1、Translation of Public Signs,公示语的翻译,一、定义,公示语:公开和面对公众,告示、指示、提示、显示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态、生业休戚相关的文字及图形信息。 -汉英公示语词典,商务印书馆,2002 A board or other notice giving information, warning, direction, and etc. -Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1978) A board, notice, and etc. that directs somebody towards s
2、omething, gives a warning, advertises a business. -Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary (1997),A notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instruction in a written or symbolic form.- New Oxford Dictionary of English (2001). A board, poster, or placard displayed in a publ
3、ic place to advertise or to convey information or a direction. -The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(2003),二、公示语的语言风格,大量实用名词 售票机 Ticket Machines 注意行人 Caution Pedestrians 动词、动名词的使用 保持通畅 KEEP CLEAR 请小心台阶 PLEASE MIND YOUR STEPS,词组、短语的使用 因故停用 Out of Order 短时停车 Short stay 缩略语的使用 停车场 P
4、 厕所 WC,二、公示语的语言风格,严禁使用生僻词汇 留学生公寓 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS HOUSE 全自动门 Automatic Door 文字图形并用简洁语汇 精确措辞 送客止步 Passengers Only 边道封闭 Footpath Closed,三、公示语信息的静态和动态意义,静态意义:提供信息 出口 Way Out 新鲜果蔬 Fresh Produce 国际出发 International Departure 大英博物馆 The British Museum,动态意义:告知展现指示 请勿与司机攀谈 Do not speak to the driver 仅限紧
5、急情况下使用 Emergency Use Only 严禁停车 No stopping at any time 紧握扶手 Hold the Hand Rail,四、公示语的示意功能,指示性Directing (static) 票务与旅游中心 Ticket & Travel Centre 地铁 Underground 行人 Pedestrians 公共厕所 Public Toilet 问询服务 Information 婴儿换巾处 Baby Change,四、公示语的示意功能,提示性Prompting (dynamic) 限高3.3米RESTRICTED HEIGHT 3.3M 请勿践踏草坪Plea
6、se Keep Off the Grass 请右侧站立 Please stand on the right 请此处交款 Please pay here,四、公示语的示意功能,限制性Restricting (dynamic) 施工现场 禁止入内Construction Site keep Out 抱好犬只 Dogs must be carried 勿靠两侧 keep clear of the edges 残疾人通道 Handicapped Only,动态意义:告知展现指示 请勿与司机攀谈 Do not speak to the driver 仅限紧急情况下使用 Emergency Use Onl
7、y 严禁停车 No stopping at any time 紧握扶手 Hold the Hand Rail,四、公示语的示意功能,强制性Compelling (dynamic) 警戒线 勿超越Police Line Do Not Cross 严禁拍照 No Photography 禁止通行 Dont Walk 禁酒区 Alcohol Free Zone 禁止导游讲解 NO BRIEFING OF GROUPS,五、公示语的特定功能,引发兴趣 装修前大甩卖CLOSING DOWN FOR MODERNIZATION 最后机会 Last Chance to Buy 提供服务 免税店 Duty F
8、ree 旅游纪念品 Souvenirs,加深理解 安全无事故车站 accredited as a Secure Station 您的安全 我们的天责 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY,五、公示语的特定功能,促进行动 进门赢大奖 COME IN AND WIN 厂家特价直销 DEAL DIRECT WITH MANUFACTURER AT SPECIAL PRICES 八折优惠 20% Off 当日可取 Daily Service,巩固形象 谢谢您到访北京车站 Thank you for visiting Bejing Railway Station 我们关注!欢迎批评!W
9、e care! We want your comments!,五、公示语的特定功能,服务社会 为改善北京的空气质量,本车安装有环保引擎 This bus is fitted with an environmentally cleaner engine helping to improve Beijings air quality. 共同努力,世界更精彩 Working together, we can make a world of difference.,防范犯罪 警示他人,迅速撤离 Warn others. Move away. 盗贼当心 Thieves Beware,六、公示语的种类,S
10、hopping Signs Under Construction Temporarily Closed.内部施工,暂停开放 No Refund, No Exchange票已售出,概不退换 Souvenir Shop 旅游纪念品商店 Deal Direct with Manufacturer at Special Price厂家特价直销 20% off八折优惠,Traveling Signs,Three Pool Mirroring the Moon三潭印月 World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site世界自然与文化遗产 Green Treasury and
11、Natural Zoo天然动植物标本园 Underground Passage 地下通道 Dead End 禁止通行,Traffic Signs,Bend Ahead. Slow Down! 前方弯路慢行 Slow down, Look around, and Cross 一慢二看三通过 Speed Limit, 30 km/h 限速:每小时30公里,Institution Names,Ministry of Land and Resource 国土资源部 Department of Justice司法厅 Commission of Limitative Affairs 法制工作委员会 Chi
12、nese Academy of Social Science 中国社会科学院,Names of Places,锦江乐园Jinjiang Amusement Park 静安新城 Jingan New City 南京东路East Nangjing Road 北三环 North Third Ring 玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple 三元桥 Sanyuan Overpass,Public Slogans,Power to the people 一切权力归人民 Say No to Drug and Protect Your Life 拒绝毒品珍爱生命 One World One Dream
13、同一个世界,同一个梦想,七、公示语的翻译现状,C-E Signs Research Center ( Beijing International Studies University) 北京第二外国语学院公示语翻译研究中心 对全国公示语翻译与使用现状进行调查,了解外籍人士对公示语翻译与使用的满意度和需求,比较中外在公示语的翻译与使用方面的异同,探讨公示语的翻译与使用的功能性和语用性问题及解决对策,确认公示语翻译与使用的发展趋势、重点和难点; 为制定国家公示语翻译标准提供参考依据。,受访者对中国英语公示语的认可度,中外关注的错误类型对比,八、公示语翻译实例 e.g. 1 Misguiding,e
14、.g. 2 Misunderstanding,e.g. 3 Misunderstanding,e.g. 4 Word for word rendering,e.g. 5 Word for word rendering,e.g. 6 Incomprehensible,一次性用品 A TIME SEX THING 乘梯须知 MULTIPLY BY STEPS BEARD KNOW 红眼病监测站Disease of jealousy inspection station,e.g. 7 Mixed use of Chinese and English,e.g. 8 Word order,e.g. 9,
15、Misspelled English Words,e.g.10 Misunderstanding the Source or Target Language,城门四面开,丝路今胜昔 With city gate wide open, the Silk Road is much better than old days. Open to the outside world every way, Xian is becoming better 前方修路,谨慎驾驶 Road Work Ahead,11. Omitting,患心脏病、高血压、酗酒者忌座”. Anyone who with heart
16、disease, high blood, please dont get on. No recommendation for people suffering from heart diseases, high blood pressure or the effects of over drinking. 肇庆市公安局报警中心 Zhaoqing City Center of Reporting to the Police Police Report Center (of Zhaoqing City),e.g. 12 Failures on Principles of Politeness,旅客
17、登记时,须凭足以证明本人身份的有效证件,并说明住宿原因。旅客必须遵守宾馆饭店的规章制度,服从工作人员的管理,爱护饭店的公共财物。对违反上述规定的旅客,饭店有权责成改正。 Guests are requested to show their own valid papers to prove their identities and to tell the reason for lodging when they cheek in at the hotel. Every guest has the obligation to abide by the rules and regulations
18、of the hotel, cooperate with the personnel in carrying out their duties and take care of the property in the hotel. The authority of the hotel has the right to reason with anyone who has violated the regulations mentioned above.,Please help us to speed up your check-in by presenting your ID card. Ou
19、r guests are kindly expected to heed the rules and regulations. Your cooperation will be appreciated in making our service effectively.,e.g. 13 Failures on Taboos,严禁随地吐痰、便溺 Dont spit, piss and shit everywhere ,e.g. 14 Over-generalization of the Source Language,高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来 Go to work happily, com
20、e back safely. Drive carefully Safety first in Driving,e.g. 15 Unclarity,非紧急情况 请止步 No Entry On Peacetime Emergency Exit 应急买票 Buy Ones Ticket After Normal Time Emergency Wicket 寻人广播 Look For Broadcast Broadcast for the missing,e.g. 16 Wrong use of words,天涯海角 The End of the World End of the Earth/Land
21、s End 欢迎您再来!Welcome you again! We look forward to seeing you again. 民族园 Racist Park The Ethnic Minorities Park,改错,老年旅行服务中心 Agedness Travel Service Heartland (衰老旅游服务腹地 )Senior Citizens Travel Services,“警务工作站” “Police Affair Station” “前台” “Front Desk” “收银台” “Cashier Desk” “入口” “Entrance Gate”。 这些译文都是画
22、蛇添足 “Police Station” “Reception” “Cashier” “Entrance”,“娱乐天地” “Amusement Heaven and Earth”, 是典型的“中式英语”。 “Recreation Paradise”室内停车场“Car Park” “Indoor Parking”,“桂林山水甲天下” GuiLin landscape is the best in the world. (有吹牛之嫌) East or West,GuiLin landscape is best! (亲切) 来也匆匆?去也冲冲! Come with a rush? Go with a
23、 flush! Please flush after youre through.,“检票处”均被译为“Examining ticket place” “二十一世纪花园”报为“twenty-one century garden” “注意安全”被译为“Pay attention to your safety” 在公交车上的“谢谢合作”被译为“Thank you for your cooperation”。 改译: “check in counter”或“check-in” (飞机检票boarding gate) “twenty-first century garden” “Watch your
24、step!”。 “Thank you”,“请给老、弱、病、残、孕让座” 英译文为: “Please offer the seats to the old,weak,sick,crippled and pregnant.” “crippled”一词带有严重的歧视性,它是一个贬义词,意为“跛子、伤残人士”。 正确的译法应该使用中性词“disabled”,无障碍专用通道” “Special stretch of ground free of obstruction” “武汉是我家,清洁靠大家”, 若是照字面意思逐一翻译,即为“Wuhan is our home,its cleanness depen
25、ds on all of us”, Revision: “Wheelchair Accessible” “Keep our city clean”,比如红梅公园提示“以上规则请家长及小朋友自觉遵守,违者后果自负,谢谢合作!” 直接译为“The above-mentioned rules shall be observed consciously by parents and children. Violators are obliged to take any consequences. Thank you for your cooperation!” 态度强硬,盛气凌人, 改译为: “Ple
26、ase help us by observing the above rules, thank you for your cooperation!”,“请勿疲劳驾驶”,一般都翻译为Do not drive in fatigue。 英国人喜欢用Tiredness kills, take a break. 而美国人说Stay alert, stay alive。“机房重地非公莫入” Machine room is important and dont come in except business 改译为Machine Room Staff Only。,“创一流服务,迎四海宾客” “Welcomi
27、ng our honored guests from all over the world with first-class service” “小心滑跌”译成Dont Fall Down(语气就显得生硬)使用提醒语气的 改译 First Class Service to All Guests Watch Your Step,“遵守游览秩序,坚持五讲四美。”如果照直译为Observe the tourist order and insist on the “Five Particulars” and “Four Beauties” (所有的外国游客都不会完全理解。) 改译: Observe t
28、he tourist order and keep good manners。,某旅店房间告示“保管好私人物品”被译作“Take Care of Your Private Parts”, 某购物中心洗手间告示“节约用水”被译作“the economy uses of the water” 正确的译法是 “Take care of your personal belongings” “Save water”,有一处邮局提供英语服务称为“英语之窗”于是想当然的译成“The window of the English” 某处“物价计量信得过单位”被译成“An enterprise believabl
29、e in price and measure,” 正确译法为 “English service available here”。 “An enterprise reliable in price and measure”,武汉的某家影城翻译为“XX Film City”,只是将“影”和“城”分开译出而已,这导致外国友人误以为是“A city with a lot of films”即“充满电影的城市” 某公交站站牌上标有这样一句标语“老人优先候车”被译作“Old people waiting and getting on first” 在西方老年人不希望被看做老而无用,不喜欢被别人称作old
30、people 应改为 “XX cinema” “Senior citizens first”。,“创建绿色饭店,倡导绿色消费”,如果 “Establishing green hotel, initiating green consumption”无法传达出原文的号召力且译文不够简洁。 某飞机场有一则禁烟告示“为了您和大家的健康,吸烟请到吸烟区。”而被翻译成为“For your and others health, the passengers who smoke, please go to the smocking area” 只需译为 “For a green hotel and green
31、 consumption” “Non-smoking Area”即可。,注意安全当心落水Pay attention to safety,bewares of falling into water 注意安全谨防滑坡Pay attention to safety,prevent coast 上下台请阶注意安全Look out Revision: Beware: deep water Warning: Slippery slope Watch Your Step/Be careful: Steps,请勿乱扔垃圾Dont throw rubbish around 请勿拍摄碑刻No photograph
32、ing or shooting,please. 禁止烟火No Burning. 请勿乱涂画NO DRAWING Revision: Dont litter please No Photography or VideographyFire Prohibited/No Fire. No Graffiti,江索道索道由此向前Go ahead to the cableway 划船码头Boating Wharf 大雄宝殿Precious Hall in Temple Revision: Cable car Wharf The Great Buddhas Hall,参考文献,戴宗显等,公示语汉英翻译研究,中国翻译,2005(6); 全国公示语翻译现状的调查与分析,中国翻译,2007(5); 丁衡祁,努力完善城市公示语 逐步确定参照性译文,中国翻译,2006(6)。,