1、1,剑桥少儿英语教师上岗培训讲座,A Training Session for Pre-service Teachers of CYLE,26/11/2005,浙江大学教育学院 褚献华,2,Enjoyable and Effective,3,Outline 提纲,Children as language learners 儿童学习语言的特点 Approaches & Principles 教学途径和原则 Effective teaching strategies有效的教学策略 Priorities for CYLE剑桥少儿英语的教学重点,4,学习目标 Learning Objectives,A
2、fter this lecture, you are expected to 听了今天的讲座,希望您能 State the characteristics of children learning English说出少儿学习外语的特点 小学生的特点、学习过程、学习的条件 Explain the key principles and strategies for teaching young learners English解释少儿英语教学的重要原则和策略 以学生为中心、交际为导向、活动为基础,5,Please ask yourself:,Why do children learn Englis
3、h?少儿英语教学的主要目的是什么? What are their characteristics?少儿学习外语有哪些特点? What approach is more effective?什么样的教学途径对少儿更有效?,6,Why teach Children English? To develop learners capability of using English. 培养学生综合的语言运用能力,情感态度affective attitude,语言技能language skills,语言知识language knowledge,学习策略learning strategies,文化意识cul
4、tural awareness,7,少儿英语教学的目的,了解英语国家文化形成世界意识,初步形成英语学习策略,良好的语音基础初步的口头交际能力,学习和掌握英语语言基础知识,建立英语学习的兴趣和信心 形成积极的态度,8,少儿作为外语学习者 young learners of English,Young learners: strengths and weaknesses少儿学习外语的优势和弱点 Language learning approaches for young learners少儿语言学习的途径 External conditions for effective YLE少儿英语学习的外部
5、条件,9,学习能力是与生俱来的 The ability to learn is innate.,学习是在一定的社会文化情境中,通过参与活动、与他人交流而实现的意义建构过程。 Learning is a process of meaning construction in a socio-cultural context by the learners involvement in the activities and communication 每个学生都是积极的探究者和知识建构者 。 学生原有的知识经验是新知识的生长基点 。 学生需求、兴趣和自主性是有效学习的内部基础。 与他人的互动和正确的
6、引导对意义建构非常重要。,10,Children as language learners 儿童作为语言学习者,11,Children,are more enthusiastic and lively are bold to have a go at an activity have less psycho-stress on learning have more time to learn 热情积极活泼 勇于参与活动 心理压力较少 学习时间较多,12,But they are less cognitively developed cant retain their attention lon
7、g lose interest more quickly have less learning experience 认知水平较低 注意保持较短 容易丧失兴趣 学习经验较少,13,少儿如何有效地学英语? How YL learn English?,通过类似母语习得的自然途径 in a natural way 通过在信任接受的氛围中互动 by interacting with each other in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance 通过参与多种有趣的活动by participating in a variety of interesting act
8、ivities 通过模仿和重复、唱歌和诵读等 by imitating and repeating, singing and chanting,14,自然的方式The natural way,Exposure to language 感受语言,Comprehension 理解意思,Imitation 模仿,Active use 活用语言,Language input语言输入,Language output语言输出,15,Notice注意,Want想学,Engage 参与,Link 联系,Succeed成功,少儿学习语言的过程 the process of YL language learnin
9、g,16,Clear objectives 的兴趣,正确的示范Correct demonstration,可理解的输入Understandable input,轻松的氛围Stress-free atmosphere,有意义的互动Meaningful interaction,积极的强化Positive reinforcement,充分的参与Adequate involvement,少儿学习英语的外部条件 External Conditions for Children Learning English,17,External Conditions for CYLE,Understandable
10、input 可理解的输入 Correct demonstration 正确的示范 Meaningful interaction 有意义的互动 Adequate involvement 充分的参与 Stress-free atmosphere 轻松的氛围 Positive reinforcement 积极的强化,18,儿童以一种类似自然的语言习得方式学习外语 他们具备学习外语的优势和但也有劣势 他们的英语技能不是老师“教给”的,而是他们在参与学习活动过程中“学会”的。 他们学习外语需要有利的外部条件。,重要理念 Key ideas,19,常见的问题Common problems,教师没有提供足够
11、机会引起学生的注意 教学目标与学生的需要不一致 学生不愿努力尝试 词句太难;不知如何做;没趣味 活动机会不够难以记忆和运用 经历过多的失败失去信心 不能有效地建立联系不能活用 操练太狭窄;内容难于内化;或缺乏挑战性如何改进?,20,Implications for Teachers 对教师的启示,21,The teacher should ,be aware that language acquisition is a natural process认识语言习得是个自然的过程 Speech first 口语领先 Step by step 循序渐进,22,2. adopt methods com
12、patible with the childrens developmental stage 教学法方法适应儿童发展阶段 Active, hands-on动手活动 Multi-dimensional learning,23,3. Make the learning relevant to childrens interests and perspective学习结合儿童的兴趣和认识 Concrete vocabulary具体的词汇 Here-and-now content身边的内容 Start where children are,24,4. The teacher should provid
13、e understandable language and necessary support 5. The teacher should provide many opportunities for language interaction,25,6. The teacher should support pupils motivation and self-esteem while diminishing their anxiety,26,7. The teacher should value the role of the classroom environment in support
14、ing learning,27,Behavioral approach行为主义途径,Focus: the reinforcement of behavior through repetition and rewards Teacher controls learners behavior and learning process Teacher has a clear lesson plan English patterns are repeated through drills and choral repetition Success is reinforced by praise and
15、 rewards,28,Input approach 语言输入途径,Focus: the input of language from the teacher, tapes, reading material Learners are exposed to English understandable or just beyond their present level Learners are not expected to produce language until they feel ready Teacher introduce new words and patterns thro
16、ugh physical demonstration Learners are encouraged to be physically active,29,Humanistic approach人本主义途径,Focus: the importance of the inner thoughts and feelings of each learner Development of inter-personal skills is encouraged Focus is on the learning process Each child is allowed to make choice an
17、d pace Learners are emotionally immersed in the lesson Motivation comes from inside, not external reward Children are ensured to feel least anxiety Teacher is a “facilitator” and encourage children learn naturally,30,Constructivist approach建构主义途径,Focus: child as an individual trying to make sense to
18、 the world Each child is an active explorer A child tends to move in directions that have personal meaning A child has the potential to reach beyond the present level, but needs to interact with adults and peers having more knowledge A child learns language in the attempt to communicate,31,Three Imp
19、ortant Principles,Child-Centered perspective 以儿童为中心的教育理念 Speech-Oriented approach以口语为导向教学途径Activity-Based interaction以活动为基础的互动模式,32,Child-Centered,Young learners characteristics, needs and interest 少儿的特点、需要和兴趣Learner-centered instruction in以学习者为中心的教学体现在designing a lesson(备课)teaching a lesson (上课)ass
20、igning homework(作业)assessing learning(评价),33,Speech-Oriented,Teaching in English 用英语教学Understandable input 可理解输入Scaffolding 提供“脚手架”支持 Authentic language 真实的语言Meaningful communication 有意义交流Realia-supported interaction 教具辅助的互动Speech-based skill development 口语为基础的技能发展,34,Activity-Based,Activating learn
21、ing 激发学生积极性Stimulating interest 刺激兴趣Multiple Intelligence strategies 多元智能策略Engaging all learners 促进全体参与Group learning 小组集体活动Peer tutorial 同伴互助Integrating skills 整合技能Recurrent practice 循环实践Multi-skilled communication 多技能的交流,35,Language Learning Activities,Listening Listen and repeat 听听读读 Listen and g
22、uess 听听猜猜 Listen and act (match/find/draw, etc) 听听做做 Speaking Draw and ask questions 画图提问 Whisper a sentence 轻声传话 Pairs finding 寻找对子 Speaking chain 连环说话 Story telling 讲故事 Guessing games猜谜游戏 Interview/survey采访调查,36,Reading Phonics 认读方法 Read and colour 阅读图色 Read and match 阅读配对 Read and draw 阅读画图 Word
23、games 单词游戏 Writing Spelling bee 拼词比赛 Enriched dictation 多种听写 Describing the picture 描述图片 Journal writing 记日记,37,Priorities for CYLE,Positive attitude toward learning English学习英语的积极态度 Correct pronunciation and intonation正确的语音语调 Basic skills of English 最基础的英语听说读写技能Topics, structures, words as listed i
24、n the syllabuses 大纲中所列话题、结构和词汇,38,A few more words,We should have a strong belief that Every child will become a successful L2 learner 每个孩子都会是个成功的第二语言学习者 Every child needs our hand to hold 每个孩子都需要我们的扶持,39,Make sure to tell every child: You + Me = Special and yourself: Progress = learning + practice
25、+ reflection,40,Time for Questions,41,Thank you for your attention. Good luck in your teaching.,从此网站下载:http:/,42,The natural way,Exposure to language 感受语言,Comprehension 理解意思,Imitation 模仿,Active use 活用语言,Language input语言输入,Language output语言输出,43,感知运动阶段,前运算阶段,具体运算阶段,逻辑运算阶段,44,Multiple Intelligences 多元
26、智能,Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”) (语言文字智能) Logical-mathematical intelligence (“logic/math smart“) (逻辑-数学智能) Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”) (视觉空间智能) Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”) (身体运动智能) Musical intelligence (“music smart”) (音乐旋律智能) Interpersonal intelligence (“peopl
27、e smart“) (人际关系智能) Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart“) (自我认识智能) Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”) (自然观察者智能),45,The Eight Intelligences,46,Scaffolding 提供“脚手架”,Getting children interested in the task 激发儿童们对任务的兴趣 Simplifying the task; breaking it down into smaller steps 简化任务、化整为零 Keeping c
28、hildren on task; reminding them of goals 保持儿童们参与,提示学习目标 Pointing out what is important 指出重点 Preventing/managing frustration 预防/化解挫折,47,Choose what to say: Situations,You meet a friend You want to ask your teacher something You see your teacher Your friend looks sad Someone gives you an ice cream You
29、 like the film very much You have to go home Its your friends birthday You want to play tennis with your friend You cant hear something Your mum wants to take you shopping,48,Questions for Starters (A),1. Whats your name? Whats your friends name? 2. How do you spell your name? 3. How old are you? Ho
30、w old is the monkey? 4. Whats this? What are these? 5. Which is your ruler? 6. Whats in your schoolbag? 7. What colour is your bag? 8. What colour do you like? Do you like purple? 9. Whos that boy? 10. Have you got a bike?,49,11. Has the cat got any fish? What has it got? 12. How many children are t
31、here in the picture? 13. Whats your favourite fruit? 14. What do you want? Do you want a burger or an ice cream? 15. Whose bag is this? Is it Peters? 16. Where is your English book? 17. What have you got for breakfast? Whats for lunch? 18. How do you go to school? Do you go to school by bus? 19. Wha
32、t do cats like to eat? 20. What do you do every day?,50,Questions for Starters (B),1. How are you? 2. What animals do you like? Do you like dogs? 3. Where is the cat? Is it under the chair? 4. Whats Sue doing now? 5. What are the boys doing in the garden? 6. Whats Bob plying with? 7. Who do you ofte
33、n play with? 8. Can I have some juice? 9. Where do you have meals? 10. Whats in your bedroom?,51,11. What do you do at school? 12. What does Sally do every day? 13. Whats your phone number? 14. What does Lily like doing? 15. Can you jump like a kangaroo? 16. Whats your hobby? Do you like fishing? 17
34、. How many apples do you want? 18. Where does Tom often play badminton? 19. Which is Mary, the girl in green or in red? 20. Where do you live? Where does a fish live?,52,Questions for Movers (A),1. What day is today? 2. Whats the weather like today? 3. Where are you going? 4. Whose toy car is this?
35、Is it yours? 5. Do you often play football? 6. What does Peter do every day? 7. Are you hungry? What do you want to have? 8. Which is bigger, the sun or the moon? 9. Why does the earth look bigger than the sun? 10. Whos the tallest in your class?,53,11. How many days are there in a week? 12. What do
36、 you usually do on Sunday? 13. What did you do last Sunday? 14. Where were your friends yesterday? 15. What did your friends want to do? Movers (B) 16. What are you going to do? 17. Whos your best friend? 18. Which floor do you live on? 19. Shall I wash my socks? 20. Would you like some apples?,54,2
37、1. What do you like doing best? 22. How did Jack go to his grandfathers house? 23. How much is the ice cream? 24. How often do you go to the cinema? 25. Can I help you? May I come in? 26. Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you? 27. What do you do if you have a cold? 28. What must you do bef
38、ore you get on a train? 29. What does Kevins father do? 30. Where does he work? What does he have to do on weekdays?,55,31.What did you see when you came into the room? 32. How much water do you need? 33. What kind of food would you like to eat? 34. When does the train leave? 35. Where can I take th
39、e bus? 36. How often does your mother go shopping? 37. What do you paint the house with? 38. How did he go upstairs? 39. What is your friend like? 40. Why is the girl happy?,56,Questions for Flyers,1. What was the weather like yesterday? 2. Whats your favourite season? What happens in summer? 3. Whe
40、n did Bob get up yesterday? 4. How long did it take Bobby to clean the room? 5. Why werent you at school yesterday? 6. What will you do if it snows tomorrow? 7. What language do people speak in Japan? 8. How long have you learned English? 9. How many times have you been to the Childrens Park? 10. Ho
41、w long has your uncle been a doctor?,57,11. How far is it from your home to our school? 12. What does your teacher want you to do? 13. What can /cant you do in the library? 14. When is Childrens Day? 15. What can I do for you? 16. Where shall we go for the picnic tomorrow? 17. What will you do when
42、you leave school? 18. How many stamps have you collected? 19. What were you doing this time yesterday? 20. What do people do during the Spring Festival?,58,21. What are the differences between a frog and a fish? 22. How well can your friend speak English? 23. What does a dolphin look like? 24. How t
43、all are you? 25. What colour clothes do you like to wear? 26. On what days of the week are you very busy? 27. Why do most children like summer best? 28. What is your fathers sister called? 29. What is this desk made of? 30. Which do you prefer, coffee or milk?,59,31. When and where were you born? 32
44、. What did Sarah say to you just now? 33. What present did you give Tom for his birthday? 34. When did you start playing football? 35. When will the new film be shown? 36. Why didnt you go to bed early last night? 37. What will you say if you want to ask someone for help? 38. Excuse me, how can I get to the cinema? 39. What is the opposite of the word happy? 40. Whats the machine that can carry people in the sky?,