1、遗愿清单观后感In the movie T he Bucket List,t wo old man with incurable disease traveled around the world together .and achieved many dreams It was not a simple journey.but also a challenge to life. Because maybe their life would have to stop in a certain time anda certain place far away from theirhome. Ho
2、wever,they marched on happily and bravely. In the last few months of their lives,they chose to start off instead of trying to struggle another few months in hospital. Its obvious that theydidnt want to feel regret for their life. Have you found joy in your life?H as your life brought joy to others?W
3、e always think its never too late. But the reality is not always like that. Life is made up of lots of regrets. When you finally have to face the death, you will find it that in your life, there are too many things worth trying, but you just missed them cruelly. Hopefully,whenever I have to face the termination of my life,I wont have a lifelongregret.通过阅读文献著作,参加学术交流,了解生物医学工程及相关学科的最新发展动态,熟悉生物医学工程中各方向的科学研究、技术开发、过程设计及生产管理的基本内容。参与导师的科研项目,掌握相关实验技能,熟悉仪器操作,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。删除 1 医用高分子材料 高长有 2006删除 2 现代材料分析测试方法 郭立伟 2014删除 3生物材料概论 冯庆玲 2009删除 4医疗器械概论 张学龙 2012删除 5高分子化学与物理 胡国文 2014