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1、Unit 6 Listening Course 2,Section One Tactics for Listening,Part 1: Phonetics,Focus Stress, Intonation and Accent Understanding tag questions with rising or falling tone.,Exercise:,A tag question read in rising tone indicates that the speaker is asking a question while the one with falling tone mean

2、s that the speaker wants the listener to agree with him. Listen Peter talking to Maggie and determine whether he is asking Maggie a question or he wants her to agree.,Tick the right box,Part 2 Listen and Note-taking,Focus: Identifying Criminals Selecting key words Organizing notes in the form of an

3、outline,Ex. A: Fill in the key words in the sentences,1. Computers can make _ for the police to _ people they want to _. 2. A _ can _ to the _ of an _ person. 3. A witness begins to _ the culprits _ after spending a _ time _ through these _.,easier,find,question,bad likeness,lead,arrest,innocent,for

4、get,features,long,looking,photographs,4. Experts have to work on the problem of getting accurate descriptions from witnesses. 5. Witnesses give better descriptions when they are encouraged to recall the scene of the crime.,Ex. B: Take notes and complete the following outline.,I. The photofit systemA

5、. Witnesses describe a suspect.B. Then a picture is built up, using 5 different sets of features.1. Hair.2. Eyes.3. Nose.4. Mouth.5. Chin.,C. Advantage1. This system can be very useful in finding criminals. D. Disadvantages1. But only in one case out of 20 the method is accurate.2. Almost half the P

6、hotofit pictures are misleading.3. There are two reasons for misleading.i. First, the picture may look nothing at all like the suspect.ii. Second, the likeness may be so general that it is not at all helpful. E. Witnesses attitudes can influence their descriptions.,II. Another way of identifying cri

7、minalsA. Police records tens of thousands ofphotographs of people convicted of crimes.B. Witnesses look through these in the hope ofrecognizing suspects.,III. FRAMW (Face Retrieval and Matching Equipment)A. A computer system combines the best features of both methods.B. All the photographs on record

8、 are put on the computer file.C. The computer searches the file or photographs that fit the description.D. The witness is then presented with a small number of photographs to look through.E. Disadvantage1. The system will only help to identify people whosephotographs and already on police files.2. D

9、escriptions from witnesses must be accurate.,Section Two Listening Comprehension,何为UFO,UFO(俗称飞碟),是Unidentified Flying Object的简称,意指所有一切未经查明或者不可识别的飞行物;经专家、科学工作者鉴别,不可识别的飞行物体。这个词最早出现于上世纪40年代美国空军的调查报告中。 1947年6月24日,美国商人肯尼思-阿诺德驾驶私人飞机途经华盛顿雷尼尔山上空时,看到了9个发光的物体像碟子一样呈编队快速移动。这是现代人研究UFO的开始,但这并不是人类第一次看到不明飞行物,我国古代春秋

10、时期的山海经-博物志中已有有关记载,以后历代史书都有这类UFO记载。19世纪沙俄时代的科学院也有详细报告。此外,各国家的史前遗迹、建筑、岩画、遗留物中也都有关于UFO的记载。1942年,一个外国人在天津街头拍摄了一张UFO的照片,这被专家认为是人类最早的一张UFO照片资料。 按照几十万起UFO报告的现象可大致分为五类:一、对已知飞行物体或已知自然现象、已知生命物质,例如气球、飞艇、人造卫星火箭残骸、昆虫群、飞鸟等;二、特定环境下一些社会群体或个人的幻觉、心理现象;三、未知的自然生命,生物学家认为大自然中除了固态、液态、气态外应还有第四生命,但这点还未经证实;四、未知的自然现象,如地光火球、球状

11、闪电、等离子体;五、人们不能制造、不能完全认识的智能飞行器或飞行物,也就是人们常说的“飞碟”、“外星人”。,中国古代遭遇UFO的资料:苏东坡曾亲眼目睹,据说那是在三国时期的吴国,一群玩耍的小孩中出现一个身高四尺,身穿蓝衣,长相很怪异的孩子。这个蓝衣孩子对其他小孩说,自己是火星人,因为看地球上的孩子玩得开心,所以才下来看看他们。还说将来天下要归司马氏所有。 清朝画家吴友如画的赤焰腾空 “是时江月初生魄,二更月落天深黑。江心似有炬火明,飞焰照山栖鸟惊。怅然归卧心莫识,非鬼非人竟何物?”(苏东坡游金山寺)不是鬼不是人究竟是何物?不说苏东坡当时夜游镇江的金山寺时,在月黑星稀的二更,忽见江中亮起一团火的

12、奇遇深感迷惑,今人也是迷惑的。因为这样的景观今人看了还是无法给出准确的答案,而仍是猜测这样的不明物可能为UFO,即外星人。 外星人之谜是当今世界的热门话题,其是否存在、究竟是什么样子等争执从来没尘埃落定过,但是从古自今,对那些被今人视为UFO的不明物,古籍、书画中有颇多记载。 比如清代画家吴友如约作于1892年(光绪十八年)的画作赤焰腾空,就被人们认为是一篇详细生动的UFO目击报告。赤焰腾空的画面上绘有许多身着长袍马褂的市民聚集在南京朱雀桥头,仰望空中一团火球。吴友如在画面上方落款写到:中国古代UFO频频出现? “九月二十八日,晚间八点钟时,金陵(今南京市)城南,偶忽见火毯(即球)一团,自西向

13、东,型如巨卵,色红而无光,飘荡半空,其行甚缓。维时浮云蔽空,天色昏暗。举头仰视,甚觉分明,立朱雀桥上,翘首踮足者不下数百人。约一炊许渐远渐减。有谓流星过境者,然星之驰也,瞬息即杳。此球自近而远,自有而无,甚属濡滞,则非星驰可知。有谓儿童放天灯者,是夜风暴向北吹,此球转向东去,则非天登又可知。众口纷纷,穷于推测。有一叟云,是物初起时微觉有声,非静听不觉也,系由南门外腾越而来者。嘻,异矣!”火球掠过南京城的具体时间,地点,目击人数,火球大小,颜色,发光强调,飞行速度等,吴友如在题记中都做了记载。赤焰腾空也被认为是中国最早关于UFO的图画之一,成为今人研究UFO的一则珍贵历史资料。 其实早在东晋干宝

14、的搜神记中,就记载过一件与火星人接触的故事。据说那是在三国时期的吴国,一群玩耍的小孩中出现一个地身高四尺,身穿蓝衣,长相很怪异的孩子。这个蓝衣孩子对其他小孩说,自己是火星人,因为看地球上的孩子玩得开心,所以才下来看看他们。还说将来天下要归司马氏所有。 有个孩子跑去将此事告诉家中大人。当大人赶来时,火星人缩身跳到空中,只见一块白色的绢布拖着长长的带子向高空飞去。后来,火星人的预言得到了实现,果然是司马氏结束了三国鼎立的局面。 另外,宋史五行史记载,宋乾道六年,西安官塘出现了一高约丈余、鸡首人身的不明物,从高空而降,大白天在田野上行走,还试图与人交谈。五行志中也记载了清朝康熙十二年三月时,当时有人

15、看到过一个黑面人在空中飞驰,红光闪闪的,如同在空中放火。官府捕快闻讯而来,想对其进行追捕时,黑面人忽然不见了踪影。 这样看起来怪诞不经的事,在中国古代灿烂辉煌的历史文化中,确实有过不少的记载,为悬而未解的外星人之谜更加增添了神奇的色彩,也为后人研究外星人提供了宝贵的线索。,Movies,Part 1 Dialogues,Focus: Identify arguments Recognize specific details Make inferences,Dialogue 1 I Dont Believe It!,Background: 1. Abominable Snowman A hair

16、y humanlike animal reportedly inhabiting the snows of the high Himalaya Mountains. Also called yeti.,2. Bigfoot: Large, hairy, humanlike creature that reportedly lives in isolated areas of the northwestern U.S. and western Canada. Descriptions of Bigfoot are similar to those of the Abominable Snowma

17、n of the Himalayas. It is said to be 6 15 ft (2 4.5 m) in height, walking upright and either moving silently or emitting a high-pitched cry. Supposed footprints have measured up to 24 in. (60 cm) in length. Despite many reported sightings, there is still no solid evidence that Bigfoot exists.,目击物,目击

18、场所,Ex. A: Answer the questions,1. What are they probably talking about?Probably some photographs of mysterious shapes, footprints or that sort of things. 2. Which speaker do you think believes supernatural things least, the first speaker, the second speaker or the third speaker?The first speaker.,Ex

19、. B: Each of the 3 speakers makes an argument in their remarks. Listen and complete their arguments,1. I only believe things when _.2. People sometimes just duplicate _ in a new setting to attract tourists.3. There do exist ghosts. When people have_ they begin to see_.,there is real proof or,scienti

20、fic explanation,old mysterious stories,a very strong feeling about the past,ghosts,Dialogue 2 Unidentified Flying Objects,UFO: unidentified flying object. referred to colloquially as “flying saucers.” Most UFO sightings have prosaic explanations; there is no hard evidence that extraterrestrial being

21、s are visiting Earth.,Imaginative,外星人,visor: a piece projecting from the front of a cap or an elastic headband to shade or protect the eyes.,octagonal: 八边形的,八角形的,Ex. Listen and complete the report,A UFO Report Time: _ Place: Aldershot, in _ Description: A bright _ was coming towards me at about _ an

22、d it _ behind some trees. Then I saw two _ coming towards me. Life Form:They were quite _, about _ tall, dressed in _from _ from helmets, and they had _. They both carried _.,1 oclock in the morning,the south of England,light,300 feet,landed,forms,small,4 feet,green suits,head to foot,red visor,spac

23、e guns,Spaceship: It was about _, and _, very, very _, and there were _ all round the side. There were _ going up.The interior of the spaceship is an_. The walls, the floor, and the ceiling were all _. There were no _ or _, but there was a _ going up from the _ to the _, about _, right in the middle

24、 of the room.,45 feet across,silver,shiny,round windows,steps,octagonal room,black,controls,instruments,central column,floor,ceiling,4 feet wide,Part 2 Passages,Focus:,Passage 1 The Loch Ness Monster,Background 1. Scotland: Northernmost country of the United Kingdom. Capital: Edinburgh. Scotland has

25、 three major geographic regions.The Highlands, in the north, are occupied by a series of lakes and the Grampian Mountains. The Lowlands, which include some of Scotlands best farmland, comprise the other two major regions: the Midland Valley (Central Lowlands) and the Southern Uplands; The Southern U

26、plands feature narrow, flat valleys separating table mountains. Scotland has a temperate oceanic climate. Important industries are coal and oil production, electronics, forestry, and marine fishing.,2. The Loch Ness Lake Loch Ness is a large, deep freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands . Loch Nes

27、s is best known for the alleged sightings of the legendary Loch Ness Monster-affectionately known as “Nessie“.,Scottish word for a lake,Ex. A: Pre-listening Questions,What and how big is Loch Ness?It is an enormous lake in Northern Scotland. It is about 24 miles long and one mile wide, and has an ap

28、proximate depth of 1,000 feet.,Ex. B: Listen and choose the best answer.,1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. D,Ex. C: Answer the questions,1. What is one of the strangest and most fascinating things about Scotland?The Loch Ness Monster. 2. How many important bodies are mentioned in this passage? W

29、hat are they?Britains Royal Air Force, the Boston Academy of Applied Science and NASA. 3. Why do some scientists believe that something does exist in the deep waters of Lock Ness?Because the most amazing photographs show a flipperthe flipper perhaps of a very large animal (20 or 30 feet long, it is

30、imagined.),Before the Ice Age, Loch Ness opened into the sea. A British specialist in animal life and also an artist.,Passage 2 Fossil,Background: MesozoicOf, belonging to, or designating the era of geologic time that includes the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and is characterized by th

31、e development of flying reptiles, birds, and flowering plants and by the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs.,三叠纪的,侏罗纪,白垩纪,Ex. A: Pre-listening,How are plants most commonly fossilized? What is this process like?Plants are most commonly fossilized through carbonization. In this process, the mobile

32、 oils in the plants organic matter are leached out and the remaining matter is reduced to a carbon film.,炭膜,Ex. B: Choose the best answer for each of the questions.,1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D,1. Where did fossil, remains or traces of prehistoric plants and animals bury and preserve?Buri

33、ed and preserved in sedimentary rock, or trapped in organic matter. 2. What do paleontolgoists use fossils for?To learn how life has changed and evolved throughout earths history. 3. What are some of the factors that influence the preservation of fossils?May be replaced by minerals or dissolved by a

34、n acidic solution.,4. Where are old fossils most commonly found? They are most commonly found where an old mountain range had eroded, such as in eastern North America and northern Europe, or where two old continents have collided, such as in Russia. 5. Where are younger fossils found? At the ocean s

35、ide of young mountains where an ocean plate is colliding with a continental plate, such as in western North and South America and in New Zealand.,Part 3 News,Focus: International talks and trade Recognizing facts Summary,News Item 1,Ex. A: Summarize the news This news item is about the Philippine go

36、vernments prohibition against deploying any further workers to Iraq.,Ex. B: Listen and fill in the blank,The Philippine government has _ further workers from traveling to Iraq after one of its citizens was _ in Baghdad. The group threatened to kill the _ within 72 hours unless the Philippine governm

37、ent _ its troops from Iraq.The Philippine Labor Secretary ordered an immediate halt in the _ of any further Filipino workers to Iraq. Some 4,000 Filipino civilians are working in U.S. military bases in Iraq as cooks, _ or in other jobs. The government has offered help for any workers who want to _.,

38、barred,kidnapped,hostage,withdraws,deployment,mechanics,come home,News Item 2,This news item is about a new round of six-nation talks on North Koreas nuclear program.,Ex. B: Listen and answer the questions,1. What kind of talks will be held next week in Beijing? A new round of six-nation talks on No

39、rth Koreas nuclear program will be held next week in Beijing. 2. When have the talks been held? They have been scheduled for June 23-26.,3. Which countries are involved? China, Russia, Japan, the United States and North and South Korea. 4. Has much headway been made into resolving the standoff after

40、 two rounds of six-party talks? No, little headway has been made into resolving the standoff. 5. What does China hope? China hopes all sides will deepen their discussions based on previously reached agreements, including to resolve the crisis peacefully through dialogue and reaching the final goal o

41、f a nuclear freed Korean Peninsula.,News Item 3,Ex. A: Summarize the news item This news item is about the semiconductor-related trade dispute between the U.S. and China.,Ex. B: True or false questions 1. _F_ The Bush administration has claimed the victory in a dispute with China over semiconductors

42、. 2. _T_ 3. _F_ The agreement will help U.S. companies develop what was a $2 billion semiconductor market opportunity last year. 4. _F_ The U.S. semiconductor industry owns about 255,000 domestically based workers. 5. _T_,Section Three Oral Work,Retelling Mark Twain(1835-1910) American writer. Mark

43、Twain once said, “To believe yourself to be brave is to be brave; it is the only essential thing.“ Twain is famous for “Tom Sawyer,“Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,“ and other books,along with essays, critical work, and more. The official Website of Mark Twain: http:/ Four Ex. A,“MegaSkills” for Chil

44、dren I. Definition of the word “MegaSkills” MegaSkills is a program that trains adults to help children develop the skills through normal, daily activities. II. Creator of MegaSkills MegaSkills is created by Dorothy Rich who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, DC, called the Home and School

45、 Institute. III. Services offered by MegaSkills Education Online 1. It offers suggestions for activities to develop the skills that are needed for school and work. 2. It offers ways to help younger children plan their time.,IV. Advantages of the time planning activity1. The activity can reduce the t

46、ime spent watching television.2. It can also increase the time children spend on schoolwork.,Ex. B,Feeling able to do what is needed, and wanting to do it; Being willing to work hard and doing what is right; Completing what you start; Showing concern for others; Using good judgement; Learning how to solve problems; Learning how to work with a goal in mind.,


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