing up to promote. Actively seeking funding, equipped with computers, law enforcement recorder, alcohol detector, mobile guns and other equipment, improve the level of technology and equipment to promote application of new technology. To further enhance the level of law

31、enforcement. Actively cooperate with four Corps, complete the popularization and application of new software and systems. Application based on the composite application platform performance assessment in the province system, enforcing the supervision and assessment system, source of traffic safety s

32、upervision system, fault reporting operation and maintenance management system plug-in software commissioning of complete detachment of the DMV driver test center access driver examination Center in the province, with the Corps to promote construction of motor vehicle inspection have been supervised

33、 system, intercom system requested by the Corps to open 350 trillion. Five is to strengthen information system security management, improving the information systems environment. According to province police information communications room construction specification requirements, further strengtheni

34、ng police information communications room construction of scientific, and normative, and security, effective guarantees police information construction and application of in-depth development; specification established the business Taiwan accountconstantly perfect a machine a document, for system ap

35、plication, and computer operation, and network line fault, and data verification, and system run maintenance, timely to upload issued, and coordination solution, guarantee the business smooth carried out. Further strengthening information confidential measures, timely and police network using person

36、nel signed police information network security confidential responsibility, on Sentinel maintenance service units and technicians take information security review, and signed security agreement, and established security archives, regulatory measures, full implementation PKI/PMI electronic identity c

37、ertification, do has “three no“: no violations modified data or handle business, and no violations “a machine dual-use“, and no major information security and network security event. (F) regulate the course of law enforcement, further strengthening the standardization of law enforcement. Statewide l

38、egal work of letters and calls to “strict, fair and civilized and standardized law enforcement“ as the goal, to address enforcement problems as the starting point, constantly improve the quality of handling public security traffic police and law enforcement levels. To troubleshooting resolve petitio

39、n backlog for focus, put effective solution masses reflect of reasonable demands and actual difficult as petition work of fundamental starting point and foothold, in-depth advance source prevention, and based construction, and mechanism innovation, and law petition, focus work, constantly strengthen

40、ed police organ traffic police specification law enforcement, and just law enforcement, and civilization law enforcement of consciousness, full solution petition highlight problem, further upgrade new situation Xia petition work overall level. First, strengthening the training and improve the overal

41、l quality of police staff. Invited experts of the Peoples Republic of China criminal procedure law and the regulations on the handling of criminal cases by public security and public order . System was deployed to carry out “five noes“ Police Brigade created activities and “five noes“ DMV activities

42、, to promote the construction of police honesty, diligence. Five is to strictly implement the party system. Since June, the States seven counties and one City Police Brigade branch, detachment of General party branch has held the democratic meeting, extensively carry out criticism and self criticism

43、, has further strengthened the detachment of General party branches and the construction of the partys ideological building, organizational and work style, “three lessons“, organization systems, inner-party democratic meeting, democratic appraisal system of the party construction of party members to

44、 implement, the implementation of lean management. Four are based online performance appraisal system. Relies on information technology means, according to both focused on quantitative assessment and focused on qualitative assessment, both both process assessment and both results assessment of princ

45、iples, on the County, and City Police最后,我要特别感谢我的导师刘老师、和研究生助教吴老师。是他们在我毕业的最后关头给了我们巨大的帮助与鼓励,给了我很多解决问题的思路,在此表示衷心的感激。老师们认真负责的工作态度,严谨的治学精神和深厚的理论水平都使我收益匪浅。他无论在理论上还是在实践中,都给与我很大的帮助,使我得到不少的提高这对于我以后的工作和学习都有一种巨大的帮助,感谢他耐心的辅导。在论文的撰写过程中老师们给予我很大的帮助,帮助解决了不少的难点,使得论文能够及时完成,这里一并表示真诚的感谢.致谢光阴荏苒,美好的大学时光即将画上一个句号。回望过去,仿佛昨日。

46、孜孜不倦的老师,善良可爱的同学,美丽幽静的校园,一直陪伴着我,见证了我的成长。第一次独自离家求学,哭过、害怕过,正是因为有远方亲人的鼓励支持,身边老师同学的关心帮助,我才能快速的适应新的环境,顺利的完成学业。历时半年之久的论文写作,终于结束了。从最初的选题、写开题报告,到后来的初稿、定稿, 并不是一帆风顺的。在这期间,有很多人给我帮助,给我建议。首先,我要感谢指导老师对我的悉心指导。在我没能及时跟老师联系,讨论论文问题的时候,老师打电话提醒我,给我提出问题,让我及时改正。老师诲人不倦的精神,治学严谨的态度,让我无比钦佩。还要感谢大学期间遇到的其他老师,谢谢你们让我在学到知识的同时,也学到了如何


48、态度也令我受益匪浅。在论文完成之际,谨向程卫红老师致以衷心的感谢!致谢人生的成长历程始终是向前的。当一个阶段快要结束即将迈入另一个阶段时,自然需要对即将过去的进行思考和小结。自己一直在思考学业、职业、事业的哲学关系,也许本来就没有固定的答案和模式。需要的是对自己对时间、对生命的尊重和珍惜,同样需要对在我成长历程中、在人生某个阶段一直给予我帮助、指导、鼓励、支持、信任、爱护的人,表达真正的感谢。可以用客套、冠冕堂皇的话,也可以选择朴实。后者才更真挚,更深入心灵。 感谢我的导师把我领进了计算机语言的领域。论文研究方向是是基于 WINCE 的图像处理算法实现。作为计算机系统技术的一个分支,自己有机会

49、接触嵌入式系统以及丰富与深厚的计算机语言;有机会跨越时间、空间,领会大师们架构的数学模型、理论框架;有机会领activities to develop in depth. Is to promote the “two“, and actively create atmosphere. To let society more widely understand Ministry of public security on modified of decided (Ministry of public security 124th, makes) and motor vehicle license apply for and using provides (Ministry of public security 123th, makes), active create strong atmosphere, effective maintenance driving people of lawful rights and interests of, ensure two a Department makes smooth implementation, we take six article measures, do six a in place, (Organiz


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