1、英语拟声词,走兽怎么叫 1、狮子(lion) roar, howl 2、老虎(tiger) roar, howl 3、豹子(panther) howl 4、大象(elephant) trumpet 5、豺(jackal) howl, growl 6、狼(wolf) howl, growl 7、狗(dog) bark, yap, yelp, bay, howl, growl, snarl, whine 8、狐(fox) bark, yelp 9、猫(cat) mew, miaow , miau, meow, meou 10、鼠(mouse) squeak, cheep, peep 11、猪(pi
2、g) grunt, whick, squeal 12、野猪(swine) grunt 13、公猪(boar) girn 14、熊(bear) bruzz, growl 15、无尾猿(ape) gibber, gueriet 16、猴(monkey) screech, gibber, chatter, snutter, jabber, howl 17、骆驼(camel) nuzz , grunt 18、鹿(deer) call, bleat, bell,bellow,19、牛(cattle) cow, bleat 20、公牛(bull) bellow, low 21、母牛(cow) low 22
3、、小牛(calf) bleat 23、水牛(buffalo) boo 24、羊(sheep, goat) baa, bleat25、马(horse) neigh, whinny, nicker 26、驴(ass, donkey) bray, hee-haw 27、兔子(rabbit) mumble 虫子怎么叫 1、青蛙(frog) croak 2、蟾蜍(toad) shriek 3、蛇(snake, serpent) hiss 4、蜜蜂(bee) buzz, hum, bumble, drone 5、黄蜂(wasp) hum,6、蟋蟀(cricket) chirp (chirrup) 7、甲虫
4、(beetle) drone, boom 8、蚱蜢(grasshopper) chirp 9、蚊子(mosquito) hum, buzz, drone 10、苍蝇(fly) hum, buzz, drone 飞禽怎么叫 1、公鸡(cock) crow 2、母鸡(hen) cackle, cluck 3、小鸡(chicken) cheep 4、火鸡(turkey) gobble 5、鸭(duck) quack 6、鹅(goose) cackle, creak,g aggle 7、鸽子(dove, pigeon) coo, crood, croud, croodle 8、鹌鹑(quail) cu
5、rkle 9、鸠(stock-dove) murmur 10、斑鸠(turtle-dove) wail 11、天鹅(swan) chant, cry,12、乌鸦(crow, raven) caw, croak 13、白嘴鸦(rook) caw 14、鹧鸪(partrige) call 15、鹦鹉(parrot) prat, squawk 16、孔雀(peacock) tantle, scream 17、云雀(lark) sing 18、红雀(linnet) chirp 19、喜鹊(magpie) chatter, clatter 20、麻雀(sparrow) chirp 21、夜莺(night
6、ingale) warble, pip,jug,jug-jug 22、画眉(mavis) guaver 23、布谷(cuckoo) cuckoo 24、鹤(stork) coniat 25、白鹤(crane) whoop 26、燕(swallow) chirp, twitter 27、海鸥(gull) mew 28、鹰(eagle) scream,各类物体的响声 1、金属磕碰声 当啷 clank, clang 2、形容金属的响声 当当 rattle 3、金属、瓷器连续撞击声 丁零当啷 jingle, jangle, cling-clang 4、鼓声、敲门声 咚咚 rub-a-dub, rat-
7、tat, rat-a-tat 5、脆响的(关门)声 吧嗒 clik 6、敲打木头声 梆梆 rat-tat 7、重物落下声 咕咚 thud, splash, plump 8、东西倾倒声 哗啦 crash, clank 9、风吹动树枝叶声 飒飒 sough, rustle 10、树枝等折断声 嘎巴 crack, snap 11、不大的寒风声 瑟瑟 rustle 12、踩沙子、飞沙击物或风吹草木 沙沙、飒飒 rustle 13、飞机螺旋桨转动 呼呼 whirr 14、雨点敲击房顶 噼里啪啦 patter 15、水流动声 拔拉 splash,gurgle 16、物体受压 嘎吱 creak 喀嚓 cra
8、ck,snap,17、溪水、泉水流动声 潺潺 murmur, babble, purl 18、液体、沸腾、水流涌出或大口喝水声 咕嘟 babble, gurgle 19、重物落地声 扑通 flop, thump, splash, pit-a-pat 20、笑声、水、气挤出声 扑哧 titter, snigger, fizz 21、雷声、爆炸声、机器声 隆隆 hum, rumble, roll 22、汽笛或喇叭声 呜呜 toot, hoot, zoom 23、油在锅里 滋滋 sizzle 24、鞭炮爆炸声 噼啪 pop 25、脚踏楼板声 登登 clump或许拟声词大家用的不多,,但其处理与表意相
9、当复杂。 eg.下面看看朱生豪先生如何处理的(译莎士比亚的小诗) Song Hark, Hark! 歌:听啊!听! Hark, Hark! 听啊!听! Bow-woo. 汪!汪! The watching dogs bark! 犬在门前狂吠!,Bow-woo. 汪!汪! Hark, Hark! I hear 听啊!听!我听见 The strain of strutting chanticlear 伸颈的雄鸡 Cry, Cock-a-doodle-doo. 喔喔啼 再看一段英国作家梭罗描写瓦尔登湖冬景的一句(附翻译,就剩一句了) I seldom opened my door in a wint
10、er evening without hearing it; Hoo hoo hoo, hooner hoo, sounded sonorously, and the first three syllables accented somewhat like how do you do; or sometimes hoo hoo only. 冬季傍晚,我一打开门常常听到“唿唿唿,唿唿”的呜叫声,声音悦耳,前三个音节听起来有点象英语的“你好哇!”有时便只是呜叫而已。,拟声词的常见三种翻译处理方法,一、译为汉语对应的拟声词,有的译为独词句,有的译为动词或名词的辅助成分。 1.Crack! The s
11、tick broke in two. 喀嚓!棒子断为两截。2.Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle. 只有地下室窗户上的鼓风机发出无休无止的呼呼声。3.Round the corner of Croscent Bay, between the pile-up masses of broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering. 沿着新月海湾的地方,从一堆堆破碎的岩石堆中,一群羊叭嗒叭嗒地跑了过来。,二、有时可以将英文的拟声词译为汉语中较为抽象的“的叫,.声”,有
12、的则直叙其动作。 1.The cock in the yard crowed its first round. 院子里的雄鸡已经叫头遍了。2.He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and inmumberable wings. 他感到简直要大喊大唱,耳际仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍击声。3.They splashed through the mire to the village. 他们一路踏着泥水向村子去,三、为增加效果,即使英文未出现拟声词,翻译时添加拟声词
13、。 1.The logs were burning briskly in the fire. 木柴在火中哔哔剥剥烧的正旺。2.“Impartinent!” snorted Imalds. 伊梅尔达鼻子哼了声“没家教!”3.Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farm house far down the road-a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear. 接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的惊恐之声大家知道 pretty/beautiful 作美丽、漂亮解释, 但
14、在程度上 gorgeous比 beautiful 跟 pretty 还要再漂亮一点。 所以在应用上我们可以视情况而决定用pretty/beautiful 或是gorgeous。,例如: 如何才能精准流畅地用英语表达? 英语中怎么表达“顺便” 如何表达你要挂断电话 雅思口语“悠闲舒适生活”的表达 实用口语:买礼物必备的英语表达 老外耍赖?地道口语如此表达 关于幸福和快乐的种种英语表达 实用口语表达:早该起床啦,Her brother is gorgeous. We all like him. (她的哥哥长得很好看, 我们都很喜欢他。)如果是小美女用 pretty, 大美女用 gorgeous。
15、那超级大美女要怎么说?英文中有一个字眼叫 drop-dead gorgeous。 意思是说这种美女会让你看到之后, 会让你因为惊艳而昏倒。 (drop-dead 原意是倒下去, 双脚一伸, 死了, 但这 翻昏倒会比较好一点。)1.As luck would have it, he was caught by the teacher again. 不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 2.She held the little boy by the right hand. 她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里用“by”与用“with”意思区别很大。)3.Are you there? 等于句型:Do you
16、follow me?,4.If you think he is a good man, think again. 如果你认为他是好人,那你就大错特错了。 5.If my mother had known of it shed have died a second time. 要是我妈妈知道了,她会从棺材里爬起来。 6.That took his breath away. 他大惊失色。(很形象的说法啊) 7.Rubber easily gives way to pressure. 橡胶很容易变形。 8.The elevator girl reads between passengers. 开电梯
17、的姑娘在没有乘客时看书。 between=without,相同用法: She modeled between roles. 她不演戏时去客串下模特。 9.Students are still arriving. 学生还没有到齐。 10.I must not stay here and do nothing.,疯狂英语:生活化的口语句子 生活口语:表达男女关系的经典句子 生活口语:餐桌英语大汇总 时尚英语-美式生活 在线订阅,生活英语每日课程 雅思英语节目:烤鸭长难句分析 命令别人的十句话 “挺”别人的十句话 11.They went away as wise as they came. 他们一
18、无所获。(这句有点意料之外,不过仔细一想貌似的确有道理啊)12.I wont do it to save my life. 我死也不会做。,13.Nonsense, I dont think his painting is any better than yours. 胡说,我认为他的画比你好不到哪去。(好吧原来是说两个人画得都不咋样)14.Traditionally, Italian presidents have been seen and not heard. 从传统上看,意大利总统有名无权。15.Work once and work twice. 一次得手,再次不愁。16.You dont want to do that. 你不应该去做。17.My grandfather is nearly 90 and in his second childhood. 我祖父快90岁了,什么事都需要别人来做。,Thank you!,