1、高职商务英语专业发展的困境与出路,徐福文 2012-3-25,高职商务英语专业发展的困境与出路,商务外语学院 School of Foreign Languages & International Business,,Company Logo,商务英语专业面临的挑战,1,2,商务英语专业课程设计创新,3,英语与国际服务外包竞争力,4,英语与中国全球化进程,,Company Logo,2,商务英语专业课程设计创新,3,英语与国际服务外包竞争力,4,英语与中国全球化进程,,Company Logo,招生数量和质量呈逐年下降趋势 专业同质化导致数量危机 专业建设在竞争性资源配置体制中常处劣势 院校
2、间质量与特色竞争加剧 在工科评价坐标中被矮化、边缘化 校企合作难度大、地位提升难 专业衍生性弱、拓展难度大 社会对专业信任度下降 毕业生就业压力增大,商务英语专业面临的9重挑战,,Company Logo,1.1 生源数量持续下降趋势,大学学龄人口规模(18-22岁人口数)的下降趋势将在2011年开始初现,并至少持续至2028年。2011-2015年间,大学学龄人口规模将保持每年的5的下降速度。,,Company Logo,http:/ 2011年高考录取率72.3%,,Company Logo,1.3被麦可思“黄牌”的专业,,Company Logo,1.4WXIC社会需求与培养质量年度报告
3、-2011,,Company Logo,商务英语专业面临的挑战,1,商务英语专业课程设计创新,3,英语与国际服务外包竞争力,4,,Company Logo,“English is critical for countries successful participation in the global economy, that it provides individuals with access to crucial knowledge, skills and employment opportunities and enables organisations to create and
4、sustain international links.” as a medium for accessing information as a means of international communication between researchers as a neutral language in a particular multilingual contextThe English Language in Development -Hywel Coleman, 2010 (British Council),2.1 English helps globalization,,Comp
5、any Logo,2.4北京市十二五规划纲要-城市外语环境提升工程,提升城市国际影响力 增强国际交往服务能力 打造高水准国际交流平台 扩展城市间的国际合作 营造国际化的服务环境“实施城市外语环境提升工程,开设外语广播和电视频道,设立多语种电话志愿者服务热线,规范城市交通道路、旅游景区的多语种标识。积极发展国际教育和国际医疗服务。”“2015年,市民讲外语活动实现规范化,市民对外交流能力和综合交往能力得到全面提升;全市窗口行业涉外服务达到较好水平;培养一批分布在各行各业具有世界眼光和战略思维的高水平、复合型外语人才队伍”,,Company Logo,2.5上海市十二五规划纲要-营造国际化语言环境
6、,提升城市国际化水平 营造国际化的居住和商务环境。增强城市包容性,尊重国际人士的风俗习惯和宗教信仰。营造国际化语言环境,提供具有国际水准的教育、医疗、文化、信息等服务,方便外籍人士及华人华侨来沪居住、工作和学习。 提高市民国际交流能力。鼓励开展国际交往礼仪、公共场所礼仪培训,提高市民对外交流能力。推广双语教育,提高教育国际化水平。培养一批熟悉国际惯例、具有国际视野的对外交流人才。,,Company Logo,西安新闻网-西安晚报讯 昨日在市政府常务会上,我市加强西安国际语言环境建设工作实施意见获原则通过。未来五年,我市将开展加强国际语言环境建设工作,建立多语言的电话应急服务系统,到2015年公
7、务员、民警、出租车司机都能用英语对话。,2.2 西安要讲英文,,Company Logo,Beijings controversial “English-language town“ abandoned,密云要建设具有“旅游目的地”性质的重大项目。密云将在巨各庄镇蔡家洼村建一座占地千余亩的欧洲建筑风格的英语城,整个城分为16个城市街区,是个封闭式的城堡。开放后,进入英语城就像出国一样,弄一个“护照”然后盖章,进城之后不允许说汉语,说汉语会扣分。这将成为今后北京最大的欧洲风情小镇。,2.3 密云“英语城”项目搁浅,,Company Logo,2.5 Major International Dom
8、ains of English,Working language of international organizations and conferences Scientific publication International banking, economic affairs and trade Advertising for global brands Audio-visual cultural products (e.g. film, TV, pop music) International tourism Tertiary education International safe
9、ty ( airspeak, seaspeak) International law As a “relay” language in interpretation and translation Technology transfer Internet communication- The Future of EnglishDavid Graddol, 1997,,Company Logo,2.6 English centre of the global knowledge system,“It is English that stands at the very centre of the
10、 global knowledge system. It has become the lingua franca par excellence and continues to entrench that dominance in a self-reinforcing process. (Heldetal, 1999; Crystal, 2003). ”,-Higher Education to 2030 GlobalizationOECD,2009,,Company Logo,商务英语专业面临的挑战,1,2,英语与国际服务外包竞争力,4,英语与中国全球化进程,,Company Logo,专
11、业方向拓展始终以“英语沟通”能力为核心技能 专业方向所对应岗位群是否必需“英语沟通”能力决定专业方向拓展的可行性 实现方向培养目标的措施岗位导向课程模块,3.1课程体系创新思路岗位导向课程模块,,Company Logo,3.2商务英语专业学生知识素能结构,,Company Logo,商务英语(口译) 商务英语(国贸) 商务英语(商贸) 商务英语(船务与航运业务) 商务英语(海事) 商务英语(船舶) 商务英语(涉外建筑工程) 商务英语(涉外文秘) 商务英语(航空乘务) 商务英语(空港英语服务) 商务英语(旅游) 商务英语(国际商贸英语) 商务英语(商务口译英语) 商务英语商务英语(海外直通车)
12、,应用英语(涉外文秘) 应用英语(外贸英语) 应用英语(国际交流) 应用英语(口译) 应用英语(涉外酒店管理) 应用英语(国贸) 应用英语(人力资源管理) 应用英语(涉外会计) 应用英语(酒店商务) 应用英语(服装贸易英语) 应用英语(翻译) 应用英语(商务) 应用英语(国际电子商务),3.3江苏省高职院校“商务/应用英语+(方向)”举例,,Company Logo,较好地解决了“商务英语专业”被诟病为“万金油”专业的问题 岗位导向课程模块能使商务英语专业在“跨文化商务沟通”这一核心技能的基础上衍生拓展出更多国际商务沟通领域所需的复合应用型外语人才培养方向 岗位导向课程模块以学生自愿选修方式实
13、施,可以充分照顾学生的职业规划和岗位选择意愿,同时也能确保专业改革与调整的灵活性。 岗位导向模块课程和选修课程模块是打造不同院校相同专业特色优势的主要领域。 结合国家职业资格标准和岗位技能证书要求设计课程模块易于实现“双证融通”,3.4岗位导向课程模块的优势,,Company Logo,商务英语专业面临的挑战,1,2,商务英语专业课程设计创新,3,英语与中国全球化进程,,Company Logo,4.1 Areas Targeted for BPO,-The Black Book of Outsourcing, 2005,,Company Logo,Business process outso
14、urcing (BPO) is defined simply as the movement of business processes from inside the organization to external service providers. With the global telecommunications infrastructure now well-established and consistently reliable, BPO initiatives often include shifting work to international providers. F
15、ive BPO international hot spots have emerged around the globe, although firms from many other countries are specializing in various business processes and exporting services: 1. India-Engineering and Technical2. China- Manufacturing and Technical3. Mexico-Manufacturing4. United States-Analysis and C
16、reative5. Philippines-Administrative-Business process outsourcing : the competitive advantageRick L. Click, Thomas N. Duening. Weley, 2004,4.2 Locating China in the BPO hierarchy,,Company Logo,4.3 BPO destinations: China & India,-The Black Book of Outsourcing, 2005,,Company Logo,this deep source of
17、low-cost, high-IQ, English-speaking brainpower may soon have a more far-reaching impact on the U.S. than China. Manufacturing - Chinas strength - accounts for just 14% of U.S. output and 11% of jobs. Indias forte is services - which make up 60% of the U.S. economy and employ two-thirds of its worker
18、s. And Indian knowledge workers are making their way up the New Economy food chain, mastering tasks requiring analysis, marketing acumen, and creativity. This means India is penetrating Americas economic core. The Rise of India Dec 8, 2003, Manjeet Kripalani & Pete Engardio,4.3.1 India vs China-Manu
19、facturing vs Services,,Company Logo, If India can turn into a fast-growth economy, it will be the first developing nation that used its brainpower, not natural resources or the raw muscle of factory labor, as the catalyst! (Kripalani and Engardio, 2003). Clearly, successful use of brain power by Ind
20、ia, with service exports as the engine of growth, would be in sharp contrast to China, whose growth acceleration was driven by manufactured exports that exploited its cheap labour. China and India: Economic Performance, Competition and Cooperation T.N. Srinivasan Journal of Asian Economics (August 2
21、004),4.3.2 China vs. India: Hands vs. Brain?,,Company Logo,4.3.3 India May Retain Outsourcing Edge Over China,“China has an advantage as the country can boast of a qualified labour force which is one of the most important prerequisites for successful offshore locations. Besides, the country has gove
22、rnment support and a dynamic home market which the suppliers of IT services use as a stepping stone,“ Deutsche Bank Research said in its latest report. China has however two major, structural disadvantages the command of the English language and the protection of intellectual property.,January 23, 2
23、009,,Company Logo,4.3.4 English-the Achilles heel of China,“China has every capability to be a global BPO giant. But lack of English language skills is the biggest obstacle. English is needed, whether you are working in a contact centre or making software.“ Mr. Rasaily has been instrumental in setti
24、ng up training centres across China.” -Suren Singh Rasaily, NIIT Why China will never beat India in the BPO space? http:/ Logo,BPO人才需求特点,,Company Logo,关于商务英语专业建设的几点体会,在部分领域和产业,人力资源的英语水平已经成为制约生产力提升的最重要因素之一“English Therapy” 英语相关专业就业率、失业率及专业对口率的症结在于专业教育目标背离人才市场需求,英语(外语)的地位与功能并未变化 专业改革与发展要灵活善变,不可抱残守缺,讳疾忌医 探索英语(外语)与职业岗位的契合模式任重道远 紧密结合区域经济产业发展现实、突破传统专业体系(课程体系、学制、教学考核模式等),“外语+商务+岗位”模块化组合培养国际商务人才是商务英语(外语)专业发展的最佳策略 院校高层对困境中的外语类专业无战略规划、在师资培养及专业改造方面不予投入是外语类专业可持续发展最大的障碍,Click to edit company slogan .,,Thank You !,