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1、医学资料,1,英语高级口语,主讲:吴天骄邮箱:,西南科技大学网络教育系列课程,医学资料,2,前言,Dear learners, from now on, we are going to learn Spoken English, more exactly, practice Spoken English. By the way, my name is Wu Tianjiao, your online tutor for this course. Lets work together and try to achieve as much as possible. I sincerely hope

2、 that you will be able to communicate your ideas freely at the end of this term. Before we start our lesson, Id like to ask you several questions if you dont mind. 1. Why do we need to practice our spoken English? 2. What shall we start with? 3. How to improve our oral English efficiently and effect

3、ively? 4. Is integration with the culture important? 5. What regional variety shall we follow, British English or American English?,医学资料,3,To answer the questions mentioned above and some others, you are to reflect upon them first, since these questions are really important for learners. Hope they w

4、ill be useful to you. Id love to give you some tips, however, you can do better than I expect if you constantly practice and reflect upon your learning experience. Then, you may have more or better ideas on how to enhance our communicative aptitude. As we know, learners themselves are decisive facto

5、rs in language acquisition. Still remember the principle of learning a language? It is Learning by doing. Well, have a go!,医学资料,4,课程简介,高级口语教程的基本体例为16个单元的课文主体,每个单元又分为核心课文,示范性对话,知识性朗读材料和表达交流练习四方面内容。选题涉及语言学习,交际原理,日常生活,科学技术,旅游观光,社会热点,教育政策,环境保护,经济贸易等方面的内容。为口语表达实践提供话题,表达方式,思路和操练等方面的参照性材料。 由于口语教程的时间十分有限,不可

6、能按常规“精读”的教法实施。因此,我只选择各个单元中的部分内容进行重点指导或练习,或指导你们有重点地利用课外时间进行各单元内容的学习。 英语口语课是实践性很强的课程,学生的自觉程度和学习能力很重要。因此,在大量朗读,兼顾背诵的前提下,增强“开口讲话”的内在动力,克服“多讲多错”的心态,抓紧讨论和演讲的实践环节,强化语言的组织和表达能力则是取得口语学习效果的最根本要素。光凭“弄懂,弄通书本”是远远不够的。,医学资料,5,Unit one Public Speaking,Speaking is an art. And speaking is one part of our daily life.

7、We use it to inform, to persuade and to entertain. But it is difficult to be good at it. A survey conducted in 1973 asked more than 2,500 Americans to list their greatest fears. To the surprise of the researchers, the largest number of people-41 percent-listed speaking before a group among their gre

8、atest fears. By contrast, only 18 percent included death as one of their greatest fears. But dont worry about it. Practice makes perfect.,医学资料,6,Warm-up 热身练习,Read the following passage loudly and clearly: My Pledge/ Oath(誓言) Whats your story? You cant speak! You cant understand! You feel bad! You fe

9、el hopeless! Thats crazy! Cheer up! Its not the end of the world. Speaking English is a piece of cake. Dont look back. Enjoy losing face. Just forget about your face. The more mistakes your make, The more progress you make. Dont give up. Just try your best. Relax! Dont panic(惊慌)! Take it easy! Be pa

10、tient and enjoy yourself.,医学资料,7,Learning English should be fun. Speaking good English is no big deal. Its worth your time and effort. Its an easy job. Do something about it. You have no choice. No more excuses! Get moving. Lets get started! Lets talk in English. Youd better do it now. I have every

11、confidence in you. I want to be proud of you. Its my pleasure to help you anytime. You can count on me! Dont worry about it. Im serious. Ill try my best. We will make it together. We wish you the best of luck!,医学资料,8,New words and expressions 相关词汇,diaper 尿布(nappy) taco 煎玉米饼(墨西哥人常吃的一种食物) oyster 牡蛎 na

12、cre珠母贝 calcium钙 attorney律师 hypothetical假设的 anecdote轶事,医学资料,9,Language points 重点难点分析,Language Points for part B 1. I used to be quite at a loss at a loss在此意为“困惑;不知所措” 2. I simply couldnt catch. Catch在此应理解为“听到;领会” Example: : I dont quite catch on. 我不很理解。 Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Could you p

13、lease say it again? 对不起,我没听清楚你说的话,请你再讲一遍好吗?,医学资料,10,Taco饼 数百年来,玉米一直是墨西哥食品中的主角。而以玉米为原料制成的Taco饼也是墨西哥最基本、也最有特色的食品。这是一种用玉米煎制的薄饼,煎好后形成一种荷包状,硬硬的,脆脆的,吃的时候,顾客可根据自己的喜好加入碳烤的鸡肉条或是牛肉酱,然后再加入蕃茄、生菜丝、玉米饼起司等等配料,看上去颜色格外丰富,就好似一件艺术品一般。包好以后,放入嘴中一咬,外面脆生生的,而里面却有香、辣、酸、甜各味俱全,刚柔相济、多味混杂,真叫人“爱不释口”。此外,还有一种玉米饼,形状要小些,吃的时候,沾着各式各样的

14、墨西哥酱吃。当然,这些酱汁九成以上是辣椒和番茄调制而成的,有的在里面还加入了芒果,自有一种天然的香味。,Cultural background 文化背景,医学资料,11,Presenting Skills 演说技巧,英语演讲其实很简单,只要把握三个S就够了;所谓3Ss,就是(一)Stand up.站起来。 (二)Say what you have to say.说出你该说的话。 (三)And sit down.坐下。不过当然有很多技巧。1.Know your topic(知道你要讲什么题目) 2.Know your audience(了解你的听众) 3.Know your start and

15、stop times,as well as who else is on(知道你开始和停止的时间以及除你之外还有谁要讲话) 4.Know what you want people to do differently and tell them(对你所说的和人们所做的有什么不同,心中要有数,并让听众知道) 5.Make major points.(写下你的讲话要点) 6.Check all your equipment,sound,lighting and seating arrangements.(检查你的器材、音响、灯光和座位),医学资料,12,7.Ask someone you trust

16、 and respect to constructively critique you.(请一个你所信任和尊敬的人对你的讲稿提出建设性的批评和意见) 8.Relax before you go on.(演讲前要放松) 9.Practice,practice,practice.(练习、练习,再练习) 10.Remember that even if you miss a bit or forget a couple of lines,nobody knows except you.(记住即使你漏掉一点或忘掉几行,除了你自己,别人是不会发现的) 11.Omit telling jokes unle

17、ss you are already a good joketeller or plan to get better.(收起你想讲的笑话,除非你已经擅长讲笑话或者计划在这方面有所提高) 12.Have fun(要有趣味) 上述12项提示是国外人士从大量实践中总结出来的有用经验,可供我们借鉴。根据我自己的实践经验,我想着重提出5点: 明确透过演讲要传递什么信息;了解听众的特点和要求;准备讲稿或讲话要点;语言要求清晰、简练、优美、生动、形象、有频率和感召力;临场陈述要举止稳重大方,语言语调准确,医学资料,13,Additional Exercises 附加练习,Answer the followi

18、ng questions: 1 Is English easier or more difficult than your native language? Why and how? 2 Compare English with any other language you have had to learn, in terms of grammar, spelling and pronunciation. 3 How should foreign languages be taught in schools? What should be the typical elements of a

19、good lesson? 4 When you learn a foreign language, apart from the language what else do you learn about?Prepare for 1 minute,then tell your partner a true story of studying English.Time limit: 3 minutes.You can write down key words as guideline.Recite those famous speeches presented in the following

20、additional reading materials.,医学资料,14,Tips for you to listen to 口语贴士,训练语音语调 对于任何语言来说,基础都是语音。语音不仅包括单字的发音,还包括真实交际中词汇、习语的连读、失去爆破、弱化、浊化、重音、缩读等许多音变形式。至于语调节奏,则是地道流利英语的润滑剂。英语发音是很丰富的,北京外国语大学应用英语系的美籍教授Paul Hanse先生说英语的味道在于语音抑扬顿挫,在于元音的极度夸张和用腹部说话。而中国人说英语常见的毛病是习惯用喉咙发音,而不用鼻子和腹腔发音。有人用顺口溜总结为:“嘴唇几乎没的干,牙齿(缝)不知怎么办,舌头自

21、己瞎拌蒜,声带可干可不干,小腹根本看不见。”另外,中文和英文的发音方式很不一样,中文基本都以元音结尾,英文则有很多单词以辅音结尾,因此很多中国人元音发的不到位,辅音的发音部位也有问题,这样说出来的英语往往声音平淡,语句生硬,没有节奏感。 为训练正确的语音语调,我们可以大声朗读难度适宜的读物(中短篇),口腔肌肉到位。对于不能确定的发音一定要查字典以更正自己的发音,同时熟记常用句子、固定词组或搭配。还可以朗读英文绕口令,同时可以口中含块糖以加大强化训练的力度.这样我们的口腔肌肉就能迅速适应英文发音,使我们的口语变得流利,清晰.例如: She sells seashells at seashore.

22、 The shells she sells are seashells, I am sure. 朗读时速度分为三档:慢速,中速和高速。慢速时,口型要夸张,音要发准,做到给每一个音足够的时间和力度,语音语调非常清晰,有表情且有动作的大声读;中速时,要求流利熟练,轻松脱口而出,口型到位,学习者力求做到发音准确,吐字清晰,并注意练好吞吃音技巧;高速时,要求深吸一口气,一口气尽快说完,声音和口型都不必太大,但发音不能变形。训练时从慢到快,逐渐加速。,医学资料,15,另外我们还可以模仿磁带或广播上的发音,模仿以英语为母语的人的语音和语调。模仿是学习外语主要方法之一,模仿的原则:一要大声模仿。这一点很重要

23、,模仿时要大大方方,清清楚楚,一板一眼,口形要到位,不能扭扭捏捏,小声小气地在嗓眼里嘟嚷。刚开始模仿时,速度要慢些,以便把音发到位,把音发准了以后,再加快速度。直到能用正常语速把句子轻松地说出来,脱口而出。 模仿的具体方法,第一步,模仿单词的语音。刚开始模仿时,速度不要过快,用慢速模仿,以便把音发到位,待把音发准了以后,再加快速度,用正常语速反复多说几遍,直到达到不用想就能用正常语速把句子轻松他说出来(脱口而出),对于自己读不准或较生疏的单词要反复多听几遍,然后再反复模仿,一个单词一个单词地练,在那些常用词上下功夫,尽量模仿得像一些。 第二步,模仿词组的读法。有了第一步的基础,这一步就容易多了

24、。 重点要放在熟练程度和流利程度上,要多练一下连读。失去爆破、不完全爆破,同化等语音技巧。 第四步,段落及篇章模仿,重点在于提高流利程度。打开录音机或收音机跟着模仿,“他”说你模仿,同步进行。目的要提高口腔肌肉的反应速度,使肌肉和大脑更加协调起来。 模仿时分三步训练。1.模仿词组。练习连读,失去爆破,不完全爆破,同化等语音技巧。2. 模仿常用句式,注意意群节奏感和重读弱读的处理。3.模仿段落及篇章。与磁带或广播同步进行。重点放在流利程度及语调上。要有抑扬顿挫和节奏感。,医学资料,16,Additional reading materials 辅助阅读,英语演讲及范例,医学资料,17,【一】麦克

25、阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964),1951离开日本时的演讲。以下是该演讲的结尾。,I am closing my fifty years of military service. When I joined the army, even before the turn of the century it was the fulfillment of all my boyish hopes and dreams. The world has turned over many times since I took the oath on the plain at W

26、est Point, and the hopes and dreams have long since vanished, but I still remember the refrain of one of the most popular barrack ballads of that day which proclaimed most proudly that old soldiers never die; they just fade away. 我即将结束五十年的军旅生涯。我从军是在本世纪开始之前,而这是我童年的希望与梦想的实现。自从我在西点军校的教练场上宣誓以来,这个世界已经过多次

27、变化,而我的希望与梦想早已消逝,但我仍记着当时最流行的一首军歌词,极为自豪地宣示老兵不死,只是凋谢。,医学资料,18,【二】甘乃迪就职演说片段。,To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support to prevent its becoming merely

28、 a forum for invective-to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak-and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.对于主权国家之世界会议的联合国,在战争的手段远超越和平的手段之今日,我们最后也是最大希望的联合国,我们要更新我们支持联合国的誓词,防止它变成一个谩骂的场所,而要强化它对新入会国与弱小国家的保护,同时扩大其宪章到任何其所能及之地区。. All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days.

29、Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.所有这些不会在前一百日内完成。也不会在前一千日内完成,也不会在我的任期内,甚至不会在我们在世的有生之年内完成,但让我们开始吧!,医学资料,19,【三】马丁路德金牧师,在1963年8月27日于华盛顿发表的演讲I Have a Dream之片段。,I am happy to jo

30、in with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 今天我很高兴与大家共同参加这次将会在我国历史上名垂千古,为追求自由而举行的最大一次示威运动。 Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momento

31、us decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as the joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. 在一百年以前,有位伟大的美国人签署了奴隶解放宣言,而今天我们正是立足于他所象征的影像下。这项重大的宣告对数百万在苛酷的不公平烈焰下惊惧的黑人而言,不啻是一线伟大的希望之光。它的来临就像愉悦

32、的曙光结束了他们受到束缚的漫长黑夜。,医学资料,20,But, one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the

33、midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society, and finds himself an exile in his own land.但是一百年后,黑人依然没有自由;一百年后,黑人的生活依然由于种族隔离的手铐与歧视的脚链而悲惨地失去行动自由;一百年后,黑人生活在物质繁荣之大海中的一个贫穷孤岛;一百年后,黑人依然在美国社会的一隅饱受折磨,而发现是自己土地上的被放逐者。 I

34、say to you today, my friends so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident,

35、 that all man are created equal.”今天我告诉你们,我的朋友!虽然我们面临今天与明天的困难,但我仍有一个梦想。这是深植于美国之梦的一个梦想。我梦想着有一天这个国家将会站立,过着教义上所说:我们秉持显而易见的真理,那就是人类生而平等。的真理生活。,医学资料,21,【五】二次世界大战丘吉尔临危受命之演说片段。,丘吉尔向国会发表血、汗与泪这篇演说时,二次世界大战正逐渐进入白热化的阶段。德国纳粹的军队在欧陆势如破竹,对隔着英吉利海峡的英国则进行大规模的日夜轰炸,声言要夷平伦敦,企图迫使英国屈服。面对危急存亡的关头,向来采取怀柔政策的前首相张伯伦(Chamberlain)已

36、无法支撑大局,被迫在五月十日辞职下台。同一天,丘吉尔临危受命,组织新政府,成为新的英国首相。 生字解释,医学资料,22,Blood, Sweat and Tears 血、汗与泪,In this crisis I hope I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today. I hope that any of my friends and colleagues, or former colleagues, who are affected by the political reconstruction, wi

37、ll make all allowance for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.在这个危急存亡的时刻,如果今天我对下议院的演讲不够详尽,还希望多予体谅。在这次政治改组中,希望受到影响的朋友。同事,或以前的同事能原谅我的失礼,这也是不得已的做法。 I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this Government: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and

38、sweat.“ We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.正如我对加入新政府的人员说过的,我现在也要对下院说:除了血、苦干,泪与汗之外,我没有甚么可以奉献的。我们面对的是一次最严苛的考验。在我们面前的将是很长很长的艰苦岁月。,医学资料,23,You ask, What is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory-victory at all

39、costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realized; no survival for the British Empire; no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages, tha

40、t mankind will move forward towards its goal.你们问:我之后的目标是甚么?我可以用一个字来回答:胜利-不惜一切代价的胜利、不畏恐怖的胜利,不管道路可能多么漫长艰苦;因为没有胜利,就无法生存。这点我们必须了解,大英帝国无法生存,大英帝国代表的一切便不复存在,而推动时代前进、使人类迈向目标的一切动力也不会再有。 But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. At this ti

41、me I feel entitled to claim the aid of all, and I say, “Come, then, let us go forward together with our united strength.“但我满怀快乐和希望,努力肩负起我的职责。我确信,我们的理想在人类之间不会遭到失败。这个时候我觉得我有理由要求所有其它人的协助。我要说的是,奋起吧,我们要团结一致,全力以赴,共同向前迈进。,医学资料,24,Unit Two Job hunting and Job Hopping,Hi, there. How are you getting along wit

42、h your spoken English? Do you practice both in and after class? If yes, its great! If yes, but only in class, its good, but far from enough. If you only read and try to understand the conversations without speaking practice, mm, youll suffer a loss! The first step is to, of course, open your mouth a

43、nd speak in English. Remember, speak loudly and clearly. Please do not over-protect your self-ego or false pride. Dont be afraid of making mistakes, since making mistakes is a part of language learning process. These mistakes will disappear as long as you continue to learn and practice.,医学资料,25,Warm

44、-up 热身练习,Write down two jobs which: 1 can be done by robots 2 no longer exist 3 require absolutely no intelligence 4 have low salaries but high prestige 5 require very long training 6 will be most needed in the future 7 are overpaid 8 young children typically want to do 9 can be done from home 10 yo

45、u would really hate to do 11 Which is the easiest job?The most boring one?The most tiring one?The most useful one?The worst one? In five minutes you have to try and write down two jobs which correspond to the categories,then imagine their figures and draw pictures.,医学资料,26,New words and phrases 生词和短

46、语,Orientation 定位,导向 Substantial 实质性的 Non-verbal 非言语的(表达方式) non- 前缀表示非, 无, 不 Ramification 结果;影响 Approximately 大约,近似的 Evaluation 评估,评价 educational evaluation教育评定 course evaluation课程评价 cost-benefit evaluation成本效益评估跳槽:job-hopping, Jump ship Definition: To leave your job; to move from one situation to an

47、other. Example: When the company announced that it was losing money, many of its employees jumped ship.,医学资料,27,Cultural background 文化背景,求职面试中一些建议Know something about the organization you are applying to. (了解一些你申请工作单位的情况)Dress properly. Dont shake hand with the interviewer until he/she extends his/h

48、er hand. (穿着要得体,人家伸手时才握手。)Dont sit down until invited to do so by the interviewer. (人家未请,先別坐下。)Make eye-contact with the interviewer during the interview. (面试时,眼睛要看着对方。) Listen actively and stay calm. (注意听,保持冷静。)If invited to a meal, be especially careful about your table manners. (被邀吃饭时,要特別注意餐桌礼节。)

49、Dont talk with your mouth full. (嘴里有食物,不可开口说话)Dont make much noise while you eat. (吃东西不要出声音)Dont blow your nose or use the toothpick at table. (不要拧鼻涕或用牙签剔牙)Dont appear to be pushy or overly anxious to get a job.(不必过分表现急着要工作)Be honest, but not too modest.(要诚实,但不必太谦虚)Dont put yourself down or cut your

50、self up. (不可妄自菲薄或自贬)Try to avoid discussing politics or religion with your interviewer. (避免与面试人谈政治或宗教),医学资料,28,Exercises 练习,Task 3 Group Discussion 2 There are many other companies.Why do you want to work for us? Hints: the interest in the job/the reputation of your company/a higher salary/good work

51、ing conditions/the relevance to the major 回答对策:Dont talk about what you want; first, talk about their needs: You would like to be part of a specific company project; you would like to solve a company problem; you can make a definite contribution to specific company goals. 经典回答: A:I hope to demonstrate my ability and talents in my field adequately. (我希望能充分展示我在这个行业的能力和智慧。),


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