1、在职证明样本DATE:(日期以阿拉伯数字根据日/月/年的格式填写)To Visa Section申请签证国家 Consulate General in Shanghai(Mr./Ms.(选择正确的性别)(本人姓名的拼音) (Passport No.:本人护照号, Date of Birth: 本人出生日期日/月/年 is the现任职位的英文名称 of the现任部门的英文名称 Department in our Company since(本人在该公司入职的月/年), and his/her(选择正确的性别) monthly income is RMB月收入数目用阿拉伯数字.We have
2、approved his/her(选择正确的性别) annual leave from此次行程的出发时间 日/月/年 to 此次行程结束回国的抵达时间 日/ 月/年 for his/her(选择正确的性别) holiday to 申请签证国家英文名称 (and other Countries如不去请将括号内话述删除)All the expenses during the trip will be borne by此次行程的费用承担方. We hereby guarantee he/she(选择正确的性别)will obey the laws in outbound and we shall retain his /her(选择正确的性别) position till the end of the trip.Signature:(请单位负责人亲笔签名,请不要用拼音签名,并将中文姓名打印在旁边)Occupation of Signature: (签字人的职务,请用英文打印)Seal:(请加盖公司公章)Company:(公司英文名称)Address: (公司英文地址)Telephone:(可以联系到签字人的公司电话)Fax: (公司传真)