1、Blue Ocean Strategy,Dong WEI,Outline,I. Introduction II. Basic Analytical Tools and Frameworks III.Formulating BOS IV.Executing BOS V. Conclusion,I. Introduction: BOS vs. ROS,Red Ocean Strategy (ROS): based on competition, and guided by Porters Generic Strategies and Five Forces Model Blue Ocean Str
2、ategy (BOS): A new word, but not a new conception. The only way to beat the competition is to stop competing with each other.,(韩)金、(美)莫博涅 著,,I. Introduction: BOS vs. ROS,新业务项目收入上的影响利润上的影响,Red Ocean Programme,Blue Ocean Programme,The Profit and Growth Consequences of Creating Blue Oceans,I. Introduct
3、ion: BOS vs. ROS,The rising imperative of creating blue oceans Value innovation: the cornerstone of BOS.,CostsValue InnovationBuyer Value,The simultaneous Pursuit of Differentiation and Low Cost,I. Introduction: BOS vs. ROS,Key Differences of BOS from ROS:,II. Basic Analytical Tools and Frameworks,1
4、.Strategy canvas 战略布局图 2.Four actions framework 四步动作框架 3. “ERRC” grid eliminate-reduce-raise-create grid “剔除-减少-增加-创造”坐标格 4. Case discussion-Cirque du Soleil 5. Conclusion,1.Strategy Canvas,The strategy canvas is both a diagnostic and an action framework for building a compelling blue ocean strategy
5、. It captures the current state of play in the known market space. This allows you to understand: where the competition is currently investing, the factors the industry currently competes on in products, service, and delivery, and what customers receive from the existing competitive offerings on the
6、 market. E.g. U.S. wine industry,背景介绍:U.S. wine industry,美国葡萄酒消费量居世界第三位。然而这个价值200亿美元的产业竞争异常激烈。加州葡萄酒厂家统治国内市场,夺取了全美葡萄酒销售额的2/3。这些葡萄酒和进口葡萄酒针锋相对的竞争。后者来自法国、意大利、西班牙、智利、澳大利亚、阿根廷。再加上俄勒冈州、华盛顿州及纽约州的葡萄酒供给日益增加,加州又添了新成熟的葡萄园,市场上各类葡萄酒的数量呈爆炸性增长。然而美国消费者基数基本上停滞不前。从人均葡萄酒消费量来看,美国仍处于世界第31的位置上。 激烈的竞争推动了产业合并。八家顶尖企业制造了全美75%
7、的葡萄酒,而其他约1600家葡萄酒厂总共才生产剩余的25%。几个主要企业的支配地位使得他们可以对分销商施加影响,赢得货架空间,并能把数百万计的资金划入超标准的营销预算中。同时,全美的零售商和分销商之间也经历着合并,这提高了他们面对众多葡萄酒厂家的讨价还价的能力。为了抢占零售和分销位置,酒厂之间一片激战,令人叹为观止。那些实力弱、管理差的公司日益被挤得靠边站,葡萄酒业也开始面临降价的压力。,背景介绍:U.S. wine industry,简而言之,美国的葡萄酒产业面临激烈的竞争,攀升的价格压力,零售和分销渠道的讨价还价能力日益增长。尽管可供消费者选择的品种众多,需求却并无增长。以常规战略思维来看
8、,这个产业不怎么有吸引力。对战略家来说,关键问题是,如何冲破红海中的血腥竞争,彻底甩脱竞争,开拓并取得无人争抢的市场空间中的蓝海?,Above the line Marketing,Wine Distinctions/ Terminology,Aging Quality,Vineyard Prestige,Wine Complexity,Wine Range,Price,High,Low,Premium Wines,Budget Wines,Case: U.S. Wine Industrys strategy canvas,2.Four Actions Frameworks,To recons
9、truct buyer value elements in crafting a new value curve, we have developed the four actions framework To break the trade-off between differentiation and low cost and to create a new value curve, there are four key questions to challenge an industrys strategic logic and business model: Which of the
10、factors that the industry takes for granted should be eliminated? Which factors should be reduced well below the industrys standard? Which factors should be raised well above the industrys standard? Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered?,2.Four Actions Frameworks,A New
11、Value Curve,Reduce Which factors should be reduced well below The industrys standard?,Create Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered?,Raise Which factors should be raised well above the industrys standard?,Eliminate Which of the factors that the industry takes for granted
12、 should be eliminated?,3.ERRC Grid,Based on the action framework E.g. The case of “Yellow Tail”,Yellow Tail,Premium Wines,Budget Wines,Yellow Tail Wine,西南航空公司,西南航空,美国西南航空是一家总部设在达拉斯的美国航空公司。在载客量上,它是世界第3大 航空公司,在美国它的通航城市最多。与国内其他竞争对手相比它是以“打折航线”而 闻名,从1973年开始它每年都赢利。,山寨机的蓝海战略布局图和坐标格,手机成为“日常消费品” 最低的目标成本确保价格成
13、为竞争力 主攻农村及二、三级市场 独特的个性,价格,质量,目标客户群,功能,低,高,个性,山寨机,知识产权,牌照,普通手机,营销,售后服务,4. Case Discussion-Cirque du Soleil,What kind of service does the traditional circus provide?,Strategy Canvas of Cirque du Soleil,玲玲马戏团,太阳马戏团,小型区域性 马戏团,4. Conclusion,Three characteristics of a good strategy: Focus 重点突出 Divergence
14、另辟蹊径 Compelling tagline 令人信服的主题句,III.Formulating BOS,1. Reconstruct Market Boundaries 重建市场边界 2. Focus on the Big Picture, Not the Numbers 注重全局而非数字 3. Reach Beyond Existing Demand 超越现有需求 4. Get the Strategic Sequence Right 遵循合理的战略顺序,1. Reconstruct Market Boundaries,因为在红海竞争力看不到蓝海商机 跳脱传统竞争思维,改变价值曲线 根据自
15、身的条件、重建市场边界,避免无谓的探索和搜寻,减少搜寻风险 (Search Risk),1. Reconstruct Market Boundaries,Therere six paths to reconstruct market boundaries: Path 1: Look across alternative industries 跨越他择产业 Path 2: Look across strategic groups within industries 跨越战略集团 Path 3: Look across the chain of buyers 跨越买方链 Path 4: Look
16、across complementary product and service offerings 跨越互补性产品和服务项目 Path 5: Look across functional or emotional appeal to buyers 跨越针对卖方的功能与情感导向 Path 6: Look across time 跨越时间,1. Reconstruct Market Boundaries,Conceiving new market space through the paths.,跨越他择产业案例: NetJets,NetJets,开创了专机部分所有权的蓝海。在不到20年中,Ne
17、tJets的规模已经大于很多航空公司,拥有500多架飞机,在全球140多个国家运行25万条航线。1988年,NetJets被Berkshire Hathaway收购,今天已经成为一项价值数十亿美元的生意,从1993年到2000年间,每年收入以30%-35%递增。 如何分析NetJets的成功? 事实上,NetJets是通过跨越他择产业看市场而重建市场边界并开创蓝海的。,跨越他择产业案例: NetJets,跨越不同利益集团案例: Curves,这是一家总部设在得克萨斯的女性健身公司。自1995年启动特许经营后,俱乐部店面就如雨后春笋般遍布各地,达6000多处,吸引了200多万会员,总收入突破了1
18、0亿美元,平均每4小时就有一家连锁店在世界某地开张。,跨越不同利益集团案例: Curves,跨越互补产品和服务案例: 北美客车工业公司,NABI所属产业的主要顾客是产权属于市政府的公交公司,这些公司在主要城镇提供固定线路的公交服务。 按照已被人们接受的产业竞争规则,生产商们争相提供最低购买价。 北客发现,对市政府来说,成本最高的因素不是整个产业一直竞比的、客车本身的价格,而是购买客车以后的花费,即客车在12年运营期内的保养维护。同时认识到,公交车业并不一定是一个价格货品化的产业,只不过是因为客车生产商竞相以低价出售客车,才造成了产业的现状。,跨越互补产品和服务案例: 北美客车工业公司,重设产品
19、功能和情感 导向案例:快美发屋,自1996年在东京创建以来,快美发屋已经从当时的一家理发店扩展到2003年的200多家,顾客从1996年的5.7万人次增长到2003年的3500万次,这家公司正在新加坡和马来西亚扩展业务,并且定下目标,到2013年在亚洲开设的分店达到1000家。 其核心就是把男性理发业从情感性产业转换成高度功能型产业。,重设产品功能和情感 导向案例:快美发屋,2. Focus on the big picture, not the numbers,This principle is key to mitigating the planning risk of investing
20、 lots of effort and lots of time but delivering only tactical red ocean moves. The four steps to visualize your strategy: Visual awakening 视觉唤醒 Visual exploration 视觉探索 Visual strategy fair 视觉战略展展会 Visual communication 视觉沟通,3. Reach Beyond Existing Demand,寻找非顾客群(non-customer)的共同点形成新的需求降低规模风险 了解並各个击破三
21、层非顾客群(three tiers of non-customers),3. Reach Beyond Existing Demand,First tier: buyers who purchase your industry offerings out of necessity and will jump ship as soon as the opportunity presents itselfSecond tier: buyers who purchase alternative offerings that serve the same function Third tier: pe
22、ople who dont consume even the alternatives to your offerings,Q: Which tier you should focus on and when?,3. Reach Beyond Existing Demand,Go for the biggest catchment!,4. Get the strategic sequence right,The right strategic sequence:,4.1 Testing of exceptional utility,The buyer utility map,The six u
23、tility levels,The six stages of the buyer experience cycle,4.2 From exceptional utility to strategic planning,Step 1: identify the price corridor of the mass Step 2: specify a level within the price corridor,4.3 From strategic planning to target costing,The Profit Model of Blue Ocean Strategy,4.4 Fr
24、om Utility, Price, and Cost to Adoption,Even an unbeatable business model may not be enough to guarantee the commercial success of a blue ocean idea. Almost by definition, it threatens the status quo, and for that reason it may provoke fear and resistance among a companys three main stakeholders: It
25、s employees Its business partners The general public,IV. Executing BOS,1.Overcome key organizational hurdles 克服重大组织障碍 2.Build execution into strategy将战略执行建成战略的一部分,1.Overcome key organizational hurdles,Managers have assured us that the challenge is steep. They face four hurdles: Cognitive hurdle:如何唤醒
26、员工让他们意识到组织变革的必要性 Limited resources:人们认为战略上的转变越大,执行它需要的资源就越多,而企业内部的资源正在消减。 Motivation:如何鼓动关键人士快速并执著的行动,以实现与现状的决裂? Politics.,1.Overcome key organizational hurdles,The way to overcome key organizational hurdles can be called as tipping point leadership(引爆点领导法). The pivotal lever: disproportionate influ
27、ence factors Cognitive hurdle participation Limited resources find hot spot Motivation find kingpin, make him transparent, atomization to make the problem relevant to each small unit Politics find angel, conquer evil and organize think tank,2.Build execution into strategy,Pore process can ruin strategy execution The power of fair process 3E Principles of fair process: engagement, Explanation Clarity of expectation,Conclusion:如何让蓝海生生不息,Barriers to limitation 提高模仿障碍 When to value-innovate again 持续价值更新,