1、,ANIMALS,DOLPHIN,Is a dolphin a fish or bird? It is a fish. Where does a dolphin live? It lives in the water. What does a dolphin eat? It eats fish. Dolphins are carnivores.,COW,Is a cow a mammal or a reptile? It is a mammal. What does a cow eat? It eats plants. Where does a cow live? It lives on a
2、farm. Cows are land animals,Can a cow swim?No, it cant.,RHINOCEROS,Is a rhinoceros an insect or a mammal? It is a mammal. What does a rhinoceros eat? It eats plants. Rhinos are herbivores.,ELEPHANT,Is an elephant a carnivore or a herbivore? It is a herbivore. Does an elephant eat other animals? No, It doesnt. Where does an elephant live? It lives in jungles and rainforests.,Can an elephant fly?No, It cant.,CHEETAH,Is a cheetah a bird or a mammal? It is a mammal. Are cheetahs carnivores or omnivores? They are carnivores. Where do cheetahs live? They live on open grasslands.,