1、 粘着系数论文:基于最优蠕滑率的粘着控制方法研究【中文摘要】我国铁路近年来实施高速、重载策略,尤其是高速动车组的不断上线,使得提高列车的粘着性能成为一个重要的课题。研究粘着控制方法,对预防和抑制机车的空转、提高机车牵引力的利用率有重要的工程应用价值。本论文依托国家科技支撑项目“牵引传动控制策略优化研究”的子课题“粘着控制方法研究”,对粘着控制方法进行了相关研究。首先对轮轨滚动接触与粘着理论进行了详细的介绍,然后借鉴国外先进的粘着理论,学习并理解了两种粘着力计算模型:Kalker 线性理论模型、Oldrich Polach 粘着力模型。其次详细的介绍了常用的空转判别方法,然后基于不同的空转判别方
2、法,在MATLAB/SIMULINK 上建模实现了两种粘着控制方法:PD 控制法、基于最优蠕滑率的防空转粘着控制法。仿真结果表明,PD 控制法能有效地抑制空转,并恢复粘着状态;基于最优蠕滑率的防空转粘着控制法能使系统稳定工作在当前轨面对应的最大粘着系数附近,起到充分利用轮轨间的粘着力、提高机车牵引力的利用率的效果。最后在机车牵引控制半实物仿真平台上,利用某机车的牵引传动控制单元的防滑防空转模块,进行了恒转矩区和恒功区两组空转试验。试验结果表明,一旦机车发生较大的空转,转矩会迅速降低到零,并保持一段时间,当空转被抑制后,转矩会缓慢上升到原来的给定值;电机的电流在空转期间会迅速减小,当空转现象消除
3、后,电流迅速上升到原来的值。然后,分析了在机车空转实验现场测到的牵引电机电流和牵引力波形。基于机车牵引控制半实物仿真平台的仿真结果和 MATLAB/SIMULINK上的仿真结果与机车空转实验波形基本吻合,说明了本文建立的粘着控制算法在抑制机车空转上具有一定的可行性,以及在半实物仿真平台上模拟机车空转的方法的正确性。【英文摘要】In recent years, with implementing of the applying high-speed and heavy locomotive strategies, especially the application of high-speed
4、EMU, the adhesion control of the train becomes an important issue. Thus, it is important to study the adhesion control, and find ways to prevent or suppress the idling of the locomotive, and also improve the utilization of the locomotive traction. Based on the national support projects of science an
5、d technology, “Optimization of Traction Drive Control”, the methods of adhesion control are studied in this thesis.Rolling contact with the adhesion theory is introduced in detail and then two models, Kalker linear theory model and Oldrich Polach adhesion model, about calculating adhesion are learne
6、d from foreign advanced adhesion theory.This thesis describes commonly used methods of judging the idling in detail. Based on the summary of the analysis, two adhesion control methods, including PD control method and method based on the optimal creep rate, are built in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Simulation re
7、sults show that, compared to the previous method, adhesion control method based on the optimal creep rate, can work stably near the maximum adhesion coefficient and be full use of the adhesion force between wheel and rail.Finally, the thesis describes two groups of tests, including the constant torq
8、ue test and the constant power test, with the help of the non-slip module of a locomotive traction drive control unit on the control platform of the locomotive. Each group of test carries out several tests with different degrees of idling. The results show that the torque and current of the motor de
9、crease rapidly when the idling occurs. The change of the torque and current depends on the size of idling. Also the rotor flux of traction motor will be significantly in a weak magnetic zone when idling occurs. Then, the thesis analyzes the measured current and traction of the motor, which came from
10、 the experimental field. The waveform and the results of loop simuation are basically consistent with the results of this thesis, which shows that the control algorithm described in this thesis is feasible in the inhibition of locomotives idling.【关键词】粘着系数 空转 粘着控制 最优蠕滑率【英文关键词】adhesion coefficient idl
11、ing adhesion control the optimal creep rate【目录】基于最优蠕滑率的粘着控制方法研究 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 第 1 章 绪论 10-16 1.1 课题研究背景和意义 10 1.2 国内外粘着控制方法研究现状 10-13 1.3 防滑防空转粘着控制器的发展 13-14 1.4 论文主要研究内容 14-16 第 2章 轮轨滚动接触与粘着理论 16-26 2.1 轮轨接触理论基本假设 16-17 2.2 蠕滑理论及形成机理 17-19 2.2.1 蠕滑的形成原因分析 17-18 2.2.2 蠕滑率及其计算 18-19 2.3 粘着力计算模型 1
12、9-22 2.3.1 Kalker 线性理论模型 19-20 2.3.2 Oldrich Polach 粘着力计算模型 20-22 2.4 影响轮轨粘着状态的主要因素 22-25 2.4.1 轨面状态 22-23 2.4.2 机车速度 23-24 2.4.3 轴重和轮径 24-25 2.5 本章小结 25-26 第3 章 轮对空转的分类与判别方法 26-33 3.1 空转的分类 26-27 3.2 空转的判别方法 27-32 3.2.1 参考车速的确定 27 3.2.2 速度差判据 27-28 3.2.3 加速度与加速度微分检测法 28 3.2.4 蠕滑率判据 28-32 3.2.5 基于模糊
13、控制理论的空转判据 32 3.3 本章小结 32-33 第 4章 粘着控制基本模型建立 33-46 4.1 列车轮轨模型 33-34 4.2 粘着系数估计模型 34-38 4.3 列车传动控制模型 38-45 4.3.1 列车牵引传动特性曲线 38-39 4.3.2 异步电机牵引特性的实现 39-45 4.4 本章小结 45-46 第 5 章 防空转粘着控制仿真与试验研究 46-67 5.1 防空转粘着控制仿真 46-57 5.1.1 PD 控制法 46-51 5.1.2 基于最优蠕滑率的防空转仿真 51-57 5.2 机车空转试验 57-65 5.2.1 机车空转试验仿真平台 57-58 5.2.2 恒转矩区空转试验 58-63 5.2.3 恒功区空转试验 63-64 5.2.4 机车防空转实验 64-65 5.3 本章小结 65-67 结论 67-68 致谢 68-69 参考文献 69-73 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文及参加的科研项目 73