1、好文章,三要素,张辉中山大学人类病毒学研究所Email: ,SCI (Science citation index)由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库 SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI (工程索引 )、ISTP (科技会议录索引 ) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统 SCI 论文:在SCI所收录的科学期刊上发表的论文,影响因子 (impact factor,IF),指的是某一期刊的文章在特定年份或时期被引用的频率, 是衡量 学术期刊 影响力的一个重要指标。 计算方式:某杂志2008年的IF: 2006,2007两年论文 在2008年被引总数,除以在2006,2007两年
2、所发论文总数。,杂志的IF愈高,品牌效应愈大,审稿更严格,投稿难度愈大但是,发表在IF高的杂志,不见得学术价值就大。单篇学术论文的引用频率更重要。引用频率愈高,其学术价值愈大。所发杂志的IF高,单篇的引用频率也高,就是最有价值的论文?也不见然,IF:5-6 Citations:40,一篇SCI学术论文的产生流程:,提出假说实验设计 + 预实验全面展开实验结果分析论文写作与修改送出发表补充实验和回答审稿人的问题,至少3月,一般半年, 可达1-2年,Read + Hard work + Pray,自己掌握时间,第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段,好文章 三要素1、 好主意 (Good idea)2、 有
3、逻辑的结构 (Logic structure)3、 精美的数据 (Beautiful data),1、 好主意 (假说),眼光 (Vision)知识面(Knowledge) 灵感 (Inspiration) 机遇 (Chance)计算 (Calculation) 勇气 (Courage),新颖性和意义(Novelty and significance),(1) 眼光 (Vision)洞察力手握水晶球预见未来的能力预知本学科发展的方向既考导师也考你,诺查丹玛斯的预言李淳风与袁天罡的推背图刘伯温的烧饼歌,(2)灵感 (Inspiration) “鬼点子” “脑筋急转弯”多与导师,同学讨论,互相启发
4、。,真理面前, 人人平等,(3)知识面(Knowledge),本行:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,他行:“他山之石,可以攻玉” 不相关:“功夫在诗外”,尤其是要紧跟本行中的最新进展,积极追踪时尚元素,读文献十问,1 此文解决了什么问题? 2 你能用一句话概括此文的中心思想吗? 3 此文的logic flow清楚吗?试简述之 4 此文最重要,最创新的的图表(数据)是哪一个? 5 此文最切合主题图表(数据)是哪一个?此文最大的纰漏是什么?若你是此文的第一作者,你下一步干嘛?哪个图表最值得你学习和效仿? 9 有值得你学习的实验方法吗? 10 你最欣赏哪句英语?,(Journal club上要回
5、答的问题),(4) 机遇 (Chance)Chance favors the prepared mind机遇偏爱有准备的头脑-巴斯德,什么是“有准备的头脑”?1、有足够的知识面 2、有所需的技术 3、正在从事类似的工作 (位置站得不错) 4、完成了前期工作(打伏击战),Nature, July 2002,Nature, May 2003,November 2003,(5)计算 (Calculation) 自己,对手,时间,资源,风险 知己知彼,百战不殆-孙子夫未战而庙算胜者,得算多也;未战而庙算不胜者,得算少也。多算胜,少算不胜,而况于无算乎 -孙子凡事预则立,不预则废-礼记中庸,(6)勇气
6、(Courage) 若你的发现是真的,而你所从事的工作又在热点上,那你就有竞争者。idea愈好,竞争愈烈。-本人 因此,要有强烈的竞争意识和危机感:,两军相逢勇者胜-刘伯承,古代剑客们,在与对手狭路相逢时,无论对手有多么强大,就算对方是天下第一剑客,明知不敌,也要亮出自己的宝剑,即使倒在对手的剑下,也虽败犹荣.这就是亮剑精神-李云龙,若遇到可发CNS文章的课题,哪怕不吃不喝,睡在实验室,也要把工作尽早完成-An unknown PhD student,2、结构 (Logic structure),编一个完整的故事(Make a perfect story)组织你的数据,从生化实验, 动物实验,
7、 到临床实验。做实验的顺序和论文的顺序会大不相同,逻辑流 (Logic flow )内涵与外延,因果,判断和推理等等,学一点形式逻辑,每张图表、每个数据的重要性是不一样的 (骨骼与肌肉的关系),抢先回答别人可能的问题,3、 精美的数据 (Beautiful data),对照 (Control! Control! Control!),叫人印象深刻的发现 (Impressive findings),多重验证 (同一结果,两种以上的方法证实)公认的技术验证,统计学分析样本量 统计方法说服你自己,问泉那得清如许 为有源头活水来,实验生物学家 (Experimental biologist):是手巧的工
8、匠,更是思想家,Biochemical Purification and Identification of APOBEC3G-Associated Proteins by Tandem Purification Assay (TAP),“脑筋急转弯”,MicroRNA 有可能抑制了HIV-1什么环节,而且有重大意义?在潜伏感染时,HIV-1的蛋白表达明显减少,是不是由于miRNA抑制所致?,Genomic DNA,Pol II,Drosha,Exportin5,Dicer,Pri-miRNA,Pre-miRNA,miRNA,Target mRNA,protein,miRISC,P-body,
9、Generation and function of microRNA,HIV-1的生活周期,结合受体,膜融合和进入,反向转录,入核和整合,转录,出核,装配,翻译,出芽,成熟,RNA,DNA,前病毒,RNA,病毒蛋白质,病毒颗粒,HIV-1 latencyPre-integration latency. (APOBEC3G could play a key role).Post-integration latency. The major HIV-1 reservoir in the post-HAART era.,Resting CD4 T-cells,Activated or incomp
10、leted activated CD4 T-cells,Activation,Formation of post-integration HIV-1 latency,No stimulation,Mechanism of HIV-1 post-integration latencyTranscriptional inefficiency NF- kB, NFAT, CDK9, Cyclin T1 Tat proteinPost-transcriptional suppression Rev,Adapted from Han and Siliciano. Nature Medicine 2007
11、. 13: 1138-40,Furtado, M. R. et al. N EJ M. 340, 1614-22 (1999). Chun, T. W. et al. PNAS. 100, 1908-13 (2003). Lassen, K. G. et al.PLoS Pathog 2, e68 (2006). Zhang, L. et al. N EJM. 340, 1605-13 (1999). Patterson, B. K. et al. AIDS. 15, 1635-41 (2001).,Latently-infected resting CD4 T-cells harbor va
12、rious viral RNAs,Incompleted transcript,Multiple-spliced RNA,Unspliced RNA,Integrated viral DNA,vpr,RRE,LTR,vif,pol,env,vpu,nef,gag,1.9-Kb (72619172 nt),A (72617960 nt),B (79618351 nt),C (82918691 nt),D (86318981 nt),F (90479172 nt),LTR,E (89219046 nt),tat,rev,1.2-Kb (79619172 nt),HIV-1 RNA genome a
13、nd its 3-UTR,3-UTR shared by most HIV-1 RNAs,pCMV,pA,eGFP,Fragments of HIV-1 3-UTR,Nucleofection with AMAXA,Resting CD4 T-cells,Relative GFP MFI,骨干数据 +,Isolation of resting primary CD4 T-lymphocytes.,Resting CD4+ T cells,Activated CD4+ T cells,CD25,CD69,CD25,CD69,CFSE,Resting CD4 T cells,Resting CD4
14、 T cells+combined anti-mirs,Resting CD4 T cells+pNL4-3,Resting CD4 T cells+pNL4-3+anti-mir neg ctl,Resting CD4 T cells+pNL4-3+combined anti-mirs,Activated CD4 T cells+pNL4-3,The analysis of cell proliferation status of resting CD4 T-cells transfected with pNL4-3 and anti-microRNA inhibitors.,MiRNA a
15、rray analysis to compare cellular miRNAs in resting and activated CD4 T-cells.,Putative binding sites for resting CD4 T-cell-enriched cellular miRNAs,B5,D3,D9,F3,Confirm the enrichment of several cellular miRNAs in resting CD4 T-lymphocytes by “stem-loop” RT-PCR.,NL4-3 (nt 9097) 5-AUCUG-AGCCUGGGAGCU
16、CUC-3 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l mir-28 3-GAGUUAUCUGACACUCGAGGAA-5,NL4-3 (nt 8096) 5-ACGAGGAUUGUGGAACUUCUGGGACGCAGGGG-3 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l mir-125b 3-AGUGUUCAAU-CCCAGAGUCCCU-5,NL4-3 (nt 8957) 5-UCGAGCUUGCUACAAGGGACUUU-3 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l mir-382 3-GCUUAGGUGGUGCUUGUUGA
17、AG-5,NL4-3 (nt 8113) 5-UCUGGGACGCAGGGGGUGGGAA-3 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l mir-150 3-GUGACCA-UGUUCCCAACCCUCU-5,NL4-3 (nt 8720) 5-AGGGGUCA-GAUAUCCACUGACC-3l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l mir-223 3-CCCCAUAAACUGUU-UGACUGU-5,Interaction of cellular miRNAs and their targets in the 3-end of HIV RNA,mir
19、TCCAAGTCAA,mir-223,GFP,CTGCTGACATCGAGCTTGCTACAAGGGACTTT,GFP,CTGCTGACATCGAGCTTGCTACAAGGTCAGGG,mir-382,F5 mF5B13 mB13B12 mB12D10mD10D11 mD11,Mutations in the “seed” sequences,Mutations in “seed” sequence eliminate the miRNA-mediated inhibition,骨干数据 +,Ago,Ago cleaves passenger strand,Two strands are di
20、ssociated by an RNA helicase,Ago loading,Bind to target mRNA,Remove passenger strand,miRNA,Antisense inhibitor (2-O-methyl- oligonuceotides),Translation inhibition,Effect of antisense inhibitor on the GFP expression of pGFP-1.2kb,HIV-1 infectious clone,Nucleofection,A simple HIV-1 latency model: Tra
21、nsduce HIV-1 infectious clone into the nucleus of resting CD4 T-cells with AMAXA,miRNA,CD25,CD69,CFSE,Resting CD4 T cells,Resting CD4 T cells+combined anti-mirs,Resting CD4 T cells+pNL4-3,Resting CD4 T cells+pNL4-3+anti-mir neg ctl,Resting CD4 T cells+pNL4-3+combined anti-mirs,Activated CD4 T cells+
22、pNL4-3,The analysis of cell proliferation status of resting CD4 T-cells transfected with pNL4-3 and anti-microRNA inhibitors.,HIV-1 mRNA expression in the CD4 T-cells transfected with pNL4-3.,Induction of HIV-1 production from the resting CD4 T-cells transfected with pNL4-3.,Effect of miRNA antisens
23、e inhibitors on HIV-1 production from resting CD4 T-cells transfected with pNL4-3,骨干数据 +,HIV,-,1 copy numbers,5,000 500 50 5 0,-,-,No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 SP NEG,Actin-b,Alu-PCR,HIV-1 latent-infection in resting CD4 T-cells isolated from HIV-1 infected-individuals receiving suppressive HAART,Combined miRN
24、A antisense inhibitors can induce the viral production from latently-infectd resting CD4 T-cells isolated from HIV-1 infected individuals on HAART,骨干数据 +,The miRNA antisense inhibitor-induced HIV-1 particles are replication-competent.,The conserved binding sites of cellular miRNAs in the 3-end of various HIV-1 strains.,The mechanism how cellular miRNAs inhibit the translation of HIV-1 proteins and contribute to the latency of HIV-1 in resting CD4 T-cells.,Adapted from Han and Siliciano. Nature Medicine 2007. 13: 1138-40,花费12个月时间,前后送Nature 1次, Nature Medicine 5次,才得以最后接受!,