1、Marketing Management,熊 伟 2012年10月19日,MARKETING MANAGEMENT,4. Creating Customer Value & Customer Relationships,Session Questions,What are customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty, and how can companies deliver them? What is the lifetime value of customers? How can companies both attract and retain c
2、ustomers? How can company cultivate strong customer relationships and customer equity?,Customers Perspective Vs. Industrys Perspective,Customer Value,Customers Perspective Of Customer Value,3-6,eBay epitomizes the Customer-Oriented Model,V = B / P其中: V = customer valueB = perceived benefitsP = costs
3、,性价比,3-8,Determinants of Customer Delivered Value,顾客让渡价值:顾客总价值与顾客总成本之差,使用价值,服务价值,人员价值,形象价值,客户总利益,客户总成本,货币成本,时间成本,精力成本,心理成本,客户让渡价值,Case 4: Warner vs. Pirate DVD,The Experience Economy,Commodity,Goods,Services,Experience,Difference between customer perceived performance and their expectations,Total Cu
4、stomer Satisfaction,Customer Satisfaction,顾客的期望是在以往购买经历、朋友的看法、企业和竞争者有关信息和承诺的基础上产生的。,Measuring Satisfaction,Periodic Surveys,Customer Loss Rate,Mystery Shoppers,Monitor competitive performance,Tools for Tracking and Measuring Customer Satisfaction,Loyalty,A deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patr
5、onize a preferred product or service in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior.,Customer Loyalty,顾客满意度提高的好处: 价格弹性降低 重复购买 形成良好口碑 对企业和产品产生感性和理性的偏好,既而产生较高的忠诚度,思考题,我们向顾客提供什么产品或服务(product)? 我们的产品或服务为顾客提供了什么价值和利益(value & benefit)? 为
6、了获得上述价值,顾客需要付出哪些成本和代价(cost)? 顾客是否会认为购买我们的产品或服务是物有所值的(delivered value)? 我们产品或服务的性能是否达到了顾客的预期,顾客对我们的产品是否满意(satisfaction)? 我们的产品和服务有没有忠诚顾客(loyalty)?如何培养忠诚顾客?如何保持这些顾客的忠诚度?,Where does customer value come from?,Organizational Charts,Creating Value,The fundamental objective of marketing is to create value.
7、 It does this in two ways, outside of the organization by creating value for customers. And within organization by making a contribution to the internal clients of the firm.,3-22,The Generic Value Chain,Levi Strausss Value-Delivery Network,Delivering Customer Value and Satisfaction,Value Chain The V
8、alue Delivery Network (Supply Chain),Industrys Perspective Of Customer Value,Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value,Customer Profitability,Customer Equity,Lifetime Value,Segment I $25,Segment II $25 - 50,Segment II $50 - 100,Segment II $100,Dollars Spent per Month 每月花费美金,14%,22%,24%,40%,53%,30%,14%,3%,D
9、istribution of Customers 顾客分配,Distribution of Estimated Profit 估计利润分配,A small percentage of customers account for a large percentage of profits (US long distance telephone profit),小部分顾客创造大部分利润 (美国长途电话利润),小部分顾客创造大部分的收入和利润,Estimating Lifetime Value,Annual customer revenue: $500 Average number of loyal
10、 years: 20 Company profit margin: 10 Customer lifetime value: $1000,Customer Lifetime Value,-2,000,-1,500,-1,000,-500,0,500,1,000,1,500,2,000,Year 1,Year 2,Year 3,Year 4,Year 5,Year 6,Cost,Profit,顾客资产(Customer Equity),The total combined customer lifetime values of all customers. 所有顾客的顾客终身价值的总和。 Meas
11、ures a firms performance, but in a manner that looks to the future.,高,低,高,现实价值,未来价值,B,E,A,C,D,H,F,G,交叉销售上行销售,提升客户降低成本,保留,优质客户,Customer Equity Management,顾客价值的分析 是营销决策的基础和出发点,Customer-Product Profitability Analysis,顾客资产管理:客户赢利性矩阵,被动买主 对质量或服务不太在意, 对价格也不甚在意(认为 该产品并非必需,或者认 为极其重要的,或者无法 轻易从其他渠道获得),保本买主在意价
12、格,对质量或服务则不太在意,高消费买主愿意为优质产品和服务支付高价,一般为小型订单,主动买主 要求高质量和高服务,通常会大量购买。,服务价格,服务成本,High,Low,High,Low,Assignment for this week1. Read chapter 4-6 of the textbook; 2. Download the quiz 5 and finish it. Send the answer sheet of quiz 5 to mkt_mba_ by 24:00pm, Oct. 25. 3. Get ready for the 5th case : Tides vs. Diao (p155),宝洁汰渍洗衣粉:对中国消费者的洞察根据消费者行为理论,哪些文化、社会、个人或心理因素会影响中国消费者的洗衣粉购买? 上述影响因素中最重要的是什么? 上述影响因素在美国和中国有什么不同? 上述影响因素在中国的城市和乡村,以及不同的细分市场中有什么不同? 全球化进程中,本土企业应该如何应对? 中国日化企业可以向宝洁学习什么?,